Johanna Zeelenberg Visual Artist | Public figure
Johanna Zeelenberg Visual Artist
Phone: +61 431 147 060
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25.01.2022 Selfie with big lake reflections abstract painting that I'm working on today
24.01.2022 Some great textures and nature's marks at the lake. Good reference material simmering in the pot. Just need to sleep on it and go back there.
24.01.2022 I am so gateful for having such a lovely place to work, live & draw inspiration from. In the workshop today making art display particians
23.01.2022 My popup gallery is all set up at Elmar's Winery today! Open until 4pm today.
21.01.2022 This coming Saturday the 7th of March I'll be here at Kalamunda Artisan Markets from 8.30am - 2pm. The weather looks great!
21.01.2022 The last few months I've been so busy working on the block while the markets have been on hold. The plan is to participate in open studio opportunities so a few things need to be in order! I'm starting construction on new painting panels tomorrow & coincidentally this was the sky at home to the east (opposite the sunset in the west). Looks like two large brustrokes near the tree tops. I think it's time to get back to painting
21.01.2022 With a very heavy heart, I have to let you all know that Kalamunda Artisan Markets have been cancelled for April due to the worsening situation of the Covid - 19 here in Australia. In the meantime, I'll be at home in my studio painting getting ready for future art events. If anyone has an eye on a painting and would like to view it, please PM me for a private viewing. I'll keep my website updated as well. I wish you all good health and thank you so much for your support o...ver the last 12 months since this pop-up gallery adventure began. I'll be back with my gallery most likely in the springtime when hopefully, everything may be improving then. (I assume that Perth Makers Market in Applecross on the 5th of April could be cancelled too but haven't heard anything official yet. I have also booked my gallery into the "Buy from the Bush" markets at the OBH on the first weekend in May. That also seems unlikely to go ahead. I'm not sure if there will be any markets open in the next few months but will keep you posted).
20.01.2022 C'mon Sun!! Been up for a couple of hours and need some light! Today is a BIG day. There is some welding, display particians to work on for studio/shed, house to finish fixing up, chook pen to complete, so all sorts of stuff going on. Oh and Earthworks start Wednesday!! It's been a long few months but it is all coming together and Im about 2 weeks off completion. Soon I can have visitors to come and see my art & have a cuppa. I can also participate in open studio days when they are available. So excited!! The art is coming but need to get all this done first
20.01.2022 Insanely beautiful morning at home. (Not sure why some photos have changed with cropping uploaded this time).
20.01.2022 Please note that this event has been cancelled by the organisers due to the Covid-19 virus situation. I'm still waiting on the official cancellation of the other events that I am booked into for Autumn. I'll keep my page & website updated as more information becomes available. I'll still be posting artworks as I complete them. Please contact me via PM if you are interested.
19.01.2022 In the Hakea bush next to my house just now . Need to plant more of these!
19.01.2022 One of the paintings in progress today. Hoping to have this roo finished for Kalamunda Markets this Saturday. Warm glazing needs to go in, then reestablish highlights & details. The large water abstract also still on the go. Two completely different paintings but they are helping each other. I don't want the abstract to get too dominate over me so I can keep the sensitivity in it. (Abstracts are difficult as they can fly away very quickly and become a mess). To me a painting HAS to show it's vulnerability, then it allows a viewer to connect with it rather than holding you at a distance.
18.01.2022 Walking on driveway just now, and this little tree caught my eye. A decayed leaf attached to another; just hanging there in the breeze. I sat down as I felt overwhelmed. This little tree seemed like I was looking at pages of a diary of myself. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the state of our the world. Struggling to find my feet again. I don't think it's an artist thing, its perhaps from loving everything & everyone around you, it can be hard to look up and see the pain and suffering day in and day out. These feelings can eat away at you, leaving a delicate lace of once was. But like the last photo, surely there is always hope, no matter how fragile and wasted something appears?
