Joe Natoli | Political candidate
Joe Natoli
Phone: +61 409 727 313
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24.01.2022 Chance to win up to $1000 off your next rates bill!! Just for swapping to email rates bills. Sunshine Coast rates notices have been issued and will start arriving this week. Will you be waiting by the mailbox for the postie to deliver yours? Change your rates notice delivery method from traditional post to email before August 19 and you’ll go in the running to win up to $1000 off your next rates bill! You’re also in the draw if you already receive your bills electronically. ... If you pay before Friday August 21, you’ll receive council’s on-time payment discount of five per cent off your general rate, up to $100 every six months. In addition to the on-time discount, in this rate period all rates notices will include a $35 COVID rebate.
24.01.2022 Our very own La Balsa Park in Division 4 has a fascinating history! Does anyone remember their arrival in 1970?
23.01.2022 MEET & GREET: See you tomorrow? I’m hosting a meet and greet at Kawana Library from 2pm-4pm. See you then? #imlistening #joenatoli4four
23.01.2022 DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: I know you're interested in monitoring development. Council's ‘Development.i’ continues to go from strength to strength with the number of users increasing each year. The online platform enables anyone to search and track development activity, and features visualisation, advanced searching and the ability to subscribe to receive email notifications. In the last financial year, Development.i was used over 246,000 times an increase of six per cent on the ...previous year. There are more than 318,000 documents available on Development.i to review. Visit to start your search. #KeepingYouInTheLoop
22.01.2022 Today's Ordinary Meeting will be live-streamed. Click the link to watch anytime after 9am. My Notice of Motion will be the last item of business. I believe in open and transparent government at all levels. Wish me luck. #keepingyouintheloop #openandaccountable
22.01.2022 It is wonderful to be able to support local organisations and LifeFlight is a worthy cause. #LifeFlightGalaSC
22.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Outrigger Island boat ramp will have some disruptions and partial closures during Monday 28th September to Thursday 1st October for dredging to try to get better navigable access from the boat ramp to the navigational channel in the Mooloolah River. If a boat requires access back to the car park and the ramp appears closed the dredge operator will move the dredge to allow for loading of a boat, however there may be delays. Other boat ramps to utilise during this time will be at Harbour Pde and Parkyn Parade. We apologise for any inconvenience.
21.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Stage 1 works in the ground at Cotton Tree are complete. More than 1800 geotextile containers filled with sandalso known as geobagswere used to build a seawall and two groynes which will interrupt wave action, capture sand and provide an erosion buffer. The largest of the geobags are filled with 11 tonnes of sandabout the weight of eight cars. Stage one of the project focussed on renewing the northern-most groyne structures near the Cotton Tree Holiday Park. Stage two of the project is scheduled to take place in 2021 and will focus on the two southern-most groyne structures.
21.01.2022 CONSULTATION: begins this month. You can register now. Please be ready to be involved! I urge you to make a difference. There are two community groups which are active in this space: @sunshinecoastmasstransitactiongroup and Beach Matters - if you’re interested, check them out. This is the official release from Council:... Mark a spot in your calendar. Your chance to have a say on the best public transport options for our region kicks off on 28 April 2021. Over an eight-week period until 22 June 2021, residents and visitors will have the opportunity to provide their valuable feedback on a range of options being considered in a draft Mass Transit Options Analysis report. The Options Analysis is the second phase in the business case process being undertaken for the mass transit project. The options considered in the draft report range from bus network upgrades to a quality bus corridor to bus rapid transit, trackless trams, light rail transit and more. Transport Portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski said while public transport was a State Government responsibility, council was leading the important planning work to attract state and federal infrastructure funding and needed community feedback and support to achieve that. We know we need sustainable and efficient transport options that can move us around quickly as our population grows yet still protect our local lifestyle and environment, Cr Baberowski said. We are considering a range of options, and we are keen to know your thoughts. The outcomes of the community and stakeholder feedback about the mass transit options will inform the finalisation of the Mass Transit Options Analysis report, which will then be submitted to council for consideration. Cr Baberowski said the comprehensive community engagement process would seek community opinion on a wide range of potential options to help council make recommendations to the State Government for further consideration in the final phase of the mass transit business case process, the Detailed Business Case. Make sure you have a say on what you and your family and friends want when it comes to getting around the Sunshine Coast so we can protect our environment and the way we live, work and play he said. There will also be the opportunity to have a say about the various ways in which the forecast growth in the coastal corridor could be accommodated over the decades ahead, from medium rise development concentrated around stations and centres to lower density development dispersed more widely throughout the corridor. Feedback received about the various ways of accommodating growth will help inform the preparation of the new planning scheme, which is proceeding over the next few years. Visit council’s website and sign up today to receive project updates, engagement activities and be the first to have your say when consultation begins on 28 April, 2021.
