Jules Steer | Community
Jules Steer
Phone: +61 423 959 648
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24.01.2022 Strawberries for days #explorefnq #athertontablelands #holidayathome
23.01.2022 Has everyone heard of Album Registry? It's the brainchild of #Cairns local Jannah Dryden, and it is the newest big thing. Instead of giving #ShitGifts (like footspas and toasters) at your next weddings, baby shower, bah mitzvah etc, you can chip in to cost of a professional photographer. It means local photographers get more work, and your loved one gets a gift they actually want.... This is going to be huge, it's a Cairns local creation, and it's so easy to get involved. Oh ... and even Celeste Barber is in on the act, and we all remember what happened last time she backed something Please pop over and check it out for yourself. Cheers, Jules
22.01.2022 ... And that’s a wrap ... After weeks of speculation, and what has possibly been the slowest ballot count of all time ... it’s now official. Max O'Halloran will continue as Cairns Regional Councillor for Div 7 for the next four years. As I’ve said before, Max O'Halloran is a great bloke, and is fiercely passionate about sports in the local community. ... Sadly, 3760 (33%) of the 11,602 residents registered in Division 7 did not cast their vote at this election. Who knows what the result may have been if they did... Covid-19 has made this election like no other, but the most important thing was to ensure the community was kept safe. If that means 3760 residents didn’t feel safe enough to vote, then so be it. Regardless, my experience over the past three months has been so positive. I’ve learned so much, and it has given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people in the local area, and has concreted my resolve to try again for this position in 2024. Like Arnie said, I’ll Be Back. I thank you all sincerely for your support during this campaign, and I will continue to use this page to keep you up to date on the issues that affect the residents of Division 7. And a big shout out to my running mates in this election - Samuel Byrd, Scott Clarke, Jenny Clark and Steve Brech, - who have been hugely supportive and have made the experience very worthwhile. Until next time, Jules xx #JulesFor7
20.01.2022 I’m super proud of my long connection with Brothers Cairns. Both the Leagues Club and the Football Club have been giving back to the local community for decades. Brothers Cairns RLFC Cairns Brothers Junior Rugby League Club Cairns Brothers Jenny Coates Cancer Council Cairns Cancer Council Queensland Liz Plummer Cancer Care Centre
19.01.2022 One year ago, I was at the official opening of the COUCH Wellness Centre at Manoora, a project I have been honoured to raise funds for, over many years. In the process, I’ve been delighted to meet some inspirational Australians, including Michael Crossland and Michael Milton, as well as numerous local legends. Hell, this charity even inspired me to push my body to the edge of its physical capacity, fundraising in the 2016 Cairns IRONMAN 70.3 ... Today, I got the news that my dear friend - a woman who has been an advisor, a mentor and a source of inspiration to me for many years - has been diagnosed with breast cancer. And I’m reminded again why the work that COUCH -Cairns Organisation United for Cancer Health does is so important. Because #COVID19 may have stopped much of the world and it’s economy, but it didn’t stop #cancer. So today, I’m sending my biggest love to my darling friend, and to all the people who have been affected by cancer. And to declare that if I have to do another bloody triathlon to raise more funds to keep fighting this vile disease ... I will. Ladies - give your boobs a good check today And gents - remind your lovely ladies to do the same
19.01.2022 Take three minutes out of your day to relax and appreciate the skills of Shane Christensen from Outdoor Solutions Queensland and this amazing parrot sculpture at Whitfield State School.
16.01.2022 I’ve been so proud sponsor of the FNQ Emergency Services Association Ball for the past few years. Coronavirus has put a halt to this years Gala, but you can safely bet that John-Byron and the fantastic team of organisers will be back at it for 2021, making sure it’s the best one ever!! Bring it on! ... #DamnYouCovid19
16.01.2022 Beautiful Cairns Prawn Star Cairns AJ Hackett Cairns Riley, a Crystalbrook Collection Resort
15.01.2022 Ticking all my favourite boxes ... Supporting local Supporting local agriculture Supporting Innovation supporting Women in business ... I can’t tell you how proud I am of Angela Nason, who has taken the lemons that Covid-19 dished out to us all ... and turned it into sweeeettt lemonade. Check out Tablelands To Tabletop, and get your hands on some home-delivered, delicious locally grown produce. Taste Paradise Jules Atherton Tablelands Support Local Cairns Oasis Magazine TradingMate.com.au Farmer Meets Foodie Carmen Ferreira Csa The Cairns Show Cairns Business Women's Club Business Liaison Association Mums on the Go Business Network Inc.