18.01.2022 Feeling OK with this start on this large multi layered landscape. 120 x 60 cm. Pretty vague but will slowly form. Might keep it very dreamy & with some rising marks. Interplay between Earth/ sky - sort of plays with the brain. Will be earth tones, mainly blues, browns, ochres, and a few flicks of cadmium to lift it. Big painting day! ( sorry for so many posts)
18.01.2022 Beautiful morning here in the Perth Hills. All set up for the Kalamunda Artisan Markets. Open at 8.30am - 2pm today. I'm located near KADS theatre under the tress. Pop in and say Hi if you're in the area
18.01.2022 Just letting you all know that another artisan market just cancelled that I was booked in. They have rescheduled to August the 23rd. Still waiting to hear about "Buy from the Bush" in May. So many of us in so many industries are being affected and it is what needs to happen to get some control on the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon.
17.01.2022 So good to finally to get the first wheel on! Only 23 to go. It has been slow going but I just try to keep inching forwards. Learning so much too on this crazy journey
16.01.2022 Ok, the video I just shared cut short on upload sorry but here is the partician stand I mentioned. It'll have white paneling, wheels & hanging rail too. There are 6 of them I'm making! Mostly out of reclaimed qood too so that is great.
16.01.2022 Just walked past a post on the block and saw this critter moving its house. It seems odd to be moving during the "cocooning" stage! *Edited..Just found out that its a "Case" or "Bag" moth and it's quite normal for them to move around at this stage of transformation!
14.01.2022 Nothing more delicious than Paynes Grey. Attempting a strange angle of this grasstree with 11am sunlight. Really not sure how this is going to turn out or how I'm going to make some of those lines, perhaps a metal skewer & or quill . Some of the lines have already been etched in in the surface prep.
14.01.2022 Grey overcast morning but the air is still & the sounds of the frogs & birds are helping me transport into my happy place again
13.01.2022 An old wood cut that I did years ago in art school for a printmaking assignment. It was from a photo of my sister's pot plant holder. It lives on my workshop wall and I just happened to look up at her today and it's exactly what I needed to see. I feel like I understand something more about this image. She is carrying something really heavy (like the weight if the world) but she is at peace with this even to the point of expressig love & appreciation for her "things" she has to carry. I'm working on my very difficult, seemly endless project but I realise that I need to be at peace with it and not feel the burden; but to feel more joy and pride again about it. I thought I did but after a while (and assuming it wouldn't take this long) it wears thin!
12.01.2022 A sketchy start on a painting from a recent hike up to Statham Quarry in Gooseberry Hill. Over the years I'd stop and look at the tree perched on the edge of the Quarry and strangely felt like I could relate at times. I remember when it was alive, then passed, now apparently it's been painted blue. I have to get back there to see its transformation into a monument for suicide awareness. I had a few paintings planned from that trip so I guess there is another page to the story and got a few new paintings in mind.
11.01.2022 Beautiful morning in the garden. * Sound on to hear maggies & bees. Love the Silver Princess's colours against this morning's sky & light. Some beautiful shapes in there too. There's an abstract painting idea in there.
09.01.2022 Just finishing up some low profile hollow-core art panels. Will be nice for the idea I have in mind. Long thin panels with abstract bush/tree colours. I use to make these years ago and was thinking about including them in my range again. I have two 120 x 50cm. 3cm wide. I have been forced in a way to take a break from my art painting practice to concentrate towards my other art form. Months of dedication but soon hope to be able to offer help rehabbing horses too. Hoping to ...diversify my talents so each can support each other (more than monetary as well). It's interesting how the two arts complement each other. Both I've been doing for a lifetime. Artists after all are usually taking something ordinary and making it beautiful. The animals improve my sensitivity and feel. Making panels helps me get strong, painting helps me get in tune and be in the moment & with the horses all goes around in a cycle. Imagine what could be achieved and this applied to everything we did in the world; taking things that are ordinary and helping them be the best they could be. I hope you are all ok during this crisis. I must admit I am a super sensitive person and finding it tough when I read the news. In WA we are somewhat in a bubble and currently protected from the brutality of this situation in a way. The guilt and helplessness just took away my desire to want to paint. Seems so pointless & selfish when the world is in chaos. So instead, I threw myself into projects around the property. It was quite surprising that this anxious energy ended up being so useful. Going forwards I'm just trying to remember to focus on things I love no matter how small, or irrelevant or unnecessary they may seem to help get me through. I feel so grateful to have had such wonderful mentors to see the beauty in the ordinary and to live in this wonderful part of the world. I'm looking forward to the day where I can give back to the community once this place is up and running. All the best and wishing you all good health
09.01.2022 Late afternoon wondering around the block looking for.....well, not sure, but it's always curious what turns your eye
09.01.2022 A photo can say so much! This is my pile of 30 gloves that have kept my hands covered in the last few months while I've been doing everything from making panels, landscaping, arena building, renovating....the list is long. Happy to say I'm in the process of booking markets for my Pop-up gallery in the next few months. I'll also be offering private viewings of artworks at my workshop but I'll let you know of more info soon!
