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Journey Within Healing Circle

Phone: +61 400 467 580


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25.01.2022 This is indeed the year of the Rat, who's been schooling us on how adapt, survive and find solutions to get out of the maze we find ourselves in. Jupiter has recently gone direct and is helping us lift our vistas toward the horizon, however smokey it still remains here on the west coast. And as the beautiful New Moon in Virgo rises once again, she encourages us to persevere and extend healing love onto ourselves for how far we have come. Virgo's steady thoughtful nature suppo...rts us in grounding into our bodies and into Mother Earth as we begin to take small steps forward, planting seeds that can help us slowly begin to generate some momentum. The wheel keeps on turning and we cross the threshold on the EQUINOX 9/22! These are my favorite times of the year. The Equinoxes and Solstices are the pivot points for the Earth, the Axes that we can count on, and the Sacred days that have been revered and honored by our ancestors since the beginning, across all cultures. No matter where we are on the planet, it's a day where we can all unite to pray for the thriving of our Earth and all it's inhabitants and all living things. We must hold a united vision for the well-being of all and the Sacredness of Life. It's a powerfully aligned time to consciously anchor into our current Life experience and create an intentional act, an offering, a tangible expression that strengthens our trust in the Great Mystery. The wheel keeps on turning, and we have the power. Con amor y pasión! Mijanou MM

17.01.2022 Decree: I DEMAND the Cosmic Action of the Violet Consuming Flame from the Great Central Sun and the Violet Planet, charged into the Powers of Nature, the structure of mankind, and the Earth! COMPEL THEM PURIFIED NOW! (3) Almighty I AM! (3) Universal Substance is obedient to your conscious will at all times. It is constantly responding to humanity’s thought and feeling whether they realize it or not. There is no instant at which human beings are not giving this Substance one quality or another; and it is only through the knowledge that the individual has conscious control and manipulation of a limitless sea of It, that he begins to understand the possibilities of his own Creative Powers and the responsibilities resting upon him in the use of his thought and feeling. Mankind through the centuries has qualified the Universal Substance with perishability and limitation, and the bodies it uses today are expressing those characteristics. The entire human race has storms of hate, anger, revenge, and many other outbursts of feelings, and the four elements, which have recorded those qualities, return them to man through the world of nature as storms. The people of earth have cataclysms of thought and feeling as resentment against each other, against injustice, against places and things, knowingly and unknowingly sending out the feeling of revenge. The great sea of Universal Substance upon which these qualities have been recorded expresses them back to their sourcethe individualby means of the four elements, as cataclysms in Nature. Such activities are but Nature’s ways of purifying and shaking herself free from the contamination of human, discordant thought and feeling, and returning to her pristine condition of God’s Purity. Every moment each individual is receiving into his mind and body the Pure and Perfect Life of God. Each moment he is also giving quality of some kind to the Pure Universal Substance of God. This quality he alone creates and generates, and he must receive it back into his mind and body; for all things in the Universe move in circles, and thus return unto their source. St Germain Foundation

12.01.2022 The Blue Rays are star seeds from Sirius and they love to love! They are highly sensitive to all energy, deeply intuitive, compassionate, caring and know with... great clarity that their purpose is to empower the Divine connection between the dimensional rays and the heart space, through soul illumination. Many are between the ages of 45 64 but the Starseed Beings and the Rainbow Ray Guardians also align strongly with the heart intentions of the Blue Rays. The Blue Ray Beings are brilliant beacons of light; shining and sharing their soul essence through unconditional love on all levels. They are here to be of service in high vibrational ways, working with many unique gifts to support change. They love to guide people in powerful ways back to the wisdom within them; so they re-remember why they are here and how they can shift and lift their light through clear communication, meditation and inspired intention. The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. Shekinah, a Hebrew word in the Language of Light, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process Blue rays are the teacher of the teachers most have walked difficult, challenging and even heart-breaking paths of hurt or pain to now hold the capacity to be fully present with the pain body of another beautiful soul and allow them to feel seen, heard, acknowledged and understood. Offering a huge heart space of love for healing and transformation to occur. Blue Rays learning this lifetime is that they are not responsible for everyone! They are natural nurturers very loyal and compassionate, so often before reclaiming their point of power and purpose, gentle Blue Rays get stuck in relationships that do not serve their soul path or get caught in areas of addiction or hardship because the dense energies so prevelant on our planet can seem very overwhelming and harsh. Blue Rays can become excellent channels and many are now bringing through a beautiful and pure path of clear connection and communication with the dimensional realms; accessing energetic ‘soul strands’ to illuminate the highest intent of spirit guides, Ascended Masters, angelic beings and the Divine Feminine Rays. Through these portals, the Blue Rays ignite within others, sacred seeds that perhaps have been dormant since birth, awakening them to their Divine plan and light body awareness. The Blue Rays are the Spiritual Navigators of the Divine Plan. Activating the Heart-Centered Blueprint through healing, communicating, Light language, meditation and many more powerful modalities. They are the bearers of the light that will lead the way for souls to navigate their own inner realms, knowing it is Love that lightens the load, brightens the road and illuminates the Divine direction for all souls to fully complete their creative contract upon this planet. Planet Earth is the ‘playground’ for exploring your purpose and Earth Mother supports your capacity to ‘see’ through your life experience that you are wholy and souly the manifestors and makers of your deepest joy and happiness. We are the designers, the builders and the receivers of our highest aspirations for heart and soul fulfilment. Through life experience you learn about love how deep you choose to delve is your free will. It is the dimensional frequencies the flows of love in action, not reaction, that are most significant to souls now. Your birth right is to BE what your heart desires you to be; yet the force fields of control are strong and the push/pull forces engage to amplify fear and confusion thankfully this energy is dispersing and dissolving as ascension energies support the Light Workers to be Light Leaders. What is really exciting as we journey through these times In this Aquarian age, the age of rapid learning and integration of information, is that people are asking questions! Questions of themselves, of the intentions of others and great insights are occurring as the third eye pineal gland awakens from soul sleep to uncover the illusion of superior and inferior, greater than or lesser than. There is no separation, we are ONE, keep asking questions that inspire creative are supported beyond belief! The drama, the doubt and the definitions that have boxed you in, are being erased by your own light. Draw strength from your Divine knowingness that flows through you like an electrical current, super-charged by your intentions to be more, know more and illuminate more! The Blue Rays are stepping up and showing up to give a voice to the vibrations of Love in actionwe are all awakening to the infinite possiblilities for our Soul Paths. It is time for the dispensation of the Blue Ray Light of Creation that carries the Sacred Divine Feminine of balance and healing for the planet. The violet fire has released limitations and paves the way for the blue ray, as they work very closely together. The violet fire will continue to transform lower vibrations. Many Blue Rays have violet in their fields as part of their sacred mission and purpose of transformation through grace.. Blue Rays have an enormous capacity to hold light, therefore they are able to ‘hold space’ for other light beings to free themselves from the intensity and density of bands of stuck energy and support them to ‘see’ they are actually here to take part in the heart process of actively rescuing their soul contracts themselves! 2018 and beyond will see all Blue Ray Beings truly standing on higher ground and walking their wonderful upon this planet. Taking back your power is the path to ascension; it is done through the Light of the Sacred Heart, Higher Heart Shekina Rose/Blue Ray

