Julian Brady | Sport & fitness instruction
Julian Brady
Phone: +61 468 942 341
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25.01.2022 Spinal segmentation is a great way to explore the end range of your capacity to flex and extend the spine in a safe manner. There are 24 vertebrae in the spine and my intention is to move each of them one by one up the spine. What you may find are areas that don’t express any movement. This leads to an inefficiency to distribute load which places excessive forces on the structures above and below. ... How good is your understanding of what your spine can do?? #spine #spinehealth #spinetraining #segment #jointhemovement #jointpain #jointpainrelief #internalloading #intention #injuryprevention #injurymitigation #everydamnday #functionaltraining #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #fra
25.01.2022 I feel that a controlled handstand is a great expression of overhead shoulder stability. Sadly, I cannot stand still. #handstand #handstandpractice #handstandbalance #amateurhour
25.01.2022 Not good enough Literally need to get better at pushing F$&king harder!!! #planche #fail #failarmy #calisthenics #pushyourself #eminem #tillicollapse #chestday #weak #weakaf #gymnastics #gymnasticsfails #pushtheworldaway #pushup #outinnature #greengrass
24.01.2022 Cruising Steady state cardiovascular work. Unilateral loading, constantly demanding ankle and hip stability with forces both rotational and linear. And it’s only asymmetrical if you’re not willing to give goofy stance a crack. Plus it’s enjoyable so psychological benefits can be argued for.... Physical fitness and training is such a broad domain and variety throughout the way you move helps facilitates healthier joints. Continuing on from that variety may expose weaknesses in tissues that are often neglected. I know that skating can definitely give me a great foot workout. Learn to love trying new things because it may give you what you’re missing! #crusing #skating #happyfaces #bigsmiles #lowerbodyworkouts #legstability #hipstability #anklestability #cardioworkouts #pyschologicalbenefits #rotationalload #risky #getaround #unilateraltraining #unilateralloading #goofystance #footworkout
24.01.2022 Still a long road ahead before I’ll be able to dunk but I’m happy I can achieve this without directly training for it. As a side note, I shot around for about an hour and I feel playing sport is a much more enjoyable way to get in the steady state cardio that people who train in the gym often neglect. Plus with the amount of submax jumping I do messing around in helps build better neurological control and increase the resiliency of my lower extremities. #basketball #cantoucht...herim #plyometrics #barefoot #roadtodunking #powertraining #cardioworkout #sweaty #messingaround See more
24.01.2022 Rebuilding my Strength - For a while I have been training but without any specific goals. Currently I am in a phase of getting back into the habit of following proper programming for my training. One goal is to regain my strength that I obtained during my phase of training as a powerlifter. - I am doing this by slowly reintroducing heavy loads fro the main compund lifts. This is to ensure I figure out where my current strength level is and practice dealing with hea...vy loads. A struggle I have come accross is the mental aspect. Sets like this one feel incredibly difficult in the moment but after reviewing them I see I move with decent speed. My RPE is out of sync and in all honesty I feel that I am training like a bitch. I am a lot stronger than I think but back off because it feels hard. It's time to toughen up and get back to what I am capable of - #aboutme #whoami #openingup #whatdoyouwanttoknow #life #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthcoach #movementcoach #controlyourself #learntomove #bradybunch #brisbane #howluckyami #learnaboutme #hello #iputmyselfhere #mychoice #workingtowardsmygoal #workingtowardsmydream #imaweetbixkid #movementculture #evolving #progress #insights #humanexperience #rebuild #bringbackthebeast #trainhard #strongmentality #icandobetter See more
23.01.2022 Having a bit of fun playing in the gym Dare you to have a crack at this yourself and show me how hard it is for you! @shenith.k can testify how hard this actually is.... #calisthenics #gymnastics #bodyweight #shoulderworkout #synergy #lowerbodyworkout #play #playful #messingaround #internalloading
22.01.2022 We failed! Shoutout to @parisbrady as our safety officer
22.01.2022 Struggling with this one. Balancing is heavily neurological control. It’s a skill. More time practicing is a key predictor of how successful you will be achieving the task. So when you fall down get straight back up. ... #balancingact #struggling #neurologicalcontrol #skill #childsmindset #playfullearning #foottrigger #anklestability #footstability #hipstability #falldown #getbackup #failingforward #singlelegbalance #barefeettraining #barefoot #hairdown #myofascialrelease #footday #control #curlingfeet #grabbingatree #outdoorworkout #parkgym #parkgymworkout