21.01.2022 SURVEY: EROSION and INUNDATION - Council is now seeking further community feedback on coastal hazard adaptation options, insights on their effectiveness and areas they think each option may be most appropriate. Your responses will help inform discussion on how we can adapt to and manage coastal hazards like erosion and inundation in the future. There are a number of ways we can respond to coastal hazards, including updates to land use planning, enhancing natural processes, ch...anges and upgrades to existing infrastructure, exploring coastal engineering options and supporting initiatives that help build adaptive, resilient communities. Please complete our second survey exploring Coastal Adaptation by 5pm on August 30, 2020. To complete the survey and to learn more about ‘Our Resilient Coast. Our Future’ visit ‘Our Resilient Coast. Our Future’ is funded by the State Government QCoast2100 Program. More than 30 coastal councils in Queensland are developing strategies to manage coastal hazards.
20.01.2022 SURVEY: This is important if you want a say in the development, management and use of our coastal waterways, dunes and coastline in general. And that's probably ALL of us! Do the survey NOW! #imlistening There are a number of ways we can respond to coastal hazards, including updates to land use planning, enhancing natural processes, changes and upgrades to existing infrastructure, exploring coastal engineering options and supporting initiatives that help build adaptive, ...resilient communities. Please complete our second survey exploring Coastal Adaptation by 5pm on August 30, 2020.
19.01.2022 Please fill in the survey (or contact me) if there’s anything you’d like me to know..
19.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Drainage improvement works will be completed for the Sunshine Motorway Pedestrian Underpass that connects Amarina Avenue, Mooloolaba to Lady Musgrave Drive, Mountain Creek. Concerns about drainage in this area were raised during a recent community meeting and I hope these works will improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. Thank you for your patience and understanding. #keepingyouintheloop Dates: Monday 3 to Tuesday 11 August 2020 (approximately 7 working days) Time: 6.30am to 5.00pm
18.01.2022 NEW SEAT: I am pleased to say a new seat in Kensington Park, Minyama has been installed. #KeepingYouInTheLoop
18.01.2022 COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Can you help? Council is collecting books for the annual Books4Kids Christmas appeal. Until December 11, please donate new children’s or young adult fiction and non-fiction books to your local Sunshine Coast library branch. The books will then be distributed by local charities to families in need, in time for Christmas. Being surrounded by books they own helps children build vocabulary, increase awareness and comprehension, and expand horizons.... A recent study conducted by The National Literacy Trust in the United Kingdom displays the disparities between children who own books and those who do not. The study found that book-wielding children were six times more likely to read above their grade level. See more
18.01.2022 See you tomorrow? I am hosting regular catch ups in the library - with meetings in the first hour (make a booking with my PA) and a drop-in session during the second hour. The first session is tomorrow at Kawana Library. Tuesday 4 August 2-4pm Kawana Library (First Tuesday of the month)... Wednesday 26 August 9-11am Cotton Tree Library (Fourth Wednesday of the month)
18.01.2022 WASTE UPDATE: There may be a delay in the collection of your general waste, recycling and garden waste bins for the week starting on Monday, 3 August 2020. Council’s waste collections contractor has identified an issue with their trucks, resulting in less trucks available carry out your normal service. Please can you: Put your bins on the kerbside the night before your normal collection day Leave your bins on the kerbside until empty... How the delay may impact you: Bins may not be emptied on your normal collection day Bins may be emptied at an earlier or later time than usual Waste, recycling and garden waste bins may not all be emptied on the same day In some areas, collection services will run much later than normal and into the evening. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this causes you.
