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23.01.2022 Anyone else super pumped for 2020?. . . . I can’t explain it but there is this vibe for 2020, a feeling of new beginnings, excitement, adventure, love. Finally everything falling into place. .... . 2019 was a year of lessons, inner growth and hard work. . . 2020 feels like an accumulation of all the efforts paying off. Of finally you getting what you deserve. . . It feels like a fresh start, of letting go of shackles that held you back, old fears wiped away. Of joy and love finally having space to enter after the work of 2020. . . God/the universe is manifesting your desires now. . I wish all your dreams start to come to fruition in 2020 . . Anyone else feeling this too?!! Give me a amen or some . . . . #newyearseve #newyear #2020 #manifest #selflove See more

20.01.2022 Have you heard of a blue vulva? . What about blue balls ? I’m sure you have heard of that! . But did you know the same painful experience that happens to a man (epididymal hypertension) when he is aroused and there is no release (ejaculation) can happen to a woman as well?! ... . This is known as blue vulva. During arousal there is increased blood flow to the vulva and clitoris. Pain occurs when the blood is trapped due to extended arousal without relief (orgasm). . . Women have over 8000 nerve endings (twice as many as a penis)! . . So ladies it’s just as important that you get release as much as a man! For your own comfort as well as feel good hormones such as oxytocin, endorphins etc . . Oxytocin helps with pain relief, bonding and regulates stress levels. So if you stressed or have a headache this might be just what you need Ladies be proud of your WAP. #wap #men #women #orgasm #naturalhealth #naturopathy #womenshealth #anxiety #stress #relax #stressrelief . . @bwsimplicity See more

20.01.2022 Woohoo 2020 what a ride! . . Half way through the year & not how I thought it would go that’s for sure. . . But this time of questioning, turmoil, stress - what is it all for? .... . Do you feel yourself asking that? . . Do you come back with something like F*#%ing nothing mate! I’m in debt, I’ve lost my job, my home, a loved one- all the loss people have suffered. . Which is fair enough, it can feel like that. But is there nothing coming out of this? Is your perspective still the same? Have you not been forced to pause and question things? . What do you need right now? . Sit and honestly ask yourself what do you need right now. And don’t rush with thoughts..push the ones aside that rush through like a train & just sit... pause. . . And you maybe surprised that there can be some gems come out of this turmoil. Some opportunities to look at things a different way. To improve the way things are. Use the energy and frustration for a fresh start. . . Do you not appreciate your health more, access to food, connection etc . I know I needed this time to pause and see what was important to me and what I value. . . So I ask again....what do you need right now? See more

20.01.2022 Sometimes this happens literally, waking you from sleep . . But what I mean by waking you, is it’s making you face something, listen to a message you have been ignoring. . . That heart pounding, gut churning, the tight clenched fist around your heart. Is a response trying to tell you something. Do not resent it. But hear it’s message, instead of building walls and doing everything possible to avoid it, you need to feel into it. ... . Feel these sensations and ask what is it wanting you to know. Soften to it. Ask it why has it turned up here and now, from where has it come. Then your inner voice can bubble up and answer you. . It is trying to love you in the way it knows how. By showing you, you are alive. That there is good work for you to do for your freedom and joy. That you are in control of your life and the directions it goes. You are the creator. . . When you are straying from your path it wants to warn you that this is not all you are meant to be. That it will loosen its grip when you do more that serves your highest good. . It is helping you remember your hearts desire. The more you give love, create love & joy the less tightly it will hold you. . It is but a messenger. . Do you feel your fear or do you ignore it? What message of love are you missing because of this? . Exploration of emotions and sensations is how you soften and release them. . . Nothing appears or manifests in our lives for the purpose of being avoided. These strong emotions hold the keys to doors we have been wanting to open. Do not condemn them but accept them. . So relax tour body, soften and hear the message. The only way to have more light is to listen to the message the dark is trying to show you. Let it speak so it may release. . . All emotions are loving and serving you, no matter the circumstances- this is how you will find greater peace. By accepting them all. . . . #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #emotions See more

