Jon Barratt | Coach
Jon Barratt
Phone: +61 403 045 132
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25.01.2022 Back at the Norwood Cue Bar tonight from 7 - 8pm if anyone feels like a chat. Ask for some coaching advice or just off-load whatever's weighing you down. I'm here to help guys!!
25.01.2022 Sorry guys. M8Chat is cancelled for tonight. Returns next week, same time, same link!
24.01.2022 M8CHAT on tomorrow night, but with a slight change of time, from 6 - 7pm. And great news!!! The Cue Bar reopens tomorrow, so we can expect M8BALL events to restart soon, most likely from the first Monday in July. Stay tuned for further advice! And thanks for your patience M8Ballers :)
22.01.2022 Sorry lads. M8Chat cancelled tonight. Resumes next week, same bat channel and time.
22.01.2022 I'm at the Norwood Cue Bar tonight if anyone feels the need for a chat!!! Let's get you out from behind the 8-ball.
22.01.2022 Did you do 'debating' at school? Remember the times you had to argue a position which contradicted your own beliefs? Very tough, but critical in the search for truth ... Why? Because ... "Our Righteous Minds were 'designed' to:... unite us into teams divide us against other teams, and blind us to the truth" In other words, it's only from seeing a debate from the other side, or from no side at all, that we learn to accept that both have something worthy and significant to offer. This TED talk is one of the best I've seen. I've watched it at least a dozen times since discovering it a few years ago. Jonathan Haidt discusses the fundamental differences between conservatives and liberals (progressives), including where our contrasting beliefs come from, the 'first draft' of the moral mind, the '5 foundations of morality', and the trappings of the 'moral matrix' which ultimately restricts our progress and harmony as a society. Haidt also discusses the 'red pill' and 'blue pill' philosophy which is so often misconstrued as some kind of political definition (or weapon) when in actual fact, it simply represents a willingness to step outside our 'moral matrix' in search of the truth. I recommend bookmarking this video. I often come back to it as a useful reminder when I feel myself becoming drawn or pushed to one side of political or ideological debates. It's only from seeing things from both sides, or from no side at all, that we unite as a whole, see the greater truth, and progress towards a better, more tolerant and compassionate society.
20.01.2022 Online time!!! Join me tonight lads 7 - 8pm. Download Skype to your computer or mobile phone and click the link to join
19.01.2022 Quick reminder to let you know that M8Chat skips tonight and will return next Monday. Fortnightly events until the Cue Bar at Norwood re-opens. Best, JB
19.01.2022 M8BALL returns NEXT MONDAY!!! Registration at 7.45, game start at 8pm. Always a fabulous night shooting pool and sharing stories with a great bunch of guys. And at 7pm before the game, relationships coach Kath Newland joins me on the M8TALK couch. We'll be talking about a very important topic 'Dealing with Anger'. Anger is a common human emotion when it comes to relationships with intimate partners, friends, family, work colleagues etc. However, what is anger and where is... it rooted? Is it a bad thing, or is it simply sending us a message? What are the best ways to express anger, so that we can let it go and move forward constructively? And what do we do when we feel we're losing control? Kath and I will talk through these questions, and suggest some tools you can use to better deal with this powerful emotion. Don't miss it!!!
19.01.2022 Everyone should hear this Credit: Dr. Rick Rigsby
17.01.2022 Just a quick word on CORONAVIRUS. I've seen a lot of hysteria and panic. It's not warranted and does nothing to help the situation. I've seen a lot of hostility and finger-pointing claims of 'overreaction'. It's not warranted and does nothing to help the situation. Please understand if you don't already, the problem is NOT THE VIRUS. The problem is the infection rate and the potential burden on our healthcare system and workers....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Advice that M8Talk is cancelled tonight. Apologies to anyone inconvenienced by the late notice. Keep healthy and stay safe :)
17.01.2022 Online in about half an hour Gentlemen. Come and say hi!
16.01.2022 From the inspirational Chris Gardner (The Pursuit of Happyness). Better to focus on your resourcefulness rather than your resources.
16.01.2022 Just a quick note to let everyone know that M8Chat is cancelled for tonight only. Will be back next Monday and hope to see you then.
15.01.2022 I'm so glad to see Jordan Peterson back on his feet. He's such a fabulous academic and mentor for so many across the world. Informative video podcast from his talented daughter Mikhaila
14.01.2022 Monday M8Ball & M8Talk only a few hours away. Newcomers to M8Ball receive this complimentary (and very cool) M8Ball cap courtesy of The Promo Place at Edwardstown!!!
13.01.2022 Quick reminder that I'll be on Skype for M8CHAT at 7pm if anyone would like to join me. Tonight's topic Dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic. How do we remain strong and positive in a crisis, offering comfort to those around us while taking care of our own mental and physical wellbeing. You'll need the Skype app installed on your device. Use this link
13.01.2022 Healthy relationship rules help us create an extraordinary bond based on mutual respect and connection. Here are the 10 cardinal rules of love.
12.01.2022 M8Talk this Monday, Gentlemen! And relationship Kath Newland returns for M8Talk at 7pm. Should be a great evening!!!
