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Joelene Pitt Equine/Canine Remedial Therapist | Alternative & holistic health service

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Joelene Pitt Equine/Canine Remedial Therapist

Phone: +61 448 573 934


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23.01.2022 It’s time to get serious about laminitis! I’ve been to 5 cases just this week! Laminitis is extremely painful for horses and it is the second biggest killer a...fter colic. ANY horse can get laminitis, from your thin thoroughbred to your miniature lawn mower (that includes donkeys and mules). I repeat ANY horse, they don’t have to be obese to founder. Symptoms to look for are... Uncomfortable on hard ground Shifting weight from foot to foot when standing on hard ground Shortened stride on hard ground Sore after a trim Digital pulse Heat in the hooves Flattened sole Stretched lamina line Unwilling to pick up feet Rings in the hoof wall Prevention is better than cure. Get your diet and management sorted. Feed a low sugar hay in a slow feed hay net. Soak it to reduce sugar if you’re not sure what the sugar content is. Avoid rye, clover, too much Lucerne, get them off the short grass! Short stressed grass is higher in sugar than older longer grass. Grass in shaded paddocks is also lower in sugar. Grazing can be limited to safe times between 3am and 9am, afternoon grazing is the most dangerous time. Track systems are wonderful if you need to lock up as they promote movement. Grazing muzzles are not the devil and can be fantastic if you aren’t able to remove your horse from the grass. Do NOT starve your obese pony! They need access to hay at all times even if it’s in a double netted slow feeder to slow them down. Avoid any feed with a combined sugar content over 10% (check NSC, WSC, and starch on the bag). If it’s not there contact the feed company and ask. Avoid apples, bread, grains, molasses. Remember things like molasses are used in a lot of feeds to make them palatable like molo mix. Safe feeds like beet pulp and soy hulls can be used for weight gain if it’s needed, and to carry minerals. Remember going on a diet is not about starving the body of nutrients it’s about bringing it back to health. If your horse is off grass they will need mineral supplementation (mineral licks are not enough and are often high iron and molasses), salt, vitamin E, and omega 3. Contact your hoof care practitioner as soon as you see symptoms to get your horse back on track. If you have an acute case and you horse is lame, laying down a lot, leaning back, or otherwise unwell contact your vet.

21.01.2022 Very interesting

20.01.2022 Attention, this is not a game nor funny! If you ever see your cat or dog doing this, you need to take him urgently to the vet. Some owners may find this behavio...r funny but it has a medical reason. It's known as Head Pressing, cats and dogs do this when they are suffering from a terrible headache. They are suffering so much that they need to press their head against the wall. Due to a damage to the nervous system, animals act like this. The causes can be from a toxic poisoning, a disease of the forebrain, a tumor in the head, an injury after an accident, etc. Care to share PLEASE SUPPORT OUR PAGE FOR MORE INTERESTING POST:

18.01.2022 Hum An PulseT n Joelene Pitt Equine/Canine Remedial Therapist will be there n available for treatments on Horses, Dogs n Humans all weekend Hum An PulseT will also be sponsoring a few of the drafts n events over the weekend, so keep an ear out for the announcements over the weekend of competition I am the only person in Far North Queensland with the PEMF machine I have, also I am the only person with the proper attachments to treat humans as well as animals. There is n...o other that can compare with the power n capabilities of the particular machine I have, its been proven over n over that its very effective n beneficial in many many ways for both humans and animals n combined with my knowledge and expertise of my Equine/Canine Remedial Therapy, which I've been doing for over 12 years now, you can't go wrong. So come see me on this weekend and try one or both out, you won't be disappointed. Do yourself, your pooch and or your equine friend a favour n give it a go. Check out my pages n have a read n squizz through my photos etc Hope to see you all there

16.01.2022 Something I always have done and always will.

15.01.2022 This is what Abbey was like when i first met her on Thursday the 30th of January, even a bit worse than this by the time I got there, she had overstretched n pulled her muscle in her offside shoulder from a suspected fall or slip, n couldn't even put weight on it much at all. She was very sore in her muscles all around that shoulder especially underneath n at the back, she was also very restricted movement wise due to stiffness n pain etc. She was very sore n extremely stiff in her deeper hind muscles as well as her back in the lumbar area, most likely from the same slip or fall. Video Credit to Nadine Reyher

