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Joshua Ireland | Entrepreneur

to load big map

Joshua Ireland

Phone: +61 414 628 704


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to load big map

24.01.2022 The Reason And Vision Is Clear. I'm not a poet of any kind but had wrote a few lines while thinking of the reason why my opportunity to live life on my terms will be mine. To you my dear,... daddy is here, to watch you grow, and never say no to always be near, and fight off your fear, for you my darling, my vision is clear. My life for you all on show, to provide for you, the best life I know. My mistakes may be many, but please adhere, from this you will learn, which path to steer clear. Life is so short with ups and downs, forge your own path, not stuck in the crowds. Your growing so fast, soon you must go. Always remember both Mum and Dad love you, this you must know, for this is why we play in the snow. My vision, my life, my everything. Sunday fun day, Stay positive everyone

22.01.2022 Believe In Your Philosophy. "Profits are better than wages." "Wages can make you a living, which is fine."... "Profits can make you a fortune, which is extra fine." Jim Rohn-Rare talk.

17.01.2022 Monday finished time for some relaxation and quality time with my lil girl. It's good to unwind sit back and think of our past and future, our ups and downs. All we have achieved and from where we were to where we're going. Stay positive and consistent with who you are if that for better or worse just know your efforts will compound on each other and can either build you up over time or bring you down. ... You be you and turn down that negative noise that's always in the background. Believe in yourself and never give up on you.

17.01.2022 !!OPPORTUNITY!! How valuable is your time? Which way do you prefer to spend your time?... Is it:- A)At work. B)With your family/kids/friends/loved ones. A)Working everyday building someone else's dream. B)Working on yourself building your own dream. A) Spend 80% of your life wrecking your body with wear and tear leaving only 20% if your lucky to enjoy at an old age. B)Live everyday as you see fit turning your dreams into a reality all whilst make an income. 'B' right? but most of us are more in the 'A' category. Most of us are all lead to believe that these types of things are impossible but I'm telling you it's NOT! It takes a decision. It takes change. It takes you! Nothing is impossible if you put your whole self into making your dreams a reality. If your ready for change send me a message or reach out. Your chance your opportunity can start today.

15.01.2022 PRACTICE GRATITUDE! Be greatful for the things that are hard and you don't feel like doing. Even the little things, infact especially the little things. Works done for the day now to get productive at home, with my lil helper but my side she even got the tunes going for me haha.... Even though I'm buggered from work and feel like I want to just be a couch potato but I also need to clean the house You give me the energy to get it all done then bath and bedtime. Full day completed, sooo grateful to have you in my life lil one Stay positive and productive guys

15.01.2022 Home at last, snuggles on the couch kicking back for some quality time with family. Life is to short to waste it away on the things we don't appreciate or in return don't appreciate us. Focusing on the positive things in life are important to me as they are the things that light up my day.... It's been a rainy sort of day and work hasn't been super fun to say the least but coming home to my family and having the my daughter greet me at the door makes everything feel awesome. Love family life hahaha

14.01.2022 "To SUCCEED without FULFILLMENT is the GREATEST FAILURE." "The decisions we make control us much more than the conditions we meet. It's not the conditions it's the DECISIONS." Tony Robbins.... Think about that for a minute re-read it a few times and think about what that means to you. We are all given one life and one life only. We need to make the right decisions in life and be accountable for those decisions for where we are in life today. I made the decision to change my life for my family and to go all in on doing so. This program is no joke learning to make positive change and learn the skills needed to start my own brand and business online has been unbelievably good for me. I'm surrounded by like mind people that are all changing their lives for the better. If your interested in checking out what we're all about drop a comment below or pm me and we can have a chat about seeing if you'd like to make change in your life too. "To SUCCEED without FULFILLMENT is the GREATEST FAILURE." Tony Robbins.

13.01.2022 Hit the books now time to hit the hay. Goodnight all hope you have had a great productive/positive day.

10.01.2022 Driving these bad boys for a crust. The goal is to replace them one day with a ute and caravan, spending time with family travelling the country.

10.01.2022 A New Life Beginning Now The chance to become more than I am today has become real, taking a risk to be something more for my family and be able to be home to spend more time with them is something I will never regret. This chance can be yours also. The decision is up to you depending on how much you want it. ... My reason is my family, yours could be to spend more time with friends or travel without an end date, do the things in life you've never had time for all whilst still making an income online or even just as a side hustle. Reach out if you feel like this is an journey you'd like to begin. live the life you desire and become the best version on you today.