20.01.2022 Want to improve your stomach acid levels?. . As highlighted stomach acid is important for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Which has implications in many body functions including your mood and brain health. . . Stomach acid also protects you from harmful pathogens entering your body. .... . So how do we increase it? first by chewing your food properly- this means 30-50x a bite. This helps switch off your SNS (sympathetic nervous system) and into PNS (parasympathetic nervous system- our rest and digest. Which allows us time to prepare and make acid and enzymes to digest food. We want to be relaxed when we eat not rushing around, to aid digestion. . by using bitters before a meal to help stimulate the receptors in your mouth and gut to prepare for food. Bitters start the salivation process and let’s your body know that it has a job to do. . Things like: Salt, coffee, gentian, bitters, ginger, chamomile, dandelion root, yarrow, apple cider vinegar, warm lemon water etc . . By eating bitter foods like rocket etc this also helps aid indigestion. We tend to in modern society eat a lot of sweet and avoid bitter tastes. But bitters are important for gut health. . . you can also take direct acid supplements but this should not be the first step. As you want to make sure you have no ulcers if h.pylori infections ( as this bug loves acid). And may be the reason you are low. . If you can’t digest your food you can’t get the benefits and can become deficient in a number of Macronutrients and micronutrients. . NB: acid reflux is often caused by low stomach acid not high . #gerd #acidreflux #sibo #leakygut #guthealth #mentalhealthawareness See more

19.01.2022 Here is a study that is very local for us Brisbanites. It is a UQ, CSIRO and Notre Dame study looking at detecting SARS-COV-2 in the sewage of Brisbane area: ht...tps:// Given that COV-2 is detected in the intestines and therefore feces, it could be considered a good sample to detect the total infected population. Going by what they detected and the official case numbers it seems a valid proof of concept to monitor the population. Michael O.

19.01.2022 Receipe for a healthy WAP Now my last post on a blue vulva might have you dashing out to get your needs met. But as fun as sexual play is, it is good to do so safely. . Not only with protection against STIs. But also prevent a common problem for women -UTIs (urinary tract infections). ... . We don’t want this stressing you out and making you anxious! So let’s help prevent it as much as possible so you can enjoy the moment. . RECEIPE : cranberry juice (low in sugar), lime juice, dash of honey or pineapple juice (for natural sweetness) . Why cranberry? . . Because cranberry juice has compounds (flavonoids, fructose, Vit C, anthrocyanidins, catechins , triterpinoids) that help prevent bacteria causing infections in the bladder. . . It exerts this affect by preventing e.coli(a common UTI bacteria) from adhering/sticking to the wall in your bladder so it can’t make itself comfortable and grow. They also can change the protein structure of the bacteria making it less likely to infect you!. . Drinking this before having some fun will help prevent a UTI as well as make your wap taste sweet due to the pineapple. . It’s also important to urinate after sex to help flush out any bacteria that may have made its way in. Most UTI are caused by your own bacteria being moved from other parts during the insertion and rigorous motions in sexual play. . . . PMID: 22760907 . . #cranberry #naturopath #bondi #naturalmedicine #wap #womenshealth #mentalhealth #uti #sexeducation #sti #holistichealth See more

14.01.2022 Blueberries are your brains best friend. . Rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, anthrocyanins, caffeic acid, tannins, quercetin, resveratrol, fibre, polyphenols etc. . . Why are these good for the brain? .... . They reduce vascular inflammation, and inflammation in the brain with their antioxidant actions. . They are low in fructose and low GI, helping with insulin sensitivity. And preventing those fluctuating moods from the highs and lows of sugar swings. Also helping prevent that bad belly fat we don’t want! . They increase nitric oxide helping with brain performance and cognition. They also regulate gene expression, synaptic plasticity, motor and cognitive performance. . One such constituent Pterostilbene can cross the BBB(blood brain barrier) to help reduce inflammation in the brain and increase BDNF (think of it as brain fertiliser). . This component can also prolong a runners high by it inhibiting FAAH- increasing anandamide- which makes us feel good. So maybe eat some blueberries before a workout! . . They also inhibit damage caused by LDL cholesterol and dead/damaged cells (necrosis and apoptosis). . Blueberries are anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-proliferative- reducing oxidative stress and damage due to stress and prevent brain degeneration/aging. It’s considered to be neuroprotective for the brain. . Because of low activity of antioxidant defense systems, the brain is susceptible to oxidative stress more than other organs. Moreover, many neurotransmitters are autoxidized to generate reactive oxygen species- causing damage. . . The components in blueberries can reduce all this damage! I think I’ve given you enough reasons to eat them! Help your brain function better, make new brain cells and improve your mood! . But make sure they are organic where possible as blueberries are often heavily treated with pesticides. . . PMID 25317174, PMID 29168580, . . . @fortyninefigs . . #blueberry #blueberries #brainhealth #mood #mentalhealth See more

