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Joergette Mae Medel | Motivational speaker

to load big map

Joergette Mae Medel

Phone: +61 468 356 396


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to load big map

23.01.2022 I felt guided to pull some cards today for the full moon. These are the 3 that flew out for the collective. Full moons can be a time of heightened emotions. If you find yourself getting triggered, I invite you to tune in, do your own self enquiry and self healing. Be gentle with yourself and take time out to nurture your soul. Meditate, journal and do whatever you feel guided to do, in order to release what no longer serves you, ready to set your intentions as you welcome in... the new year. Sending much love your way #fullmoon #release #healing

21.01.2022 From my tribe to yours, we wish you a very Happy New Year! 2020 has been a huge rollercoaster ride of unprecedented times. It has been the year of awakening for so many people, a year of massive challenges, a year where we've been asked to really look deep within, get real with ourselves, work on our shadows and shed what no longer serves us. It's also been a year where so many people have been divided from differing opinions, perspectives and beliefs; a year where we've be...en asked to question EVERYTHING and discover our own TRUTH. As we embrace this new year, may we, as a collective, focus on what truly matters - GRATITUDE, UNITY, PEACE, HARMONY & LOVE. May 2021 be the year you say yes to you, live your passions and love your life! Happy New Year beautiful souls! Sending so much love you all! #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #NewYear #2021goals

17.01.2022 FREE Soul Sessions valued at $197 for a limited time only. DM me or comment below for details Adriana Mendivil

16.01.2022 Soulful Sundays Happy weekend beautiful souls! I hope you're enjoying this glorious day! It's hard to believe this is my 12th Soulful Sunday video, which means I've done this for 12 weeks straight. That's 3 whole months! Woohoo! That's definitely something to celebrate! So YAY ME!!! ... SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!! This will be my LAST Soulful Sunday video as I'm creating a new Facebook Group for Women, where I will be giving even more value, sharing Tips, Trainings, Transmissions and Masterclasses. If you're a woman who's be resonating with my posts and would like to be added to the new Facebook Group, scroll to the bottom for instructions on how to be added. Do you believe you have to HUSTLE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS? In today's video, I dive into why it's time to MOVE AWAY FROM THE HUSTLE & GRIND & SURRENDER TO ALIGNMENT & FLOW This is a muscle I've been and will forever be practising. So I'm still on this journey myself! If it resonates, please, , , comment and share I would love to hear from you! Music from P.S. If you're a woman who's been resonating with my posts and you would like ACTIVATE YOUR FREEDOM and be added to this new group and continue to receive EPIC value and trainings and transmissions, please comment "ACTIVATE ME!" below & I'll send you the link #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #selflove #selfcare #selftrust #SoulfulSundays #wisdom #empowerment #passions #purpose #alignment #flow #freedom #ActivateMe

16.01.2022 SoulRender September Day #8 Trigger Warning This was a download I received last night when I was up all night and couldn't sleep.... I actually feel a huge amount of resistance even posting this. But given I've committed to 30 days of SoulRender September, it's important for me to share what I'm being guided to share. Self pleasure isn't something that's normally spoken about or generally accepted where I've come from. In fact, the whole topic of s3x is considered taboo in my culture. This may trigger some people and I completely accept that. Not everyone is gonna like what I have to say, and I totally respect that. So if you're someone who's easily triggered when it comes to this topic, or if you're shaking your head in disbelief and thinking OMG I can't believe she's posting about this! Then I invite you to please keep scrolling and move on to the next item on your newsfeed. I respect you. I love you. And I'm gonna share my truth anyway. I often speak to women about the importance of being in harmony between their masculine and feminine. Some people call this balance. I choose to call it harmony because I don't believe in balance. Practising self pleasure in my opinion is one of the best ways to cultivate this harmony. Self pleasure is the ultimate act of GIVING and RECEIVING. When you are practising self pleasure, you're actually being in both your masculine (giving) and your feminine (receiving). So whenever you feel like you're out of harmony and you need to come back into alignment, I invite you to take some time out to be with yourself. Practice giving to yourself and receiving from yourself through this loving, sacred act of self pleasure. I invite you to surrender and give yourself this gift. You just never know. You might even enjoy it! #SoulRenderSeptember #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife

15.01.2022 SoulRender September Day # 1 Over the last few days, the theme of "surrender" has been coming into my energy field. Today, as I was tuning in, I received a spark of inspiration and have been guided to start what is being called "SoulRender September."... So today, and for the next 30 days I'm committing to: Leading from my soul Giving to and from my soul Surrendering to what my soul desires to experience and express Letting go of the need to control Letting go of expectations Practicing the Art of Non-Attachment What are you willing to SoulRender in September? #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #SoulRenderSeptember #surrender #surrendering #soul #intuition #guidance

13.01.2022 SoulRender September OMG I just finished an interview as part of the Wellbeing Within Lockdown Interview Series, hosted by Nat Ferrier! In the interview, I spoke about How to Live Your Passions and Love Your Life During Lockdown.... It was so much fun and I loved sharing my 4 Steps to RISE and Create the Life You Love. If you would like to see this interview and access the nuggets that I shared, I invite you to DM me or comment below. I love the synchronicities and magic that unfolds when I Surrender to my Soul and say YES to my heart's true desires. Woohoo!!! #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #SoulRenderSeptember

12.01.2022 From our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! Sending so much love to you and your family this holiday season. May love, peace and harmony fill your hearts and homes, not just as you celebrate this special time of year, but more importantly, in every moment ... #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #TribeAJ #family #christmas #love #peace #harmony

05.01.2022 Hola beautiful people! I've taken a bit of a break from social media, but I'm excited to announce that I've been invited as a special guest on this exclusive online event by my beautiful friend and Holistic Health Coach Merly Hartnett! In this event, Merly will be helping you uncover the missing link to reducing PMS symptoms by understanding and harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle.... I will be sharing the importance of self care and why living in alignment with your passions and what you love, instead of just what you "should" be or are expected to be doing is the ultimate self care. Make sure you register to join us! #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #selfcare #selfcarematters #selfcareisnotselfish

03.01.2022 Are you giving yourself permission to practice self love and self care daily? Powerful questions I've been learning to ask myself daily are: How can I love myself even more today? ... What does my body need right now? The more I ask these questions, the more I make conscious choices to cultivate even more self love and self care. In the past, I had always given myself excuses for why I CAN'T do something. Partly because I kept saying I had no time or money. But mostly because I FELT GUILTY, because I felt like it was SELFISH to do so. Yesterday, I gave myself permission to be pampered and get a much needed massage! Something my body has been asking me to get for a long time. I leaned in and moved through the initial guilt, and came out the other side feeling AMAZING & RELAXED AF I SURRENDERED and allowed myself to relax and RECEIVE And as I allowed myself to receive, the universe gifted me with more bookings for Soul Sessions - seemingly out of nowhere! So the more I SURRENDERED and OPENED TO RECEIVE, the more the universe GAVE TO ME. What are you doing to cultivate even more self love and self care into your daily/weekly rituals? I only have limited spots left next week for FREE Soul Sessions valued at $197. The feedback I've been receiving from people who have had a session has been absolutely phenomenal. If you're... Feeling STUCK, UNCLEAR or UNFULFILLED AND you're willing to RECEIVE SUPPORT AND you're ready to OPEN UP TO THE MAGIC that's available for you DM me or comment below for details Your soul already knows whether or not this session is for you. Are you ready to listen to the inner whispers of your soul? If you're ready, DM me or comment below and let's get you booked in while they're still available #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #selflove #selfcare

02.01.2022 SoulRender September Day #4 I've been using these amazing Sacred Sprays for the last few weeks and I'm excited to announce that I now have these in stock! In line with SoulRender September, I'm guided to offer Sacred Soul Sessions ... SACRED SOUL SESSION - WHAT YOU RECEIVE Intuitive Reading Intuitive Guidance 1 Sacred Spray of your Choice (or intuitively chosen by me) The total value of this is $300, but with the current special I have on, your investment will be much less! Sessions are held on Zoom. DM me or comment below to find out more #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #SoulRenderSeptember

01.01.2022 SoulRender September Day #14 In the midst of the DOING, it's so important to make time for the BEING. So today, I tuned in and surrendered to my soul's need to be in nature. ... It felt so nourishing to feel the stability of Mother Earth beneath me and to be wrapped up in the arms of the sun's warmth. I invite you to share with me - What are you doing for your self care today or at least committing to for yourself this week? #SoulRenderSeptember #TheSoulIgniter #LiveYourPassionsLoveYourLife #SelfLove #SelfCare #NatureLover

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