Josh Kattic | Sport & recreation
Josh Kattic
Address: 127 Main Street 2148 Blacktown, NSW, Australia
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23.01.2022 FITNESS MYTH: "No pain, no gain" People who don't feel sore the day after their workout usually wonder if they really trained hard enough. Let's look into this a little bit more; DOMS (delayed ongoing muscle soreness) usually kicks in about 6-8 hours after a workout and last anywhere from 48 hours onwards. DOMS can occur anywhere in the body that has recently been exposed to unfamiliar or intense physical activity (similar to what 99% of all my clients feel when I take them ...through their weekly leg session LOL). A common belief among people who experience DOMS is that this soreness translates to progress, but is this correct? Let's go a little bit more into it now.. The theory of the mechanism of DOMS is that it's build-up of lactic acid and toxic metabolic waste products that have largely been rejected. DOMS also appears to be a product of inflammation caused by microscopic tears in the connective tissue elements that sensitise nociceptors (a sensory neuron that responds to damaging or potentially damaging stimuli by sending possible threat signals to the spinal cord and the brain) and thereby heighten the sensations of pain. DOMS appears to occur due to the connective tissue micro trauma. Most exercise can induce some DOMS, exercise with a greater emphasis on the eccentric phase (the lengthening or stretching phase or downward phase) plays the most significant role in the result of DOMS. Long story short.. If you think the only way to have a good workout is to feel the pain or "DOMS" you are sadly mistaken as DOMS will usually occur if you only train that muscle once a week (like majority of people do) and if you completely destroy a muscle group (like legs and take it through something it's never been through before). Train hard but train smart, pain doesn't always necessarily mean progress, remember that! If you found this interesting, like, share it around and comment for any topics you would like to know more about! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
23.01.2022 FITNESS MYTH #6: "What works for someone else will work for you" You have to burn more calories than what you’re putting in the magically fat loss equation. It's so simple yet anyone who’s been on a fat loss journey knows it’s definitely not that easy! Everybody's body is different and will respond to certain exercises and diet regimes in different ways. How someone gets those results won't necessary work for the other person, it might actually be the completely wrong sol...ution for you. It take's a lot of trial and error before you find that set program and the proper eating habits around your lifestyle that works for you. Be consistent with it and focus on how you feel rather than a specific dress size or a number on the scales. The best result is the one that leaves you feeling great! And sometimes it might not be the one goal you were initially striving for. If you're stuck in the same place you were weeks to even months ago, I recommend changing things up. Giving up isn't the solution, you just haven't found something that works best for you! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
20.01.2022 STANDING CABLE FLIES!!! Why are cable flies good? Cable flies are a perfect exericse that engages all aspects of your chest to help grow and shape them. The recruitment of muscle fibers performed from this exericse is one of if not the best out of the chest exercises (when performed correctly of course). The structure of flies can be broken down in many range of motions using cables, dumbbells, machines etc the main purpose of the this standing variation is to engage and emp...hasise the lower pecs. How to go about doing this exercise correctly and safely: 1. Set the dual pulley cables up to the highest point 2. Choose a moderate load you can perform 12-15 reps for 3. Grab both handles and lead forward in the middles infront of the cables 4. Pull forward just below your chest to engage more lower pecs 5. Squeeze and contract for a 1-2 second count 6. Focus on the eccentric phase (negatives) and slowly release for a 2-3 count to recruit more muscle fibres 7. Take out any momentum used by the shoulder joint and keep chest upright 8. Enjoy the burn If you peform this exercise correctly you will feel the best engagement in your chest and chest only BUT when you choose a heavy load and perform it incorrectly thats probably when you will start to feel your shoulders take over. This exercise has been a staple in my chest workouts and i have not stopped doing them for the 3 years I've been in a gym training for! Hope this has helped, if you enjoyed this exercise and would like to see more: like, comment and tag a friend and share around! Thanks guys #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
