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Jodi Winter Health Coaching

Phone: +61 417 550 300


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25.01.2022 Mother Nature She’s Wild today . . Like with the weather, embrace the storms that come your way, as they too shall pass.. In saying that tho, this can be easier said than done. If you’ve been struggling lately, make sure to reach out for help. Whether it be for your mental health, motivation, social reasons .. you’re not alone .... . See more

25.01.2022 I love this saying It’s a good reminder to go easy on yourself & not to compare yourself to anyone else. As long as you’re plugging away, taking those steps forwards, working on yourself to be the best version of you, it is ok. It’s your gig, so be you & you will get there when you’re supposed to. There will always be someone who you think is doing a better job than you, or you think they have it all.. but trust me, that will have their own challenge going on that you do...n’t know about. Try to be inspired rather than jealous.. Remind yourself daily that you’re doing a good job. If you feel like you could do better but need some support, education & accountability , then message me now as I would love to help you through. My coaching style is relaxed but direct & clear with my advice 5 week online program starts Monday It will take you through to Christmas

25.01.2022 Happy Monday How amazing does this salad look ? It’s tastes just as good Strawberries are super cheap at the moment, so take advantage!! . . . Chose to be healthy & you will feel a million times better than if you eat junk.. .... . Easier said than done Get some support & help. Sometimes we just need some accountability & help with choices we make. I have a 4 Week Program to get your started or an 8 Week Program that will help make some serious change !! Your choice Message me for more info . . . #onlinecoach #onlinesupport #accountability #accountabilitycoach #weightloss #kickstart #healthylifestyle #healthy #choices #salads #summerfood #spring #strawberries #personaltrainer #getmoving #sydney See more

23.01.2022 100 days to go for the Olympic Games in Japan.. Wohoooo.. Let’s get behind the Aussie athletes I can’t believe it’s finally going ahead! . . Every time the Olympics come around, I love all the memories that come flooding back to me from Sydney & Athens Games that I competed at .. The best ! Friends & lessons learned for life .... . Wishing all you amazing athletes who are prepping for Japan the very best And looking forward to supporting you from the land down under . . #2021olympics #olympics #athensolympics2004 #2004olympics #rowing #rowers #olympicrowers #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching #athletes #notlongnow #covidtimes #healthcoach #memories See more

22.01.2022 20 YEARS AGO TODAY - The opening ceremony for the SYDNEY 2000 Olympic Games. What an amazing experience with an amazing crew - Rowing Women’s 8+.. Life long memories & friends... . .

21.01.2022 Our little Miss Stevie Moni Musielak was born Tuesday 9th June.. She is 2 weeks old now.. We are settling back at home, recovering well & finding our routine Thanks for all the messages of support . . #newborn #newbornbaby #cutie

19.01.2022 BAKED TUNA MUSHROOMS . . When I can’t be bothered or don’t have time to cook a typical dinner, these mushrooms are my go to! Two large ones each is a perfect meal for me .... . You can basically add what ever you like, but I usually mix: Tuna, chopped tomatoes , fresh parsley, Spanish onions, either grated cheese or goats cheese (depends what’s in the fridge), add s & p, then bake in oven on 200deg for 20-25 mins.. So good . . Getting healthy & losing weight with me & my programs is fun & enjoyable .. Next Intake starts January 11. Secure your spot now See more

18.01.2022 Kind words cost nothing, yet make such a positive impact on someone Spread the love . .

18.01.2022 The weekend is here Finally time to crank out the beach brolli .. . . Have a fab weekend .... . See more

17.01.2022 Ain’t that the truth! This can be a positive or a negative... Sooooo, let’s focus on positive.. What do you want? What part of your life needs some ‘energy’? We have so many life changes we are dealing with at the moment that are out of our control... So how about focusing on what you can control, and on what will bring positive change to your life.. . . For me, my new ‘energy focus’ is going towards getting back into a fitness / strength training program after having a baby.... My focus will also be on nourishing my body better than I have been. It’s easy to hide behind excuses like ‘oh I’ve just had a baby so it’s ok not to feel my best or eat well’ No more of that for me.. Spring is almost here.. time to feel lean & strong again. . . Where is your energy going right now? If you need some help finding direction, message me as I have lots of experience with finding your way through change . . See more