17.01.2022 This interview sums up my thoughts on the issue of mass transit on the Sunshine Coast! What do you think? #imlistening
17.01.2022 Hundreds of homeowners from Palm Beach to Tugun could have their properties resumed. They're on the most likely route for the light rail from Burleigh to the border. #7NEWS
17.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: shelter shed renewal at La Balsa Park. This shed should look much improved once complete. Works should begin shortly and are estimated to take two weeks to complete (weather permitting).
16.01.2022 People often ask what the alternative is if we don’t approve light rail. This is a well-written argument from resident Geoff Glanville. I am re-posting with permission. It is well worth the read. Quite often the first suggestion made to people who hold genuine concerns about these issues, is to challenge them to provide their alternative solution. It’s often a neat debating trick to ask someone not technically qualified, to produce a technical solution, and then demean the...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Please have your say on Council's planning and strategy regarding pets! Fill in the survey .... #imlistening
15.01.2022 MEET and GREET: Come see me tomorrow? I will be holding my monthly Meet and Greet session at the Maroochydore Library this Wednesday 26th August from 9-11am. You are welcome to come along and discuss any issues or concerns you have for Division 4 with your local Councillor (me!). Appointments can be booked prior for the Meet and Greet on 5475 9859 or just come along on the day. #imlistening
15.01.2022 UPDATE: Plenty of room for everyone to come down to Kings Beach until 5 pm. It’s the Happy Holiday Festival of Colour and it’s FREE. #culture #holifestival
15.01.2022 DREDGING UPDATE: Mooloolaba. Recent surveys of the Harbour entrance have shown an unsafe sand shoal is currently forming between the two rock groynes. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) have requested that Halls Contracting remove the shoal when a convenient weather window presents itself during the Maroochydore Renourishment Campaign. Dredging at Mooloolaba is expected to last for approx. one week, from the 14/08 20/08. The placement of sand will be in the location shown below. #dredge #mooloolaba #keepingyouintheloop
14.01.2022 DOGS OFF LEASH: BLITZ PLANNED. Following numerous complaints over the past few months, Sunshine Coast Council will run an education campaign at Point Cartwright during the Easter school holidays to ensure dog owners know their responsibilities and are doing the right thing. Divisional councillor Joe Natoli said residents and recreational users of the popular area were fed-up with irresponsible dog owners. We know people love coming to Point Cartwright, and it’s a very popula...r area for exercising dogs, Cr Natoli said. But, the large number of dogs visiting the area has also resulted in an increase in noise and other issues which is causing considerable distress to the local community and visitors to the area. We’ve received numerous complaints about dog waste not being picked up and disposed of correctly, dogs not under effective control, dogs being allowed to roam off-leash during designated on-leash times, dogs running into the bushland, jumping on other park users and creating safety concerns for other park users. It’s time dog owners took their responsibilities seriously, which is why we’ll be visiting the area every day during the Easter school holidays to ensure dog owners are doing the right thing. Between April 1 and 14, Council’s Response Services staff will attend a daily pop-up education booth to discuss responsible dog management with as many users of the area as possible. #keepingyouintheloop #KeepingYouInTheLoop Photo credit - our pup Lulu. See more
13.01.2022 It’s heartening to have the community on board with this! Make sure you get involved in the process when the time comes.