21.01.2022 Making the inverted row harder than it needs to be. Trying to keep the consistency between each rep but my range of motion gets shorter and shorter so quickly haha #invertedrows #frontlever #calisthenics #bodyweighttraining #pullup #chinups #backworkout #pullday #armsday #longhair #gripstrength #touchthechest #barstarzz #abs #abworkouts #sideways #fatigue #halfreps #halfrepper #barefeet #exposedtoes #harderthanever #whynotme
21.01.2022 Upper body Controlled articular rotations. These movements look basic but that’s the point! Learn the basics and beat on that drum constantly. Not only will these help with longevity but they are teaching you independent control.... When you can dissociate between joints you can be extremely critical with what you want to stress and what you want to get better at expressing! Can you move your shoulder and only your shoulder!! #functionalrangeconditioning #endrange #upperbody #everydamday #joint #jointhealth #movement #selfcare #basics #backtobasics #fundamentals #frc #fra #articulations #critical #precise #feeling
20.01.2022 Spinal decompression! When you put a loaded barbell on your back recognise that you are compressing your spine. Sometimes it’s nice to take the time to counteract the stimulus you experience from all the hours in the gym.... To do this variation understand it will be a calf trigger for some people and it will require hamstring strength to hold yourself similar to having adequate grip strength to do a traditional hang. #hangingaround #spine #spinehealth #spinaldecompression #decompression #upsidedown #monkeyman #brazilianjiujitsu #tenderloveandcare #newperspectives #relaxin #chillingout #calftriggerpoint #hamstringstrength
19.01.2022 Loading end ranges is an undervalued training modality. Plus why not give some love to loading in rotation. You may not need this stimulus but do you know when to apply it and for who? Is your elbow giving you pain signals? Granted you can assess joints above and below but when is elbow pain an elbow’s problem not a shoulder? ... #forearm #supination #endrange #endrangetraining #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #garagegym #changeofscenery #elbowpain #elbow #painsignals #assesment #elbowproblems #jointtraining #rotationalstrength #rotationalload
18.01.2022 Solid workout dad’s got me doing! The great thing about labour is how chaotic the loads you will be dealing with. Producing force in all three planes of motion in an asymmetrical manner is what trumps common gym based exercises that are commonly executed only in the sagital plane. Don’t get me wrong they have their place but sometimes it’s not the best representation of how you move in life.... Do you load in all planes of motion?? #digging #diggingholes #dig #wheelbarrow #dirt #renovations #outside #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyworkouts #forearms #gripstrength #workboots #gettingdirty #labour #manuallabour #sweaty #sagitalplane #allplanesofmotion #multidirectionaltraining #loading #forces #longdays
18.01.2022 My personal training is loading with an intention that is specific to each joint. With my current communication skills it will be six individual shifts cues. This is because I’m stressing a specific line. Why?? As I evolve after this stimulus I have an end goal with what I want to be able to express which would look like a different exercise but in actuality it’s a progression of this movement. ... Currently i cannot express the necessary force or range to achieve my end goal task. The thought process is deeper than get a pump or just work hard. #calisthenics #parkgym #bodyweight #Lsit #Tricepworkout #hipflexorworkout #abs #Core #outside #sunshine #barefoot #dirtyfeet #endrange #functionalrangeconditioning #push #fightforit #pump #workhard #thoughtprocess #evolve #evolution #barstars
18.01.2022 Got to Jiu-Jitsu early and went behind the gym to do my own Warm-up. Had a bit of fun with the beams but when I first started attempting jumping between them it was honestly kind of daunting. After a few trials I was able to gain confidence and move with pace! ... Do you ever try exploring your surroundings?? #balancing #beam #daunting #warmup #barefoot #dirtyfeet #childsplay
17.01.2022 The suitcase deadlift My intention was to stand as straight as possible as if I was not holding any weight at all. At the start of the lift my body preferred an asymmetrical position. I had no problem as I brought awareness to the moment and listened to my body. Feeling the fuck out of my left glute I was happy with the sensations and proceeded.... What happens if the wheels break on your suitcase as your boarding the first flight after COVID? Adapt and get on that plane. #standtall #stronggrip
