Jools Remedial Massage-Lymphatic Therapy | Medical and health
Jools Remedial Massage-Lymphatic Therapy
Phone: +61 415 932 028
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25.01.2022 How does your Piriformis Muscle feel today?
25.01.2022 Dear Clients, I have spoken to a few of you already about my flights back home to Australia being cancelled. I am monitoring the situation by the hour and hopefully get back. I will definitely update as and when I know more!
24.01.2022 What a wonderful way to start the week my lovely clients decided to treat their two children to a Massage each to kick off the school holidays. #familytime #christmasholidays #restandrestore
24.01.2022 Catching up on a bit of admin and arranging a corporate massage event. Its been a while since Ive been out and about in work places but looking forward to it!
22.01.2022 Take care of each other
22.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all you lovely human and pet Mums. I think Ill have a nice Gin later! #mothersday2020 #inkgin #familytime #chilltime
20.01.2022 Merry Christmas! I will be thinking of those who cannot connect with loved ones in person and looking forward to catching up with both our parents back in the UK for Christmas Facetime. Especially my Aunty who is in the level 4 restriction area! . Speak again in the new year with news about my new schedule and new venture. Take care stay safe and Merry Christmas from me to you
20.01.2022 Public Health Alert: Brisbane The Queensland Government is asking the Brisbane community to monitor their health and get tested following the identificati...on of a positive case in a quarantine hotel employee. The patient was unknowingly infectious from 2 January 2021 and tested positive for COVID-19 on 6 January 2021. Early information on the patient's movements is available below. Those who have been to these locations during these time periods, regardless of whether they have symptoms, are asked to come forward for testing and isolate until they receive their results. Critically, even if a negative test result is received, people are asked to continue to monitor for symptoms and get retested if necessary. Saturday 2 January - 7am - Train from Altandi station to Roma street Saturday 2 January - 4pm - Train from Central Station to Altandi station Sunday 3 January - 11am -12pm - Woolworths, Calamvale North Tuesday 5 January - 7.30am - 8am - Coles, Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown Tuesday 5 January - 8am - 8.15am - Nextra Newsagent Sunnybank Hills Shopping Town Further contact tracing details will be released to the public from Queensland Health as more information becomes available. For anyone with concerns or is unsure if they need to get tested or isolate, please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). To find your nearest testing clinic, visit You can also visit our bot to find your closest testing location The list of contact tracing locations is available at
20.01.2022 Hello from a very crisp but sunny UK! Just a heads up at this stage Im sure you will all be aware that I will be having to do at least 14 days isolation upon my return. I wouldnt recommend massage anyway at the moment for obvious reasons and especially for those who have a compromised immune system or if they have a family member in the same situation. It seems this Virus is transmitting so easily and quickly! Keep up the hand washing, wiping down surfaces etc. If y...ou cant get sanitizer hand gel you can use tea tree and eucalyptus for its anti viral properties, you can mix with some witch hazel (see pic in comments) and change hand towels in the house often. Washing on a hot wash and drying in the sun. Keep yourself healthy and safe and I will hopefully be back as planned on the 3rd April all being well!! Some pics of my travels See more