13.01.2022 He always gave more than he received, it was as simple as that. RIP Lou Piccones
13.01.2022 Annnnd that’s a wrap! The polls have closed and now the counting has commenced. And it’s been one helluva ride!! You can keep updated on the count at this link: ... https://prodresults.elections.qld.gov.au/ This year’s election has been ... ummm ... novel, if nothing else! Candidates were certainly kept on our feet, as we all navigated the coronavirus situation and unprecedented measures that were put into place by the ECQ during this period of history. And let’s face it, no one is to blame. It’s my opinion that no one has a bloody clue what anyone is doing at the moment. We are all just winging it. The ECQ is no different. As for this campaign, I’m the first to admit that I’m no politician. I don’t know the ins and outs of politics, and because of that, I’ve never been too interested in what the experts had to say on how to win an election. I didn’t want to just win this election. I want to serve the local community. I’ve never been a part of a political party, and I sincerely don’t think that politics should have any role in local government. Local government, or Council, should be about community. I am simply a community-conscious resident. A rate payer. A parent. A business operator. A resident. A local. I’ve run my campaign from the heart, as a local who just wants to see the best opportunities on offer for our Division. Regardless of the result once the votes and preferences are counted, I’ve had a blast! I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people in our community and I really treasure that. I’ve also been supported by a team of passionate locals who have the best interests of Division 7 in mind, and I extend my deepest appreciation to this crew for all their help!! It’s been a huge honour to have the chance to meet so many local residents over the past five months, and to be included in their conversations and Visions for the future. And if I’m not successful this year, it has been an amazing dress rehearsal for when I have another swing in 2024. Take care, everyone. And please check up on your friends and neighbours xx And don’t forget to turn your lights off for an hour tonight for #EarthHour
13.01.2022 YOU HAD ONE JOB! For those who have been asking about the vote count, you may have heard that the Queensland Electoral Commission’s (ECQ) websites crashed on Saturday night. Uh-oh. ... In Division 7, this means that votes cast at the Early Voting Centres (pre-poll booth) are the only results showing as yet. This screenshot is the most recent count, from Saturday night, when 21% of the total registered votes in the Division had been counted. This sees me coming 2nd to Max O'Halloran. The votes cast at Edge Hill State School, Whitfield State School and Trinity Bay High will continue to be counted today. Postal votes will continue to be counted as they arrive, so I expect it will be another week or more before final numbers are confirmed. However, while the numbers and percentages may change slightly, I predict that the places will stay the same. I believe I will come 2nd place to Max. I have known Max for about 8 years now, and he is a great bloke. He’s fiercely passionate about sports and has a huge local network. And he has 8 years experience as a Divisional Councillor, which will be comforting to many locals in these uncertain times. I’ll keep you updated as the results keep coming in. And as always - thanks for all your support over the past 3 months or more. Please take care of your bodies and your minds, Jules xx
12.01.2022 Huge congrats to Edge Hill based TPG Architects for taking out The Australian Institute of Architects Eddie Oribin Award for Building of the Year for their epic redevelopment of Bulmba-ja Arts Centre.