17.01.2022 Grading this weekend at @garra.bjj.academy with a great community! Always a lot of fun. #bjj #bjjaustralia #grading #rolling #gi #levelup #progress #progression #community
16.01.2022 Beachside workout with @damian.brady
16.01.2022 Here is a little playful challenge. Solid lower ab and hip flexor workout for me! No specific form I was aiming for. However, the external cue of get the med ball over the ball leads to a movement pattern that requires a faster rate of contraction and force. There were a significant amount of fails not shown ... Do you think you could do it?? #play #challenge #abworkout #conversion #failedsomanytimes #keeptrying
16.01.2022 Mindfulness There is an abundance of sensory information your body is telling you if you’re willing to listen to it while your lifting. It is different information you would not get from a video or a coach. Although it is a skill. During this set I was able to identify that my upper back and traps are weakest link. ... My understanding of the hinge is constantly being refined and from the feedback I got from this set, I know it’s not at the standard I’m aiming for. #backtobasics #mindfulness #stickyourassout
16.01.2022 Outdoor training vibes. Inspired by @andrew.joness Using the swing but the movement does feel much cleaner and controlled compared to my previous attempts. Plus I don’t have to rely on a false grip doing it this way!! #chinupbar #pullupbar #outdoorvibes #muscleups #checkmat #calisthenicsworkout #parkgym #swinging #cheating #bodyweightexercises #falsegrip #strongwrists #sunnyday
16.01.2022 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an incredibly fun way to move! Literally loading all muscle groups from head to toe in a chaotic multiple directional pattern it stands unmatched in my eyes. #brazilianjiujitsu #nogijiujitsu #chaos #humanchess
16.01.2022 Excited and thankful to be part of the team at @sherwoodmagpies as there strength and conditioning coach. Looking forward to a great season ahead! Here’s a taste of agility incorporated into the warm-up for our preseason conditioning.... #afl #preseason #agilitytraining #agility #changeofdirection #reaction #warmup #warmupexercise #strengthandconditioning #conditioning #anklebreakers #teambonding #coachinglife #eveningsession #largegroup #2021season
15.01.2022 Having a little bit of fun while waiting for the bus. #barefoot #frontlever #calisthenics
15.01.2022 Testing the old door frame Don’t know how much the punching bag weighs but the physical size of it makes it easier. It allows me to squeeze it with more surface area compared to a med ball. Plus by not using a weight belt I get the added benefit of loading the adductor groups of my legs. Two birds, one stone!... #jiujitsuworkout #itdidntbreak #legday
15.01.2022 Diet is one of my weaker points with training. Nevertheless I know it is extremely important but because I struggle with it my main objective is to eat as many calories as possible. Here’s one convenient way I like to inhale food because it’s quick and great to have on a hot summer’s day! #smoothierecipes #hotsummerdays #frozenfruits #caloriesmatter #tastesgood #refreshingdrink #nutritionbeginner #alwayshungry #inhale #quickandeasyfood
14.01.2022 @_ryanneale the dedicated 110m hurdler hitting an AMRAP at the heaviest weight he’s put on his back so far. He managed to send 160kg for 7 reps! Yes this is a 1/4 depth pin squat. The joint angles better represent that of his event compared to a full depth squat, leading to greater transfer. That’s the priority of his training! No matter how much he lifts in the gym, what counts is getting faster on the track. ... #hurdles #pinsquats #personalrecord
14.01.2022 Contrast training leading into @_ryanneale competitive session next year. Keen to see how well he goes on the track and the new PB’s he’s going to smash! #contrasttraining #strengthandconditioningcoach #trackandfield #trackandfieldlife #heavysquats #pinsquats #hurdlejumps #powertraining #competitiveseason #110mhurdles #strengthandpower #closeto4plates #noshoes #brisbanegym #brisbanecoach #athletefocused #representative #straightlegjumps #overhead
14.01.2022 Shoulder blade gains! Scapula CARs = Developing strength and control in my end ranges of Scapula movement! My capacity to protract my Scapula is a limiting factor so I bias more load in that direction by setting up in a push-up compared to standing or alternate variations ... #shoulderhealth #scapulagains #protractiondrills #functionalrangeconditioning #controlyourself #controlledarticularrotations
13.01.2022 A walking muscle up. There was a sign at this park that said to only use the equipment as specified. Yeah, nah... #muscleup #parkgym #parkgymworkout #beingcreative #exploring #usingmyenvironment
12.01.2022 Dad’s showing me a few new ways to use the environment around me
