Journey to Health in St Marys | Medical centre
Journey to Health
Locality: St Marys
Phone: +61 423 009 872
Address: Natural Health solutions Clinic, 2a Crana St St Mary’s 2760 St Marys, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 I love being a Homoeopath- worth thinking about BEFORE your symptoms warrant going to the ICU- this post has some interesting information- as usual , it’s information , and people should consider this , but never put themselves or others at risk ( I’m actually not suggesting people NOT go to ICU if needed !!! ) but interesting information about how it may not be presenting as a lung disease / pneumonia as that Dr from the emergency department was willing to talk about his finding )
25.01.2022 There are some amazing non flouride toothpastes on the market now
25.01.2022 I’m feeling so greatful for the amazing amount of referrals patients are sending me have a wonderful new receptionist starting tomorrow to do a few hours a week for me - how fantastic is that
24.01.2022 Whether Germ theory is correct or not... ->>> We will always need to work on the terrain of our bodies. .... Your terrain, is the environment of your ecosystem inside and out. . 1 Reducing your chemical exposure. . 2 Eat food that is good for YOUR body. . 3 Feeding your microbiome. . 4 Caring for your thought life. . 5 Supporting your detoxing systems. . -Make sure you poop daily -Drink clean water - Breathing Fresh Air (sea air or walking amount trees is particularly good) - Taking Epsom salt baths - Creating a great sleep routine - Managing stress levels #terraintheory #germtheory #immunesupport #detoxing
23.01.2022 BREAST MASSAGE // . Traditionally used in ayurvedic massage, breast massage increases circulation to the breasts, enhancing removal of tox...ins by promoting lymphatic drainage. . It can help to improve hormonal breast tenderness, enhance the appearance and tone of your breasts and soften the breast tissue. . The body’s lymphatic system is highly concentrated in the underarm and chest regions. The lymphatic system is a one-way system of vessels that carry lymph, abundant in disease fighting white blood cells, which have the primary role of destroying pathogens. . The lymphatic system doesn’t have pumps like the circulatory system so it requires movement for the lymph to flow and keep toxins/wastes moving along for their removal from the body. How can you get fluid moving through your chest and breasts? Self massage is a perfect way to keep the lymph flowing to keep this key detox mechanism running smoothly. . We often only think of our breasts in relation to pregnancy breastfeeding or breast cancer; bringing feelings such as fear or guilt to mind. Breast massage can be practiced daily as a self-care routine and is a great way to improve self-awareness, limiting any feelings of fear, guilt or embarrassment women may have around their breasts. . Considering all of these AMAZING benefits of breast massage, we are SUPER excited to introduce @nuni_wellness to the Floralia Apothecary. . After going through her own journey, the beautiful Dayle has created breast massage oil and scar repair serum that is 100% natural, and free from all nasties. . @nuni_wellness is committed to changing the stigma of checking in and connecting with our boobs away from a clinical, sterile, scary place - to a place of empowered self- care, ritual, true wellness. Breast massage & monthly self-checks using 'Boob Oil' could be a life-saving addition to your routine. We love what you’ve created @nuni_wellness . Cat x @petit_herb . @nuni_wellness . See more
22.01.2022 i love being a homeopath as well as a naturopath
22.01.2022 Natural treatments , including Homoeopathics can make this as painless as possible
21.01.2022 Common medications such as paracetamol and statins are being shown to have SIGNIFICANT effects on our mental well-being and even personality!! One reason medi...cations can have such psychological clout is that the body isn’t just a bag of separate organs, awash with chemicals with well-defined roles instead, it’s a network, in which many different processes are linked. If you are on medication of any kind it’s really worthwhile to seek a natural solution.
21.01.2022 Be careful what you buy for your children- milk products in fish oil
21.01.2022 Copied - OMG, I think I have Coronavirus overload, don't you?! There is so much wrong information, fear mongering, and confusion about coronavirus in the media! Here are some facts, and I hope that this can put things into context a bit for you, (Below is taken from BioMedica Press Release)...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Quite a long article (so you might want to make yourself a cuppa!) but great evidence on doulas and why having one is so effective for positive birth. Did you h...ave a doula or are you planning on having one? From Evidence Based Birth
20.01.2022 The cover up is huge of vaccine injury and death - you need to make an informed choice before vaccination
19.01.2022 This makes you realize what’s important
18.01.2022 Look what’s included in the list of non-influenza infections that you are at increased risk of acquiring after receiving an inactivated flu vaccine.... rhinovirus, coxsackie/echovirus, CORONAVIRUS, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).... Trivalent Inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections ... Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.