14.01.2022 OK, here goes..."What is Autism to You?" from an Autistic adult's perspective. Part 1 of 3 in our "What's Normal Anyway" video series. TRIGGER WARNINGS: footage of Autism cure talk & Autistic pathology - Also...lot's of Actually Autistic Pride x The beginning clips are to show the Fearmongering surrounding Autism. The video then goes on to dispel this fear by explaining what Autism is to an Autistic person. My autistic son who is 6 and pre-verbal is the reason I made this video. I want the world to be a better place for him One where he is not viewed as abnormal or weird because he is autistic x Video featuring (to name a few): Steve Silberman, Rosie King, Chris Packham, Anthony Hopkins, Life, Animated, National Autistic Society #actuallyautistic #autisticpride #autisticidentity #WhatisAutism #theAutisticRevolutionWillbeTelevised #neurodiversity #agonyautie

09.01.2022 I Only Ate Food That I Grew Or Foraged For One Year Thanks to Rob Greenfield. Find more of his videos at:

08.01.2022 Adaption -is the ability to adjust to new conditions. . So how does meditation help with this? You have a certain amount of stressors/ adaptation energy that allows you to go with the flow and handle little nuisances/changes. . But any change in expectation burns up some of your adaptation reserve. .... . Let me give you an example of this: let’s say you wake up late and sleep through your alarm & now you are rushing to get to work. There goes a little of your adaptation energy. You check the traffic and decide it’s going to be faster to drive than take public transport. But when you get on the highway it’s jammed even though the traffic report said it was clear. Meaning you are now going to be 30mins late for work. There goes some more adaptation energy as things have changed from your expectations again. . You park, decide to get a coffee as you are late you will have to hit the ground running to catch up. But the baristas machine is broken and won’t be fixed for another 30min, but offers u a free tea. You don’t want a tea you need a coffee. So you leave empty handed and rush into work. . You arrive and the boss wants to see you and says thanks for all your work but we are going to have to let you go. Even though this is the first time you have been late & you have worked there for yrs! . . You leave work that day and call your partner asking if they can get dinner- as it has been a terrible day and you can’t be bothered cooking. They say that’s fine but text back later saying they have been thinking and they want to end things with you. All via txt!! . You get home deflated and get yourself a drink, but there is condensation on the glass and you drop it on the floor. . . You then start either screaming, crying, yelling, punch the wall etc. Even though the glass is only a few dollars. Your adaptation energy has been exhausted due to all those changed expectations though the day.If you are out of adaptation energy you will get latched into fight or flight mode, hence the exaggerated response. . . Meditation doesn’t take away your problems but it allows you to adapt with the flow of demands life hands you more elegantly-more adaptation energy See more

08.01.2022 Meet Oxytocin . . The feeling of love and trust, friendship it’s all the warm and fuzzies unicorns and rainbows. . That intense feeling of safety that someone has your back. ... . It’s what bonds you to your partner and sustains a relationship. . Massive amounts are released when you orgasm. For woman this makes you want to cuddle and feel close to your partner. For men this can occur as well but as men also get a surge of testosterone when they orgasm it can counteract any feelings of attachment that oxytocin brings. . For woman this is why we often get more emotionally attached than men after having sex. For men it takes longer for the testosterone spike to drop and more of the oxytocin feels to come through after repeated encounters. . There are many ways to get oxytocin, one is physical contact ie hugging, sex. Another is giving your time and energy to others for free. . . Witnessing acts of generosity also releases Oxytocin. When mothers and children bond there is a huge release of oxytocin and this also occurs right after giving birth. . The more oxytocin in your body the more you want to do things for others. . . It inhibits addiction and makes it very hard for you to become addicted when you have lots of oxytocin in your system. . . Oxytocin also makes you happy and boosts your immune system. It improves energy and just feels great! . And unlike dopamine it is not addictive and takes time to build. . How are you going to boost your oxytocin natural? - leave in the comments below . . . #relationshipgoals #relationships #mentalhealth #oxytocin #hormones #brainhealth #neurology #humanbehavior #psychology #naturopath #naturalhealth #holistichealth #womenshealth #menshealth #bonding #healthylifestyle #bondi #cuddles . @carboncocoau See more

