Jodee Marques at Holistic Health & Wellbeing in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Public figure
Jodee Marques at Holistic Health & Wellbeing
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 430 192 729
Address: Erindale Business Park 2900 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Likes: 903
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25.01.2022 Autumn represents the preservation of life & our basic necessities. During this season, many animals prepare for winter by storing food & creating cozy hibernation spaces...never has Autumn been so relevant for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere as we retreat indoors & patiently move through this time As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "The only constant is change." This season reminds us of our ever evolving lives & encourages us to embrace the present moment with gratitude #autumnvibes #nature_perfection #grateful #slowdown #iso
24.01.2022 There has never been a better time for self-reflection, humanity is being called to go inward Whatever you choose to do with this inward time is perfectly fine. Feeling like you need to be busy? To create, to accomplish, to achieve? Then do so! ... Feeling like you need to quieten, soften, slow down? Then do so! Everyone will move through this time in their own way & that is perfect! But do accept that we need to move through this time, don’t resist but surrender, don’t waste your energy or anger, instead accept. Acknowledge & embrace every emotion you have, validate your feelings & then go deeper We have so many blessings, let’s not lose sight of that We will get through this #whenyoucantgooutgoinward #goinward #timetoreflect #timetoheal
23.01.2022 Day 4 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
22.01.2022 You are judged, by others but none more than by yourself. You embody guilt, always pushing yourself feeling that you should be more, do more, give more...even when you’ve nothing left to give. You cry silent tears in the shower,... Loving from an empty pot. Some days you feel like your too tired to go on but you do, because you have to, they need you. You feed them before yourself, You bathe them before yourself, You clothe them before yourself, You care for them before yourself, You love them before yourself.... You are taken for granted. Sometimes rejected. You give without asking to receive. Your motivation is pure but more often than not it’s a thankless role. Yet you smile, not because you have to but because you actually feel pure joy somewhere within the exhaustion. You would give everything for them to be happy, to thrive. You worry, goodness knows you worry, will they be okay, you’d give anything to make sure they would be okay. You carried your babies without thought of yourself, some were lost & forgotten to the world but never to you. You birthed life into the world, brave like a warrior, you pushed within an inch of your life or you faced the knife like a soldier not worried for yourself only praying for your healthy baby in your arms. You are single, You are partnered, You are married, You are widowed, You have been betrayed, cheated, broken hearted, manipulated, abused & abandoned. Some days you are just plain scared. But you are standing & you are stronger than you ever thought you could be. Today Mumma, at least just for today, Let this day be about you Reflect on everything you have accomplished You are a Goddess You are a Queen You don’t need anyone else to validate the brilliance in you. Not any day, but especially not today. To every Mother; birth, step, adopted & fairy godmothers... I see you, I am you, I salute you Happy Mothers Day Written by Jodee Marques See more