07.01.2022 Great sound recording of some of the life at the lake this morning. Little man made interference. Just what I need. Now to get that feeling into a painting.
06.01.2022 Some of my favorite things (including boxing bag)! I love how making a panel may be loud, requires physical energy, and can be quite confronting through to the final illusion of a subject with brushstrokes that may require the lightest, softest touch with a different type of energy.
06.01.2022 Just finished this large landscape painting today "Pilbara Sunset Moonrise". 120 cm x 90 cm. Mixed media on panel, ready to hang. Just needs wax varnish. It's taken a lot of time to complete this one! It is a lot more dramatic than first anticipated. (Difficult to photograph too). See other photos attached for detail. $1200 Free delivery Perth WA.
05.01.2022 Still a little way to go, just getting the shape and tones. Kind of like how the grasstree is taller and Skinnier, the sun is looking like an eye on this mysterious bush creature. Should be 2 meter tall painting! Going to be withstrained and not put green into it...or maybe just a flick.
05.01.2022 Fallen petal from the local "Poison Bush" yet such a joyous colour remains, for a short while. Cadmium orange *ideas
05.01.2022 Just finished this guy. Has no name yet, will reflect more over the next day or so. I kind of like how he knows you're watching quietly but isn't too worried, has his ear on you. 59.5 x 29.5 (x 5 cm deep panel - sides painted white). Mixed media on wooden panel, ready to hang. Will have wax varnish. $380 Last roo painting for a while as I have to finish my landscapes that are all piling up. It's been a great exercise painting these to keep myself in check. It also helps keep my work grounded and earthy. Sticking to an earth pallet and exploring the possibilities in that is a never-ending source of surprises.
04.01.2022 Sharing earlier art. I made 6 of these at art school over 25 years ago. I sold 4 to a psychologist which was fantastic but I kept two as just couldn't part with them at that time. The first one I made was on the right. Inspired from my great grandfather who was a very pround and talented Romanian. He had nothing and built his wealth from teaching himself how to make shoes. I wanted to show his strength and courage through this pience of clay. The crackes formed in the kiln accidentally but were a wonderful happy accident! Really adds to the resilience in his expression. They is there on my loungeroom shelf and inspire me to keep going.
04.01.2022 While having a wonder around the block between the showers of cold rain and was thinking back and that I never had so many native Kangaroo Paws growing naturally at home. About to step into the workshop for a big day.
02.01.2022 Texture from local native plants. Mark making and subtle texture that emulates the feeling of a place is such an important part in my landscape art.
02.01.2022 Tomorrow I'll be at Elmar's Winery in the Swan Valley with my Pop-Up Gallery from 11am - 4pm. (Event is pinned to the top of my page). Looks like nice weather too thankfully!
02.01.2022 Short vid of progress of lake reflections painting. 120 cm x 90 cm. Still a way to go but loving all the colours interacting with each other.
01.01.2022 Second Quarry painting started. Had this Hessian & tissue textured prepped panel for something else but it's looking ok for this experimental piece. Just undertones, will add greys/whites. Changed compositon from photos to suit marks already embedded. Playing around with double earth idea. Adds some dream like quality and ambiguity. Trees also to go in. Another one that would look great if it was huge! Now thats 14 paintings started and need to be finished...
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