14.01.2022 What is beet pulp? Beet pulp is the product left after sugar has been extracted from sugar beets. It is a fantastic source of digestible fibre for horses. B...eet Positives: Beet pulp is high in digestible fibre and low in sugar and starch. This makes it a highly suitable option for horses who require a low sugar and starch diet due to metabolic disorders. Beet pulp provides approximately the same amount of calories per kilogram as oats do, but in the form of digestible fibre instead of sugar and starch. This is ideal for slow release energy and makes beet a suitable alternative to grains for horses who may be grain-sensitive or prone to ulcers. Beet pulp products typically require soaking before being fed to horses. This provides an opportunity to boost your horse’s water intake. Beet pulp expands a considerable amount once soaked. This will help to keep your horse busier and fuller for longer (ideal for those good doers who like to bolt their food and proceed to steal the next horse’s dinner!) It is also fantastic for making supplements and salt ‘disappear’ if you soak and mix them all together. Beet pulp is a good source of calcium. Beet Negatives: Beet pulp typically requires soaking so isn’t as convenient as other feeds that can be tipped straight from the bag into your horse’s feed bucket. Beet pulp can be high in iron, however soaking and rinsing before feeding will help to reduce some of the iron content. If you are feeding a quality mineral supplement that provides an adequate amount of zinc and copper, then the iron content of beet pulp should not be an issue. It is quite obvious that the positives far outweigh the negatives of beet pulp. It is a fantastic, fibre-rich addition to most horse’s diets. #BringingNutritionalStabilityToYourStable

13.01.2022 Did you know? Horses are what we call ‘trickle feeders.’ They are physiologically designed to be ingesting and digesting food almost continuously. Lon...g-stemmed roughage, such as hay or pasture, is highly beneficial for digestive health as it promotes good saliva production and prevents gastric acid from splashing up into the non-glandular region of the stomach. Long-stemmed roughage takes a horse longer to chew and digest, which keeps them fuller for longer and improves nutrient absorption and utilisation. Unlike humans, horses will only produce saliva while masticating (chewing). Saliva is essential for buffering gastric acid as it helps to reduce acidity in the stomach, preventing the development of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome. Horses will produce gastric acid regardless of whether they have food and saliva entering their stomach or not, highlighting the importance of providing roughage constantly to prevent the development of EGUS and other digestive upsets such as colic. Providing almost continuous access to forage is not only vital for optimal digestive health, it is also highly important for mental stimulation and natural behaviours, even if they insist on sleeping in it! #BringingNutritionalStabilityToYourStable

10.01.2022 This is Abbey look at the amazing difference after only 5 days apparently Nadine said Abbey showed big improvement after only a few hours, after i treated her for the first time on Thursday the 30th of January. Then by Sunday, just 3 days later, she was pretty much like this. I absolutely love my job, and love helping these beautiful horses n seeing the amazing results. The results say everything about my treatments, it really does work!!! Whether you under...stand how it works or not, the results are there plain to sight. Adding PEMF Therapy (Pulse Electro Magnetic Field) to compliment these treatments, is just the next step to help my beautiful clients big or small even more in depth. Video Credit Nadine Reyher

09.01.2022 Ok my big news is....... I am adding Animal n Human PEMF (Pulse Electro-Magnetic Fields) therapy treatments to my expertise in 2020. I am THE ONLY person in Far North Queensland that's able to offer the Human PEMF Therapy with the human treatment products, along with the Equine n other animals PEMF Therapy with the equine n other animals products. Am so excited to be able to offer these amazing treatments to my clients n their animals, n can't wait to see the results. Please ...see attached photos for some info on PEMF Therapy. Onwards n upwards after a crap 2019!!!

07.01.2022 I do most of these stretches myself as most of you would already know, so please keep these as a reference for future use. If by chance i can not make it to you for a while due to being busy etc, these may be able to help tie your horse over til i can get there. I have been extremely busy lately here so have been unable to travel, but things should settle down by October at the latest. My apologies to those who have been waiting for me to do a trip, sometimes life gets in the way of living unfortunately. Oh n I have permission to use these as examples, as i really liked the explanations of how to do them. Easy to follow n effective

06.01.2022 Big things coming for Joelene PittE/CRT in 2020. Very exciting......Stay tuned!!! Will inform you all in good time.....