18.01.2022 While I don’t agree with parents / kids constantly ingesting colloidal silver - this is definitely worth considering
18.01.2022 Stress contributes to gut permeability and autoimmune disease
18.01.2022 They are catching up with this ‘groundbreaking’ research
18.01.2022 Very interesting- especially difference between product recommendations and Govt/ WHO recommendations for children and pregnancy- fact not opinion
18.01.2022 Investigate before you jab
17.01.2022 Please remember that fear lowers your immune system - try to stay diligent but calm my heart goes out to those massively impacted by job losses , or being unwell I am still working , offering great wellness tonics , beautiful calming herbs and supplements , and offer a short acute phone consult to implement some easy strategies/ treatments - give me a call if you need a little herbal help to find your calm
17.01.2022 Today I did a podcast for practitioners with Biopractica and the topic was superwoman syndrome and it was actually an easy topic to discuss - had all my notes with research and info handy , but as usual , once I started talking about a subject I’m passionate about - I just rolled with it - This syndrome effects sooooo many women , and social media portrays all these women that SEEM to do it all with ease - but something MUST give , you can’t take on so many tasks and not expect it to take its toll , and sadly it’s effecting health with things like anxiety and depression, gut upsets , weight gain , thyroid issues, low energy , insomnia - it’s a really big problem for women
17.01.2022 something positive to think about
16.01.2022 This was shared to me by a friend - "I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad, as he had to transfer some money. I couldn't resist myself & asked... ''Dad, why don't we activate your internet banking?''... ''Why would I do that?'' He asked... ''Well, then you wont have to spend an hour here for things like transfer. You can even do your shopping online. Everything will be so easy!'' I was so excited about initiating him into the world of Net banking. He asked ''If I do that, I wont have to step out of the house? ''Yes, yes''! I said. I told him how even grocery can be delivered at door now and how amazon delivers everything! His answer left me tongue-tied. He said ''Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends, I have chatted a while with the staff who know me very well by now. You know I am alone...this is the company that I need. I like to get ready and come to the bank. I have enough time, it is the physical touch that I crave. Two years back I got sick, The store owner from whom I buy fruits, came to see me and sat by my bedside and cried. When your Mom fell down few days back while on her morning walk. Our local grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live. Would I have that 'human' touch if everything became online? Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer? I like to know the person that I'm dealing with and not just the 'seller'. It creates bonds of Relationships. Does Amazon deliver all this as well?''' Technology isn't life.. Spend time with people .. Not with devices." Writer: Unknown
15.01.2022 Buy Aussie produce
15.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what that thick, white layer on a fresh, new baby is.....? Well, this waxy substance is called Vernix Caseosa - and it is a result of a...n important secretion - of a special oil - created in baby’s sebaceous glands. Vernix typically begins to accumulate in the last trimester of pregnancy and is thought to not only protect the baby in utero, but it also serves as a mechanism of defense after baby is born. In the past, as soon as baby emerged from its protective womb, it was quickly whisked away from its mother - to have that gunk wiped off, be given its first bath, have a whole series of tests taken, procedures done, and injections given. Luckily, research has shown that (beyond leaving the baby alone with its mother) delaying baby’s first bath- and allowing that vernix to reside on the skin - has a number of health benefits! It has antimicrobial properties. Recent studies have shown that vernix contains antimicrobial amino acids that block invasive bacteria present in the amniotic fluid from meconium contamination. After baby is born, these amino acids work to protect against harmful bacteria such as: B. streptococcus, E. coli, Staph aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Listeria monocytogenes, Serratia marcescens, and Klebsiella pneumonia. Vernix has wound healing properties. It has been shown to help with the quick regeneration of skin following a wound. In fact, the use of vernix with skin grafting on burn victims is currently being investigated! It moisturizes and hydrates baby’s skin. The newborn’s integumentary system undergoes immediate changes following birth, including dehydration. Because of its high water content, vernix acts as a natural moisturizer for your baby, protecting its skin from dryness