11.01.2022 Are you feeling frustrated? Lacking motivation? Blocked? Burnt out? The answer might be as simple as checking the balance on your mental input/output (I/O). Here's a personal experience to explain Quite a few years ago, I was working on a short film contract in Los Angeles, and bunked with a colleague (Brad) who was somewhat older and wiser than myself. One of my tasks was to rewrite sections of a screenplay which Id already worked on for two years. It was a massive person...Continue reading
10.01.2022 TONIGHT!!!! Monday, February 3 Double event at the Cue Bar Norwood Pool Lounge. M8TALK from 7 - 8pm (all welcome, free entry) M8BALL Meet-Up from 8 - 10pm (registration 7.45, $15 entry)... Do NEGATIVE BELIEFS STOP YOU from LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE? Our special guest at Monday M8Talk will be coach, Danae Thyssen. Danae and I will discuss how to identify the inhibitive belief patterns that are often set at a young age, and how to develop the tools to free yourself of these shackles to create a happier, more fulfilling future. If you have any queries about the events, please contact me or add a comment below.
09.01.2022 This quote reflects my perspective on coaching men Words often fail because men find it difficult to understand what they're feeling, let alone to articulate their emotions into words. Instead, I work to arm clients with a better understanding of their human needs and motivations, and offer tools and techniques which can be used to rebuild a more exciting and compelling future.
09.01.2022 Join me tonight @7pm on Skype!
09.01.2022 When you feel like you're in a perpetual state of anxiety, frustration, sadness or anger, perhaps over many weeks or months, it's important to realise that you're not helpless. You do have a significant degree of control over your state of mind and mood. In this article 'How to Discover Your Peak State with Emotional Triad Psychology', life coach Tony Robbins discusses the 'Emotional Triad', and how better understanding our behaviours and mastering certain techniques can help us to break free from the grip of negative emotions.
09.01.2022 WHY DOES TIME SPEED UP AS WE GET OLDER? I was giving this some serious thought today. I've heard many theories ranging from our increasingly busy lives to the idea that there's more time behind us and less in front. However, I'm not entirely sure of these explanations. As I reflect back on my childhood and ask myself, when did time seem to drag, and when did it whiz by, the answer is simple and relatable. When I was looking forward to something, perhaps the Royal Show, a week...end away with a friend, Christmas or a birthday, it seemed to take forever!!! Yet, when I was focussed on something I didn't want, like an end to all that fabulous fun, time sped up to warp speed. Like the age-old saying, "a watched pot never boils", does our perception of time slow down when we're waiting for something we want? Could it be that we simply don't have as many things to look forward to as we get older, and so time appears to speed up? Is that the answer? Or perhaps it's when we focus on the things that we don't want rather than the things that we do. Food for thought, but what do you think? Write your theories in the comments below I'll 'look forward' to reading them and hopefully slow down the clock :)
08.01.2022 Some nice little reminders in this short video. Look out for the signs. Keep an eye on your friends, your family, and also yourself
08.01.2022 Lest we forget.
07.01.2022 Quick reminder! I'm at the Cue Bar Norwood from 7pm if anyone feels the need for a chat (or a game of pool) :)
07.01.2022 Unfortunately, I must advise that both M8BALL and M8TALK events have been suspended until further notice (due to COVID-19 isolation measures). However, the GOOD NEWS is that I'm replacing weekly M8TALK events with a new online M8CHAT event at the same time 7 - 8pm. You'll need to install the Skype app on your phone or desktop device and use the following link to join ... Tonight will be a great chance to talk about the current virus crisis how we can offer comfort to those around us, and how to deal with it ourselves. I look forward to meeting up for our first online chat!
06.01.2022 Just stumbled upon this great little video. Simple steps to pulling yourself out of a rut. Let me know what you think!
06.01.2022 We are often led to believe that happiness is something we strive for, something we earn, a reward. We only need to look at the many references to The Pursuit ...of Happiness in film, in memoir, and as written in Americas Declaration of Independence, to reinforce such a belief. However, others argue that happiness is our natural state which simply gets clouded and overshadowed by the negative experiences in our lives. In his best-selling book The Untethered Soul, Michael A Singer discusses how the denial of painful emotions creates psychological obstacles to experiencing happiness. When the feeling comes up, we decide to push it back down, creating an obstruction to our natural pathway to joy. And so rather than happiness being the state we search for, its actually the obstacles or past experiences we need to seek out and then let go. Next time you feel the presence of a negative feeling. Perhaps, its the fear of speaking in public because you were once laughed at as a child, or the fear of falling in love because someone once broke your heart. Rather than push that feeling down, or denying that it even exists, just sit with it for a little while - in a place of peace, on your own, and listen to what it has to say. Yes, youll experience some discomfort, maybe even pain, but its not going to kill you, and it always has a message. If you listen and stay present, only then can you reason with it. For example, the fear might say, Dont trust him (or her), look what happened last time you gave into love. But, then if you sit with it, you have a chance to respond. Perhaps, you could reply with, Yes, I understand. And I thank for your intent to protect me from hurt. However, this is a completely different person. Theres no reason to believe the same thing will happen again. And Ill never experience true love if I dont trust. I might miss out on something wonderful. See how it works? When you confront and sit with a negative feeling, youre able to bring meaning and reason to its purpose, and then let it go with grace and intention. So, rather than seeking happiness, seek out that which stands in its way. Revisit those difficult emotions you may have buried in your past, have a chat, and free yourself of those obstacles to joy.
05.01.2022 Special guest coach Kath Newland on the couch tonight, discussing Dealing With Anger. Monthly M8Ball follows at 8pm.
05.01.2022 2 HOURS until 7pm M8TALK with the wise and wonderful Kath Newland, and then time to refuel shootin' pool with M8BALL at 8pm. Hope to see you all there!
04.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that I'll be on Skype for M8Chat tonight at 7pm. The link is available in the event below. Be safe everyone.
03.01.2022 M8Talk with the wonderful Danae Thyssen!! Join us!
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