John Lozano | Personal blog
John Lozano
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24.01.2022 So I headed down to coles and bought all the toilet rolls....
22.01.2022 Can you help Josh find his surplus?
20.01.2022 An overseas relative asked me if I was affected by the bushfies. I said yes, I was affected.
20.01.2022 Thanks everyone for participating, for caring, for making our voices just that little bit louder..... Fix NSW Transport - City Lantern Walk No WestConnex: Public transport not motorways EcoTransit Sydney... Newtown Residents Against WestConnex CRAW Camperdown Residents Against WestConnex LAW - Leichhardt Against WestCONnex RAW - Rozelle Against WestConnex No Westconnex Annandale WestConnex Action Group Trucks of Maddox Street Illawarra Rail Fail Restore Inner West Line - Liverpool via Regents Park Friends of Erskineville, STOP Western Harbour and Beaches Motorways Nortag Northern Residents Tunnels Action Group, Action for Public Transport NSW Sydenham to Bankstown Alliance F6 Action, Keep Sydney Beautiful CAWB - Save Windsor from the RTA, Better Planning Network Alexandria Residents Action Group - ARAG Save Our Rail NSW Incorporated Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association - SUPRA, International students need travel concessions Bike Rave Sydney CAW - Cyclists Against Westconnex Newcastle Hunter Urban Planning Transport Alliance, Newcastle east Residents Group, BIKEast BIKESydney See more
20.01.2022 Ruining the country from Wagga Wagga There's drought, there's bushfires, sure times are tough I get all that but our emphasis is about getting the budget back into surplus. How good is care factor zero !
17.01.2022 Do you have a non-aligned candidate in your electorate? Do your homework - check them out. Always best to think before you lay down your ink.....
15.01.2022 Maybe there is a god.....
13.01.2022 Our State plunged into chaos All of us treated with total contempt A Sad State of Affairs.... No WestConnex: Public transport not motorways Keep Sydney Open Lock The Gate Alliance Save our Councils NSW Fix NSW Transport - City Lantern Walk #StadiumSplurge #NSWPOL
12.01.2022 No I do not want to shake your hand. No really, I don't. #NotFit2Lead #Cobargo
11.01.2022 The NSW Govt. has been using the tag state significant to fast track anything and everything they want. Another of the many things that need Fixing in NSW. #FIXNSW #StateSignificantCorruption
10.01.2022 Is this the bank that ripped off the pensioners or charged the living dead? I’ve lost track?? Sorry, a bank earns billions and donates a million? I’ll save my thanks to those people earning $500 a week and donated what little they had. The ones who where first in line and couldn’t afford to take out a sponsored ad to tell us about their generosity. Don’t bother clicking on it, btw....
09.01.2022 Are you angry over the state of NSW? Seems no matter where you look something needs fixing. But where to start? How about the joke that is the Sydney train network. And how about you join us at the FIX NSW Rally on March 3. Come share your frustration, let the pollies know this ain't good enough and demand a ROYAL COMMISSION.... Something stinks in NSW and it ain't just the million or so dead fish..... #FIXNSW #RailFail #SydneyTrains See more
09.01.2022 Did you know that ABBA was once banned in QLD by Joh Bjelke-Petersen.... Living in sin, unwedded and all, could lead all them their youngsters astray - mama mia....
09.01.2022 For people who struggle with preferential voting and waste my vote phobia....
06.01.2022 He's just #NotFit2Lead Why do I have to come back? Asked #ScottyfromMarketing. I mean "I don't hold a hose or sit in the control room...." #ScoMo #auspol #wherethebloodyhellareya
06.01.2022 When voting remember there is always more than two choices..... #NSWVotes #MoreThan2Choices
06.01.2022 Choose your votes wisely NSW....
05.01.2022 Our public transport is a crying shame. With not a single mode spared from shambolic planning and wastage of OUR money. My daily commute is now a hit n' miss bundle of pure frustration. Yours? Join me at the Fix NSW Transport - City Lantern Walk - August 11th. One day, whilst totally bored & frustrated, stuck on a platform in one of those Public Transport Meltdown days, this happened.... No WestConnex: Public transport not motorways #PublicTransportMeltdown
04.01.2022 Ssshhh - quiet please....
01.01.2022 somebody needs to do some thing I am somebody....
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