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Joe Wagner Group in Toowoomba, Queensland | City infrastructure

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Joe Wagner Group

Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4630 1855

Address: 523 Boundary Street 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our employees' children always look forward to our Easter colouring competition. This year we have had a record number of entries. Unfortunately we couldn't get photos of our winners with their entries, but these cuties were happy to show of their artwork! Wishing you and your families a safe and happy Easter. #easterfun #staysafe #happyeaster #joewagnergroup #civilconstruction

24.01.2022 Work has begun on the Aspire Subdivision on Hursley Road. We are pleased to be Principal Contractors on this project. #subdivision #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

24.01.2022 We are delivering some plant hire for Boral at their Toowoomba quarry. Our operator Dave is a little nervous being up so high on such a narrow ledge. Certainly not a job for the faint-hearted! #planthire #quarrylife #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

23.01.2022 The last couple of days has seen some of our staff members put through their paces by one of Diggerman Training's assessors. Not only did he test for Roller, Excavator, Grader, Front-end Loader, Backhoe and Dozer competencies, he also set up a skid-steer obstacle course. The final outcome is 17 new tickets successfully completed, and 8 ticket upgrades. Well done team! #stafftraining #competencies #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

23.01.2022 Congratulations to Jim Wagner for clocking up 10 years as Joe Wagner Group's Construction Manager. Jim gained his Civil Engineering degree (with 1st class honours) here in Toowoomba while working part-time for the company. Post-degree he left to gain experience further afield taking on projects in Australia and overseas. In 2010 he returned to take on the Construction Manager role. #milestones #10years #joewagnergroup #civilconstruction

23.01.2022 Joe Wagner Group recently erected a 26-metre Communications Tower for ATI. We were responsible for excavation, coordination of the crane and the concreting, and the assembly of the two sections of the pole. A great job by our supervisor Mitch Turner who made sure everything ran smoothly. #telecommunications #newheights #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

22.01.2022 We are grateful that, despite everything that has been going on this year, we have been able to keep working doing what we love, and doing it well. Here is a map of the places we have worked in the past 6 months. #outandabout #ontheroad #civilconstruction #queensland #nsw #joewagnergroup

21.01.2022 We love doing work for our local community, and you can't get much more local than this iconic Toowoomba location. Our operators have been enjoying the gorgeous views of Tabletop Mountain while demolishing concrete footings and boring pier holes for the new lookout at Picnic Point. A challenging location on the escarpment, but the views make it all worthwhile! #civilconstruction #beautifulview #toowoombaregion #borehole #joewagnergroup

20.01.2022 One of our drainage crews has been quietly working on the Cross River Rail project, laying stormwater drainage at the Mayne Yard precinct. We are proud to be working on this once-in-a-lifetime project and are grateful that Cross River Rail is subcontracting to regional companies. #crossriverrail #stormwater #drainage #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

19.01.2022 Today we celebrate another milestone with our top operator Jeff Wirth clocking up 35 years with Joe Wagner Group. We are so lucky to have him as part of our team! Read here if you would like to learn more about Jeff. #loyalty #staff #35years #milestones #joewagnergroup #excavatorlife #civilconstruction

18.01.2022 As promised, here is some drone footage of the Rail Formation Works we delivered at Bowenville. #rail #railinfrastructure #formationworks #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

17.01.2022 The first lot of pipes to go into the ground at Sovereign Hill Subdivision. Thanks go to our Leading Hand, Mark Laurie for the footage! #subdivision #drainage #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

17.01.2022 Following up from R U OK day last week, a field officer from MATES in Construction visited our Sovereign Hill site this morning for their 6:00 am pre-start meeting. We appreciate all the support they give our workers. #matesinconstruction #earlymorning #mentalhealthawareness #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

17.01.2022 It was a busy day on the Sovereign Hill yesterday with videographers from both Position Partners and EEA on site. Next stop for our machine control expert Kobus... Hollywood?

16.01.2022 FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Gearing up for a water main project. The ute in the foreground has been part of our entire history. It is still part of our fleet, and was where a young Nick Wagner proposed to Crystal. #flashbackfriday #landrover #builtolast #celebrating35years #civilconstruction #joewagnergoup

16.01.2022 This thing will flip an egg and fry bacon A seriously impressive bit of gear the CX80c Hi-Rail... but Chris may be exaggerating its cooking abilities just a ...tad Thanks again to our mates at Joe Wagner Group for the purchase #hirail #hirailexcavator #excavation #construction #joewagner

16.01.2022 The QAS Early Civil Works project at Drayton for QBuild has been completed on time and with no LTIs. We received excellent feedback from our client. Well done to all the JWG team who worked on this project! #civilworks #roadworks #drainage #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

14.01.2022 FLASHBACK FRIDAY: George Griesheimer was Joe Wagner's first employee and continued with the company for over 30 years. He still has strong connections with Joe Wagner Group, often dropping in to catch up on the latest news. #flashbackfriday #celebrating35years #respect #strongties

14.01.2022 While most of us were enjoying time off over Christmas, two of our crews worked on a rail shutdown for Vertex Group Australia at the Boggo Road site for the Cross River Rail project. Great work team! #gettingthejobdone #railinfrastructure #crossriverrail #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