17.01.2022 WINTER WARMER recipe here .. Who else loves the transition into the cooler weather & changing the foods you eat ? I do . . Did you know our bodies actually need us to adapt the foods we eat through season changes rather than continuing on with cold salads through Winter? Yep, there’s your permission right there!! .... . This Ginger Sweet Potato & Coconut Milk Stew with Lentils & Kale is my favourite go to through Winter. So hearty, filling ‘ nutritious I made a batch yesterday & it sorted us for dinner then the next 2 day lunches for me . . Want the recipe? @Your health & fitness hub with Jodi winter . . #heartysoup #vegetarian #lentilsoup #souprecipe #winterwarmer #winterfood #souprecipe #healthyfood #healthcoach #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching #lunchideas #lunch #glutenfree #dairyfree #sweetpotato #focusonyourself #personaltraining See more

17.01.2022 Do you do this ? Or are you like most & put yourself last? Putting the kids & hubbies needs first, or maybe always letting work commitments take priority? On top of that you are probably always saying yes to friends and forgetting about little old you . . Today is a good day to change that I have a couple of spots left in my 6 week program that starts tomorrow. I will help you to act on all the things you probably already know but can’t quite make happen. You’ll have some accountability & support to be able to make these changes.. Not to mention all the fabulous ideas & knowledge I’ll share with you.. . . If you’re not feeling your best then let me help you . . Message now & we can schedule a chat, and then get you started . . #focusonyourself #onlineprogram #onlinecoaching #onlinecoach #feelgood #accountability #accountabilitycoach #personaltrainer #sydneycoach #weightloss #fatloss #exercise #prioritiseyourself #starttoday #6weekchallenge See more

17.01.2022 Happy Long Weekend . .

16.01.2022 BERRY SMOOTHIE for our summer days that are finally here I’ve been having this as my breakfast . . Add mixed frozen berries, milk (I use almond), a pinch of cinnamon, ice, 1/2 banana , small squeeze of honey Enjoy ! .... . See more

16.01.2022 Sundayz are for sleep ins . . (For some anyway) Happy Sunday !! .... . See more

16.01.2022 RAINY DAY HANGS . . Rain is almost an excuse to stop & slow down. I don’t know about your, but when it’s sunny & beautiful outside, I almost feel guilty for being inside, not to mention I hate missing out.. However, this rain I love taking it easy & making the most of getting all the ‘home stuff’ done. Anyone else feel the same ? @misswoofie will be climbing the walls tho .... . See more

15.01.2022 Sick of having the same old breakfast every day ? Try this! It takes all 5 mins (max), it’s super healthy, tasty & will keep you feeling full.. Scramble 2 eggs, then add some avocado & sauerkraut to the bowl . . I never thought I would be so excited to have this meal. I really did take my freedom for granted before. Being a new mum, these ‘moments’ while baby is sleeping are so precious & you need to chose what’s important to you in that moment. For me today, it’s breakf...ast. Tomorrow it might be a shower .. . . Its taken me a few weeks to adjust to my new life, but one thing I have worked out is I need each day to have some purpose ! Each day I have 3 goals that I try my very best to get done .. 1. Brush teeth, 2. Have a shower, 3. A Big walk with baby & dog. Are you laughing? Ha.. Can you relate? Tell me your daily goals whether they are as lame as mine or have you got some more exciting ones ? . See more

14.01.2022 Happy Easter from my little bunny to you I hope you’re enjoying some time off to relax & to catch up with fam & friends (or just having some ‘me’ time).. . .

13.01.2022 I ALREADY FEEL MORE MOTIVATED & inspired just from chatting with you This is the general reaction I get from clients at the end of our first chat before they start one of my programs.. . . When you think about it, all the knowledge we need is at our finger tips on the internet, but does that make it any easier to action change? Not from my experience anyway. Having a coach of some sort will always get you going & push & encourage you to achieve what ever it is you’re . . This is where I come into it.. My ONLINE 4 & 8 Week programs are individualised, focus only on you & the best part is you’ll have me by your side the whole way through (I promise that’s a good thing) . . So if you want to feel better & make some changes that just ain’t happening on your own, message me now to set up a COMPLIMENTARY chat You won’t regret it ! . . #onlinecoaching #onlinecoach #sydneyhealthcoach #onlinehealthcoach #personaltrainer #dualolympian #weighloss #mentalhealth #healthylifestyle #destress #strengthtrainingathome #changeyourmindset #8weekchallenge #focusonyourself See more