03.01.2022 Message channelled by Seraph knight As things progress and Timelines continue to collapse, and you get closer to 8.8.20 on your Timeline there is a Massive clea...ring for many souls, much confusion for many, not knowing which way to turn, what you want, which direction to take, and many relationships that are built in 3D ways will now come to an end, you will feel like you've got One foot in 5D and the other Foot in 3D, for 4D is the Bridge between both you now Cross . Souls that have chosen not to ascend at this crucial time of collective human ascension will be feeling a total disconnection from source light and bewildered by the 3D projection in the outside world , unfortunately this will result in living in fear that eventually leads to panic and anxiety as the chaos and confusion only worsens . For the souls that are continuing their awakening and ascending , Surrender to the Universe and flow, do Not hold on to something that is not Honouring you or you have to fight to sustain. Know your Worth. This is not the way any longer, if it's causing you stress and anxiety then release that relationship, friendship or unhealthy family members and raise your Vibration. Go only to where you are Honoured and Respected, Loved for who you are. Go where you are appreciated and be around light minded others as much as you can as lower conciousness can harm you energetically. We ask you not to fight the Old but release and embrace the new. Not everyone wants this so release them let them go on their Own journey of self discovery. As you head towards the 5D and beyond relationships will be built on Independence not Codependency. Your Cellular/ DNA structure is being upgraded to the advanced Human, your physicality will change from the inside out, you will start to Embody more Light than ever before, you've been called upon to stay much Longer here on this planet . You are youthing and your physical bodies will last long beyond what you thought to Embody the new energy and Light that you will Assimilate to over the coming years. Your ageing will start to reverse as you now live years longer and For many they may not be capable of handling the new energies so it’s important to create space in the cellular structure by continuing to release old patterns , beliefs etc this will clear up more space in your vibrational fields . Your bodies will Assimilate any Dis-ease with Grace and Ease. You will Witness a shift in the Collective Consciousness as a Whole, many of you Dear Hearts are well and truly on your way with the Anchoring of Earths Grid, the Ley lines are now shifting as Gaia shifts and the Collective rise so too shall the earth as well, know dear heart's as the quickening occurs, continue to Self Love and care for you as these portals and energetic shifts continue to open and flow over the Following months anything that no longer serves you will be released, relationships ect. Take a breath now and rest and integrate, dear heart's for all is well. Much will unfold now as things progress to a critical mass, no matter what your going through keep shedding the layers and Embracing the love that you are. We send you infinite Love and blessings to you beautiful souls , many more miracles await you Dear Hearts Seraph knight

03.01.2022 Channeled Cosmic Insights for the End of 2020 by Tanaaz 0 Comments...Continue reading

02.01.2022 THE DIAMOND LIGHT DOORWAY OF YOUR HEART The inner light shines through the dense entrapments and matrixes to light the way for your soul to be free at last. After so much transformation, initiations and full on challenges of the last few years that has propelled us to go deeper into our soul. We are now ready to step into the mastery of the initiate the holder of the ankh for those who have been under huge initiations in recent years. For those who are not aware of experienc...Continue reading

01.01.2022 STEP THROUGH THE LION’S GATE ON 8/8 TO RECEIVE INFINITE EMPOWERMENT July 27, 2020 / Leave a Commenton Step through the Lion’s Gate on 8/8 to receive infinite empowerment Sirius A Rising Star...Continue reading

01.01.2022 I'm feeling the need to do a sound healing tomorrow on myself and others. Do you feel the need for you? Tomorrow 8.8 Meditation & alignment 3pm. PM to book

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