11.01.2022 Had fun being a part of the rehab essentials 3 day course by @the_rehab_trainer Took away some good insights especially their work with the upper body mechanics. #rehab #rehabilitation #lowerbodymechanics #upperbodymechanics #spine #trunk #dysfunction #myofascialrelease #myofascial
11.01.2022 There’s a video of me doing back in 2017. My mum (Shout out to @rbrady0105) told me it didn’t count cause it was when I had short hair. I gave it a crack and probably should of been happy with one rep but I tell you what I can’t remember feeling my abs this much after 1 bloody set. These are much more intense than they look. Have a go and tell me what happens!... #abworkoutoftheday
10.01.2022 You don’t NEED gym style equipment to workout. Experimenting with items in your current environment may even lead to a more challenging form of resistance. #shoulderworkout #shoulderraises #workoutanywhere #unconventional #holidayworkout
10.01.2022 Do you play rugby, boxing, BJJ or anything that involves your neck being vulnerable?? Do these Daily! Joints don’t have much blood supply so they get their nutrients through moving. Keep your neck healthy and comfortable in all it’s ranges so when you get forced into an awkward position from a tackle, punch or choke you can go home safe that night and not need to take a trip to the hospital.... #neck #concussion #neckinjury #cervicalspine #controlledarticularrotations #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #fra #rugby #boxing #physiotherapy #staysafe
10.01.2022 Shoulder Controlled Articular rotations (CARs). A movement to perform everyday with the intention of exploring as much work space in the joint as possible in an independent fashion. Sending signals into my body saying I want to keep my full capacity of my shoulder through time. In this video spinal movement is occurring. Still working towards blocking that pattern.... #controlyourself #everyddamnday #feelsgood
10.01.2022 Update on the weightlifting front. This is me moving 80kg. My main aim in my cleans is to solidify the top position of the first movement (Triple extension) and connect it to how I execute my power cleans. Slow and steady #powerclean #earlystage #barbelltraining #manbun
10.01.2022 @damian.brady getting it in
10.01.2022 Loading your middle splits may be one of the missing pieces to your current split progression. Getting your nervous system strong and able to express control over the position you want to be in is required if you want to own the splits. This thought process lies with any position you want to get into. However, this is will work best when combined with a much more detailed plan that attacks the goal from multiple angles.... #middlesplits #middlesplit #middlesplitstraining #flexibility #flexibilitytraining #mobilityexercises #nervoussystem #rangeofmotion #functionalrangesystems #frctraining #functionalrangeconditioning #endrangecontrol #sidekicks #sidekicking #garagegymlife #workoutanywhere #homegymsetup #homegymlife #beingbarefoot
09.01.2022 I’ve been improving my capacity for ankle to dorsiflex (how far the knee can go over the toes) This is a way I’m introducing greater degrees of dorsiflexion in compound movements. The weight isn’t a high intensity rather I am using it as an assisted stretch helping drive more downward force over the front of my foot.... The loudest sensations during this exercise is the feeling of a stretch in my distal calf and the muscles of the under side of my foot working hard! #anklemobility #ankleday #mobility #assistedstretching #assistedstretch #lunges #legday #lowerbodyworkout #foot #footworkout #eccentric #eccentrics #lightweight #kneesovertoes #singlelegtraining
08.01.2022 Improving your hip mobility! Here is Hip Internal rotation PAILs & RAILs broken down. Being mobile is having strength in your end range to to express the position. If you improve your capacity for your hip to rotate it will improve how well your hip can express flexion. Which means you will be better able to express a deeper squat without the buttwink ... Do you ever train rotation?? #fyp #hipmobility #hipinternalrotation #hip #tighthips #stretch #endrange #endrangestrength #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #fra #functionalrangeassessment #pailsandrails #isometric #irradiation #deepsquat #asstograss #gluteworkout #glutestraining #glutestretch #underrated
08.01.2022 Calming down after moving today! #stretch #stretching #stretchingtime #calming #calmingvibes #relaxing #downregulating #downregulatingthenervoussystem #endrange #passive #moving #carrying #3flightsofstairs #onetrip #newplace #nextchapter #movingon #betterthings
08.01.2022 Whilst exploring these ranges my priority is the sensation! A gorgeous moving stretch all on the opening side. An example is when I’m arching and going into extension I don’t feel it in my back, rather a global stretch through my abs, chest and front side of neck. Getting comfortable in low level movements like these makes me feel confident that when I decide to load my spine out of neutral my body has had experience and can feel exactly what I intend to feel.... Great cameo by @drewbowman.aep #spineday #thisfeelsgood #neutralspine
