Juanita Rose | Public figure
Juanita Rose
Phone: +61 428 158 881
Address: 1/98 Hastings Road 2488 Cabarita Beach, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.juanita-rose.com/
Likes: 1379
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24.01.2022 WATER has been used since ancient times for its healing powers. It has the ability to energetically be transformed by energy. Energy can come from high vibrational light, thoughtforms & emotions as well as nature itself. Water is also a powerful cleansing tool, not only energetically but also physically. ... Submerging yourself in water instantly calms the nervous system, emotions & thoughts so one can begin to access their truth once again. It has a neutralising effect on psychic attack, as well as being able to cleanse the aura. When pure, alkalised (not to be confused with alkaline water) water is consumed it has the ability to purify one’s cells of toxins and acidic waste as well a providing optimal hydration so all of your cells can function better. Unfortunately, for some time now the powers that be have understood that in order to control the population & increase disease they have polluted our water system with toxic chemicals such as fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, bromides just to name a few. These chemicals wreak havoc on our systems as well as blocking our spiritual evolution. For 18 months I have been consciously working with a Health Technology company that produces the best water ionisers and filtration systems in the world that are classed as a medical device. It cost $4 per week to invest in one of these systems which is much cheaper than if you were to buy pure water. Buying pure water doesn’t guarantee you health as quiet often it is still acidic, leached with chemicals from plastic or contains substances that stop it from going mouldy. Get your hands on a classed medical device filtration system so you too can optimally utilise the healing power of water Comment below for details xx
23.01.2022 What is true? Now more so than ever you may be finding it hard to know what is true & the best thing for your health when it comes to food, supplements, herbs & orthodox medicine. Eating healthy is almost in fashion especially for those that live on the GC, Byron or Bondi in Australia. ... Studying Naturopathy & Nutrition has become a ‘thing’ as well known influencers have made it glamorous plus consciousness is in the rise. So that would be a good thing, RIGHT? Well with anything good & true unfortunately the world we live in likes to skew & distort that truth. Scientific studies often contain biases or lack the funding to get real research published, dieticians are in egoic battles against Naturopaths & Nutritionists and heck they at times can even be in egoic battles amongst themselves and with anybody who doesn’t have a degree. As such, you will see there is a lot of conflicting advice on what is actually good for you. When you have a highly followed degree based health professional saying that unrefined food is just a buzz word it’s concerning. I don’t want to be another health professional that writes a science backed rebuttal to that claim. I don’t feel that would be helpful as then people would be left with 2 sides of the argument and still not knowing which to believe. I pride myself in my ability in seeing what is true and what it isn’t. So I thought to myself how I can help people become less overwhelmed by the information out there and become connected to what is true, so when they read statements they automatically have an awareness if it is truth. My answer.. Bring more light to your cells. Light is truth . Where there is light darkness can’t exist in the same space. The more light your cells & space between your cells hold the more truth you will see. Darkness is just light distorted. The light will be help you see. And one last thing pray to have clear knowing & sensing activated within. Sometimes we learn through having to experience the opposite of what is true. But it doesn’t always have to that be that way. #naturopathy #light #spirituality #nutrition #naturopath #truth
22.01.2022 Mornings have never been my best time of day. The idea of incorporating a morning routine made my head cringe. Id much prefer to program my day the night before when I was alert & clear thinking.... For years coffee has been my only priority in the mornings. Then this little gem came into my life, ‘The 5 minute Journal’. I would say in less the 5 minutes you reflect on what you are grateful for, your daily affirmations & things you can improve upon. I decided before the new year if I was going to step into version 2.0 I needed to be more structured & disciplined in approach to life & business ( the last year I have just floated with no structure whatsoever). This journal has gotten me excited to write in it morning and night and already I feel a massive shift in my mindset, as well as becoming more aware of self sabotage patterns. So if you are like me & struggled at the concept of a morning routine treat yo self and try this journal out #coffeefirst #5minutejournal #affirmations #programming #gratitude #morningroutine #intentionsetting #anchoring #grounding #focus #mindset
