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24.01.2022 Hi Everyone I have updated my website. Would love any feedback to ensure the site is as user friendly as possible and shares the information you need :)... Enjoy this gorgeous week!!
24.01.2022 FIRST TIME FREE OFFER! RE-DEFINE YOUR WORLD DISCOVERY SESSION The game of success is an inner game, holding on to past choices may be holding you back. Have you ever had an experience that shifted how you see the world?... Or, perhaps, you have felt like youre holding on to a past experience youre ready to let go? This session is normally valued at $297, The first THREE friends, colleagues, or friends of friends receive the session for free! Call me or txt me and we can set up a time to chat. 0412 612 584. Note - this session is over the phone there is no need to rush to a physical meeting space. (Skype is also an option
23.01.2022 Grace It’s a very simple word Move with grace... Think with grace Walk with grace Talk with grace Smell with grace Love with grace
22.01.2022 Felt stuck over winter! Curious about changing to get out of a rut!! Interested in changing direction in parts of your life or improving parts of your life. From Relationships to Careers to your own business. Call me to discuss an action plan to start empowering yourself!
21.01.2022 Are you living above the line or below the line? This is an interesting way of checking in on whether your current mindset is helping you succeed If you would like support to achieve this through coaching.... Contact me to organise a chat.
18.01.2022 Play is important... Why? This came home as a question for a speech at school for the kids.. Isn’t this a brilliant question as adults we could be asking ????... The other question is how can we incorporate play time in to each day? How do we find more ways to play?
18.01.2022 Wow What an amazing course I went to yesterday. Run by Sharon Grant at Be More Awesome!! Any one who is interested in learning more about sales.. Sharon does an amazing job breaking down information to share this skill she has
14.01.2022 Who has ever heard the phrase 'forgive you will feel better..' Who has tried it and at that moment it's so far removed from where you are at?... How about accepting how you feel... Out right owning it!!! Empowering yourself to accept that you feel a certain way and be ok with that. Give it a go.. see how it feels?
14.01.2022 Happy Spring time! A time to grow and blossom
13.01.2022 Hey everyone!!! How cools is this.. a week into my business up and running and here is one of the comments from a beautiful client Hi Everyone,... Please shine a torch to Tamahra Mathews for her abilities to bring lightness to my patterns of thinking that is no longer serving. The processes she had put together has made me embraced uncertainty comfortably. I am inviting you ALL to have this wonderful experience to explore with her. Tamahra will facilitate a very warming spiritual space, for this to take place she brings with her gaiety mannerism in her coaching as well as her outgoing and vivacious personality Thank you Tamahra. You have made a profound impact in my life and coaching journey Call for a free chat
13.01.2022 Ever had a goal or dream? The reality is most of us are not taught how to take small steps all the time to move us in that direction.. We don't keep the goal or dream in the front of our mind and over time it gets lost..... Occasionally we think of it and then let it go again.. What would happen if every day or every week you took a step in that direction?? Think about it and start taking those steps
12.01.2022 Wow a lovely message from a client I helped on Sunday morning!! 30 Mins is all it took to help make some major changes to her life I am so grateful I could help!!... I had an amazing session with Tamahra Mathews on Sunday who so kindly moved me through some beliefs that were not serving me in such a gentle and fun way. We shared about our kids and I just wanted to sincerely thank you for making me realise 30 mins is all it takes to make a HUGE difference to someone and their perspective on life.
12.01.2022 A beautiful post to repeat to yourself Why is it so easy for me to stay focused on the areas of my life that benefit me both emotionally and financially in a positive way!
12.01.2022 Grace Its a very simple word Move with grace... Think with grace Walk with grace Talk with grace Smell with grace Love with grace
10.01.2022 Know anyone who is struggling with direction? Competing priorities! Need some support to put plans in place for 2018. I have some time available over the next two TWO Saturdays 17th and 24th Feb... Ease of convenience of phone consults so no travelling required. $100 an hour Pass on my details on PM me directly to organise a time Love, Light and Joy Tamahra
10.01.2022 It takes a village to share a life. We are all dependent on each other. We share Common feelings We share Common aspirations. What does it take to help take care of the village
07.01.2022 Good day lovely people!! Just helped a lovely lady on issues of.... Overwhelmed ... Putting her self down Procrastination By the end of the session she felt lighter and happier and empowered to be more of herself. Love this work! If you are interested in making some changes I am here to help. Call me!
04.01.2022 Ever wondered why some areas of your life work well and in other areas you struggle. One way to look at this is to look at your values. You may have great values about how you look, the clothes you wear, how tidy your kitchen is, how you treat your friends.... You may have values around money, job or self worth that are un-supporting If you want to look at how this can be changed and make life easier for you. Or if you know any one that can value from this. Contact me at [email protected] and we can organise a time to have a chat :)
04.01.2022 Play is important... Why? This came home as a question for a speech at school for the kids.. Isnt this a brilliant question as adults we could be asking ????... The other question is how can we incorporate play time in to each day? How do we find more ways to play?
04.01.2022 Wow another message from another client!! Feel blessed! 'Tamahra Mathews is certainly very special. I'm so grateful for the time she generously gave me today. Xox'
03.01.2022 Ah lovely Friday :) Second weekend of Spring!!! Hope everyone has some lovely ideas of how they will spend it.. Of course in the Northern Hemisphere, I wish you joy and happiness for the second weekend of Autumn!!!
03.01.2022 Living with peace of mind... What does this mean? who could think of five things that stress them right now?... Who could think of five things that could make them feel angry now? What if you spent time thinking of 5 things that bought you peace in your mind? See how that feels! If it feels good maybe it's possible to introduce into your everyday life
03.01.2022 Sharing a lovely post from feedback from a client today.. "A Big, big thank you to Tamahra Mathews for her time today! 30 minutes she spent with me, gave me so much insights into what was blocking me and how I can over come it. Her warm tone and genuine will to help, allowed me to really look into myself and find some answers'
03.01.2022 Small Business Are you managing on your own? No one to share your problems with? Need some guidance to grow your business? Unsure where to go next with your business?... Areas of your business need improving? Having staffing issues? Have financial concerns? Offer: If any of these ring true for you or you have other issues or dreams for your business. Contact Empowering Your Future for a Free initial consultation. With free guidance offered in first meeting. [email protected]
01.01.2022 Amazing quote for all of us to remember