08.01.2022 This video doesn’t provide value but the understanding of how life offers great workouts and how to implement in your training will. I moved out yesterday which involves a dick ton of carries with a truck full of randomly shaped objects of different weight sand sizes. Any and all my stuff by it’s design demands asymmetrical ways I’m forced to grip it and different orientations of the upper limbs to carry it. All of which stress different lines and provides more information to... the nervous for motor control. Does your training implement this level of variability?? As a novelty the chaotic nature of moving stuff and manual labour for that matter can be a fun way to get a great workout. #moving #movingforward #movingout #carries #carry #fridge #desk #variability #novelty #greatworkout #variation #functionalrangesystems #nervoussystem
08.01.2022 Please comment the name of this exercise My intention with this exercise is to load hip external rotation of the top leg. I believe success would be feeling the load predominantly in the glute/glute med. Other sensations such shoulder, core or adductor group of the bottom leg are all acceptable as they are being loaded. When first experimenting with this exercise I had to make sure I wasn’t treating it like a Copenhagen plank by ‘Squeezing the bench’ to achieve the task. S...ubtle difference but quite important. #bloodyhard #calisthenics #glutes
07.01.2022 Having a crack at a bit of running #runningbare #runningbarefoot #intervals #intervaltraining #walkbackrecovery #outdoorworkout #trainingoutdoors #parkworkout #windthroughmyhair
07.01.2022 Is your shoulder worse for wear when you get submitted with an Americana?? Overhead athletes listen as well! Try this exercise to build capacity and mobility in the shoulder.... Begin by setting up in this position and find a stretch on the anterior side. Passive flexibility is a prerequisite for active range so aim to stretch upwards of 2 minutes. Whilst staying in this end range, contract the lengthened tissue (progressive angle) by sending force into the handle. Follow this up by loading the shortened tissue (Regressive angle) by externally rotating the shoulder. The intention is to build strength in the end range of your shoulder. Shoutout to @tia.rpetch for help with the editing #pailsandrails #americana #jiujitsuworkout #shouldermobility
06.01.2022 When working of improving ankle dorsiflexion. Stretching is a common prescription amongst other modalities. Rather than stretching perfectly straight, if you explore variations in knee bend/straight as well as rotation components by keeping your foot planted and rotating on the spot. I’m confident you’ll find different lines of tissue that hold significantly more tension. Have a crack and tell me how it goes.... #anklemobility #tryityourself
06.01.2022 Warm-up Idea - At the end of my warm-up I have introduced a little bit of play after all the other exercises that raise my heart rate, activate any inhibited muscles and mobilise all necessary joints. I do this because life isn’t lived in one plane of motion. It’s random and chaotic, just watch how you move throughout your day. - This exercise here I am trying to catch the dowel as close to the ground as possible. As a result, I am conti...nually putting my body into deep lunge and squat positions at different angles. Assuming I keep a standard of ankle, knee and hip alignment when I drop down I mobilise the surrounding structures of my hip, knee and ankle. - Finally, being playful every now and then whether it be in training or in life is something I like to keep around. I want to keep the inner child in me alive! As Walt Disney said Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional. - #play #bitoffun #games #experimenting #tryingsomethingnew #outofmycomfortzone #creative #playful #newexercise #tryingnewthings #learningnewthings #learningsomethingnew #learningsomethingneweverday #educationmatters #exploring #trialanderror #firstattempt #disneyquote #trysomethingnew #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #challengeyourself #selftaught #selfreflective #practicewhatyoupreach #movewithpurpose #warmup #smarterwarmups #reallife #varied #chaotic @resistance_ss See more
05.01.2022 With everything that has happened with Covid and 2020, what else do you expect me to do other than shrug my shoulders. Honestly though, this is a solid variation for loading upper traps with the added benefit of a stability workout. #covid #covid_19 #2020belike #calisthenics #bodyweightexercises #traps #shrugs #balance #balancedlife #stability #stabilitytraining #gymnastics #upsidedown #lifeturnedupsidedown #barefoot #breathe #bloodpressure