21.01.2022 RECOGNITION & LEADERSHIP I look forward to the day when it is the norm amongst humans to recognise & hold in high regard the things that are ‘unseen’. I.e the light energy workers & warriors, the people who are focused on evolving at an energetic level, the ones who behind the scenes do so much for this planet & humanity but aren’t seen. ... I so look forward to the day that these people begin to be seen & recognised for all that the do. Because at the moment it’s deeply saddening that people value only that which can be seen & heard. It saddens me that the ones who have hype & are loud with good marketing strategies are valued more than the very special high vibrational souls who do their work in a less showy way. Or maybe these true light warriors & workers aren’t meant to be seen, people are not at the level to recognise them. Maybe it’s just for God to see. And its just between them & God. I send my love and my deep respect to those who play a great role in anchoring the light timeline here on earth. It is the most important job one can have here and a job that most of the population aren’t aware of. The greatest leaders on earth are the ones that lead with light. Leadership has many different meanings for people. Everybody seems to have their own 2 cents on what makes a good leader. For me a true leader is a person who leads with light. Who has true wisdom to share, who doesn’t give energy to people’s crap, who is strong enough to call people out on their B.S, who honours their boundaries, who knows if someone has a dark agenda or is anchoring it & is committed to dissolving the matrix & honouring the truth. JR
19.01.2022 Time to jump all in
19.01.2022 Last week I became aware of the term ‘closeted light worker’. Somebody very dear to me wrote me a message sharing they felt guilty for being one. ... I had never heard of this term before nor could I relate to what this person was experiencing. In my late teens & early 20’s I was so so lost and not in my body. I was searching for deeper meaning but had no idea what I was looking for. It wasn’t until I had some level of awakening a few years later that I realised what it was. I was searching for the connection with my soul, god & the truth that really is. When I found that, to the level that was available to me at the time, it found like I had come home. Finally I had something to identify with. It wasn’t just any thing. I had found the aspect that was my real self & that’s all I cared about. As each year goes on that real self grows & gets stronger. I bring it to the table whatever situation I’m in. I don’t have one hat for work, one hat for family & another hat for friends. I am my spiritual whole self in all situations. I couldn’t put on another face even if I tried. The reason being i don’t have the energy or the know how to interact with people on a personality level. I suck at it & energetically it would be very draining. Also, im driven by what makes me feel good, peaceful & light. The only thing that brings those feelings is honouring & being my true self. So ask yourself the question, if you identify with being a closet light worker, why is that? Whatever is keeping you in the closet why are you choosing to honour that over who you truly are? Choose peace, choose light, choose truth, choose love over anything else as that will bring the most fulfilment, growth & healing to you and the planet. The world doesn’t need more humans it needs more souls that commit to the true light while in human form. #peace #lightworker #lightworkers #spiritual #shine #spirituality #awake #authenticself See more
14.01.2022 You are continuously receiving higher guidance of what is good for you in life. Sometimes it’s loudly spoken, or a subtle whisper or at times you may hear nothing at all. In the moments where you don’t know which direction or action to take pause, you may be being held back until the path opens up. ... There is a time and a place to listen to other people’s guidance especially if you are learning a new skill or in a field where others are more experienced. Once you have learnt the foundations it’s then important to follow your own higher guidance until you embark upon a new skill or reach a new level. I find sometimes people are either one extreme or the other. Either focusing too much on other people’s advice or believing they know everything already and don’t need a mentor (quiet prevalent amongst millennials). At the appropriate time a teacher in any field can be of so much benefit to fast tracking one’s growth. Allow the personality to be aligned to the will of the soul, it makes it much easier for the teacher (person, book, education platform) to show up when needed & for you to see the benefit of them in your life. I love the beautiful dance between teacher & student. I love continually learning & growing. It’s a beautiful thing to have those that have mastered a skillset to share their learnings with others embarking on a similar path. Grateful to the way showers, light warriors & workers for paving the way for the others to fulfil their destiny. #lightworkers #lightwarriors #light #healing #health #wellness #spirituality #lawofattraction See more
13.01.2022 IODINE This micronutrient can often be forgotten about & plays an essential role in health, especially for women. If you aren't eating high amounts of sea vegetables, strawberries, cranberries, iodised salt or grass fed butter chances are you're deficient. ... I don't recommend iodised salt as healthy way to maintain iodine levels due to the aluminium content. Iodine plays an important role in: + thyroid health, metabolism & energy + hormonal balance + neurological development in babies before birth + protecting against cancer + alkalising your body's PH + removing unwanted bacteria + purifying water + helps break up mucous in the airways Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency: + goitre + inability to sweat + dry mouth + fibrocystic breasts + fibroids + poor skin integrity & acne + weakened immune system + muscle pain & weakness + poor digestion + weight gain + low IQ and poor cognition + fatigue & drowsiness Chemicals that block Iodine Absorption: + Floride + Bromide + Mercury + Nitrates Iodine helps your body detox from these chemicals, which is highly recommended if you are drinking tap water etc Potassium Iodide is the form of iodine I recommend. It is a salt of stable nonradioactive iodine & blocks radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland. Once the thyroid gland has maximised its absorption it can't absorb any form of iodine for the next 24 hours. Note: Seek professional advice from a degree based Naturopath/Nutritionist before supplementing.