12.01.2022 You can find all the excuses in the world, or you can just get on with it & do what needs to be done For me, it’s getting the bod back to feeling strong, fit & lean post baby. Can’t say I feel like training all the time due to being tired or busy with the the Bub, but it is on the top of my ‘to do’ list every day . . What’s on your ‘to do’ list that makes you feel fab everyday ? .... . Fitness Avenue Warriewood See more

12.01.2022 I am certainly making the most of every single moment I have with little Miss Stevie It was such a long road to motherhood, watching so many women with prams & babies & wondering if that would ever be me.. . . I am so grateful for all that a I have right now, especially my little family. I make sure not to take any day for granted I am grateful for my trainers that are keeping @fitnessavenue.warriewood running well. Lucky for me, my happy place is my local beach Dee... Why, so the lack of travel allowed doesn’t bother me too much.. This photo is one of the many views I enjoy each morning . . What are you grateful for ? See more

11.01.2022 How’s that for a back yard view Levels of appreciation are at !! . . I realise not every one is lucky enough to have a view like this each morning, especially for those on the other side of the world who have gone back into lockdown - so my message is - BE GRATEFUL & APPRECIATE THE GOOD .. Quit the unnecessary whinging, complaining & negativity.. Be as happy & as positive as you can be. I’m not saying you won’t have bad moments and days.. but try your best to recognise s...ome good in each day . . This approach to life doesn’t come naturally or easily to some. If you do struggle to be on the positive side, that’s ok, surround yourself with positive people & or get in touch with me.. I’ll brighten up your day & or can coach you through to the happy side There’s always a choice ... . . . #happydays #grateful #begrateful #positivevibes #positivity #onlinecoach #healthylifestyle #wellnesscoach #personaltrainer #fitness #mentalhealth #coaching #accountability #warriewood #northernbeaches #weightloss See more

10.01.2022 Are you taking care of yourself ? If you don’t take care of you both physically & mentally, I’m not sure who will . . Some great check lists for you to make: What makes me feel good ? ... What can I do to feel even better? Do I have any negatives in my life? & can I move away from them or fix them? Moving out of Covid Isolation times, what do I want to continue with that I really enjoyed? : . Did you have some good answers? I hope so To feel good and happy each day, we need to work on ourselves rather than seeking external quick fixes. I personally did a lot of work on this for myself years ago & life has never been the same. I did have the help of a counsellor as I was struggling to work it out in my own.. . . A couple of simple points to start with: Keep a daily journal of what you are grateful for in your life. Constantly remind yourself of what you do have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Remind yourself daily of how amazing you are & all that you have to offer .. Put pen to paper .. write your thoughts, write everything.. it helps so much.. and it’s so good to look back once you’re feeling better .. Exercise & move daily . . I’d love to hear what your grateful for . . #grateful #gratitude #journalling #journallove #coaching #onlinecoaching #healthcoach #sydney #mentalhealth #positivevibes #personaltrainer #exercise #northernbeaches

09.01.2022 EXERCISE = Improves mental Health EXERCISE = More energy EXERCISE = More self confidence EXERCISE = Longevity (better quality of life) EXERCISE = Stress release ... EXERCISE = Improves health issues EXERCISE = Helps weight loss EXERCISE = IS THE BEST!! . . If you are lacking in or wanting to improve any of what I’ve mentioned above .. Exercise, strength training, outdoor walks, swimming, riding, running, sport, time with friends - is guaranteed to help.. We are so lucky that all the restrictions we’ve been living with are slowly lifting & we can get back to our routines or start something new!! . . What’s holding you back ? . . See more

