Jude St Clair | Media
Jude St Clair
Phone: +61 414 792 480
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24.01.2022 A snippet from book 3 .... A library full of intrigue The Accident Ben drove too fast. He knew that, but he forgave himself this time. I mean, it wasn’t as though he was driving fast just for the sake of it. He had an important mission, didn’t he? The sun was setting behind him as he glanced at the clock on the dashboard, 7.39am it read. ... Bang! The sound came out of no-where. There was a screech of brakes, a tearing sound, perhaps metal, ripping, and a sort of sickening splat noise as his head hit the steering wheel airbag and his nose got smooshed, blood flowing out in all directions. The last thought he had, going through his mind before Ben passed on to the next world, was ‘I hope I don’t get another traffic ticket for this’. There was an eerie quiet after the accident. The truck driver, swaying slightly as he stepped down from the truck, shook his head, as if to clear it so he could focus on the tragic scene in front of him. He slowly seemed to come to terms with what he was laid out in front of him. A scene of horror, a mangled red car, with its driver all bloodied and slumped over the wheel. A dog barking to his right, and the light beginning to appear as the sun popped its head up over the barn in the distance. The light poles were lined up along the road like little tin soldiers, standing to attention, all except the one bent over the bonnet of the corvette, as though peering into the mangled wreck, trying to figure out what happened here.... Feedback always appreciated!
24.01.2022 Today’s writers group exercise Write for five minutes on a topic handed out to you immediately prior to the exercise.., She’d looked through the dirty window panes so many times she could describe the scene with her eyes shut. The old barn, with its double doors and giant sliding bolt, that rattled continuously on windy nights. He was always complaining about them. The hill in the distance covered with forest trees where the sun rose every morning. The paddocks that stretch...ed as far as the eye could see, left fallow, the animals now long gone. It had been a violent storm last night, the worst she’d heard for years, and as she glanced out the window now she knew something was different. Looking down, towards the driveway that meandered in front of the house, she gasped. There he was, lying on his side in a pool of blood with a massive metal arrow sticking out of his chest. Yes, that was it. That’s what was missing from the picture. It had obviously fallen off the top of the barn when he’d gone out to shut those infernal banging doors. Those beautiful, wonderful, amazing doors. She felt overwhelmed with thankfulness, for something as simple as a loose barn door and a rusty old weathervane. My topic was a rusty weathervane.
22.01.2022 Not sure if erotic fiction is really my thing hmmmm Erotic fiction chapter two.... Tracy is starting to regret being quite so eager to help out Paula, her sister. When she rung and asked Tracy if she could pick up her niece and nephew from school and take them to their tennis lessons, wait for 45 mins then drop them home Tracy was very excited. Firstly she didn't get to spend any where near enough time with those gorgeous kids, and secondly, for her sister to ask her and trus...t her, was a very positive step, because usually she spent her time defending herself to Paula, excusing her lifestyle or trying to explain why she did the things she did. Glancing out the window at her niece and nephew she was happy to be able to help out, but truthfully was feeling a little bored just watching the kids have fun running about out there. Tracy decided then to get out, stretch her legs, maybe even take a little stroll around the outside of the tennis complex just to lift her spirits. She had just rounded the last corner of the fenced off tennis court when she quite literally bumped into a gorgeous sandy haired, six foot two eyes of blue hunk. He blubbered an apology and bent down to pick up a bag of tennis balls he had spilt "Soooo sorry, honest, didn't even see you there really sorry!" Tracy managed a nervous laugh, "that's fine, no problem no use crying over spilt tennis balls" He snickered as she bent to help him pick up the rest of his balls. "So, what are you doing here? You look way to young to have kids in this class" Obviously a line thought Tracy, but not one she's heard before, and he was certainly cute! "Nope, just here with my niece and nephew - and you?" "Helping out my cousin with his class, I'm on 'ball duty' " as he nodded to indicate he was doing a lap around the outside fence collecting stray balls. Tracy, who had gone from mild mannered, sedate, and totally devoted wife to sexy, sultry siren over just a mere manner of weeks began to feel the tell tail stirrings as she ran her eyes up and down this sandy haired tennis assistant, taking in his firm, bronzed shoulders, bulging biceps and macho chest. "Well, what do you do when you are not assisting your cousin? Oh, and I'm tracy." She smiled. "I'm a fly in fly out medic based outside of Newman" he answered, "and Tom's the name" his smile lit up his face. "So, Tom, a medic huh. Well I might just need some medical attention after our little bump ... Would you be willing to assist?" Tom's look of bewilderment was all the encouragement Tracy needed and she slipped her card into his hand, brushed her bosoms along his arm and with a smirk and a wink said "call me"as she trotted back to her car, just in time for the kids who had finished their lesson. ...... To be continued ..... Maybe See more
18.01.2022 Another challenge from the 2016 marathon... The painting All she could think about was that horrible painting. As she lay on her cot, listening to the others sob and whimper, some were outright crying. She has that awful image burnt into the back of her eyes the way he had pointed it out to her as they entered the foyer and he laughingly explained that he’s nicknamed the painting his holocaust picture. She didn’t know if it had been painted based upon a real life event o...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Hi friends. Here in another of the challenges from the 2016 marathon...not sure if I want to turn it into a short story or not. Would you be interested in hearing more?? feedback requested... The Dispensary September was notorious for bad weather so as he threw the cigarette butt out of the window and it tumbled on the wind, he quickly wound the window back up tight and shivered. Although he was wearing a thick coat he was still cold but he knew better than to turn the car ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Hi friends. Here is one of the challenges from the 2016 marathon...not sure if I want to turn go further with it or not. Would you be interested in hearing more?? feedback requested...please comment below or send a pm if you prefer. Yes, its nice to hear the positive things, but please - constructive critiquing is appreciated!! Just let me know what bits you thought needed work,what parts you just didn't like, or those you loved, anything you didn't understand etc. Not all sh...Continue reading