09.01.2022 If you want to change your life, first you must change. Things in life won't change until we we make the shift in ourselves. Change your mindset and show up for yourself every day, don't stop believing your good enough and that you to deserve wealth, happiness, freedom.... We all have reasons why we do the things we do but if we can shift our mindset to hone in on the greatest reason 'WHY' we need this positive change in our lives and who will benefit from us doin so then the how to do it will become clearer and clearer the more we remember 'WHY' we are changing our lives. Have a good day guys stay positive and productive

07.01.2022 Starting my morning with a nice cup of coffee and a motivational book. Set your day up with positivity, staying consistent and improve your mindset.

07.01.2022 Friday's finished another week down. Just spending some time with my favourite lil human. She keeps me going day in day out Love you darling, also stop growing up so fast.

06.01.2022 My daughter saved my life We all want the best for our kids. We would do anything to provide the best future for them and be the best role models we can be. Growing up my dreams were to get a good job, work hard, make lots of money, build my own house and start a family.... It wasn't that easy though, my life changed when I was 15 and a half and had a bad motorcycle accident that left me in a wheel chair and in crutches for 10yrs. My dreams started fading fast,but I was still alive which I've always been greatful for and always thought it could of been worse. When I was 25 I became a father and I was still on crutches at the time. Fears of not being able to provide for my family were setting in and I was scared of letting my family down. I had a full hip replacement a few months before my daughter was born and was able to walk again without crippling pain. I straight away new I would need money and got stuck into trying to find work. Nothing was available other than a part time job at McDonald's. I took the job after looking for 6 months without landing a solid full-time job, because job security was what I needed to secure a home loan. I worked hard and found a second part time job at a service station on the weekends but was struggling to be home more with my daughter. I left McDonald's for a possible full time job at an abattoir in a nearby town. I was happy with the opportunity but needed to work hard to lock it in. I started as casual and new I needed to make a good impression so I put my hand up for all the extra little things I could to show I was keen. I ended up staying back doing overtime some weeks were 70hrs+ most days 13-15hrs, plus the weekends at the servo to make ends meet. Some weeks I went whole days in a row without seeing my daughter because I left for work while she was asleep and came home when she was asleep. Some days when I did get to see her for an hour or so before bed she would look at me strangely as if she didn't recognise me. This was extremely hard for me as I wanted to provide but also wanted to see my daughter and for her to know her dad. I started talking to older father's at work that told me there stories of working away,chasing the big dollars but missed out on their kids. This hit home for me and I realised the price of missing out on your kids is too high a price to pay and needed a plan B. I started this business to change everything and I am committed to making it work for my family. No matter what. One day I will be able to quit my job and be able to wake up with my daughter and take her to school, go fun places and be the Dad ive always wanted to be.

02.01.2022 Waking up hungry.... If your anything like I was a week ago, not liking to get up until the very last minute and having to literally drag yourself from the bed sheets, try something new. Try going to bed a little earlier, don't take your phone to bed instead try reading or listening to something positive and motivational.... Try thinking and focusing on some of the positive parts of your day, like the little wins you had or a smile you were greeted with. Take note of these little things and perhaps you'll wake up tomorrow feeling hungry for more positivity.

02.01.2022 Failure!! How often are we told, -You can't do that. Your not smart enough -You won't make it. Only 1% of people make it to success.... -Your stupid for thinking your going to start your own business. -You will fail! -Ect. How often do you tell yourself these sort of things? Do you believe those thoughts or are you scared of the unknown and these people being right about you? NO! That is a close minded approach to life, stay optimistic, keep an open mind and block out the negativity in your life. Yes you might fail, heck you most likely will BUT we need to fail in order to grow, learn and overcome these hardships so that the next time we try we can succeed and better ourselves. Failure is not the end by any means failure is just a phase, the real failure comes when you give up. Never ever give up on your dreams. The life you desire is there for you so long as you don't stop trying for it. Like a salt lamp if it's not left on and stops putting out its light it will grow mouldy and yukk, it needs to stay bright and constant to keep its glow looking crisp and warm. The same is with our dreams and goals of the life we desire if we don't keep the lights on our dreams will fade and our lives will never change. Don't be afraid of failing be afraid on never trying in the first place. Stay productive guys and surround yourself with positivity

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