18.01.2022 QUOTE OF THE WEEK!!! "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started" Always remember the reason as to why you started in the first place and keep recycling through those thoughts, emotions and goals until you have completed them. Once you have achieved your desired goal, be sure to set new and more challenging ones to be able to always push you past your limits so you don't fall back into old habits. ... Follow @joshkattic on instagram to keep up with all my latest content!!! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
18.01.2022 Side effects of stress! Did you know the side effects of stress plays a major role on bodies? Stress is the body's reaction to harmful situations whether they’re real or perceived. When you feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in your body that allows you to act in a way to prevent injury.... Stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health. No part of the body is immune. But, because people handle stress differently, the symptoms also vary. In terms of weight loss, stress can make weight loss more difficult for many people for several reasons. First, stress causes many people to stress eat and go to "comfort foods". Second, stress causes the body to produce more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that promotes body fat and makes it harder to lose weight, especially around the stomach. Be wary of your stress levels and if you notice a few of these symptoms, seek out you local GP to find out ways you can decrease stress. Hope you found this interesting! If you would like to know more information on any topic, please don't hesitate to contact me and ask me directly via DM! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
16.01.2022 20 most weight loss friendly foods! Here are some examples of foods that are jam packed with nutritional value and that are also delicious! How are you meant to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle if you're not committed to your eating!... What if you could optimise the results of your training through actually understanding the core principles of flexible dieting? Learn more, study, apply different methods and find out what works for you! There is no one size fits all but everyone knows eating towards your goals will help fuel the results. #thekatticmethod #teamkattic
16.01.2022 BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATS!!! This exercise is perfect for developing your quads, hamstrings and glute. It builds significant single leg strength and stability. It's also a great functional movement with a variety of mobility, flexibility and proprioceptive benefits. How to perform this variation of the exercise shown: ... 1) Grab a bench and 2 dumbbells 2) Place one foot on top of the bench 3) Place other foot as far out as you can 4) Maintain an upright position 5) Drive through your heels 6) Keep constant tension to engage the most muscle fibers Try this exercise out if you want to spice up your current leg day routine! The only thing you'll regret is having the massive leg burn!!! Like, comment and tag a friend if you found this interesting! More to exercise to come!!!
15.01.2022 FITNESS MYTH: "You should work out every day" In short, you shouldn't. Here's why: When you are working out you are breaking down muscle fibers so they can rebuild stronger. While you are doing this, you also need to give your body the adequate amount of rest that it needs. ... How would you go about doing this? Aim for roughly 1-2 days completely off the gym or an active recovery in the form of stretching or a light walk. If you're training 7 days a week and aren't seeing any results, this could be one of the implications as to why you're not. What if you could get the best results possible and all you had to do was rest to recover? Know your body, take the time out to rest and you will definitely notice the difference. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
15.01.2022 WHY FAT LOSS TAKES TIME!!! Are you one of those people who have eaten into those crazy diet fad's time and time again, you've lost ridiculous amounts of weight but find you just keep putting it all back on and eventually go back to square 1? 9/10x you are the impatient dieter. You try the new fad for 1 month, lose 5-10kgs and think that's where you can stop. 2-3 months down the track, you fall back into old habits and you find yourself 6 months back to square 1 or even than you ever were. Be the strategic dieter. Have a plan ready, make slow and consistent results (weight/fat loss doesn't happen over 1 week, it takes time), look back to where you were 6-8 months ago and realise wow you've actually changed so much in these past few months, im so glad I started when I did to then make fitness and health apart of your LIFESTYLE. Habits are created, your choices that YOU make will reflect the way you are currently living. Be in love with the process, don't rush because every good thing has taken time to build. If you are stuck in the same place you were weeks to months ago, its time for a change. Join team kattic today to create the ideal lifestyle that you desire. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
