Joel Coleman Photography | Photographer
Joel Coleman Photography
Phone: +61 431 246 456
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25.01.2022 I first met Chris around 2014, when he came into my gallery in Sydney, I recognized him as another photographer I had seen at the beach and we always had brief but friendly chats. Since then Chris has gone on to a pretty epic career in the photography world, full of adventure and passion. We have kept in touch and when I found out he was going to be back in Sydney I jumped at the chance to have him as a guest on the Photographic Philosophy Podcast. Check out the Podcast here:
24.01.2022 Imagine having a conversation with yourself when you are 80 years old about having to decide to quit your job and follow a dream. What would you be telling the 80-year-old future you that you did?
23.01.2022 I have released a video showing the Photoshop editing workflow from my latest image created from the Fuchsia Sims Podcast episode. I talk really fast (and kind of sound like a chipmunk) as the video steps through the editing process. Regardless of whether you are a Photoshop nerd (like me) or not, most people enjoy seeing just what goes into these composite images. If you want to know more, go listen to the Podcast, youre going to love it! It is available to listen to on various platforms via my website as well as iTunes.
23.01.2022 Hi everyone! If you've already listened to my latest Podcast with Fuchsia Sims, you'll know there was an image release coming. Gathering the essence of a human during a Podcast and translating it into an artwork is what this is all about. Its a journey, I dont know to where, but I know it will be entertaining, so I'm glad you're coming along. The Podcast is available to listen to on various platforms via my website ( as well as iTunes.
22.01.2022 Take a breath...
22.01.2022 If you are unhappy with your government, dissatisfied with the decisions they make on your behalf, frustrated in the way that the world is moving, then you need to listen to this Podcast. What happened in the seat of Warringah (Australia) in 2019 proved there is no such thing as a political safe seat. Listen in as Mark Kelly joins me for an in-depth conversation on how an email to a few friends kickstarted a tsuna...mi of support that managed to unseat a rusted on politician. The movement garnered unprecedented support of a local constituency by simply opening a conversation on why change was necessary. Its a technique Gandhi like in its simplicity. But its simplicity was its genius, and it worked. The Love Wins & Lies To Create Fear artworks were produced by Kel himself as part of the campaign. They are now proudly on display in the office of Zali Steggall M.P.
22.01.2022 Episode 007 of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast is now live featuring an inside look at the modelling industry with model, Lauren Vickers. Check it out at my website or on iTunes:
22.01.2022 My latest podcast with artist Saif Almurayati has just gone live... An epic story of a person who, under fire, fled Iraq during the war, eventually ending up in Australia where he has made his home and his art his life. This is a story of someone who truly appreciates how good living in Australia is, having tasted the brutality of an oppressive regime. Search 'Joel Coleman Podcast' on all major podcast apps, or via my website:
22.01.2022 Bluebottles are awesome . A slight injury has kept me out of the water for a short while, such is life While I was sitting at home frustrated about my next photographic project being delayed I had another idea. Simply put, I would go and collect some random things off the beach and bring them back to the studio to photograph them, for no other reason than to keep myself entertained. On my first attempt I found a few bluebottles. Whilst bluebottles will give you a nasty stin...g, you must admit they are a beautiful creature. Ill go see what else I can find to put in front of the camera in the coming days . Also Episode 003 of my Photographic Philosophy Podcast featuring Steve Giralt is now live. Steve explains how he got to the point in his photographic career where he is basically re-inventing what it means to create both still and moving images. His philosophy around how is firmly centred in education and a can-do attitude. Be prepared to be amazed! Go download the Podcast now from my website or iTunes. See more
21.01.2022 This is the surfboard that DJB Surfboards and I worked on together after the Podcast we recorded a few weeks back. The show received an incredible amount of feedback, thank you. . Dan did an amazing job with the colouring, it looks epic. The board is an asymmetrical fish, meaning the tail shape is different on each side. The idea being that you surf differently depending on which way you are going (forehand vs. backhand). This kind of board is truly a custom work of art, desi...gned for the person who will be riding it. If you are interested in something made just for you, contact Dan at DJB Surfboards. . Custom artwork makes a surfboard just that bit better, so if you want me to design something for you and have Dan work it into the board, get in touch and we can talk . As soon as the swell kicks in I will let you know how it surfs! . The Podcast is available to listen to on various platforms click through ( . Enjoy your day See more
21.01.2022 Published in over 80 countries and having sold more than 18 million books and 13 million calendars, Annes photography is possibly the most recognized in the world today. Recently I was researching photographers I wanted to talk to on this podcast and I saw a shopping bag featuring one of Annes iconic baby on a pumpkin photographs in my local fruit market so I went straight home and contacted Anne requesting an interview, graciously she said yes and we recorded the Podcast via Skype as Anne currently resides in New York.