03.01.2022 Ok I'm back in business. Am free for PEMF only treatments on animals and humans, also combination treatments of both my Equine/Canine Remedial Therapy and PEMF on animals again, and also my Remedial Therapy treatments alone. I will be doing a trip to Cairns areas once a fortnight, n a trip to the Tablelands every other fortnight if I get enough interest when I get time. No more coming to Cairns or the Tablelands just for one or 2 horses or dogs etc sorry, it's just not viable.... I need a decent amount of animals and or Humans, to work on before I will be making a trip to your area. Also my prices for my Remedial Therapy will be going up, have had the same prices for over 7 years or so, time for a price rise. My Equine Remedial Therapy treatments will now be $90 for Locals and $95 for Away (takes upto 30 minutes or so) My Canine Remedial Therapy treatments will now be $60 for Local and $65 for Away (takes upto 25 minutes or so) Combination treatments which consists of a full Equine Remedial Therapy treatment and a full PEMF treatment, will now be $140 for Locals and $150 for Away (takes upto 1 hour n a half or so) Combination treatments which consists of a full Canine Remedial Therapy treatment and a full PEMF treatment, will now be $120 for Locals and $130 for Away (takes upto 1 hour n 25 minutes or so) Ps. I do not travel/work on weekends anymore, as that's the only time I get with my hubby. So please don't ask me to do treatments on a weekend. I will be working from 7.30am til 5.30pm at the very latest every week day. No later as I have to travel home n cook tea etc. You guys are gonna have to work around me from now on, instead of me working around you. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, but it's just too much running all around the countryside all the time n trying to please everyone time wise. If you want your horse, dog or yourself treated, you will need to fit in with what I have left time wise. If it doesn't suit you, well you'll have to wait til I get enough people or animals together again to come back to your area. Sorry, but that's how it's gonna be from now on. You only live once, n I am not spending my time running backwards and forwards to the same area 2 or 3 times a week. unless I get 2 or 3 full days of treatments of course. I will advertise via Facebook when I am making a trip, I suggest you keep an eye open for my advertisements, if you want a horse or dog or animal or yourself treated at any time. If you havent contacted me already I mean. No different to your Chiro that travels up from down south etc. So I suggest you put my pages as first to see posts etc if you don't want to miss out. Thanks for reading Please pm or ring/text if you are wanting to book your horse, dog, animal of any kind or yourself in for a treatment otherwise keep an eye out for my trips to your area 0448 573 934 is my number or you can email as well if you want on [email protected]

02.01.2022 How often do you back your horse with a purpose? We work with a lot of hind end muscle weakness from either injury, improper training/conditioning, or issues.... We can strengthen the horse by using the aquatred, but there's no substitute for just plain hard work like backing to build up these performance horses. I feel like a lot of the simple common sense exercises get forgotten about because we have so much access to great technology... Sometimes you gotta get out there and sweat with the horse doing groundwork!! These are PERFECT exercises for days it's too hot to ride, and I promise it will build a big, strong booty to power your horse!! 1. MOST IMPORTANT - DO NOT Overdo these at first!!! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your beach body!! Start small and work your way up. We like to do backing drills after we tread so they are more limbered up. Also, start on a flat verses a hill at the beginning. 2. Don't let your horse lag or drag their feet... It doesn't build muscle correctly if they don't learn to move their feet quickly. Again, be forgiving starting out, but ask for them to move with a purpose. 3. Work your way up to the incline and working on a side incline... These are important though to divide the body and work both sides separately. I love working on the side of a hill to get the best strength possible from my horse. You can do circles forwards and backwards up and around and down hills... Plus adding the side incline workout is a game changer. 4. You will face some resistance. This horse gets frustrated with the difficulty in what I'm asking her to do, but physical therapy isn't always fun or easy... This is where winners are made... The little moments where something simple ends up being something that is a huge benefit in the arena later on. So even though she gets slightly frustrated, she keeps working through it, and that deserves a reward and a good stopping point. Each time we end on a good note, she will know what is expected of her next time and she will be ready to work even harder. 5. LEARN YOUR HORSE!!! Know where the weak areas are and ask how to improve them. Watch your horse's movements and learn what is normal for your horse and what changes with different workouts. The more you know about your own horse's movements... The easier it will be to notice small problems before they become huge issues. Happy Backing!!! Build those performance booties, and see how much it improves your performance in the arena!!

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