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Julian Teh Photography


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23.01.2022 One of the most memorable experiences of my life will always be having sat next to one of the world’s largest birds. It stood just a few meters away, watching me, before deciding I wasn’t a threat and settling in amongst the tussocks and megaherbs. They command their space in a way few other animals can. They’re called royal for a reason - sitting near one fills you with such awe that you almost feel you should be bowing. Despite having seen it in foggy conditions that lowere...d visibility to just a few meters and made photography very difficult, there can’t be many places as special as Campbell Island. ~ Southern Royal Albatross (Diomedea epomophora) Campbell Island (NZ), 22/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f4 L IS 1/2000 | f7.1 | ISO 800

23.01.2022 Swift Parrots are a bird I'd never really considered getting good photos of - I'd seen them a handful of times in the past, and they were always high in the canopy. This morning I had an extraordinary opportunity to watch part of a large flock feeding low down - the light was pretty dim, but it was a magical experience to be in such a good position and watch them feeding at length. Got a few keepers, too ~ Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor)... Central Coast (NSW), 20/5/19 Canon 1DX Canon 400mm f5.6L See more

22.01.2022 I went for a walk today and found a nicely accessible cormorant roosting site! Cormorants often fall into the category of birds you see so often that you start to take them for granted, but they're really very pretty creatures ~ Australian Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax varius)... Glenrock State Recreation Area (NSW), 29/11/18 Canon 7D Canon 400mm f5.6 L 1/1000 | f7.1 | ISO 1250 See more

19.01.2022 Macquarie Island truly is an extraordinary place. Sitting on the beach at Sandy Bay, you're surrounded by thousands of inquisitive penguins who are fascinated by you and everything you own. Lens hoods are particularly sought-after for a bit of a nibble! ~ Royal Penguin (Eudyptes schlegeli)... Macquarie Island (Tas), 19/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 17-40mm f4 L 1/2500 | f4.0 | ISO 640 See more

18.01.2022 Black Swans A few weeks ago I was on the Central Coast chasing Swift Parrots. We pulled up in the carpark at dawn, and even though I could see flocks of swifties moving around in the trees, I knew they'd have to wait - a gorgeous orange glow was rising off the estuary, and this pair of swans was swimming on through! It's mornings like this that make me wonder why I don't get up at 5am every day ... ~ Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) Chain Valley Bay (NSW), 20/05/2019 Canon 1DX Canon 400mm f5.6L 1/6400 | f5.6 | ISO1600

17.01.2022 First post of 2019! An adorable Red-capped Plover pausing to check me out before returning to her nest in the sand dunes ~ Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus)... Hawks Nest (NSW), 03/01/2014 Canon 7D Canon 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 L IS at 210mm 1/400 | f7.1 | ISO 100 See more

15.01.2022 There were many memorable moments in the subantarctic, but perhaps one of the most was sitting in a zodiac and having a Buller's Albatross just swim up alongside to say hello. Like a mallard at the park. Such a surreal experience! It spent a while checking us out - even coming too close to focus - before drifting off to have a preen. ~... (Northern) Buller's Albatross (Thalassarche bulleri platei) Little Mangere Island/Tapuaenuku (NZ), 28/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 400mm f5.6 L 1/8000 | f5.6 | ISO 800

14.01.2022 Colours, shapes and textures of a King Penguin. Do birds get much better? ~ Canon 5D mark III... Canon 300mm f4 L IS 1/5000 | f5.0 | ISO 800 See more

13.01.2022 I spent an hour trying to get a shot of a wave breaking over a Royal Penguin's back. Turns out that Royal Penguins don't really like it when waves break over their backs - they turn around and face into the splash. Nevertheless, pretty happy with just a bit of foot-sploosh ~ Royal Penguin (Eudyptes schlegeli)... Macquarie Island (Tas), 19/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f4 L IS 1/6400 | f7.1 | ISO 1250 See more

12.01.2022 Buller's Albatross Scoring a close flyby from one of these epic birds is always a highlight of a trip into the Southern Ocean. This pelagic was particularly special, with hundreds of albatross across five species following our trial of fish-bits. While jostling for attention with Chatham and Southern Royal Albatross, Buller's might even get overlooked - but you can't ignore them with they push right up in your face like this!

10.01.2022 Birding in the subantarctic isn't only about penguins and albatross. There are a few unique passerine species to chase too - and they make up for their lack of seagoing intrigue with great character. Often they are also extremely approachable, particularly the pipit species found throughout the New Zealand islands. Campbell Island Pipits were common and confiding, to the point that we almost had to move them out of the way to avoid treading on them! ~... Campbell Island Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae aucklandicus) Campbell Island (NZ), 22/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f4L IS 1/1600 | f5.0 | ISO 1600

10.01.2022 Something cute but common! This female Superb Fairywren was foraging in the damp leaves of the hedge outside our cabin one cool and cloudy morning in the Gold Coast hinterland. There are a number of truly stonking fairywren species, but female Superbs will always have a special place in my heart.