21.01.2022 Ben Von Wong joins me for the latest episode of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast that has just gone live. Ben must be one of the most interesting photographers in the world today. His early work caught my attention featuring epic fantasy scenes that he conceptualized, created and photographed. . His career started to gain traction and he found himself photographing some incredible campaigns for massive companies when he woke up one morning and decided that what he really w...anted was for his skills and creativity to have a more positive impact on the world. So, he started purely focusing on positive impact projects, mostly environmental, sometimes humanitarian, but always incredible. Ben is also a social media superstar with the deep understanding and knack for making things work across digital platforms. However, there is a lot more to Bens thinking than the average social media influencer. Listen in as Ben describes his journey, the people that influenced it, his personal philosophy and where he wants to go next See more
21.01.2022 The photographic, advertising and design world has a huge impact on all of us, but it is particularly evident in young people. In my latest Photographic Philosophy Podcast I talk with psychologist Dr. Hayley Watson about the industry, social media and a whole lot more...
20.01.2022 Well. It has certainly been a while since I have posted anything on Facebook. I took a social media holiday for a year, it just felt right. The time away certainly gave me perspective and the chance to think through some new ideas and directions Now I have some new and very cool sh*t to share. Firstly Ive given my podcast a makeover, steered it away from a show just about photography and towards a Podcast that weaves the stories of unique individuals into a visually representative artwork. Its creative, interesting, inspiring and lots of fun!. The first episode has just gone live featuring the amazing Fuchsia Sims from Adventure Junky. Follow the link for popular platforms, or head to iTunes Podcasts and search Joel Coleman and have a listen.
19.01.2022 These are pelagic gooseneck barnacles. I found the colony washed up on the beach, 1000s of barnacles and many other creatures, including an awesome little crab. Theyve built their home on a plastic bottle. This plastic is breaking up and becoming part of the food chain. . Wake up people, the plastic age must end.
16.01.2022 This is the animation that I worked on with Alex Johnson from Ora Cafe Manly after talking with her on the Joel Coleman Podcast. It was made using a stop motion animation technique that I created by taking sequenced still images, running them through a Photoshop process to create the cartoon effect, then turning those images into a stop-motion animation. It's a time consuming process, but the results are a fun way to show just how cool Ora Cafe really is! Enjoy...
15.01.2022 Latest Podcast is live people... This time I sat down opposite Troy Abraham for a conversation about yoga, life, lockdown, and the woo woo side of the 'wellness world'. Then he asked me to make, without a doubt, the cheesiest, surf kitsch kind of image I have ever been asked to produce. So I said yes, then wondered what the heck I had got myself into :-)
15.01.2022 Join myself and Jody MacDonald as we discuss her incredible life of adventure and photography. Jody spent 10 years at sea on a global kitesurfing, paragliding and surfing expedition. She didnt just land that as a dream job, she engineered the whole business to run in parallel with her photography career. Jodys philosophy is very much a hands on approach, willing to do whatever it takes to keep her passions alive. We talk travel, tourism and exploration and the fine line bet...ween experience and exploitation of the natural world.
15.01.2022 Latest Podcast live featuring Dan Bekis of DJB Surfboards - More than a podcast about making surfboards, it is a look at where we are as a society and what it means to be a craftsperson in a changing world. We touch on politics and trade relations, photography, the environment and even a bit about music
14.01.2022 Latest Podcast with Alex Johnson from @oramanly is now live. Ive had epic feedback on this episode already, people ringing me up to tell me how much they enjoyed listening to Alex & I talk about food, health and life. So get listening and get healthy!
11.01.2022 Bluebottle Physalia utriculus, also called blue bottle or Indo-Pacific Portuguese man-of-war, is a marine hydrozoan of the order Siphonophora found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. A gas-filled bladder allows it to float on the surface, propelled by currents, tides, and by a sail at the top of the bladder. A single long tentacle of venomous cnidocytes, hanging below the float, provides the animal with a means of capturing prey. They hurt like heck when they touch your skin, but you have to admit, they are one beautiful creature.
11.01.2022 Sometimes being here is better than being there...
10.01.2022 A step through of the editing and photoshop work that went into the creation of the image with Adam Powell for the Joel Coleman Podcast. For the details about how this image came about, follow the below links to listen to the Podcast: If you want more detail about any of the techniques mentioned in the video, leave me a comment below and I will do my best to answer or point you towards the right tutorial. Cheers, Joel.
