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Joey Delis in Adelaide, South Australia | Financial service

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Joey Delis

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 423 316 206

Address: 742 Anzac Highway, Glenelg 5045 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 There are many moments you’ll need advice, support, suggestions and experience on your side during the journey to buying a property. One of the benefits of a broker is that we’re with you every step of the way: from the moment you consider buying, to budgeting, understanding the real estate market, securing a great loan, putting an offer in, negotiating with agents, settling and moving, revising that loan when life changes, accessing specialists like solicitors and valuers, settling in, buying future properties and eventually helping your children do the same.

24.01.2022 There’s a critical phase to house-hunting online and in the real world that puts you in a position of power. It’s called pre-approval and it’s free, lasts at least three months and gives you a clear guide on property prices in your buying range. Not having it can cause all sorts of headaches, like discovering you can’t borrow the amount you need for the property you love.

21.01.2022 If you’ve ever experienced the struggle of getting to the bank by 4pm - you’re not alone Here’s the thing, working with a broker doesn’t come with the logistical headaches that going through the bank does. You can call me when it suits you... I can meet you at a place that suits you and fits around your work Or maybe a video call once the kids are in bed is easiest for you Who would have thought you can actually pick up the phone and just call me when you need to chat, there’s no hold music, no self service menu - just me

21.01.2022 As a broker, i'm now operating under new lending laws which have been in effect since March 1. The reformed responsible lending laws are expected to reduce the cost and time it takes consumers and businesses to access credit, making it easier for Aussies to take out a new mortgage or to refinance their existing home loan.

19.01.2022 If you are planning to buy your first home, you are probably wondering how much money you will be able to borrow. Mortgages can vary considerably between lenders and products, so it is important that you not only assess how much you can afford to repay, but also which home loan is right for you. A great way to get started is to evaluate your present financial commitments - this can include your income and how much you are currently setting aside in savings each month, as well... as your regular outgoing expenses, such as utility bills, food, your car, entertainment and other miscellaneous costs. Next step is make an appointment with me and let’s develop a plan to get you on your way to purchasing a property

16.01.2022 Is buying your first property one of your goals for 2021? Buying your first home is a major purchase, so it's vital to get your budget in order and save. I'm not saying you can’t have avocado on toast but you may need to consider where you can make sacrifices like not upgrading your smartphone, downgrading on subscription services or skipping out on festival tickets, amongst other things. ... Getting organised with a budget isn't really about depriving yourself or missing out on things. It's about taking control back and getting your money busy working where it's most important - towards your life goals, like buying a house. Let’s set a budget and work towards this goal together

15.01.2022 Is March a buyer’s month? To delay or act, that is the question Anecdotally, agents tell me that seasonality is indeed a factor on price outcomes in the property market. Interestingly, they say that amongst other things, school holidays contribute to price fluctuations because parents who are potential buyers finally have some time to look at properties. With the Adelaide property market seeing the success that it is at the moment there's no time like the present

14.01.2022 Low rates aren’t just good news for the influx of first time buyers racing in to get their first loan to buy their first home or investment property. This is also the right time for existing mortgage holders to capitalise on lender competition and super low interest rates.

14.01.2022 Using a broker like myself costs you nothing. That’s right. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nothing I’m here to provide the advice, support, suggestions and experience you’ll need during the journey to buying a property. ... One of the benefits of a broker is that we’re with you every step of the way: from the moment you consider buying, to budgeting, understanding the real estate market, securing a great loan, putting an offer in, negotiating with agents, settling and moving, revising that loan when life changes, accessing specialists like solicitors and valuers, settling in, & eventually buying future properties

13.01.2022 If you have existing debts, you can bundle them into your home loan When you have multiple debts, it can be stressful trying to keep them all under control, and can put pressure on your family and other areas of life. Many of us have personal loans, car loans and credit cards which we pay off each month, often to different financial institutions. This means you could be paying more than you need to be. The two biggest advantages of this are:... You can consolidate your repayments into one easy payment You can pay a lower interest rate on the debt as interest rates on home loans tend to be less than personal loans

13.01.2022 I know what you’re thinking, but Joey, it’s only March? If you're considering purchasing any corporate vehicles or equipment in the coming months it's a great idea to get your pre approval sorted now. Dealerships or machinery businesses selling assets usually try and clear their stock levels towards the end of financial year so it's ideal to be in a position where you can try and get yourself a bargain...

07.01.2022 Signed. Sealed & Delivered Great to be able to help Minh achieve his goal of purchasing his first home. Minh's been on the lookout for over 18 months and it's been a pleasure going along the journey with him. ... Part of the service I provide as a broker is generating free property reports to help you as a buyer understand the value of a property and set your budgets accordingly. I put together 15 of these for Minh over 18 months to help him in making the call on the one he now calls home!

04.01.2022 Buying your first home shouldn’t be scary or stressful, it should be exciting and pain free An absolute pleasure assisting my clients in achieving their goals and taking the leap into home ownership

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