08.01.2022 Another shot of the Beautiful Firetails from Melaleuca. How can I resist when they're this good looking? Not hard to see how they got the name 'firetail'! The adult on the right had been showing the young bird the tricks of scoring a feed at the Orange-bellied Parrot table, and was heading off for another bite. ~... Beautiful Firetail (Stagonopleura bella) Melaleuca (Tas), 10/12/2016 Canon 7D Canon 400mm f5.6L 1/800 | f7.1 | ISO 640

07.01.2022 Beautiful Firetail I reckon these guys have to be one of, if not the, best looking Australian finches. Not an easy title to come by, in a country that includes Gouldian!! Just the subtle tones and patterns, set off by that bright red flash really does it for me. I was psyched to find them common and easy to photograph on a trip to Tasmania a few years ago ... ~ Beautiful Firetail (Stagonopleura bella) Melaleuca (Tas), 11/12/2016 Canon 7D Canon 400mm f5.6L 1/500 | f5.6 | ISO 1250

06.01.2022 New Holland Honeyeater First night out shooting with the Canon 1DX, and I went chasing New Hollands down at the local headland - what a beast! Ate up the low light levels on a cloudy evening as though it was nothing, and the 12fps makes even more of a difference than I was expecting in getting the right pose. Not to mention the speed and smoothness of the AF! I can already tell some fun years of shooting are ahead ~... New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) Awabakal Nature Reserve (NSW), 24/02/19 Canon 1DX Canon 400mm f5.6L 1/320 | f5.6 | ISO 3200

06.01.2022 Plains-wanderer Today is National Threatened Species Day, so I’m sharing another photo of the bird I’ve spent all year working on - the strange and cryptic Plains-wanderer, a critically endangered, monotypic, endemic of Australia’s volcanic grasslands. While not actually nocturnal, 99% of the photos you’ll see of them are taken at night, when they’re easiest to find. With less than a thousand in the wild, it’s encouraging to see organisations like BirdLife Australia, Zoos Vi...ctoria, Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Threatened Species Commissioner and Bush Heritage Australia pushing the media through on this unique species - something all too uncommon with small, cryptically coloured birds. Plains-wanderers are one of those unusual species where the female is more brightly coloured than the male, and the male does the incubation and chick-rearing. This particular bird may look like a male, but very close inspection reveals that it’s actually a young female. For anyone interested in that, a short blog post with details has just been added to my website - check it out here :)

06.01.2022 And just like that, it's the end of the year! Thanks to everyone for their support throughout the year. All the best for 2019! ~ Striated Fieldwren (Calamanthus fuliginosus)... Melaleuca (Tasmania), 11/12/2016 Canon 7D Canon 400mm f5.6L 1/1000 | f5.6 | ISO640 See more

05.01.2022 Plains Wanderer A few years ago I was lucky enough to accompany a group of awesome photographers out to Deniliquin, NSW, in search of these endangered, monotypic semi-shorebirds. We struck gold towards the end of the night and managed to track down this gorgeous female, who allowed us to photograph her for several minutes. This is one of my favourite shots to date, and typically of me, it was a total fluke - just a dark frame between flash cycles that (thanks to the gear I wa...s using) was salvageable into this. It turned out so much better than the flashed images that when I next sought out Plains Wanderers the following year I didn’t even bother taking a flash! Thanks to @david_stowe for the lend of his gear that night, wouldn’t have pulled this shot without it!! ~ Plains Wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) Deniliquin (NSW), 28/06/2014 Canon 1D X Canon 600mm f4 L IS II 1/640 | f7.1 | ISO 1000

03.01.2022 The northern end of Macquarie Island is home to a breeding colony of Gentoo Penguins, one of the best looking species in the family I reckon! The chicks are especially cute Dodging Gentoos and Southern Elephant Seals is just another part of life in the remote subantarctic. This photo was taken right in the middle of the research station! If you feel like seeing some more Gentoo photographs (among other things), head on over to and check out the fourth in m...y series of subantarctic trip reports! ~ Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) Macquarie Island (Tas), 20/11/17 Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f4 L IS 1/8000 | f4.0 | ISO 1250

01.01.2022 Another post from a few years ago, this time a Black Swan cygnet. I spent an afternoon sitting with a family of swans on the shores of Lake Ginninderra. After a while they got used to my presence and relaxed, allowing their cygnets to have a quick snooze on the lawn. ~ Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)... Lake Ginninderra (ACT), 06/08/2014 Canon 7D Canon 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L IS at 275mm 1/500 | f5.6 | ISO 500 See more

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