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Joyful Awakenings in Nundah, Queensland | Business service

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Joyful Awakenings

Locality: Nundah, Queensland

Phone: +61 403 312 237


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25.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to a love for our country and fellow countrymen I never knew I possessed! Through this tragedy we have become as ONE, UNITED to help one another in varying degrees. From prayer, meditation to physical help and financial etc. 'All of us get broken in some way. What matters is how we get up and put the pieces together. The time will come when memory will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. ... Pain first, meaning later. Grief, pain, is inevitable but suffering is optional. Suffering is the noise our mind makes around that loss, looking for a reason, a fault. The mind looks where to lay blame. The story we tell ourselves can either help us heal or keep us mired in suffering' Some extracts from: 'Finding Meaning the sixth stage of Grief' by David Kessler. Are you holding our beloved country and people in love, hope and healing? 'NO MUD, NO LOTUS'

24.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to your 'BIRTH ORDER' Do you know what your birth order means? In this mini workshop Edith Cuffe our guest speaker will share her many years of wisdom on this fascinating topic. March 3rd 1-5pm at St Marks Church hall Clayfield. You will learn ways to parent each child differently so to bring out their true genius.... And How to be a conscious grandparent to your grand children. Please feel free to share this event. See more

23.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to the power of a decision! Last week I did a tour of the Boggo Road gaol, a very informative 11/2 hours. At the end, this character below, Dean, walked in and asked receptionist if he could take some photos of 'F' block where he had done time before it closed down in 1988. Naturally I pricked up my ears, he went on to say he had turned his life around. I had to ask 'How' he managed to do that? He told me he 'decided' he had, had enough of drugs, stealin...g, gaol, parole and the merry go round of that life. I was so impressed I bought his recently self published book and have thoroughly loved it and been inspired by this man's grit and determination to change. 'DECISION is the ultimate POWER' Tony Robbins What are you deciding right now?

18.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening through the celebration of important milestones in our lives. The first half of this year my youngest child turns 30 and my eldest 40. I have friends celebrating becoming 50, 60, and 70. It seems to me we place expectations on each decade of what we 'should' be doing. At 30's settling down, 40's climbing the ladder in our work place, 50's building our nest egg and paying of our mortgage, 60's planning our retirement, 70's completing bucket list, 80's pr...eparing to die, or something along those lines. I was wondering if we could leave that all behind and just CELEBRATE LIFE each and every moment we have been given and be grateful. We waste so much time on the 'should' and forget to LIVE in this moment! How are you celebrating this moment, right now? 'Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments' Rose Kennedy

16.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening with this poem:- 'THE LAUGHING HEART' by Charles Bukowski... your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the watch. there are ways out. there is light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness. be on the watch. the gods will offer you chances. know them. take them. you can’t beat death but you can beat death in life, sometimes. and the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. your life is your life. know it while you have it. you are marvellous the gods wait to delight in you. 'The wound is the place where the LIGHT enters you.' Rumi

16.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening while spending time with my daughters reviewing 2019 and welcoming 2020. We did this using 'The Journey Makers's Planner' by Nicole Cody available We meditated, we reviewed what went well and not so well in 2019. We chose cards that would help us find deeper meaning to go forward into 2020, we shared and stirred our own inner pots to see what was brewing inside, and how we could re shape and shine more light for ourselves and loved one...s. Will you invest time to wonder what possibilities you might create? May this new decade be rich and rewarding for you. 'When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be' Lao Tzu

13.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening with people who have had an influence on my life. Young/old, good/bad, abusive/loving, they have all shaped who I am, and I give thanks for them all. We are collectively facing a crisis that wil shape who we become. How we respond individually and collectively will create our future world. Many years ago I learnt from my wise paternal grandmother, (pictured), she used to say and I quote: 'In all things give thanks' As a young child I didn't think much abo...ut it, however many years later I had the opportunity to put it to the test when my second born child at the age of 11 months was severely burnt due to my lack of attention. I could have gone mad with guilt! Fortunately I chose to give thanks even though it seemed stupid to give thanks for such a thing, I did it anyway, it felt fake, I continued anyway! To this day I believe it saved my sanity. You may like to try it just to test this theory. Our ancestors have lived through the plague, that wiped out half the population of the time. The result was a rise in wages due to the demand for labor. Who knows what COVID - 19 will bring. 'Gratitude turns what we have into enough' Anonymous '

08.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening as I come out of my cocoon of Co-vid lockdown. With more time spent alone, I have gone deeper into the realms of self. I have explored my fears unravelling till there is only light, only now, only the I am or as I now prefer, We are. I am truly grateful for this time of personal Awakening. What has Awakened within you during this time of lockdown? 'Life has it's own Wisdom.... Who tries to help butterfly get out of cocoon kills it. Who tries to help the seed get out of the sprout destroys it. There are certain things that have to happen from the inside out.' Ruben Alves See more

07.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to the importance of confidence. I was never a confident child, shy and unsure of myself. It has taken 60 plus years to slowly build my self esteem and to believe that I truly having something meaningful to contribute. Steve Jobs on his death bed said: 'The six best doctors in the world are sunlight, rest, exercise, diet, self-confidence and friends. Maintain them in all stages and enjoy a healthy life' Confidence isn't knowing other people like you.... It's knowing you will be fine if they don't. How do you develop and maintain your confidence?