13.01.2022 Team Kattic’s 8 Week Fat Loss Bootcamp! What if you could gain the knowledge to help you discover and kickstart your fitness journey? The purpose of this bootcamp is to help educate you to be able to identify your current problems and take all the right action in order to achieve the goals you desire. What you are doing now and what you should be doing will depend on how you perceive training and nutrition. How can you expect to get the best results possible if you're takin...g all the wrong action? By implementing a proven method that works, your results can change. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. What if you achieve your dream body with the right knowledge and action? I want to know if that matters to you because it matters to me. This 8 Week Bootcamp Includes: - 45min weekly group training session - 15min nutritional seminar (post workout) - complete step by step food guide 1 FREE 90min health and fitness workshop with the group ***EXCLUSIVE GROUP BONUS*** - fornightly group call - group shopping tour - $40 per week members / $50 per week non members 18 spots available for a limited time only. Are you ready to transform? What are you waiting for? Join TEAM KATTIC NOW!! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
13.01.2022 QUOTE OF THE WEEK!!! "Your life doesn't get better by chance. It gets better by change" If you really want something in life, you have to know your purpose. Know your outcome. What is it that you truely seek? Once you know and understand what your underlying goal is ONLY then will you start to take the necessary action required in order to obtain that. ... How are you going to go about doing so? No one wakes up with a million dollars, no one wakes up with that new sports car that you've been wishing for and no one wakes up with that 6 pack abs and million dollar body. The pattern here is that everyone who issei's successful knows their outcome, they know their why's and they know that only taking ACTION towards their goals is what's going to get them to it. There is no hidden secret, you just have to work. If you're are willing to work for what it is that you truely want, only then you will achieve it. There's no ifs or buts, because those same excuses you keep making over and over again aren't ever going to help you achieve the goals you want to achieve. So just change. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
13.01.2022 TIP OF THE WEEK!!!! When to weigh yourself on the scale! The purpose of the scale is to gauge if you're losing or gaining weight so the reason as to why you'd weigh yourself would be based upon your goals. ... There's a bit of confusion when it comes to checking the scale and not seeing it change. The structure of the scale basing it off your goals would be a way to gauge your progress. But if your weight isn't moving does that mean you're not losing weight or fat? The answer is no and here's how: the method you use depending on your goal would require you to check the scale every so often BUT if like most people who's goals are to change body composition or to lose fat and see the scale isn't moving get discouraged because one number hasn't moved. Look back at your old photos and compare the pair and you will notice the changes yourselves. The result of the scale can be both positive and negative. Now I'm not saying don't use a scale (I recommend it when used correctly), just know when to weigh yourself once a week as that's is what's beneficial (both long term and mentally) and will give you a healthier mindset towards body image. Hope this has helped in terms of achieving your goals, sometimes you are your worst enemy and you need to have that realisation to be able to push past and move forward from your own thinking. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
12.01.2022 QUOTE OF THE WEEK!!! "If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives" The reason why I posted this quote today is because how many of you reading this have wanted to do something but thought it wasn't the right time and have been stuck in the same place you are? Nothing is achieved through wishing for it. ACTION needs to be taken in order to get something. ... How will you go about it? How long are you going to wait until you think you are ready. THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME!! START NOW AND GET PERFECT LATER. What if you could get the best possible results and outcome for yourself and all you had to do was bite the bullet and start RIGHT NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow, next week or even next year to do it. Start now because the biggest failure in life is wishing you did and regretting that you didn't. Happy Monday folks, new week, time to crush some goals! #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
11.01.2022 Team Kattic only get the best results