11.01.2022 #TBT to this time last year being interviewed on Mamamia about the peaks and pitfalls of life with a child with a public profile. The chat for Holly Wainwright and Cameron Daddo’s show meant to be a 15 minute interview. Ours went for about an hour. Hard to believe I’d talk too much, right? ... . . . . . @strawnomoreproject Jules This Glorious Mess
10.01.2022 Rusty's Fridays Park out the front No crowds Fresh produce Supporting local growers
09.01.2022 AND THE UPDATE IS ... there is no update. I rang the ECQ Returning Officer yesterday, thinking perhaps my browser was faulty or something else was preventing the Division 7 poll to be updated. #ComputerSaysNo... Turns out, Division 7 hasn’t been counted since Saturday night, due to the close race in Divisions 5 and 8. Sooooo ... with 21% of the registered votes for Division 7 counted, here’s the leaderboard: 1st. Max O'Halloran - 35.78% 2nd. Jules Steer - 16.45% 3rd. Samuel Byrd - 14.26% 4th. Jenny Clark - 12.69% 5th. Steve Brech, - 11.68% 6th. Scott Clarke - 9.14% Soooooo ... we’ll just keep on waiting waiting waiting until something else happens, and then update you from there! In other news, Here’s a photo taken 6 years ago today. We have a house-bound birthday party planned for my youngest child today. Hope you are all with your loved ones right now, and your bodies and minds are staying healthy! Take care xx
09.01.2022 Council will spend $500,000 per year over five years to relocate the Spectacled Flying Fox colony from the Cairns Library site to Cairns Central Swamp on Severin Street, Parramatta Park. Personally, I love watching the fruit bats flying overhead at sundown. I’ve never known Cairns any other way, and the vision of it will always make me stop what I’m doing to briefly admire the natural occurrence. However, I also acknowledge that I’m not a resident of the CBD, so don’...t have to deal with the fallout And I get that Covid19 has highlighted the potential for bats to transfer diseases, including Lyssavirus and Hendra virus. So, what’s your opinion on the CBD fruit bats? Do you love them or hate them? Is this attempted relocation worth the $2.5Million investment, given that Cairns Regional Council has already spent a considerable amount of money in efforts to remove the colony previously. And, if the relocation is successful, the same fallout will obviously occur regardless of their location, so is it fair to make this another suburb’s problem? Or is it possible to shift the perception of the bats - from being a pest, to being a tourist attraction (the way that the city of Austin, Texas has embraced their colony)? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Aaaannnd go!
07.01.2022 Very important message to remember today as we head out to the shops. #ShopLocal #SupportCairns
06.01.2022 You reap what you sow Saturday afternoon cook up using the results of the Covid lockdown. I’m basically living off grid
05.01.2022 Still no confirmed result in Division 7 from the Electoral Commission of Queensland, but here’s a fantastic reminder that We’re all in this together An epic Sunday afternoon filled with singing and smiling, with Pub Choir at The Woolshed (my home-away-from-home for most of my 20’s!) Looking forward to a time when we can get back to supporting the local businesses that make this city so vibrant!
05.01.2022 JobKeeper payments are being cut today. So, what does the future hold for workers like DJs, beauticians, tradies and farmers who are reliant on that money to survive?
03.01.2022 Meanwhile in Cairns ...
02.01.2022 The polls are open and this election is going ahead! And more so than ever, your vote really matters today. Huge non-voter rates are expected today, and that’s scary. Because the candidates who get the most votes today need to be up to the task of bringing Cairns through the other side of Coronavirus. ... Phone voting is open from 8am to 6pm, as are the polling booths at Edge Hill State School, Whitfield State School, Cairns West State School and Trinity Bay State High School. Make your vote count!! Authorised by Jules Steer, 364 Pease Street, Edge Hill.
02.01.2022 The bugle will still play ‘The Last Post’ at dawn And as a sign of respect We will walk onto our lawn We will do what we can ... To show you that we care As we all sing ‘Advance Australia Fair’. So polish your medals And iron your shirt And still crack a coldie - Even though it hurts. We can’t line the streets With the confetti you deserve But today, we remember those who served. We will never forget you On this ANZAC Day And Lest We Forget, As the world has lost its way. We will always remember On this ANZAC Day And we thank you for the sacrifice you made. To all those who died For the life we have today To those that returned And then lost their way. But you had our back And today, we’ve got yours And at the rising of the sun, Australia will pause. To our mates that left before us, And to those that we know To our Nans and our Pops, Our sisters and our bro’s We would usually catch up For a beer and a feed But we’re always here, if there’s anything you need. We will never forget you On this ANZAC Day And Lest We Forget As the world has lost its way. We will always remember On this ANZAC Day And we thank you for the sacrifice you made. All the RSL’s are empty And things won’t be the same But that doesn’t mean Respect won’t be paid. For the ANZAC spirit Will shine on through today And next year will be better - it’s the Aussie way. From Cadet through to Corporal, To the Sergeant in his mess Thanks to all of you for being there And for giving it your best Cheers to you, from my loungeroom And we just want to say We salute you on this ANZAC Day. We will never forget you On this ANZAC Day And Lest We Forget, As the world has lost its way. We will always remember On this ANZAC Day And we thank you for the sacrifice you made. We will remember them on this ANZAC Day. Who’s joining in the Driveway at Dawn Parade?
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