22.01.2022 Day 3 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
22.01.2022 So exited to be launching my August transformation challenge! Registrations now open!
21.01.2022 I am constantly inspired by nature Fruit trees don’t question their purpose, they aren’t impatient, they don’t doubt themselves. They just lay down their roots, do the best they can in the conditions they have. The soil quality isn’t always perfect, some weeks it rains to much another months they face drought. ... And yet they have a single purpose, to grow & eventually produce fruit Whether you are in full bloom right now or just needing to lay down your roots, know that you have purpose Trust that, regardless of the circumstances in which you are planted, you can flourish It’s all about perspective #workwithjodee #findyourpurpose #trustthejourney #bloom
20.01.2022 You are all powerful You are unlimited Tap into your inner wisdom Speak your truth Show your compassion ... Shine your light You are omnipotent #unlimited #innerwisdom #compassion
20.01.2022 This view captured my attention on my walk this morning Wherever the path is leading us, trust #trust #allpathsleadtolove #covidkindness
19.01.2022 Day 6 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
18.01.2022 It’s time to rest. Rest your mind, your body & your soul. Lay your fears to rest. Do what you can & leave the rest. Rest assured, this too shall pass.... For the time being, just rest & restore #rest #restore #heal
15.01.2022 You are wise & powerful beyond your wildest dreams. Overflowing with universal knowledge, every experience had driven you deeper into your truth. Today it’s your turn, share the words that you need to hear today in the comments, let your inner truth out, your voice matters
15.01.2022 In light of the current international climate, I wanted to take a moment to reach out and remind you all of how powerful you are As in all trying times, I myself, take a stance to be a part of the solution & not add to the problem, so whilst we all need to remain aware of the circumstances, I encourage you to only refer to reliable sources such as your local Health Department website and not pour too much energy into the fear mongering that can occur on social media. This... time is a really great reminder about important hygiene standards that honestly should be apart of our everyday habits anyway but it’s also a great reminder about practicing gratitude & the power of positive thinking When we were recently being impacted by bushfires in Australia, I flooded social media with images of rain & water to focus my energy on the solution not the problem. Now is the time to magnify our collective energy on the holistic health & wellbeing of our territory, surrounding communities, Australia and the world Send love & energy to our amazing health care workers who step forward at this time when so many are forced to take a step backwards Send clarity & focus to our decision makers, scientists and everyone who is in a position of power that can impact the outcome in a positive way Send healing energy to those that have fallen ill for a strong immunity and quick recovery Send protection to every living being on the planet to remain resilient & healthy Even if the supermarket shelves are empty, don’t pour your energy into this, visualize the shelves overflowing, we are abundant in every way & there is always more than enough for everyone Make your home into a sanctuary, laugh, play, create, sing, dance, plant & spend treasured time with your loved ones Check in on each other especially those in the more vulnerable categories (remotely if need be) make sure everyone in your lives knows just how much you love them, and share your resources (and toilet paper ) Its also intentional that I haven’t referred to the name of the situation I’m referring to because I refuse to feed my energy into it by even acknowledging it’s existence. Join me in spreading this collective message of health & wellbeing to the planet. We are powerful beyond measure and together there is nothing that we cannot do. Love, peace & blessings always Jodee
15.01.2022 For some time now I have taken time to step back & immersed myself in some much needed self reflection, self care & deepening of my own self love I had become so busy creating, coaching & caring for others that my self care had slipped and I started to see the familiar signs of burn out looming. I felt the changes coming in the world long before they arrived at our doorstep, I knew in my bones that it was time for change, not only for me personally and professionally but ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Day 2 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
14.01.2022 Easter is a time for reflection, hope & renewal May your day be full of happiness & your tummies full of chocolate Happy Easter from my family to yours ... #easter #bunnylove #easterbunny
14.01.2022 Social distancing challenge: Find a little bit of beauty in every day Bee kind Bee patient Bee grateful... Bee joyful Bee playful Bee happy Let it #naturelovers #findbeauty #letitbee
14.01.2022 Today we braved some wild seas to chase whales these magnificent creatures did not disappoint although I think we were as wet as them by the end of the trip
13.01.2022 Day 7 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
13.01.2022 Cheers to 10 years Today was our wedding anniversary, time to get away and some some quality time together, reflect on where we have been but most importantly, where we are going Marriage isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and I’m glad to be running it with my partner in crime
13.01.2022 Social Distancing Challenge: Find a little bit of beauty in every day Spotted this little ray of sunshine on our daily walk, literally sprung up from nowhere in the middle of an open area ... Don’t underestimate the opportunity for global growth we all have during this time. Share an uplifting pic in the comments Let’s brighten up each other’s day #riseandshine #covidkindness #beauty #growthroughwhatyougothrough #connected #surrender
12.01.2022 Healing from Inter-Generational Trauma Live FB Masterclass with Jodee Marques Tuesday 25th February, 7.30pm AEDT... I am SO excited to have been invited to be the Sacred Goddess Collectives Sister in the Spotlight this Tuesday 25th February, 7.30pm AEDT. In this Masterclass, I will explore inter-generational wounding and how you can start to heal these blocks to live a more conscious and empowered life. We will cover: Understanding inter-generational patterns and wounding How this shapes and influences families How to identify patterns and wounds within yourself How to heal these wounds for generations to come and all those that have gone before Hope you can join us!
