Julie's Gems in Gladstone, Queensland | Gift shop
Julie's Gems
Locality: Gladstone, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4972 6019
Address: 16 Morgan St 4680 Gladstone, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Grant yourself the love and acceptance you offer complete strangers Say it with me: I am enough I do enough... I know enough I have enough. SaSasha P. Tozzi
23.01.2022 Fathers! You have no idea the impact that your example has on the person your child will become. Everything you say to them will be like a stud or brick in their construction. Would you build a house with crappy supplies? Do you think that you can skimp on costs and still expect a quality house? Do you think you can just toss it all together and hope it stands up? No! You have to have a plan, the right materials, and careful construction procedures to build a proper house. Y...ou can't ignore your kids, or parent without any thought. You can't consistently lose your temper and insult them and expect them.to grow up healthy and whole. I'm not a perfect parent, and you won't be either. But we HAVE to think about what effect our actions has on them. Josh Hatcher (From a father, to fathers) Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow. Reed B Markham It is no secret that the relationships we have with our children teach us more than any other relationships we have. When it comes to evolving as a person, nothing provides a steeper learning curve than parenting does. Much of this is due to the attachment we feel for our children. The love that a parent holds for their child is its own, unique kind of love and it is true that you cannot know or learn from that kind of love unless you become a parent. But just because we love our children more than anything on earth does not necessarily mean that we love parenting. And disliking parenting does not mean that we do not love our children. Teal Swan We are but the vessels that allow our children to enter this life. We need not mould them nor have them conform to our ways, but just to hold their hand and keep them safe as they discover the miracle of who they are #happyfathersday
23.01.2022 The words you speak are spells Choose your words wisely and with compassion https://youtu.be/W_RpPgPfdbg
21.01.2022 FULL MOON in PISCES at 10deg12 02-September-2020 3.22pm Sydney, Oz 02-September-2020 8.22am Nairobi, Kenya 02-September-2020 6.22am London, UK... 02-September-2020 1.22am New York, USA --- Water/Mutable Sign Sextile Uranus Rx (within degree, applying) Co-rulers Jupiter Rx & Neptune Rx are sextile, with Jupiter Stationing to Direct --- Sabian Symbol: Men Traveling A Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination --- WE ARE OUR OWN MAGIC --- I sometimes struggle with Pisces energy. Did I just think that or did it come out aloud??! We all have Signs, or more particularly energies from Signs, that we have trouble translating or embracing. We might find these energies difficult, frustrating, impossible or simply perplexing. But theres often a good reason (if one is needed) for these feelings, usually related back not just to our experiences of others but earlier, much earlier our experience of selves. Take me and Pisces as an example. Pisces rules my 12th House, one of the more inaccessible Houses of the Zodiac, from a pure consciousness point of view. So the Sign of Dreams and Imagination, Confusion and Fluidity rules my behind-the-scenes House of the Subconscious. It also houses both Saturn and Chiron for me. So from the moment I made my grand entrance way back when, my personal version of Pisces energy which in essence is fluid and boundary-less is quite the opposite. Turns out that I have the Anchor er Planet of Boundaries sitting in this particular sea of mine, as well as the Planet of The Achilles Heel. You could say that my version of Pisces is almost the antithesis of what its supposed to be. And thats the scenic route of getting to the part where I tell you how much trouble Im having translating what this Pisces Full Moon energy might hold for us except that a few moments ago, I stood mesmerized by tonights moonrise, switched off conscious thought completely and realised We Are Our Own Magic. Coming through loud and clear from the depths of this big, bright & beautiful lunation in our last Sign. We Are Our Own Magic. In the background, the co-rulers of this Full Moon, Jupiter and Neptune, are busy making more magic, building towards their final sextile of 2020 as one of this years Signature Aspects with Jupiter now Stationing to Direct, making the elements of Hope and Opportunity particularly powerful at this Full Moon. In the foreground, Uranus, our Master Of Change, sits sextile, within degree. If we remember back to our last Full Moon in Aquarius, Uranus sat exactly square, posing some sort of dramatic challenge. Now, our Planet of Revolution is in more harmonious aspect, suggesting that if a challenge was accepted and change embraced or embarked upon, rewards, or more aptly, a realisation of Dreams of some sort could be in the making. And if nothing else, this Full Moon in our last Sign the Sign that holds a tale and sprinkle of every Sign that has come before it is a reminder of the magic within. Most affected are my lovely Piscean friends and those of us with a planet/point 09-13deg of Pisces, the other Mutables (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius), the other Water Signs (Cancer & Scorpio) and Signs Sextile, Capricorn and Taurus. A Pisces Full Moon exactly sextile Uranus. The flashes of insight and understanding could be profound. The dreams are likely to be off the Richter Scale. And the magic is there for us all in fluid, consuming manner. Yes, even in a year as confusing, difficult and back-to-front as 2020, theres a big, bright ball of reminder in the sky. We Are Our Own Magic. ~ Ms Sparkles
19.01.2022 Learn to find comfort in the uncomfortable. #mercuryquincunxuranus #sunoppositeneptune ... See more
19.01.2022 Transformations are not easy. Ask a butterfly
19.01.2022 I have spent many years unpacking the trauma that was deeply lodged in my body. I carried with me neglect, fear, shame and the feeling of being unsafe. I abso...rbed this emotional and spiritual pain that I experienced as a child. This resulted in me unconsciously acting from my wounds for most of my life until I started to wake up. When I was acting from my pain I would project that onto others. Most people do not feel safe because they are disconnected from their body. They have little if no connection to their spiritual or emotional well being. How we reconnect to ourselves is by healing the root of our pain. What are your deepest wounds that you havent healed? What pain has caused you to close your heart and feel unsafe? Sending you
19.01.2022 Facing you fears will solve all of your problems
19.01.2022 https://youtu.be/qpVLyQJn6Ws
16.01.2022 It is not your job to make someone see what they are unwilling to look at. You can only shine your light. The rest is up to them.
