Johnny Cool Darwin in Darwin, Northern Territory | Electrician
Johnny Cool Darwin
Locality: Darwin, Northern Territory
Phone: +61 8 8947 3925
Address: 7/31 Jessop Crescent, Berrimah 0828 Darwin, NT, Australia
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25.01.2022 It's Johnny.... and Cool enjoying a team outing to the Master Builders NT awards this past Saturday
25.01.2022 Happy Hump Day from Sunny Yirrkala!!! Not sure if Jacks trying to use brut strength to flip this or not but were happy to see him lending a hand. NB: picture taken on the boys trip to Yirrkala where we are doing some electrical and air conditioning works for Northern Transportables at the Yirrkala Primary School.
24.01.2022 Today we had the pleasure of taking the Master Builders Award Judging panel around the Palmerston Hospital Hydrotherapy Pool We acted as subcontractor to Scope Building in delivering this first for the top end project We delivered the full electrical and mechanical scope, facing a number of logistical hurdles along the way Our client Scope, and their client, the Hospital were thrilled with the final product ... Wish us luck for Subcontractor of the Year Category at the Excellence in Building Awards in October
24.01.2022 Well done Scott.
24.01.2022 It was ALL hands on deck today at the shed, even the big boss got his hands dirty EOFY usually means a bit of a clean up and clean out of the warehouse. Get in touch with us for some great deals on Fujitsu air conditioners, going like hotcakes
24.01.2022 Fully licenced, experienced tradespeople. All domestic, commercial, industrial.
23.01.2022 Helping to keep the volunteer firefighters cool at Acacia Hills in their new headquarters (built by C&R Constructions with HVAC by Johnny Cool Darwin) installation included 1 x 16kW split ducted unit, 1 x 36kW package unit, and 1 x 70kW packaged unit, all by Temperzone #keepingitcool #worldrefrigerationday #acaciahills #bushfireHQ #candrconstructions #darwinheat #welldonelads
22.01.2022 About to fill in weeks worth of trenching and excavating works! Stay tuned JCD followers because this project is going to be a SPECTACULAR at handover in November #cullenbay #revitalisation #topendlife #beach #electrical #staytuned #november
22.01.2022 Happy Friday Eve!! We thought wed share this corker of a forklift job. Trying to manoeuvre an almost 6 tonne generator sideways into a building Well done to the team at AM Cranes and to John and Lauro of Johnny Cool for the expert supervision
22.01.2022 Its still early on in the piece with completion due in November, but a lot of progress has been made and weve been enjoying working alongside M+J Builders & Nightcliff Builders, doing our bit to revitalize the Cullen Bay precinct
22.01.2022 Jack and Scott working hard today at Harbour View Plaza to get this handed over by end of the month Johnny Cool have been fortunate to not only be the selected contractor for the complete lighting refurbishment of the entire building, but also to be engaged by Shape for the mechanical fit-out of Level 4
22.01.2022 What a glorious day to be down at Cullen Bay for the revitalization project Proud to be a part of a fantastic initiative to beautify Cullen Bay and bring back the locals and tourists alike to the wonderful businesses that operate down there
21.01.2022 Its a bustling night here at the Palmerston Golf & Country Club!! And why wouldnt it be!!! The weather is spot on the menu variety is second to none and the ambience is just right Highly recommend coming down and taking a look a the newly renovated club and bistro #getafeed #palmerstongolfclub #steaknight #johnnycooldarwin #renovations #perfectweather
21.01.2022 It's HERE!!!!! The dry season is almost upon us! And.... if like us, you've been using your air conditioners non-stop during this exceptionally hot and humid wet season, then they probably look a lot like this right now No need to panic! Our fully qualified and experienced service team are here to help. ... Get in touch with us, either via FB messenger, or [email protected] or give us a call on 08 8947 3925 and arrange to book your most valued home item (your air conditioner) in for a service $75 + GST per split for 5 + units $85 + GST per split for 3-4 units $90 + GST per split for 1-2 + units
21.01.2022 HURRY HURRY HURRY!!!!!!!
20.01.2022 Happy Friday Eve We hope you enjoy this beautiful dry season weather this long weekend
20.01.2022 Another week, another van for the fleet! We are so grateful that Johnny Cool keep going from strength to strength, we cannot thank the team enough for their hard work that allows us to continue to provide Darwin with a quality service. If you know of any hard-working and talented sparkies or fridgies looking for work, please let them know email their resumes through to [email protected] ... #fleetonfleek #hardwork #team #hiace #serviceteam #signcity #hvac #topend #electrical
20.01.2022 Amy, our electrical engineer, just casually loving her job Shes currently based down at Cullen Bay overseeing the Revitalization Project (basically a massive lighting project) Due to be handed over in November so stay tuned. And say hi to Amy and the team if you happen to be down visiting one of the many great local businesses down there
20.01.2022 We love the Forrest Parade School!! So we encourage you all to head on down to Bunnings tomorrow and support their fantastic kids in raising money
19.01.2022 So this happened yesterday .... say hello to our newest Director, Leisha Armstrong Leisha has been one of the driving forces behind Johnny Cools success for the past 4 years and now she steps (not too far at all) into a new title, "Director". Nothing much will change, Leisha will still be acting in capacity as a commercial manager and handling all the day to day and commercial matters Leishas knowledge surrounding strategic management, human resources, financial management, and project management are a valuable and welcomed asset to the executive team.