10.01.2022 Nudibranchs are a group of soft-bodied, marine gastropod molluscs. They are noted for their often extraordinary colours and striking forms. This one is a Glaucus atlanticus about 35-40 mm long that I found washed up on the beach tide line. After photographing this little critter I put him back in the sea
10.01.2022 Thanks for the feature Australian Photography Magazine.
09.01.2022 Hi everyone! If youve already listened to my latest Podcast with Fuchsia Sims, youll know there was an image release coming. Gathering the essence of a human during a Podcast and translating it into an artwork is what this is all about. Its a journey, I dont know to where, but I know it will be entertaining, so Im glad youre coming along. The Podcast is available to listen to on various platforms via my website ( as well as iTunes.
09.01.2022 NEW PODCAST LIVE!... Craig Stevens joined me on the 11th of March 2020 to record an episode of the podcast about what happens when you die. Since then, as you all know, the world has changed into a very different place. At the time we spoke, we already knew about Covid-19 and what was happening overseas. I really dont need to go into detail about the speed of how the world has changed since then. If you are alive, you already know that. When I say we talk about what happe...ns when you die I dont mean in a spiritual manner, I mean the mechanics of what actually happens to a body, where it goes, how it is treated and what the process is. Death, in our culture, is generally treated as something to be held at arms length and is sanitised by people who deal with funerals. Craig is one of those people. His down-to-earth, relaxed and completely respectful attitude made for one very interesting and eye-opening conversation. The artwork creation that is the feature image for this episode is a true Covid-19 collaboration. Craig and I had a day scheduled to get together and create something. Then the social distancing and isolation rules came into play and we had to make another plan. So Craig took a self-portrait in his apartment and I did the rest. I hope you like it! So listen in and find out exactly what happens when you die!
07.01.2022 The last episode of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast for the 2018 season features one of the best people in Australia, possibly the world, to comment on and discuss the nature of the photographic industry... I'll be back next year with more, until then, please share the Podcast with everyone you think will enjoy listning.
06.01.2022 When I mentioned I was opening up my Podcast to interesting people from all walks of life, I meant it. Adam Powell is one of the most unique people I know. He smashes down stereotypes while he bumbles creative energy. Adam is a plumber by trade whose work building high-end bathrooms led him down a path of photographing the more unusual side of architecture. Basically, a lot of toilets. Through Adams outlook on life we see there is beauty and creativity in so many parts of ou...r lives that I think many people walk straight past and it takes a person like Adam to make you realise just how interesting well-designed and beautiful everyday things can be. We also discuss career changes, fashion, restoration of old cars and social media. We then create a photographic image together in Adams garage using a VW Beatle that he is currently restoring. Enjoy the journey, go listen to the show here:
06.01.2022 Latest episode of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast is now live featruing Brook Shaden. Describing herself as an intensely anxious, powerful little creative soul, whos favorite memory was flying into the sky before losing her wings at the age of 5 and that her greatest fear is of whales. Brooke Shadens photographic themes are often dark, dealing with death, decay and a dark beauty. Yet with all the allusion to a darkness there is a very positive lightness to her work. Bro...oke is thankful, grateful, vibrant and inspiring personality, not the dark introspective soul that her image making suggests would be responsible for the style of her imagery. Throughout the podcast, we discuss Brookes creative journey, books, travel and the amazing work she has done with people who have suffered at the hands of human traffickers in India and Thailand. We talk about her blog: promoting passion as well as covering her (in my mind) bizarre fear of whales! To listen click through here:
05.01.2022 Drugs, violence, foolish criminals, My latest Podcast with Maggie Sten covers it all and then some... Maggie Sten has been working as a solicitor in Sydney since the early 1980s. To say she has seen it all is an understatement. Having represented the whos who of Australian criminal figures, she has an understanding of not only the justice system, but societys issues at large. We talk about domestic violence, drugs, violent crime, foolish criminals and more. Despite the weight of what Maggie deals with every day, she maintains an incredible sense of humour that lights up this conversation and makes it very entertaining
02.01.2022 The latest episode of the Photographic Philosophy podcast featuring one of the (actually probably the best) wildlife photographers in the world is now live, go listen!
01.01.2022 Time for the latest installment of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast. Simon Lister must be one of the nicest and most talented humans I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His passion for travel by motorcycle to some of the furthest reaches of the globe and photographing the people he meets along the way has seen him become the photographer behind UNICEF campaigns the world over. Recently Simon has been featured on Canons Tales By Light television series where he tra...veled to Bolivia and Bangladesh to photograph children for UNICEF. From rubbish dumps to sweatshops and mines Simon is not afraid to get a little dirty or get in close in order to build the connections required to take such incredible portraits. Go listen here: Or search 'Photographic Philosophy' in Itunes
01.01.2022 Episode 11 of the Photographic Philosophy Podcast is not live featuring Echo Widmer, click through to listen...
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