05.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to our own mortality! 'Life asked death, "Why do people love me but hate you?" Death responded, "Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth." Author Unknown... Over the past few weeks, two family members have had sudden, unexpected events that awaken the reality of our own mortality. A cousin thought she had strained a muscle after a day working on the farm only to find she actually has cancer! One of my brother's also thought he had strained a muscle after lifting something on his truck only to find he was actually having a heart attack! A subsequent stent has kept him alive. In my own observation for myself, I know there are many times I've told myself I will rest as soon as I finish this job! Often that job takes longer and before I know it the day is over! Does this happen to you? Are you listening to your body? Could there be something you could do as an investment in your well being? 'Death never take the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go' Jean de La Fontaine

05.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening through the act of silence! Last Sunday I participated in a one day silent retreat at the Chung Tian temple. We did Tai Chi, Walking and sitting meditation, mindful eating, and a mindfulness tea making ceremony. There are many benefits to having time in silence, you become calmer, improves awareness and understanding of yourself and improves relationships to name just a few.... When did you last sit in silence and reap the benefits? 'You throw thorns, falling in my silence they become flowers' Gautama Buddha

05.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening with the love of grandchildren. I arrived home to find two beautifully home made letters sitting on my doorstep. You can just imagine my joy and delight, I blessed Covid-19 for expanding our ways to keep in touch. I believe our relationships will become deeper and more meaningful once we come through this time of 'isolating' 'Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty' Unknown

04.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening with the meaning of 'Power' Power is the fundamental thing that drives us, and as Marianne Williamson says: 'our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure' So what do we do with this power? What is the power in remaining sick, unwell?... The power in remaining addicted to our many addictions? The power in domination? The power in submission? What are you doing with your power? 'The measure of a man is what he does with Power' Plato

03.01.2022 Joyfully awakening with hope from a snippet of wisdom from Jean Houston. 'Our kindness is a light. The more we extend it the brighter it becomes and the more darkness we illuminate. We can give without any expectations until goodness flows from our depths, presents new possibilities, and expands our sense of purpose. Invite a new virus of caring, of a nobility of our humanity that becomes even more contagious than the one dancing in the headlines. This is our time. We can ch...oose to surrender to fear or we can show the world what it means to be thoughtful, to be generous, and to be proactive in helping friends or strangers alike. Perhaps this is an initiation of sorts in which we are invited to step into a new experience of our interdependence and empathy.' What are you choosing? ''If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path' Buddha

03.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to what I want to bring to the Christmas table. I want to be mindful of what I say, what I eat and how much I eat and say and to do it with Love. What are you bringing to the table? Happy Christmas to all, peace and goodwill.... 'I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year' Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol

03.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening with this poem:- How to be a Mystic Wake up every morning with thank-you on your lips.... Brush your teeth with gratitude bubbling up in your mouth. Leave the newspaper folded, the answering machine on and the door to your prayer place closed to the world till you have taken the call from the One Who Speaks in Silence. Let your mind empty and fill with ten thousand thoughts and remember there is nothing that is not holy. Be aware that the words you speak on Monday become the life you live on Thursday. Look deeply enough into the eyes of those who speak to you and see yourself in there. Embrace thoughts that are contrary to yours and travel to the place where there is nothing to defend. Crawl into bed at the end of the day singing thank-you and thank-you a hundred times. From: 'There are burning bushes everywhere' by Jan Phillips 'You come to know the ONE by letting go of two'. Are you becoming a Mystic?

03.01.2022 Joyfully Awakening to the non importance of being right! During this past week I was in a meeting and a colleague remarked that we had met before with another client. I was sure we hadn't, she was very keen to prove me wrong and went to great lengths to find evidence only to find she was actually mistaken. I was surprised by her need and desire to prove me wrong, it really had nothing to do with the meeting we were involved in. An extract from 'Psychology today' ... Being right affirms and inflates our sense of self worth. Avoiding the embarrassment of being wrong. Getting the right answer becomes the primary purpose of our education which maybe inconsistent with actually learning. Can you imagine the generative and exciting learning environment that would result from a class that rewarded asking the best questions? No need to be cautious about a wrong answer and everyone would be invited to safely participate in a generative and shared enquiry encouraging curiosity and greater complexity. How important is it for You to be right? 'The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is' Meir Ezra 'More evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way' Glen Cook

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