19.01.2022 Happy Friday Eve yet again to all our loyal customers and our network of subbies, suppliers and employees... or to those of you who just like to follow our progress on Facebook Just a friendly reminder that word of mouth is a powerful tool, especially for a company of our size. So, if youve been impressed with our service products weve offered or an individual member of the JCD team wed LOVE and be very grateful if you could communicate your feedback in the form of a Google Review or a Facebook Review. We appreciate you!
19.01.2022 How many tradies does it take to hang a painting .... only 2, but youll also need a receptionist if you want it hung level
19.01.2022 Now thats a trench!!! Well done to the JCD team over in WA Its never easy working away from home, especially with some of the extreme climates Australia has to offer Were proud of the teams we have both in WA and in NT , always striving for and delivering quality its the only way we know!
18.01.2022 Merry Christmas to one of our fave’s Johnny Cool Darwin A big Thank you to all the crew at JC for all the work and support you have given us this year
18.01.2022 It's all about our people!!! well done team.
18.01.2022 WIN!!!!!! Free split system clean to the first person who guesses correctly where our guys are in this photo! T&Cs: only valid with purchase of 1 or more paid split cleans.
17.01.2022 Today is World Plumbing Day!!! Johnny Cool boast an incredibly diverse and talented team of tradesmen, engineers, and administration staff Included in our team are 2 world class Mechanical Plumbers.... Sam and Dion are the faces behind our expertly delivered fuel lines and exhaust systems, and pipework and welding projects They both recently spent 5 months contracted to a Victorian based company to complete the Hudson Creek Power Station Needless to say, they are extremely gifted tradesmen whose skills are in high demand Having Sam and Dion on our team allow Johnny Cool to streamline our supply chain and provide our clients a true ONE stop shop for our electrical and HVAC services. Well done lads! Beers on us today!
16.01.2022 Today is national R U OK? DAY!!!! This years focus is what to say after that initial question "R U OK?". This helpful guide suggests ways to dig a bit deeper to ensure our friends, families, & colleagues are in fact OK. ... Its well known that the construction industry is a tough gig! And often is thought to require a tough persona. However, everyone is entitled to have their off days when perhaps they just dont feel like their bubbly self. R U OK Day applies to all industries, all professions, all people, from all walks of life. We all feel, and we should all feel that its ok to talk. Check out some friendly organisations who are contributing to mental health awareness:
16.01.2022 We only get 1!!! So do your part to look after it!
14.01.2022 Some of the lads at the Excellence in Building Awards last night ... everyone looking dapper We didn't walk away with a win but we're so proud to have been up against the best @australianairconditioningandmechanicalservices #dapper #suitedup #darwinbusiness #building #construction #mba #masterbuildersnt #electrical #hvav #teambuilding #darwinconventioncentre
13.01.2022 Haha Friday funny... what do we think... spot on? maybe minus the puffy vest and scarf for Darwin
12.01.2022 International Women's Day - March 8, 2021 Johnny Cool are proud to support today in celebrating women's achievements, raising awareness against bias, and taking action for equality. #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021
12.01.2022 Make sure you tune into Hot100 Darwins Camp Quality Auction to bid on Johnny Cool Darwins air conditioner supply and installation currently sitting at $600 (worth $1,300) Camp Quality is a wonderful organisation that aim to give kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again by providing services and programs specifically designed to help children aged 0-13 cope with the daily ups and downs of dealing with cancer
11.01.2022 Love the architectural creativity of this ablution block at Cullen Bay
11.01.2022 Around this time of year for the past few years, were been lucky enough to be invited on the CNW Beyond Blue cruise The cruise raises money for the Beyond Blue Foundation which provides information, advice, and support surrounding mental health (anxiety, depression & suicide) Unfortunately, with COVID19 ruining everyones plans this year, there has been no cruise this means that people may have forgotten what the purpose of the cruise is, to raise funds for a worth...y cause We urge you, if youre ableto still make some small donation towards this cause. Now, more than ever, the topic of mental health is at the forefront and requires support Donate here
11.01.2022 SHARE SHARE SHARE!!! We understand these are difficult times and a lot of us are struggling to pay for repairs and maintenance such as replacing old air conditioners or fixing broken lights at home That is why Johnny Cool are teaming up with ZipPay & ZipMoney to help ease the burden of upfront payments for our loyal and long serving clients and to introduce new JCD clients to our wonderful team of experts. ... For more information visit We look forward to rolling this out in the coming weeks