09.01.2022 HEALTHY is tasty, certainly not boring - So what are you waiting for? If you don’t feel your best & comfortable in your clothes, you’re either buying the wrong size & style or putting off & struggle to commit to losing some kilos.. I can help you with the 2nd part . . My 4 & 8 Week Programs will have you enjoying healthy food, get you moving regularly, being accountable to me (all the time), and help you to fit in to those ‘tighter’ pants or skirt you can no longer ...wear.. sound good ? Of course it does !! My programs are all online & we will go at your pace. There’s no crazy cleanse, there’s no cutting out coffee, just adjusting and creating some good new habits with me by your side.. . . I have plenty of testimonials to vouch for the programs. Head to my my website If you want to know more or want to sign up, please send me a message here . . P.S The salad has steamed broccoli , haloumi, button mushrooms , avocado , Spanish onion, sauerkraut, pumpkin seeds, cherry tomatoes , lemon juice + olive oil.. See more

08.01.2022 Your body might need some TLC after the Easter long weekend.. Increase the fresh fruit n vege & ease off the sugar & breads.. . . Have you got your week planned out with some good exercise? I hope so!! Have a good short week .... . #easterweekend #freshfruit #freshfoods #cleaneating #eatclean #vegetarian #glutenfree #sugarfree #dailymovement #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching See more

08.01.2022 SPRING . . A NEW SEASON: NEW GOALS: NEW VIBES: NEW BEGINNINGS .... . Use the new season to reassess what you’re doing, how do you go about your daily routines, are you feeling good? Are you taking good care of your body ? New seasons are perfect time to reset & mKe good changes. . . Just quietly, how good is Spring Well apart from the hayfever . . Need some help or a kick up the bum? Message me to find out about my 4 & 8 week Online Programs I can take the stress out of your changes needed! . . #spring #newseason #newbeginnings #onlinecoaching #onlineprogram #healthkick #weightloss #moreenergy #sydney #personaltrainer #personaltraining #accountability #coach See more

08.01.2022 In the middle of summer Why not .. Just aswell I love a good cuppa & putting my feet up.. What do you do while In lockdown with wet weather? . . #lockdown #rainydays #wetweather #summer2020 #holidays #chillout #cuppa #relax

08.01.2022 GUT HEALTH I could eat this sauerkraut by the jar ! If you want to shift your health (especially gut health) in the right direction, try adding some sauerkraut to your meals (not the shelf ones with vinegar). You need to buy the ones in the fridge section ! Healthy gut = healthy you.. This sauerkraut is a natural probiotic which will help fight off the bad bacteria . . Years ago I suffered the worst hay fever that debilitated me day after day. I was always super tired a...swell. Turns out it was all due to poor gut health. So I changed to a gluten free diet & added foods like sauerkraut & all my allergies went away (well they return very occasionally), and my tummy and energy improved also . . My fav combo is to add to my eggs with avocado & some broccoli . . . Has anyone else had this same experience? . . #guthealth #healthygut #allergies #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #sauerkraut #probiotics #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching #weightloss #personaltrainer #onlinehealthcoach #sydney See more

07.01.2022 MINI RASPBERRY BROWNIES . . YUMMMMM... Nothing like a bit of weekend baking. This recipe is especially good for all the ‘thermo’ owners out there & for all the Gluten Free eaters Recipe is in the 2nd picture.. I swapped the Carob for cacao & it works perfectly .... . Recipe comes from ‘Wholefood Thermo Cooked’ by Tracey Pattison . . @ Sydney, Australia

07.01.2022 Always be grateful And if you’re not, learn to be & practise daily gratitude.. I have lived on the Northern Beaches for most of my life & yet every day I am still blown away how much I freaking love this place.. . . At the moment, we have a lot of changes , restrictions & things we could complain about alllll day long. No travel, no dancing, you’re in lock down, less work, less money, you have to wear a mask, you postponed an important event.. the list can go on and on!! ... . . Some things to get you started on being grateful could be - you have a slower pace in life, you have more time with family, less travel to work therefore more time for yourself, you can explore your own country more (or state).. Again, this list goes on. . . Are you struggling with a negative mind at the moment? Use this tip daily, write your positives down, and you should feel a shift into a happier more positive place for yourself . See more