19.01.2022 Have a safe and happy Easter everyone! I’m going to make this over the weekend with some fruit on top.
18.01.2022 Now that Remedial Massage is back the lifted restriction allows massage therapy for the management or prevention of a disease injury or condition, provided by a qualified massage therapist with social distancing observed to the extent possible. I thought I would just take a moment to talk about a recent client who is having great results from Lymphatic drainage for a recent surgery to her lower leg. On our first visit a full consultation was done to determine a treatment based on her rehabilitation. Treatment #1 She reported greater range of movement in her ankle from reduced fluid. Treatment #2 Before I commenced treatment today I performed 3 measurements on the upper, middle and lower area of the lower leg to be treated. Total centimetres loss post treatment were: Upper marker 0.5 cm Mid calf 2.0 cm Lower. 1.0 cm We were delighted with todays results. Our main aim is to prevent the fluid becoming stagnant and causing further issues. This is why Im a great believer in why Remedial Massage is not necessarily about soft or firm pressure when such precise technique is required. Have a listen to Prof Neil Pillar explain about the importance of prevention in Lymphatic fluid build up. I have attended a couple of his presentations and he is a very inspiring health professional. Thank you for all your messages of support and understanding that now we are allowed to treat there is a period of catch up time involved. Im sure it goes without saying that all Covid 19 infection control measures will be in place. If you have sore throat, cough, sniffles, fever or any contact with a sick person please reschedule and I will do the same for your safety. I am going to be introducing a new treatment too during the winter months so I will be in touch again soon. STAY SAFE
17.01.2022 Trauma can manifest in so many ways through the body. Massage therapists can assist on that road to recovery in conjunction with the primary health care team.
15.01.2022 Health alert for the following locations
14.01.2022 With all the Covid 19 distractions its important to keep up the regular screening tests. Just sharing this from Qld health. If any changes in your body see your GP
14.01.2022 Back to school! Good luck A couple of appointments still available this week
14.01.2022 Happy New Year! Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Years Eve. Appointments available!Happy New Year! Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Years Eve. Appointments available!
13.01.2022 Lovely morning down at #parkrun with Lynne Kellow visiting from the UK who is volunteering today like back home at the Rushcliffe parkrun. I think its convinced me to partake with Bolt when it cools down
12.01.2022 If you are able to Sadly I can’t because I’m from the UK
12.01.2022 Breath Practice For Anxiety | Coherence Breath. Coherent Breathing is a form of breathing that involves taking long slow breaths at a rate of about five bre...aths per minute; it helps to calm the body through its effect on the autonomic nervous system. The easiest way to activate your vagus nerve is to slow down your breath, which then puts the neural brake on a racing heart. Coherent breathing is a hack for your nervous system which then reduces feelings of anxiety. To practice, first become aware of your breath, just to get acquainted with how the air comes in through the nose and expands the lungs while the diaphragm is moving down during the inhale and up during the exhale. Place your hands on your abdomen to feel the air moving in and out while your diaphragm shifts. Once you have gained awareness of your breath and the abdominal movement, begin inhaling to a count of 5 and exhaling to a count of 5. The inhales and exhales are of equal length. Practice this breath for 5 mins in the morning and the evening for 21 days. The key to the efficiency of a breath practice is repetition. So that the breath becomes your friend and your ally that you can turn to in moments of difficulty. #breath #breathe #pranayama #yogiclifestyle #yogini #yogagirl #stress #anxiety #lockdown #pandemic #selfhelp #selfcare #selflove #breathing #challenge #takecare #personaldevelopment #calm #findyourcalm #relaxation #healer #healersofinstagram #reiki #reikiforlife #listen #practicemakesperfect #palmtrees #melbournehealer #melbournelovesyoga #spiritualgangsta
11.01.2022 Great read about Magnesium.
11.01.2022 Goodbye little Tiki room! Youve been a fantastic treatment room! #movingweekend #illbebacksoon #newbeginnings #newroomsoon! ... Relocation just 12 mins away! See more
11.01.2022 As we come to the last few hours of the silly season I would like to Thank all my clients for your loyalty throughout the year, supporting my small business. Ive been a little quiet of late as my attention has been on my dear Mum in the UK who got quite sick and ended up in hospital. We are hoping shes home in time for her Christmas Eve birthday On another note Remedial Massage Gift vouchers are available for any last minute Christmas Shopping. ... So from my family to yours I wish you all a very safe and Happy Christmas!
11.01.2022 Some great health gadgets and bargains at Aldi this weekend
10.01.2022 Pretty excited to connect with Professor Pillar on LinkedIn this morning! Have attended a couple of his presentations through the Lymphoedema Association. He is a coordinator for the advanced studies stream in the MD program and Executive member of the International society for Lymphology.