05.01.2022 Absolute pleasure of a client to coach @shenith.k Diligent with how he follows the process demonstrating the faith he has in the program Here he is smashing out a finisher to a workout. Keen to see him push out 2 plates on the Bench!... #clientspotlight #pleasure #alotoffun #faithintheprocess #finisher #workoutfinisher #verticaljump #verticaljumptraining #diligent #2plates #medballworkout #pushinghard #solideffort #theprocess
05.01.2022 A poor man’s pistol squat! I implement the mobility thought process when I could see limited my lower body was. Loading single leg while fighting for end range makes this exercise feel quite challenging.... Because my lower body is limited the elevation makes it easier compared to the floor. There is now less demand on the floating leg. Until you are strong enough to pull it higher or improve the capacity in range of the stance leg this would be a nice regression assuming you can control it. This is why it’s called a poor man’s pistol squat!! #pistolsquat #pistol #poormans #endrangestrength #lowerbodyworkout #balancingact #kneeovertoes #garagegym #fordf100 #bare #homeworkoutvideos #lowerbodymobility #singlelegsquat #singlelegmobility #mobilitytraining #limitedaccess #regression #controlling #balancedmovement #footloading #feelthestretch
04.01.2022 Bright blue skies, fresh breeze and a touch of play #balance #slackline #recoveryday
04.01.2022 Found this metal pole on the side of the road walking home and I thought I could bend it. Here’s my attempt. Not shown is the minute or two after this video where I barely can do anything more to it #amatuer #barbending #bendit #struggling #swearing #sorry #itjustcomesout #beginner #random #nighttimefun #hadsomefun #poorlighting #firsttime #strongmantraining #oldtimestrongman #jailbreak #novelty #pleasentsurprise #torque
03.01.2022 Got these fellas as a freebie which I’m excited about. Keen to see what wearing them consistently will lead to. Been considering them for quite a while as I’m not thrilled with the culture of shoes as I don’t believe the majority of them are in line with the biology of the feet. I feel that wearing the toe spreaders is a step in the right direction to restoring what has been lost. ... Thanks to @thefootcollective / @tfc.australia for getting me started on this journey. #toespread #toespreaders #culture #shoes #barefoot #barefeet #restoring #lifetimefitness #whatif #consequences #freebie #consistently #free #omgbarefeet #youmustwearshoes #dirtyfeet #collective #thankyou
03.01.2022 With first reps of both box jump variations I intend to achieve the task using straight legs and the second rep allowing knees to bend. Notice the height of my hips between reps. Straight legs demands a greater height. Progressing with higher boxes means I’ll have to adapt by putting more force through the ground.... As the boxes get high and I allow picking up my knees I may adapt by means of producing more force or just getting better at picking up my feet. Are you conscious of what you’re trying to adapt? Enjoy my stumble! #almostfuckedup #boxjumps #plyometrics
03.01.2022 Family workouts have begun with @damian.brady
03.01.2022 Practicing with proper monkey bars. This movement although it may appear like playing requires pulling and gripping strength to control the swing. I’ve seen gymnasts do significantly harder variations but it’s a start #monkeybars #calisthenics
02.01.2022 Hip Controlled articular rotations (Hip CARs). An excellent movement skill to demonstrate, maintain and with enough intensity, expand the workspace of my hip joint. My intention is to ONLY move my hip! Learning independent control with the added benefit of keeping my joint healthy. How? With a lack of direct blood supply to the joint, movement supports the influx of nutrients.... #frc #functionalrangeconditioning #hipcars #controlyourself
02.01.2022 My best effort so far! This is how many I got with my left. Can you guess how many with my right? #onearmpushup
01.01.2022 Every time I fail and the ball is on the ground it provides me the opportunity to practice using the intrinsic muscles of my feet to pick it up and continue playing. This spares my back! If you ever drop anything be mindful of the options you have available to you and enjoy the clumsiness that comes with moving differently. #mover
01.01.2022 The evolution of a single leg Nordic! Nordics are a great method to bulletproof those hamstrings for track hurdlers and sprinters and anyone in the football codes who do high speed sprint efforts. Progressive overload is a thought process you have to employ to any program to see results. Here’s one idea to progress the Nordics! ... Stay strong, stay safe #nordic #nordboard #singlelegnordic #hamstrings #injuryprevention #eccentric #protection #hurdles #hurdler #sprinting #sprinter #trackandfield #trackandfieldlife #calisthenics #evolution #evolve #beginings #bulletproof #strong
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