12.01.2022 We have a strong commitment to upskilling our staff knowing that the results are well worth the investment. Since the beginning of this year we have provided 14 different upskilling opportunities and 21 of our staff members have availed themselves of these. Yesterday some of our crew attended an Elevated Platform course at Harness Energy's excellent new facilities under the watchful eye of Harness Trainer Assessor Chris Armstrong. #staffdevelopment #training #upskilling #skilledworkforce #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

12.01.2022 R U OK Day and MATES in Construction 's Fly the Flag... a formidable combination. Five of our sites across Queensland held 'Fly the Flag' events today. With mental illness being highly prevalent within the construction industry, we encourage our workforce to reach out to their friends, family and co-workers. #ruokday #matesinconstruction #lookingoutforyou #mentalhealthawareness #joewagnergroup #civilconstruction

11.01.2022 What do you do when it's too wet for staff to work onsite? You let Kobus loose. Always generous with his knowledge, Kobus gave the guys an impromptu lesson on how to do a 2-peg test; how to set up and use a dumpy level; how to set up and determine laser height; mathematic calculations to determine heights on a job site; and how to set up a laser receiver on an excavator and set to a specific height. This kind of knowledge helps make our operators efficient and skillful. #trainingsession #learningopportunity #stafftraining #joewagnergroup

11.01.2022 PROJECT WIN! We have been appointed by JF Hull to deliver the Earthworks including Bridge Abutments, Drainage and Pavements (CTB) for the 8 Mile Intersection Upgrade project. This will be at the junction of the New England and Cunningham Highways north of Warwick. We are proud to be involved in such an important infrastructure project on our National Highway Network which will contribute to greater road safety in the Darling Downs region.

10.01.2022 We are proud to be in the regional finals for the 2020 Queensland Training Awards. Staff training is always a worthwhile investment. #queenslandtrainingawards #stafftraining #investinginpeople #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

10.01.2022 It's a new year and we have new staff! A warm welcome to our new receptionist Shannon Maher, and a well-deserved congratulations to Rachael who is moving from the receptionist role into her new role as a HR & Training Coordinator in our Human Resources team. #hiringandpromotion #culture #humanresources #newyear #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

09.01.2022 FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Building a fire trail in Redwood Park. #flashbackfriday #redwoodpark #firetrail #celebrating35years #joewagnergroup

08.01.2022 Jim and Neale are attending the IPWEA Queensland (IPWEAQ) Conference at Southbank over the next couple of days. If you are also an attendee, make sure you look them up! #makingconnections #networking #engineering #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

08.01.2022 In recognition of the holiday season, our offices and project sites are closed until 4th January 2021. On behalf of everyone at Joe Wagner Group, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! #merrychristmas #happyholidays #staysafeeveryone #joewagnergroup

08.01.2022 It's the little things that count. We had this young man for a work experience placement from Centenary Heights State High School and were thoroughly impressed by his attitude and work ethic. His thank you letter was a nice touch. One to look out for in the future! #futureofconstruction #workexperience #itsthelittlethings #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

05.01.2022 OPEN FOR BUSINESS. On this day 35 years ago Joe Wagner Earthmoving began operating out of a large two-bay shed with one employee and one backhoe. We have since gone on to build a strong team of project managers, supervisors and operators and expanded into Civil Construction. We are grateful to all our clients, advisors and friends who have supported us over the years. Here's to the next 35 years! #celebrating35years #grateful #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

05.01.2022 It was a busy weekend for our crews with the largest shutdown we have delivered so far for Queensland Rail. The reformation works were performed on a 4.57 km stretch of rail at Bowenville in a 58 hour period. Thanks to excellent organisation and hard work, we handed the track back to QR on time. #rail #queenslandrail #Bowenville #teamwork #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

05.01.2022 What do you do when a simple slashing and Solar Panel footings job is not so simple? You contact Joe Wagner Group! This job for APA posed several challenges. It took place in the Rail Corridor so needed rail-certified workers. It was in very steep and uneven terrain, so needed the right plant. It was conducted next to high pressure gas lines, so needed the right safety protocols. It needed a specially constructed concrete block for the footings, which we cast at our depot and transported to site. It needed the correct lifting equipment and a licensed Dogman, all of which we could provide. Our ability to meet all of APA's requirements allowed the job to be completed smoothly and safely. #APAGroup #slashing #solarpanel #gettingthejobdone #tickingeverybox #civilconstruction #joewagnergroup

05.01.2022 We have just broken ground on a new subdivision for Wagner Corporation at Torrington. We are proud to be the Principal Contractor on this project for the civil works and look forward to delivering excellent results. What a beautiful area to be working in! #subdivision #civilworks #civilconstruction #wagnercorporation #joewagnergroup

04.01.2022 It was a big weekend for our crew with reformation works at Bowenville. Because there was such a long stretch of track to be reconditioned in such a short time, Queensland Rail split the distance and gave 1050 m each to Joe Wagner Group and another company to complete. Needless to say, there was some healthy competition! Our team did us proud, completing our section in 24 hours without incident and handing our section of track back to QR ahead of schedule. (Watch this space for drone footage to come). #rail #civilconstruction #QueenslandRail #bowenville #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #joewagnergroup

02.01.2022 With new staff, and lots of exciting plans for Joe Wagner Group, a Team Alignment session was in order. This is always a great opportunity to connect with our team, learn more and review the company's vision. We ran a Toowoomba and Brisbane event simultaneously. The tech gods were kind allowing us to have a live link between both locations. #teamalignment #companyculture #joewagnergroup #civilconstruction

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