12.01.2022 Take this survey and let the Mooloolaba Beach community group know your views.
12.01.2022 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING: today Council will discuss the consultation process regarding the Mass Transit Strategy. You can watch it live from 9am on the link below. I will keep you posted. #openandaccountable
12.01.2022 There are people in our community who don’t want to believe that light rail will cost at least $100million per kilometre. Some even ridicule others on this page. Well, here is another example of unbiased, reputable reporting by the ABC. Let’s get the real facts on the table.
12.01.2022 A VICTORY for residents who are interested in the future of our region. My Motion to open the Mass Transit issue to community consultation was carried at today's Ordinary Meeting. This shows the new Council IS listening. There is nothing to fear from letting residents know what is planned for their back yard. Our job as elected representatives is to represent you! There may be widespread community outrage, but there might also be widespread support. At least now, we will find out. No secrets. This is transparent governance. #openandaccountable I am so relieved and look forward to the community consultation and debate. Click the link to see my speech.
12.01.2022 NOTICE OF MOTION: I have lodged a Notice of Motion for Thursday’s Ordinary Meeting. I want to ensure YOU, the community, gets to see plans and proposals for any Mass Transit strategy BEFORE they become set in stone by State Government. Please share and let your local councillor know how you feel about a proposal like this being kept AWAY from the people! This is about our lifestyle so make sure you’re informed. #makesomenoise #keepingyouintheloop #itsourlifestyle
11.01.2022 POP UP CONSULTATION: As part of Council’s Domestic Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Strategy review, we have an upcoming Community Engagement Pop Up Event this Saturday 8th August 2020 at the new dog off leash area in Parrearra. Find out more or give council officers your opinion. The details of the event are:... Location: Grande Parade, Parrearra (next to enclosed dog off leash area) Date: Saturday 8th August, 2020 Time: 7.00am 9.00am
11.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Fisherman’s Park, Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba The replacement of the existing rubber softfall at Fisherman’s Park is scheduled to start early December and expected to take 1 week to complete (weather permitting). The works include the removal of the existing rubber softfall and shock pads, and for the installation of new shock pads and rubber softfall in a wave design. This should be ready for the busy school holidays. #KeepingYouintheLoop
10.01.2022 This is a great opportunity for internships! If you know someone who’s interested, please share. #keepingyouintheloop
10.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Cotton Tree works are complete. During August and September, a large section of road was resurfaced, kerb and channel were replaced and line markings renewed along this heavily used stretch of road. Approximately 9,000 vehicles travel on these roads every day and I’m very pleased that these important works are now providing an enhanced experience for all road users and visitors to Cotton Tree.... The road resurfacing and construction of new kerb and channel involved 1500 tonne of asphalt which was delivered within 220 truck movements. #KeepingYouInTheLoop
09.01.2022 UPDATE: Work has begun on the new female change rooms at Maroochydore Rugby Union Club. I am so happy we can support women and girls in sport along with Fiona Simpson MP and President Chris Carnell.
08.01.2022 DETOUR: The upgrade road works through Mooloolaba mean Walan St will be closed to through traffic for a few months. Businesses will remain open! Here's the map showing the detours. Please take care and thanks for your patience. #keepingyouintheloop
08.01.2022 ORDINARY MEETING: today from 9am is the monthly Ordinary Meeting. The first item on the agenda is the TRANSPORT LEVY. This affects every one in our community. I’ll keep you posted. You can watch the meeting via live stream on the link below. #keepingyouintheloop
07.01.2022 PODCASTING: Whether you’re a storyteller, content creator or podcast addict, now’s your chance to get into the studio and behind the mic to record your story. Sunshine Coast Council Libraries has launched a new professional quality podcast studio right here at Kawana Library. Get on board the global podcast phenomenon with more than 1.7 million podcasts and 43 million episodes worldwide in 2021. This is your chance to become a content creator and join the 1% minority who pr...oduce their own podcasts. The new podcast studio is a wonderful addition to our library network and would provide the Sunshine Coast community with opportunities to develop new digital skills in podcast production. StoryCast Studios is available for library members, community groups, businesses or sporting clubs to book whether you’re tech savvy or just interested in giving podcasting a go. It's open to book from Monday 19 April and recording sessions will be free to try until June 30, 2021. The purpose-built podcast studio provides access to high quality audio equipment, including a podcast production mixer with four studio mics and headphones.