13.01.2022 If your work is done with intention, consciousness & love, you are giving the most valuable contribution of all ... you are adding light to the world. [Sanaya Roman]
13.01.2022 I choose the former . . . . .#truesource #newenergy #matrixfree
12.01.2022 Who else has been feeling the need to sleep a LOT lately? Sleep is one of my favourite things to do on this planet. ... I find it blissful. I’ve never felt guilty for sleeping nor have I seen it as time wasting. In actual fact many of us are busy working in other realms while we sleep, so it can be quiet a productive time , even if you are consciously unaware of it. Sleep is healing, it allows you to reset on every level. Upon waking it’s up to you what you choose to pick back up again. Feeling tired doesn’t mean there is something wrong. Our humanness at times can place the most absurd expectations of how one must operate in the body. Honour the fact that you may need to have multiple naps throughout the day. It’s ok & healthy to do so. Of course other factors can come into play with being tired I.e nutritional deficiencies, stress, over work so it’s important that these are addressed too. Sleeping & laying horizontal is great for the nervous system and also slows down the ageing process. More of it I say x .
09.01.2022 As I get older I’m more and more comfortable with embracing change. It wasn’t too long ago that I stayed working 60 hour weeks in an industry that I had outgrown by a year. I kept pushing myself because I was running an outdated program that I had to work hard to get anywhere in life.... I didn’t realise there were other ways to earn more money that required putting in a lot less time & that were a lot healthier on my system. I didn’t listen to my soul to slow down. I didn’t follow the prompts that my soul was ready to express itself through another vocation. As such i suffered burn out & 2 injuries that took a year to recover from. Physically I was forced to change direction as I could no longer keep doing what I was doing. I’m grateful that the wake-up call wasn’t any bigger. I’m Grateful that Universe presented me with the perfect business to generate an income from. Even more so, I’m grateful I have the knowing to jump all in when the most divine path opens up. #spirituality #manifestation #lawofattraction #onlinebusiness
07.01.2022 The way to have more time in this new wave of energy is to raise your vibration and handle things from a higher level. You do this by doing things only when you are in the right energy space to do them, when you can put your full attention on them. ... If you aren’t in the right mood to one thing, do something else you are in the mood to do. Trust that if you aren’t in the mood to do something, there is something else that is more important to do at that moment. Written by Sanaya Roman #spiritualgrowth #higherconsciousness #vibration #higherdimensions #spiritual #spirituality #expansion See more
07.01.2022 ! For FREE! Starting this week, my mentors that I had the pleasure of learning from recently in Bali are bringing a guided 6-week personal development program that's helping people around the world see dramatic results by overcoming the mental stumbling blocks we all put in our way.... This week they will be Breaking Down Your Story. Wherever you are, whatever you're struggling with, come get the tools you need to make 2020 your most spectacular year yet. Time: Dec 19th, 2019 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Dec 20th, 2019 1:00 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEDT) Location: Zoom Register & Grab your seat here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-3m5lZ6mQ4irCHIE0eWDZg Register now through the link above and make sure you have a spot on this amazing program! #personaldevelopment #2020 #agame
06.01.2022 The online space isn’t just for computer techy guys anymore. Women & lightpreneurs are realising the importance of generating an income in other ways that supports their health, provides financial independence as well as being able to stay a home & be with their children. #affiliatemarketing #onlinebusiness #onlinebusinesscoach #helpinglightworkersearnanincomeonline
05.01.2022 Clearing our biggest karma & healing our deepest wounds in life may not be the easiest task. It can bring a lot of pain to the personality as it learns to reorientate and let go of things that are no longer serving ones highest good. There can even be a battle between what the soul & personality wants. ... At times the personality likes to stay safe & continue to give energy to the wound, patterns or situations that aren’t serving the soul. It needs to be reassured that nothing will be lost and everything will be gained if it gets onboard with the souls path. No matter what the external situation is, pain is pain. You can’t compare ones pain to another as everybody has different wounds and karma to clear. So what may seem like a small event to some is actually very big to another. They can be sufffering just as much as somebody who may have just experienced a great loss. Have compassion towards yourself if you know you have made decisions in the past that honoured the personality over the soul. Sometimes it takes a few goes at it. As long as you know what is true, pray you have the strength, energy & wisdom to make a decision for your highest good the next time you are presented with an opportunity. Practice leaping out of the mud your current pain state may you have in. When you jump to a plane of higher frequency its easier to see your karma / wounds for what they truly are. You can detach from them and see the higher purpose they have served. It doesn’t mean you bypass the learning it actually means you transcend it. Be gentle and treat yourself with love. Know that if you are committed to living a soul inspired life you will have all the support to do so.
05.01.2022 Put light into everything that you do. ... . #light #lightearth #spirituality #healing #service #enlightenmentyhroughservice See more
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