07.01.2022 I finally got my act together & made some bliss balls If only you knew how long I have thought about making these. Once I finally got all the ingredients, I kept putting off making them for so many stupid reasons. When I finally made them today tho, it took all of 10mins Max! . . Lesson learnt out of this... just do it.. stop procrastinating.. As a result of my procrastination, I have spent so much extra cash on snacks & not to mention not always healthy. .... . RECIPE : 1 cup raw almonds, 1 cup raw cashews, 1/2 cup shredded coconut, 8-10 medjool dates, tiny bit of cinnamon & vanilla, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil - blitz all together, then roll, then store in fridge . These taste like cookie dough. So good !! . . #blissballs #protienballs #snacks #glutenfreesnacks #nuts #protein #healthysnacks #sugarfreesnacks #healthcoach #onlinecoach #onlineprograms #cashews #personaltrainer #energy See more

06.01.2022 1 week left to get your spot in our 8 Week Kick Ass Program We have 2 options.. 1. You can do a combination of gym sessions @fitnessavenue.warriewood + accountability coaching with Jodi.. Jodi Winter Health Coaching OR 2. just the Online coaching with Jodi (therefore you can be anywhere in the world & do this program) . The online coaching part will have you form new routines (& stick to them), create healthy eating habits, de stress, sleep amazingly, have someone to off load any worries to & to improve or change what ever else you need to.. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to work with Jodi (Dual Olympian). She is super keen to help you, after returning back to work from a brief maternity leave . . Send a message now to reserve your spot & ask any questions . .

03.01.2022 The New Year is fast on approach.. There’s no better time than January to focus on your health & kick start the new year ! . . I have 6 spots left in my next online 8 week course starting Jan 11. Message now for more details and or to secure your spot. .... . It all starts with a complimentary chat .. Then moving forwards you will be accountable to me I will get you motivated, help you to form a good routine, change any unwanted habits, help you with a training program or even get you into the gym @fitnessavenue.warriewood . I can also slow you down if need be . What ever it is that will help you to feel your best .. . . I look forward to chatting with you soon.. . . #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching #onlineprogram #healthcoach #personaltrainer #wellnesscoach #weightloss #newyeargoals #newyearkickoff #kickstart #healthkick #accountabilitycoach See more

02.01.2022 Sunday Vibes here... Snug as a bug Where is summer , we are ready when you are . . Who likes this cooler weather or are you like me & waiting for some warmer beach action ? .... . See more

02.01.2022 For the first time in 15 months, I have 3 SPOTS available in my ‘VIP 8 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PROGRAM’ Why now after 15 months? Stevie (my 7 month old) is starting Day Care next week so I have the time & will have the space mentally to be able to focus & give you all my positive energy & knowledge to help you kick some NEW YEAR GOALS !! VIP ~ Means exactly that ! You are a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON who needs only the best care (& sometimes a kick up the butt). ... For 8 Weeks - your struggles are now mine. No more ‘trying’ each week, only to disappoint yourself week after week. I will help you to lose those re occurring unwanted habits. I will inspire you daily to make better choices & help you to strengthen your will power that gets lost over the silly season. Are you feeling your best & loving life ? NO? Why not make 2021 your year & let me help you get there ! Fact about me ~ I competed (rowed) at 2 Olympic Games - After both Olympic Games I struggled to adapt to ‘post Olympic life’. After Sydney Olympics the struggle was real, dealing with a huge come down after being on such a high for so long. As most of you know, after Athens Olympics, I was dealing with trauma that came with rowing in the infamous Women’s 8 (lay down Sally crew). Why am I telling you this ? So you know that I have personally experienced the highs & lows of life & can relate to a lot of your struggles.. Message me now to set up your complimentary chat

01.01.2022 It’s a tea , magazine kinda Sunday .. Rug up & enjoy some down time . .

01.01.2022 Are you enjoying the cooler weather & craving SOUP ? Check out this yummy recipe: PARSNIP SOUP ... INGREDIENTS 40g Butter 2 chopped brown onions 2 peeled-cored-chopped green apples 750grams chopped parsnip 4 cups chicken stock + 1 cup water Prosciutto Continental Parsley to serve METHOD Melt butter, then add brown onions, peeled-cored- chopped green apples, chopped Parsnip. Brown for 5mins.. Then add chicken stock + 1 cup water , bring to boil, then simmer for 20min Then Purée with a stick whizzer Serve with crispy prosciutto + chopped parsley Parsnips come packed with potassium and folate, two nutrients important for cardiovascular health. Potassium helps protects you from high blood pressure, while folate helps lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with an increased risk of heart disease. What else can one ask for! Enjoy! You can find more recipes here:

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