Jonathan Hallett, City of Vincent Councillor | Politician
Jonathan Hallett, City of Vincent Councillor
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23.01.2022 Climate change is a major concern for the Vincent community and that is why the City has set an overarching target of zero net greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 2030. We want to lead by example when it comes to tackling climate change, said Mayor Emma Cole. We may be a small inner-city Council, but we believe local action and changes to the way we operate are an important part of the solution." Find out more:
23.01.2022 The next City of Vincent Council Briefing will be on this Tuesday 10 November at 6.00pm at 244 Vincent Street, Leederville and streamed live here: Check out all the items on the Agenda below and read the full reports and recommendations to Council here: STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT ... 5.1 No. 67 Mary St, Highgate - Single House 5.2 No. 305 Fitzgerald St, West Perth - Change of Use from Warehouse to Recreation Private (Amendment to Approved) (Unauthorised Existing Development) 5.3 Nos. 103-105 Summers St, Perth - Proposed Child Care Premises (Amendment to Approved) 5.4 No. 2 Deague Crt, North Perth - Two Grouped Dwellings 5.5 Place Plan Minor Annual Review INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT 6.1 LATE REPORT: Response to Petition - E-Permit Implementation Update (Late reports are those still in preparation and will be available prior to the Council Meeting) COMMUNITY & BUSINESS SERVICES 7.1 Outcome of advertising and adoption of amendments - Purchasing Policy 7.2 Adoption of Property Management Framework 7.3 Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 1 September 2020 to 30 September 2020 7.4 Investment Report as at 30 September 2020 7.5 Financial Statements as at 30 September 2020 7.6 First Quarterly Budget Review CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 8.1 City of Vincent Advisory Groups 8.2 Sustainable Environment Strategy 2019-2024 Progress Update 8.3 Report and Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 20 October 2020 8.4 Council Briefing and Ordinary Meeting of Council dates for 2021 8.5 Updated project plans for 5 strategic projects in the Corporate Business Plan 2020/21-2023/24 8.6 Advertising of new policy - Attendance at Events Policy 8.7 Information Bulletin (lots of info in this inocuous sounding item - committee and advisory group minutes, street tree replacements, development stats and more) ABOUT COUNCIL BRIEFINGS The Council *Briefing* is held the week before a Council *Meeting* and is an opportunity for Councillors (and the Public) to ask questions of Administration in relation to the Agenda Items that will then be voted on at the following Council Meeting. All Council Briefings are open to the public. Question Time commences at approximately 6.00pm, when members of the public are welcome to ask questions or address Council on an item contained in the Agenda. It’s the best time to make statements and ask questions as the Councillors then have a week to reflect and do further investigation before voting the following week. You can also send through questions to your Councillors if you are unable to attend. You can access Agenda documents here (these contain background information and Administration's recommendations that the Council will vote on at the following Meeting):
18.01.2022 Love this! Via Transition Town Vincent
17.01.2022 We would like to reassure our community that our waste contractor (Cleanaway) has been working with other recycling facilities to manage the City’s recycling ma...terial, following a fire at their South Guildford Material Recovery Facility on 29 November. The majority of the City’s recyclables are being sent to the South Metropolitan Regional Council’s Material Recovery Facility for processing, and Cleanaway will continue to find alternatives for the City’s recyclables while the South Guildford MRF is being rebuilt. The City remains committed to best recycling practice. We encourage everyone to continue to recycle and reduce waste sent to landfill. It is also a timely reminder that household hazardous waste (such as aerosol cans and batteries) should not be placed in any kerbside bins. For more information on what you can and cannot recycle, please visit
17.01.2022 A message from our wonderful Emma Cole, Vincent Mayor - much respect for her leadership in this difficult time.
15.01.2022 We will always keep the doors open for Pride.
14.01.2022 COMMENTS WELCOME ON BIKE PLAN The City is inviting comments on the Department of Transport's long-term plan for a continuous bike network through the P...erth and Peel regions. The draft Long Term Cycle Network details the Department’s vision for a bike network that links parks, schools, community facilities and transport services across 33 local governments. We are asking for feedback on the proposed routes through Vincent so we can provide your comments to the Department of Transport and ensure the best routes and solutions for Vincent. The LTCN does not commit the City to build infrastructure. Instead, the State Government will use the routes identified to allocate funding for cycling infrastructure to local governments. To find out more visit:
11.01.2022 still here, still queer
11.01.2022 "Speed limits could be dropped to 40km/h in all residential areas in the City of Vincent by 2023 under a new strategy aimed at improving the City’s transport network." Our draft City of Vincent Accessible City Strategy was recently approved by Council to go out to the community for consultation and feedback in the coming weeks. As a councillor I regularly get feedback that speeds feel unsafe even if the traffic data ends up showing that people aren't generally speeding above ...the allowable 50km/hr. Cities around the world are moving to lower speeds like 40 or 30 to prioritise pedestrian and cyclist safety. What do you think about the speeds on your local streets? You can listen to Emma Cole, Vincent Mayor on this below
10.01.2022 The Federal Government has introduced its Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020 and this is the first national waste legislation we’ve seen in over 10 years! At Vincent we've already been pursuing reduction in single use plastics after my successful Notice of Motion a few years ago and our Sustainable Environment Strategy implementation. We've also just seen the WA Government announce its plans in the last few days. But as important as local efforts are we need national co...nsistency and frameworks. The problem is, the Fed's bill in its current form does not go far enough to properly tackle our waste crisis, and in particular, Australia's contribution to the scourge of plastic pollution in our oceans. In fact, it doesn’t even deal with reducing plastic packaging! It's before the Senate now and it would be great if you can contact our WA Senators to encourage them to support amendments to ban single-use plastics and force big packaging companies to take responsibility for the waste they produce.
10.01.2022 The City of Vincent has conducted a review of its Mobile Food Vendor Policy and we would like to know what you think about the proposed changes including limiting single use plastics. Do you think it should also consider healthy eating or other requirements?
10.01.2022 NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country a history which dates back thousands of generations. It’s about seeing, hearing and learning the First Nations peoples' 65,000+ year history of this country - which is Australian history. Always Was, Always Will Be. We hope you can join us at one our events during NAIDOC Week so please visit our website to find the full program of events:
09.01.2022 Big congratulations to Susan Gontaszewski, City of Vincent Councillor for being returned in today’s local government election! So glad to have you continue on City of Vincent Council! Also welcome our new councillor Ashley Wallace! Looking forward to working with you to represent the amazing communities that make up South Ward.
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