12.01.2022 At the route of human existence for so many people there lives a deep seated belief of not enough. The wound often begins in childhood, regardless if you were lucky enough to have a privileged upbringing & it is reinforced through of many of our life experiences. This often unconscious belief holds us back in so many ways, taints our perception, impacts how we feel & show up in the world. ... Signs & symptoms of not enoughness are not limited to but can include: - Trouble setting boundaries - Seeking external validation - People pleasing - Indecisiveness - History of toxic relationships - Perception that negative things happens to you - Putting everyone else’s needs in front of you own - Neglecting your own wellbeing - Abandoning your dreams - Feeling hyper-sensitive - Critical self talk - Unhealthy patterns of behaviour - Self soothing/addictive behaviours Join me on this 30 day journey of self discovery to transform negative patterns of behaviour & embody your enoughness This is an online event that will run through the month of August & will include: - 4 weekly live coaching calls in Messenger Rooms on Tuesday evenings at 7pm - Access to the recorded coaching calls if you can’t attend at the time - Private Facebook group support - Direct access to work online with Jodee Limited spaces available. Registrations now open #youareenough #transformation #workwithjodee #selfcare #personaldevelopment
11.01.2022 Always remember the power of the mind. You have the power to control your perception of every situation. A beautiful mindset = a beautiful day #mindsetiseverything #powerofthemind ... #workwithjodee #transform See more
11.01.2022 Social Distancing Challenge: Find a little bit of beauty in every day Our fur baby Tyson finds joy in every day, he is loving having his family around constantly & is grateful that he still gets his daily walk...let’s all be more like Tyson ... #gratitudeattitude #countourblessings #furbaby #poser
11.01.2022 I woke up to the sound of rain Beautiful, cleansing, refreshing rain I woke up in a bed, with warm covers to my 5 year old calling my name & saying Mummy, I love you ... I woke up in a healthy body, and had a drink of clean water I woke up & got to share my thoughts with the amazing people in my community via technology All of these things to be grateful for all in the first 30 minutes of my day Appreciate the little things today & everyday, the little things add up to BIG blessings #itsthelittlethings #countyourblessings blessings #positivevibes
10.01.2022 Social distancing challenge: Find a little gratitude in every day Today I am grateful just to wake up, for the comforts in my home & our health I am grateful for the support structures we have in place here in Australia & across the globe to keep us safe Mostly I am grateful that today is the last day of Term 1 in the ACT which marks a 2 week break from home-schooling ... What are you grateful for today? #schoolsout #easter #gratitudeattitude
09.01.2022 Desiderata was written by Max Ehrmann in 1927, it never ceases to amaze me how relevant the words can still be almost 100 years later GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.... Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. By Max Ehrmann 1927 Original text #desiderata #wordsofwisdom
07.01.2022 Day 1 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
06.01.2022 Day 5 - Self Love Transformation Challenge Read the statement tapping into each word with feeling & conscious intention Reflect on what this brings up for you (including any resistance) Affirm the commitment to yourself throughout the day (you may like to save the image in your phone as a reminder or share it to reinforce your commitment)... Share am emoji or a written reflect below to claim this commitment for yourself See more
04.01.2022 Never underestimate the power of your dreams, never allow fear to keep you in your comfort zone for long...the world needs you to shine your light #shineyourlight #dream #workwithjodee
04.01.2022 Stumbling across those picture perfect places in nature...there’s blessings at every turn if we are willing to see them Happy Sunday
03.01.2022 Every day we have thousands of thoughts, emotions, urges, memories & feelings... Many of these may be positive but some days we can feel like we are drowning in our own thoughts & this can be overwhelming. On these days remember that thoughts are not facts which means they aren’t necessarily true!... To avoid getting caught up in them try paying attention to your thoughts with curiosity not judgement... Become the witness, try not to resist, retain or react instead step back and choose how you want to respond. Try switching your attention to that that you actually want to receive instead - this world especially well to interrupt fearful thinking. Our thoughts are not us & we are not our thoughts... Adopting this approach will lead to a calmer mind, body & spirit I would love to hear what other practices and techniques work for you! #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #positivethinking101 See more
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