Josh Piterman | Video creator
Josh Piterman
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25.01.2022 I can’t wait to be the gatekeeper that immerses people in another world - The transference of energy that live performance provides (us) is magical. The Sydney Morning Herald @mooyspics... Sydney Opera House Opera Australia
23.01.2022 Picnic Meditation #hangingrock #mountmacedon #meditatedaily #naturemedicine
23.01.2022 If being back in Oz has taught me one thing it’s that down under we’re the lucky ones, with theatres open right around the country and 100% capacities in many venues across our states. However that sense of immense gratitude i feel is often met with a certain underlying sense of guilt and sadness cos the same cant be said for our theatre loving sisters and brothers in so many other parts of the world. I just wanted you to know that im always thinking of you and im sending all my love wherever you may be, especially to my Phantom phamily old and new at Her Majestys Theatre in Londons West End and The Majestic on Broadway. I cant wait for your theatre lights to turn back on and the lights in your hearts to turn back on with them -JP
19.01.2022 Absolutely loved the opening of @operaaustralia HOSH La Traviata last night! Congrats to all involved. And thank you @stacey.alleaume for sharing such an extraordinary and inspiring performance...WOW! #BackOnstage Bespoke Tuxedo @declicmenswear Lapel pin @calibreaustralia Styled by @styledbyramzy ... #LaTraviata #SydneyOperaHouse #OperaAustralia #HandaOperaOnSydneyHarbour @ Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour
17.01.2022 Whatta night!! Congrats to everyone who made the re-opening of @comefromawayau so incredibly special. What a joy it was to laugh and cry in the theatre once more. #welcomebacktotherock #comefromaway #melbournetheatre
17.01.2022 He's here The Phantom of the Opera! Sydney, meet your new leading man. Josh Piterman will be headlining our production of The Phantom of the Opera at the Sydn...ey Opera House this September. It'll be an emotional homecoming for the Australian star, who played the role on London's West End for six months until theatres closed last March. We've been overwhelmed by the response to this announcement, and we're expecting tickets to be in high demand when they go on sale this month. Sign up to our waitlist to make sure you don't miss out: Rhiannon Hopley
15.01.2022 Karl somehow finding a way to make his Phantom mask covid safe! And Ally serenading the nation with a tearjerking rendition of All I ask Of You - Hilarious morning on @thetodayshow @phantomopera @operaaustralia
12.01.2022 Surprise surprise!! @charlotteblackmusic
09.01.2022 The Phantom of the Opera is breaking ticket sales records after announcing its highly anticipated premiere at the Sydney Opera House! We spoke to Aussie stage star Josh Piterman about donning the mask for the hit musical later this year
09.01.2022 What a way to spend World Theatre Day @hamiltonaustralia was out of this world brilliant!! Massive congrats to @michaelcasselgroup, the cast, the crew & everyone who had a hand in bringing this production to life! Do not throw away your shot at seeing it Sydney #HamiltonMusical #HamiltonAu #SydneyTheatre #TheatresBack Styled by - @styledbyramzy ... Bespoke suit by - @mr_cuff_garments See more
08.01.2022 Celebrating Mother’s Day in style up in beautiful Wangaratta!! Looking forward to joining forces again with my wonderful friends David Mann OAM, @johnforemanofficial & @lisaedwards9442 all in aid of the Victorian Police @blue_ribbon_foundation which honours those Victorian Police Officers who have died in the line of duty. Looking forward to seeing you all there with your beautiful Mothers For bookings go to or click the... link in my bio This is a Covid-safe event. Tickets strictly limited. @victoriapolice @wangaratta_council @visitwangaratta
08.01.2022 Excited to be heading to my home away from home in Port Fairy for 2 special Autumn Gala concerts #PortFairy #SpringMusicFestival
06.01.2022 Great date. Great night. Great win. #mightywest @aflwomens @bulldogsw @lizvaggphotos ... #aflwomens #prideround #westernbulldogs
06.01.2022 Sunny Sydney Phantom chats with @samantha_foxon on @skynews @operaaustralia @phantomopera ... Styled by @styledbyramzy Bespoke suit @mr_cuff_bespoke
03.01.2022 1,2,3 Flex! Week 5 under the guidance of the @edgetraining_au crew
02.01.2022 The upcoming Opera Australia production of The Phantom of the Opera just broke the box office record for the most ticket sales on day 1 in the history of the Sydney Opera House .... I mean ...WOW!!! #phantomoftheopera #sydneyoperahouse #getinquick