07.01.2022 Here is an excellent accepted pre-proof article in Cell, that I would say really gets to the meat of the COVID-19 disease. That is the proinflammatory cytokine ...storm and resulting high expression of IL 6 which leads to immune dysregulation: It is great to see this paper provide further confirmation of some of the observations of immune dysregulation and high inflammation in the earlier epidemiological studies published. What is interesting in this paper is that they observe all severe respiratory failure patients with COVID-19 as having either macrophage activation syndrome or very low human leukocyte antigen expression with a large depletion of CD4-lymphocytes, CD10-lymphocytes and natural killer cells (lymphopenia) and the TNF-alpha activation of IL-6 being the main driver of this immune dysregulation. To read further about how SARS-CoV-2 initiates the cytokine storm, here is another accepted pre-proof review (and the image reference) in Cell: What I find interesting is that SARS-CoV-2 activates NF-kB via pattern recognition receptors (PPRs). In addition, as the virus takes up the ACE2 receptor there will be more AngII in circulation which induces inflammation through TNF-alpha and IL-6. This then further snowballs NF-kB activation through IL-6 amplifiers and STAT3. So what we are really starting to see is a common pattern in the COVID-19 disease that really causes a lot of damage. This cytokine release syndrome or cytokine storm is really the major treatment target to prevent further damage from the virus. Michael O

07.01.2022 Happy New Years!! . . Hope you all aren’t as hungover as I am from seeing in 2020. . . May there be love, laughter & good times ahead. .... . 2019 taught us a lot of lessons. Now it’s time to receive the rewards in 2020 for all the growth the previous decade saw. . . Thinking over the last 10years it’s amazing what you have achieved. So celebrate the wins and losses. And get this year off with positive vibes. . . . . . #newyears #newyearsresolution #2020 #selflove #selfworth See more

05.01.2022 I’m a HUGE believer in attachment theory and I’ve taken several of Silvy’s courses. What better time to take inventory of our own attachment styles then during ...a pandemic when we are all looking for some type of connection. I’m an anxious attacher. What are you? All graphics belong to @silvykhoucasian on IG.

04.01.2022 How often do you put yourself second?. . Trying to please others, make sure they are feeling good, that we fit in, that we aren’t too different, that they like and accept us for who we are. . . This can happen with family, friends, work colleagues. .... . We all so desperately want to be seen and heard. To be loved for who we are. And yet we often dim that down to fit in or so others will like as better. Moulding our personality to the situation, making ourselves more palatable. . That is a sure fire way to loose your sense of self and wake up asking yourself- how did I get here?! . . When we feel rejected it sets off our anxiety responses. As back in caveman days if you were rejected from your herd. You didn’t last very long & you died without the safety a herd provides! So we have this in built mechanism to seek security with others. . . We can’t change that programming but we can choose a better herd to hang around, people that respect you as you are. Who love you and want to be around you without you having to make yourself seem lesser or give more than you receive. . . But the real prize is to love yourself. No matter what people come and go from your life. What they say, whether they value you or not. You need to know your self worth, your value and not have anyone else set the price. . . We all have some less lovable bits but loving yourself completely with them, will allow others to see it’s ok to not be perfect & love themselves too. . . Those who reject you, react most strongly to you, secretly are reacting to themselves reflected in you. . . Don’t take their baggage on board. You are amazing & loveable even if they can’t see it, you need to see it . . . . #selflove #rejection #faith #growthmindset #positivepsychology See more

01.01.2022 Histamine Intolerance: A Beginner's Guide | FX Medicine

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