and environmental exposure. It can help regulate baby’s body temperature. There is only very rarely a need for a warmer and lights! Babies almost always do better skin to skin on their mother (even tiny preemies). Studies show that infants who have it washed off have a significantly higher rate of heat loss. As the movement toward evidence-based practice has become standard, more hospitals are no longer bathing infants. So, when you deliver your baby, don’t be surprised if they arrive with a thick coat of vernix. It is there for a reason! Instead of washing it off, use that time to snuggle up to your baby and enjoy the magic of skin-to-skin..... celebrating this perfection in its entirety. *And if you are a friend or a family member of someone who chooses not to bathe their baby after birth, make sure you support - and even celebrate them - for working so hard to keep their new baby healthy. To get free diapers and other baby goods visit:
14.01.2022 A weed is only a plant growing where you don't want it to grow - if you grow it to eat it's no longer a weed
13.01.2022 Love Homoeopathy
13.01.2022 Tamiflu- CONCLUSIONS: "These data suggest Tamiflu use could induce sudden deterioration leading to death especially within 12 hours of prescription. These findings are consistent with sudden deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity studies, several reported case series and the results of prospective cohort studies. From "the precautionary principle" the potential harm of Tamiflu should be taken into account and further detailed studies should be conducted."
12.01.2022 Interesting research - could you be low on VitD ?
12.01.2022 If it’s a quick fix pill you want to take to heal - I’m not the right practitioner for you , although sometimes it really doesn’t take much , but making the lifestyle changes and lifetime habits can be difficult- are you ready ?
11.01.2022 Watermelon Wisdom
11.01.2022 Worth considering - where are the safety studies ?
10.01.2022 So many wonderful tools in our toolbox for treatments
10.01.2022 This is amazing , yes it’s a Dr , so it was amazing from a practitioner perspective- but from a human perspective it’s amazing insight - and the last 10 minutes fills your heart/ mind with awe - please take the time to listen and share - you will be pleased you did
09.01.2022 On February 1, 2020, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed corruption within the vaccine industry. You can read the transcript below. HPV vaccines and cervical cancer... "Cervical cancer rates were trending downward across the developed world during the past two decades because of pap smears. Since the introduction of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil, principally, and Cervarix, which is GlaxoSmithKline’s version of the vaccine, we’ve seen upticks in cervical cancer rates in countries where they have the strongest coverage rates, for example, in Australia, Sweden, the UK, and in Germany we’ve seen cervical cancer rates exploding in the generation that received that vaccine. In addition, there’s a recent study in Alabama that shows that the counties that are using the vaccine the most heavily, they are also seeing explosions of cervical cancer. So, there are two things that could be happening. The clinical trials found that women who were exposed to the HPV virus prior to receiving the vaccine actually had a dramatically increased chance of coming down with cervical cancer pre-cancerous lesions. The increased risk from the vaccine among those women was over 46%. So, for a certain cohort of the population the vaccine actually increases the risk of cervical cancer. The other thing that may be happening is that women who get the vaccine may feel confident so that they don’t get pap smears, and pap smears have been the real answer to cervical cancer. So, we don’t know which one is happening. Autoimmunity "The odds of an 11- or 12-year-old getting cervical cancer are pretty much zero. Cervical cancer on average strikes when you’re 50 years old and the death is when you’re 58. The disturbing thing about this vaccine is the vaccine had a very, very high adverse event rate. Within six months during the clinical trials, 50% of the girls had some sort of serious condition occur or some serious medical condition, a new medical condition occur, and we don’t know if it’s because of the vaccine or not because there was no placebo used during these studies. The other thing is that about 2.3% of the girls within the six months got autoimmune disease or some indicator of autoimmune disease. So, the risk of autoimmune disease is a about 1 of every 37 girls who got the vaccine within six months got an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are very, very serious. I have a client who got an autoimmune disease from the HPV vaccine from the Gardasil vaccine when she was 15 years old. She’s been in a wheelchair ever since. She’s now 24, so for 9 years she’s been in a wheelchair. She has seizures every 90 seconds or so. The death rate from cervical cancer in this country is 2.3 per 100,000. The chance of getting autoimmune disease from the vaccine is 2.3 per 100. That means that your chance of you getting an autoimmune disease from the vaccine are a thousand times greater than of dying from cervical cancer. Nobody who understood those odds would ever take that vaccine. No Placebo "The gold standard for testing medical products is called the double-blind placebo study, and that’s how virtually every medical product is tested to make sure that it’s both safe and effective. Vaccines are immune from that kind of testing, and none of the 72 vaccines that are now mandated for American children... (Read the full transcript here:
09.01.2022 Certainly a benefit from lockdown, if only they would use these statistics and rethink the vaccine schedule- Mark F. Blaxill and Amy Becker document what we all thought we might see at the beginning of the lockdown. Fewer child deaths as children stop seeing their pediatricians and vaccination across the country comes to a halt. "But the pandemic experience has brought on a surprising effect on this expected death rate among children. Starting in early March, expected deaths began a sharp decline, from an expected level of around 700 deaths per week to well under 500 by mid-April and throughout May. As untimely deaths spiked among the elderly in Manhattan nursing homes and in similar settings all over the country, something mysterious was saving the lives of children. As springtime in America came along with massive disruptions in family life amid near-universal lockdowns, roughly 30% fewer children died. Was this a protective effect of school closures? Were teenagers getting themselves into risky situations at a lower rate? No. There was a minor effect among school-age children or adolescents. VIRTUALLY THE ENTIRE CHANGE CAME FROM INFANTS (emphasis mine). Somehow, the changing pattern of American life during the lockdowns has been saving the lives of hundreds of infants over 200 per week. Deaths in infants and children occur at a higher rate in minority groups. So, the reduction in childhood deaths during the lockdowns has meant that the lives of Black and Hispanic infants and children have been saved at a higher rate."
09.01.2022 And the best immune boosters are in mother natures plants
09.01.2022 Strengthen your immune system- winter is coming - lots of natural ways to help
07.01.2022 2 cups of coffee a day has some research that it's good for the digestive tract - here's another great reason
07.01.2022 - So could the Wuhan coronavirus be the result of an HIV VLP vaccine attempt that went wrong, or got out? It has been attempted to make one before using corona virus as shown in this 2006 paper!
07.01.2022 There was no mistake in our design - tonsils , adenoids , appendix , Gall bladder etc are all there for a purpose !!!! if those organs have symptoms your bodies is yelling at you that you have a problem ! Removing the organ doesn’t fix the problem , all you have done is silenced the body telling you there is a problem - No doubt it will find another organ to yell at you with in time
06.01.2022 There is just no 1 diet fits all - vegan has become a cult - I understand the ethical component , but to be truly healthy you need to find out what diet works best as an individual
06.01.2022 Not necessarily raw food - some people respond well to raw/ cold food , and some bodies respond better to warm / cooked foods - but REAL foods , as nature made them
06.01.2022 Isn’t this fantastic
04.01.2022 Parents trying to make their kids healthier- these companies are shocking what they sell for kids
04.01.2022 Very interesting subject - plastic in teabags - organic loose leaf is best - but if choosing a tea bag , which one/ brands are better ?
04.01.2022 I love having Homoeopathics in my clinic - prevention is always better
04.01.2022 TO BE, OR NOT TO BEE HOW 5G IS ALREADY HARMING OUR WORLD RF exposure disturbs the natural orientation and navigation mechanisms of bees and other in...sects, who use the earth's magnetic field and light energy to orient and navigate. It makes them restless, develop an urge to swarm & increasingly aggressive. It causes colony collapse in 62.5% of apiaries. If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live. READ THAT AGAIN. #IDONOTCONSENT #TOBEORNOTTOBEE IS THIS OKAY WITH YOU?? POST SOME ’s BELOW
04.01.2022 Thyroid issues effect sooo many women now - and all Drs test is TSH , which misses the problem
03.01.2022 I love homoeopathy , it has amazing history in prevention and treatment in disease I know the source is daily mail , which is not always accurate - BUT it's well known the royal family has always used homoeopathic medicines - and I have always said , if it's good enough for royalty , it's good enough for my family and my patients - got to love Arsenicum Album - so MANY great uses
02.01.2022 Proton pumps to reduce acid/ reflux - the drugs arnt safe - find the cause of the reflux instead
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