07.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: Please be aware that Beach Access #168 will be temporarily closed from Tuesday 6 April 2021 until mid-2021 to allow construction of the new boardwalk, viewing platform and footpath. Signage will be present to direct residents and visitors to the nearest beach access. To find out more, please visit Council’s website ... Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Team [email protected] Council’s customer service team (07) 5475 7272 (Monday to Friday 8.30am-5.30pm) #keepingyouinformed
07.01.2022 If you're wondering what all the fuss regarding the Mass Transit is all about, here's a balanced look. Thanks Janine Hill.
07.01.2022 Have a look at the groyne work just completed at Cotton Tree - love the bird’s eye view.
07.01.2022 Please nominate someone you know - it is so important to recognise community members who are making a difference. #volunteersmakeadifference
06.01.2022 COMMINITY SUPPORT: I am very proud to support a Kawana local, Scout, Charlotte Garland, who was today awarded a Australian Scout Medallion. The Australian Scout Medallion is a very prestigious award and is a great achievement. This is a very exciting time for the group too. #scouts #soproud #communitysupport
06.01.2022 Thank you Jarrod Bleijie MP for raising this matter in Parliament. Listen and share, everyone. I encourage you all to continue to become informed on this issue. #imlistening #KeepingYouInTheLoop
05.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE: A new beach shower for Buddina - much closer to the path, so your feet can stay clean. :-) Works are complete including a maintenance tap. #KeepingYouInTheLoop
05.01.2022 DETOUR: Road closures begin today. The upgrade road works through Mooloolaba mean Walan St will be closed to through traffic for a few months. Businesses will remain open! Here's the map showing the detours. Please take care and thanks for your patience. #keepingyouintheloop
05.01.2022 UPDATE: This week we planted 50 new Coastal she-oaks Casuarina equisetifolia at the Spit Mooloolaba. Thanks in advance to the volunteers who will water and keep them alive. Before and after pics.....
04.01.2022 MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: an agreement that is set to drive forward progress on the 53-hectare Maroochydore City Centre priority development area. The development partnering agreement has been struck between Sunshine Coast Council, SunCentral Maroochydore Pty Ltd and Australia’s largest diversified property development company Walker Corporation Pty Ltd. I believe this takes Council out of the development business and allows us to focus on serving our community... which I believe s...hould be our focus. READ THE FULL STORY:
04.01.2022 WORKS UPDATE- ROAD CLOSURE - Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade. You’ve probably noticed some works already. This key infrastructure project will improve traffic flow, safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, reduce delays during peak periods and cater for future growth in Mooloolaba. Stages 1B involves widening of Walan Street, between Venning and Smith streets to four traffic lanes and is expected to be completed by late 2020, weather permitting. As part of the ...upgrade, a temporary road closure is required between Venning and Smith streets so that extensive road works can be undertaken safely and efficiently. From August 17 until the end of November, Walan Street will be closed between Smith and Venning Streets. Follow the alternative route and you’ll easily avoid works. I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during the upgrade of Walan Street. If you want to learn more about the project or see the alternative route visit the project’s webpage See more
01.01.2022 Jarrod Bleijie MP also has concerns about the Mass Transit proposal - as he told Parliament. Make sure you research the facts where you can and let me know if you have concerns. #imlistening
01.01.2022 REMINDER: this event is on this weekend so there will be changes to traffic and parking. A COVID-safe plan is in place too.
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