09.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY My 12 week challenge transformations were to date my best transformations for everyone who’s stuck it out with the discipline and consistency to follow through The Kattic Method program. Here we have Massoud with an outstanding 8.8kgs achieved in a 12 week time frame. Why did he achieve the results he did? We focused on all 3 key areas from The Kattic Method to get him to achieve what he did. He had the work ethic, the discipline & the drive to be a...ble to push past all the barriers when the odds were against him where any other person would of quit and gave up. What was the difference in massoud? Being a business owner like myself, I understand the how taxing the long hours are for work and how it can take a toll on the body. 5am starts to finishing at 7.30pm sometimes 8.30pm for our sessions but he never once made an any excuses. How was this the determining factor in achieving the results we did? We set non negotiable standards that this is what’s required in order to obtain the results we desired and before you know it, we did just that. I want to know what if you had started 12 weeks ago, where would you be right now? If massoud can do it while running a business and making no excuses and living by the standards we set, why can’t you? LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE! JOIN TEAM KATTIC NOW TO SEE FIRST HAND HOW THE KATTIC METHOD GETS RESULTS #thekatticmethod #teamkattic
09.01.2022 TIP OF THE WEEK #7: Work larger muscles groups first!!! If you didn't already know this, larger muscle groups utilise more energy to train so optimise your results by exercising those muscle groups first! A beneficial way to work larger muscles groups first is to incorporate a compound movement at the start of a work ie. deadlifts, bench press or squats. These muscle exercises all require more than 1 muscle to work in the movement. Another example would be complete your chest... workout and then move onto triceps afterwards. Save the cardio and abs for the end of the workout rather than doing them first at the start and be sure to be training specifically towards your goals. If your goal is to gain strength and you're doing 45 minutes of cardio first and saving your compounds movements til last then you're going to be in for a rude awakening. Hope this helps out and gives you a bit more insight as to why you should be training larger muscle groups first. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
08.01.2022 !!!TEAM KATTIC'S 8 WEEK FITNESS BOOTCAMP!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT 95% OF PEOPLE WHO START TRAINING AND DIETING REGAIN ALL THIER LOST WEIGHT BACK, SOMETIMES EVEN MORE WITHIN A FEW MONTHS OR YEARS? Have you ever wondered what if you could have the best healthy lifestyle and live the life you want on your own terms by sustaining and maintaining the results that you desire and do get?... The purpose of this 8-week bootcamp is to help educate and get people to understand the importance of how the 3 key areas of health, fitness and mindset can change the way you think on how you can live your life. What you need to understand is that health and fitness is a lifestyle, your results will never and can never outperform your mindset. How can you expect to change and live the best healthy lifestyle on your own terms if you don’t have the appropriate knowledge and guidance to achieve it? How this bootcamp can change your lifestyle is by getting you to understand just how important these key areas are by applying the best and most suitable methods to get you there. I’m curious to know, what if you could achieve the ideal lifestyle you wanted to live? I want to know if that matters to you, because it matters to me. What does this 8-week bootcamp include? - 1 x Weekly 45min Group Training Session - 1 x Weekly Nutritional Seminars (Post Workout) - 1 x FREE 60-90min Fitness & Health Workshop With The Group - 1 x Free Copy Of Food Guide - 1 x Group Shopping Tour - 1 x Online Coaching Call Every Fortnight All for just $40 for members and $50 for non members. Join me in this 8-week bootcamp to kickstart your journey to your best health. If you are committed to creating change in your health and wellness. Let's connect and I will give you all the details to join this 8 week boot camp. #teamkattic
08.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY!!! The results speak for themselves! A transformation doesn't necessarily mean you have to lose a considerable amount of weight! A transformation can be exactly like this one losing 1kg and being in the best and most confident shape of you're like! 1kg of weight lost on the scale but when you compare the body composition change, you can tell it's a different story! LOOK AT THE STOMACH!... Daisy is very focused and driven person who put's nothing but 100% effort into everything she does! 12 week transformations coming soon, be on the lookout for them!! 3 weeks left until the best packages are coming!!! #thekatticmethod #teamkattic