09.01.2022 Introducing Jodie Kyte remedial massage therapist extraordinaire! Jodie is located at Sandgate physical health and her treatments include remedial hot stone & dry needling. I feel she is spot on when assessing client needs for the treatment plan.
09.01.2022 Getting there slowly! Its been a busy week! Im just in the middle of setting up to welcome you to my new room.
08.01.2022 Cant wait to go here!
07.01.2022 Early Childhood educators day. The lovely Directors arranged for me to come and do seated massage for the staff today, to show appreciation for their hard work, and what a lovely bunch of teachers
07.01.2022 So here we are then. Masked up for the next 10 days. Fingers crossed. I’ve noticed a lot more when people have smiling eyes lately Stay safe and please if you or your family are unwell message me to reschedule, even if it’s late notice not a problem.
05.01.2022 Hot Stone Remedial & Lymphatic drainage treatment. I first trained in the use of hot stones back in the early 2000s after it emerged and soared in popularity thanks to Mary Nelson founder of LaStone therapy, established in 1993. Back in 2004 at my workplace, a prestigious Spa called Serena Cay on the Gold Coast, we used Hot Stone therapy and Far Infrared Sauna treatments to help our clients repair and detox. The use of hot stones isnt new and dates far back (approx 5,000 y...ears) in the ancient tradition of Ayurvedic practice to improve health and induce deep relaxation. The native shamans of Hawaii used heated lava rocks (basalt volcanic) wrapped in leaves, applying to the body to relive pain. How does it work? The heated basalt stone warmth penetrates up to 4cm through the skin into the underlying connective tissues and muscles, warming Synovial fluid which protects joints. This can increase range of movement and reduce stubborn muscle tension. Just like the same principle of a heat pack. Helps relieve muscle tension and pain faster. Reduces stress and anxiety, cathartic effect. Promotes sleep Helps to recover from sports events (also cold stones assist inflammation). Trigger point and fascia release enhanced. Assisting the Immune system by increasing stagnant lymphatic flow as the lymphatic vessels become larger with the heated stones. Some cold stones can be used also (a little like the principle of a warm shower then turning to cold at the end to boost circulation). **A pre booking health screen will be provided as some medical conditions are contra-indicated.** A great time of year to reintroduce this amazing tool
05.01.2022 Happy with my new professional profile picture taken at the weekend by my talented husband Phil. I will be heading into new ventures (all going to plan!) in the last half of this crazy year, alongside my RMT work so the photo update is perfect timing!!
04.01.2022 9 Life channel has some Pilates and stretching classes....... I had help
03.01.2022 The lil old treatment room is on the move, but only 12 mins down the road! So I will be off from 27th July and returning early August
03.01.2022 Getting back to the new normal in my new treatment room.
03.01.2022 Let this be a little reminder to keep up that H2O. From hourly phone reminders, to water bottles with hourly drinking measurements, what method do you use to re...mind yourself to stay hydrated? Men should aim to drink 2.6 litres or ten cups of fluid each day and women should drink around 2.1 litres or 8 cups.