10.01.2022 Our OH&S procedures would require us to RUN!!!!
09.01.2022 Happy Hump Day!! We felt like a little laugh today and this did the trick
09.01.2022 mama needs a new set of wheels
09.01.2022 All hands on deck at this lovely customers home today ensuring they have 3 new air conditioners to enjoy over the weekend Teamwork is so important in our business, especially as we offer such a variety of services. We need to be good communicators, and our teams in sync, to ensure a smooth service for the customer Our electrical and HVAC teams are a fantastic example of teamwork and we couldnt be prouder *permission was given to park on the lawn
09.01.2022 We wish to advise that our office will be closing early today (2pm) to allow us to prepare for a team building event this evening If you have an urgent matter please msg us via our Facebook page or the mobile number of your Johnny Cool contact person. Happy long weekend
08.01.2022 A great night out for a great team! Well deserved guys and girls. Keep up the fantastic work Thank you to the Precinct for hosting us. (*sorry Scott, this was the best photo of everyone else )
08.01.2022 Happy Friday y'all! We hope you're enjoying a cold one For us, it never ends. Our team is committed 24/7 to serving Darwin, Palmerston and surrounds, the residents and local businesses. If you weren't aware, our 'team' consists of electricians, air conditioning mechanics and refrigeration specialists. ... So if you're a local business in hospitality and the unspeakable happens (cool rooms go down, fridge starts leaking, burger benches aren't cooling) then give our after hours a call on 0459 933 663.
08.01.2022 Some of our team have been down at Barunga this past week connecting up new demountable buildings at Barunga School ... next stop Yirrkala
07.01.2022 Our administrative extraordinaire, Chayanne, showing how to multi-task! She arrived to a pile of uniforms dumped on her desk this morning ... only to crack on with folding and sorting, all whilst taking phone calls and logging jobs (Not to mention how tiny she looks among all this hi-vis )... You legend Chayanne!
07.01.2022 **STAFF PROFILE TIME** Meet Leisha Armstrong, our Commercial Manager Leisha is responsible for overseeing the general day to day running of the business including but not limited to; making sure were sufficiently insured and licenced , overseeing all human resource requirements contract preparation and review and all the fun things that go with being Darwins best electrical and HVAC supplier ... Joining the team in 2016, Leisha has been witness to many of JCDs proudest project handovers; Coolalinga Shopping Centre National Critical Care Trauma Response Centre and most recently working on the Cullen Bay Revitalization project Leishas favourite part of what she does is getting to work with like-minded and passionate clients and subcontractors to help deliver a quality final project, and that no day is ever the same When shes not wishing she had another set of hands to do more things at once, youll find Leisha bush walking with her beagle cross Vegas , or cooking for her family (her favourite cuisine is Mexican)
07.01.2022 Happy long weekend Territorians!! Hope to see you all out and about enjoying the newly eased restrictions ... did someone say "camping" ?? Enjoy and stay safe
07.01.2022 We're on the search for more superstars to join our team!!!
06.01.2022 A fantastic opportunity, not just in terms of remuneration, but in opportunity!! We have a healthy pipeline of projects well into 2022 and we're looking for someone who can lead our company in successfully delivering these, and into new ventures At only THE best place to work Johnny Cool Darwin #growth #construction #electrical #superstar #leadership #newadventure #redhotgo #team...
06.01.2022 A little belated ... but a very warm welcome to these 4 who have quickly positioned themselves as valuable members of the team! Keep it up fellas!!!
04.01.2022 ***HAPPY FRIDAY EVE*** Staff profile time ... we introduce Amy Gill! Amy joins the Johnny Cool team as a highly experienced project engineer. Amys role on the team is multi-faceted, she is responsible for; quote selection and assessment, estimating, project administration, electrical design and project management support ... Originally, from Punjab in North India, Amy had originally dreamed to be a heart surgeon but her obvious aptitude for engineering steered her in a different direction. Amy moved to Darwin with her husband in 2015 where she immediately enrolled at Charles Darwin University to complete her Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) Following 3 years as Site Operations Coordinator for a large scale shopping centre, Amy made the move to Johnny Cool to further develop her project management experience Amy is an avid cook and enjoys trying new recipes for her family When she doesnt have her head in a pile of electrical drawings, you can find Amy at the beach with her family or taking a yoga class
03.01.2022 Still on the lookout to fill this role If you feel you have some of the skills and experience but perhaps you don't tick ALL of the to us anyway, who knows where it might lead!!!
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