06.01.2022 GUILT FREE SNACK!!! The purpose of flexible dieting is to get you to understand the balance you should be having in your "diet". There is no one size fits all and the benefits of being able to freely eat any food without the guilt is what sets IIFYM (if it fits your macros) apart from anything else. Flexible dieting is based on eating around your calories and macros. The beauty is when you break down the 3 components of protein, carbs and fat then you can freely choose to ea...t whatever it is that you please and still hit your desired body goals. How do you go about doing this? Eating within your calorie and macro range based upon your goals. It's that simple - Common sense applies, if you sat there eating twix bars as 30 times a day then 99.9% of the time you will get fat. Eating guilt free is the purpose. The results show when you find that balance between food and your lifestyle. Find what works for you, be consistent with it, eat whatever food you want, live your life and move on. #thekatticmethod #teamkattic
06.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY!!! Shoutout to my sister who is also one of my clients who has never been to the gym before and puts in the work day in day out! The purpose was to get her to move and eat more frequently (overall in terms of calories and her macros) to speed up her metabolism and to burn that extra stubborn fat that she had been trying to lose for years. ... We structured a routine around her goals and what she commit to! The weight loss may not seem a lot but the change in body composition shows, her stomach especially! From not training at all to training regularly 3-4x a week was the biggest turning point! The results come when you apply the appropriate strategy and create new habits to achieve them. There are no excuses, just hard work to get what you want. The Kattic Method breaks down the 3 components of Health, Training and Mindset to get you the best results possible. You can't get any results without the other. If you want to join the team to learn the proven method that works, DM me now to reserve your spot now. Still taking onboard face to face (limited to 7 more people) and online clients. #teamkattic #thekatticmethod
04.01.2022 TEAM KATTIC’S 8 WEEK TRANSFORMATION BOOTCAMP Series 2 starts in March at UFC GYM Blacktown. The reason why I’m running this bootcamp is to help educate people enough to help see the value into changing your lifestyle so you understand the importance of nutrition and how it will help fuel your results. What exactly does this bootcamp contain: ... 8 week program: - 45min weekly group training class - 15min nutritional seminar (post workout) - Complete step by step food guide - 1 free 90min health & fitness workshop with the group **Exclusive group bonus** - fortnightly group call (nutrition mindset coaching with Q&A support) - Group shopping tour - $40 per week for members / $50 per week for non members My question to you is how can you possibly get to the goals you desire if you’re taking all the wrong action? What if you could kickstart your fitness journey to achieve all the results you desired. Team Kattic’s 8 Week Transformation Bootcamp only has 2 spots left 3.3.19 Sunday & 6.3.19 Wednesday. DM now to reserve your spot!
02.01.2022 FLEXIBLE DIET!!! EXPECTATION vs REALITY!!!!!!! What people think flexible dieting is vs what is actually is!!! Why is flexible dieting good? The purpose of flexible dieting is to give you the balance and freedom to be able to manipulate your daily intake with foods seen as "healthy" and occasionally treating yourself (guilt free) in order to achieve the goal you desire. ... Flexible dieting is structured around protein, carbs and fat. Once you find the balance between the 3 components which transcend into your over calories only THEN can you understand it's importance and how it plays a role in achieving your goal. How flexible dieting works is you break up the 3 components to manipulate your daily intake based around what you would like to achieve. If you just sat there eating maccas, kfc etc and you wanted to lose weight, do you really that think would be achievable? Common sense applies here. When you look at it with an 80%-20% rule (80% healthy, 20% guilt free) you find the balance needed to achieve your desired goals. The results speak for themselves. Look at ALL the fitness influencers or people with outstanding physiques and you can most certainly see from what they talk about and post that they have a balanced relationship with foods and can eat out occasionally and have those "unhealthy" foods like pizza without it damaging their results. I for one have been following IIFYM (if it fits your macros) for the last 3 years and have not looked back once as it has been the turning point in my own physique. Don't be clouded by misjudgement on a topic due to your lack of knowledge because that is what will kill you in understanding the importance of eating and achieving your goals. #thekatticmethod #teamkattic
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