02.01.2022 Vaccines have landed in Australia! Here’s all the info from the Government.
02.01.2022 Hello from the start of two weeks Isolation! I arrived back from the UK on Friday. I had my flights cancelled and then struggled to get a flight back home! I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know where things stand currently with Remedial Massage and Covid - 19. As the current information from the Government and Queensland health we are permitted to practice at our discretion. There is a covid 19 infection course which we need to complete and so far cant get ...on to the website. I understand most people may have had major disruptions to lack of work, isolation etc so I anticipated that some of my clients may not be able to attend appointments. I will be in contact with each of you who are booked in to assess what we do on each individual situation. I am also monitoring the situation closely to check for updates. I am feeling fine at the moment, just the usual jet lag I hope that you are all coping ok and remember this will eventually pass, we just have to get through these challenging times and support each other where we can. Healthy vibes and love sent your way! Talk again soon. See more
02.01.2022 Happy Monday On Friday I went to the Northlakes City Caves with my friend to do the floatation therapy. I had been suffering some side effects from the medication Im on and had been very achey down my legs so I thought the floating would be great and even better get to see my best friend who I hadnt seen since before Covid restrictions! I always wanted to do the floatation tank but didnt like the idea of being in a capsule, so never did it.... until I found out that ...City Caves is essentially a nice big bath in an en-suite sized bathroom, perfect! Upon arrival, we filled our consultation forms and we were guided to our floating room! Nice shower with toiletries in the corner, wearing just normal swimmers we showered off and popped into the water filled with lots of Epsom salts! Epsom in the UK was where these healing salts were discovered many years ago and have been used for therapeutic soaking to aid in sports recovery, Arthritic pain and just general aches and pains. (Always check with your Dr if any medical conditions like Heart or Blood Pressure!) You get given ear plugs and a floating head halo if you want to do the complete head back float. The room and water is heated to skin temperature which is optimum for sensory deprivation and allow absorption benefits. You can also choose lights/no lights and music options. We chose the ten mins at the start and then silence and then music returns ten mins towards the end! We kept well hydrated and felt totally relaxed after, before heading off for a nice healthy lunch (and possibly tea and cake) I give the experience a 9.5 out of 10! I cant wait to return and do the Infrared sauna too. They do have massage too! if you want to go for the Ultimate experience.
02.01.2022 As I transition into a more focussed area of Remedial Massage providing Lymphatic drainage for pre and post surgery and general well-being. I will be doing treatments Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Private health rebates available for this service. I am also shortly starting my exciting new role supporting families going through family law proceedings. More news in detail about this to come. I would like to recommend the lovely extremely talented Meaghan for women’s mas...sage. She covers pregnancy and post natal massage, remedial, relax and is a Heart math breath work practitioner. I have experienced this and it’s very interesting and effective! I have attached her fb page below, so pop on over and give her a like. She has many years experience, and a wealth of knowledge as a therapist See more
01.01.2022 Thanks for your patience while we resume to some sort of normality after restrictions have been lifted. I feel like Im a pack of toilet roll/hand sanitizer right now Please note that there is currently about a weeks wait for appointments.
01.01.2022 So I may have to do this!!!
01.01.2022 So my lovely friend came for a massage. I noticed this sun spot and took a pic to show her as we can’t see our own backs properly, she could feel something was there and was on her mind to go and I said yes go SOON!! So she went & got it checked by the Doctor. 3 procedures later. Slip Slop Slap! Regular skin checks!
01.01.2022 Happy New Year! What better way to kick off 2021 with this homemade comfort food! New clinic hours for 2021. Weds-Friday between the hours of 9.30 to 5pm. ... Thursday later times available, however due to popularity limited times left. As some of you already know I will be starting a new work venture this year, whilst continuing to care for all my remedial massage clients. I will be offering a support service for families going through specific areas of the Family Court system, more about that in a few weeks. New clients for Lymphatic drainage, chronic health, anxiety and pre and post surgical recovery treatments please message my fb page here to discuss treatment options. I am connected with some amazing remedial massage therapists who can help clients for Firm/Sports massage and Dry Needling. I also am proud to associate with some other amazing local health care professionals; a psychologist, naturopath, podiatrist, Bowen, pilates instructor, yoga teacher, acupuncturist and a digestive health expert. I can provide you with my tried and tested recommendations. We are so lucky to have such a great support network in our local area! Just a health and safety reminder, alongside the Covid Safe measures, if you or your family are sick with any medical conditions near the appointment time please contact to reschedule. I am responsible for the safety and well-being of all my clients who attend my clinic and of course it goes without saying I will do the same for you Best wishes for a healthy safe 2021
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