14.01.2022 Dr Wayne Dyer once said: I was preparing to speak at an I Can Do It conference and I decided to bring an orange on stage with me as a prop for my lecture. I opened a conversation with a bright young fellow of about twelve who was sitting in the front row. If I were to squeeze this orange as hard as I could, what would come out? I asked him.... He looked at me like I was a little crazy and said, Juice, of course. Do you think apple juice could come out of it? No! he laughed. What about grapefruit juice? No! What would come out of it? Orange juice, of course. Why? Why when you squeeze an orange does orange juice come out? He may have been getting a little exasperated with me at this point. Well, its an orange and thats whats inside. I nodded. Lets assume that this orange isnt an orange, but its you. And someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, says something you dont like, offends you. And out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, fear. Why? The answer, as our young friend has told us, is because thats whats inside. Its one of the great lessons of life. What comes out when life squeezes you? When someone hurts or offends you? If anger, pain and fear come out of you, its because thats whats inside. It doesnt matter who does the squeezingyour mother, your brother, your children, your boss, the government. If someone says something about you that you dont like, what comes out of you is whats inside. And whats inside is up to you, its your choice. When someone puts the pressure on you and out of you comes anything other than love, its because thats what youve allowed to be inside. Once you take away all those negative things you dont want in your life and replace them with love, youll find yourself living a highly functioning life. Thanks, my young friend, and heres an orange for you! This is still true today. What you hold inside are your beliefs. Many of your beliefs have become limiting and no longer serve you. As a belief is just a thought you continue to think, NOW is the time to transform your beliefs. You beliefs should not harm or hinder your growth.
14.01.2022 "You tried to change, didn't you? Closed your mouth more Tried to be softer Prettier Less volatile,... Less awake, And if he wants to leave, Then let him leave. You are terrifying And strange and beautiful, Something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire This is a shout out To all of the brave women Unafraid to be themselves, fully In the knowing that When you dim your light so others don't have to be insecure, uncomfortable You stop your growth You throw knives at your soul You destroy the very magic that makes you magnetic to begin with And that is your profound radiance, born from your wisdom, your resilience, your unbelievable will to live This is a shout out to every woman who has ever been told she's too much Too confident Too brave I've lost love to both of those And you know what? There is no such thing as too much However there is the quality of not enough When someone, anyone, insists that you are too expansive It is a gentle test of your love for yourself Because you are going to expand more And your light might blind them But under no circumstances May you willingly stop shining. And my goddess, You are so luminous, You could bring the world to its knees. Don't fear your power, embrace it. They can watch you rise, And I promise If it's what you want You will find a heart strong enough to hold you. #loveletter #baberevolution See more
12.01.2022 https://youtu.be/D7eEMp_DG24
11.01.2022 Acceptance~~ I have come to accept that I am just always a little un-done. A little unfettered.... A little unkempt A little dramatic. A little too much. And chaotic. And messy. And unbuttoned. And generally ten minutes late. I wish I could play it cool, but when you wear your heart on your sleeves, sometimes it burns right through the fabric and the skin. So instead I wear big earrings. To distract you from the rest, especially my always look of: Tell me everything real and whole and holy, now. I am not a linear thinker or organized mommy. I actually do not know how to get shit done. My idea of cleaning is moving piles that only I understand from here to there. More like flashes of star light shooting across my mind. Incipient and divergent. I know about longing, prayer and hope. And also about grief and looking for redemption. I know something of discipline and devotion. And if we are talking about having it all I have ecstatically realized, I dont. If being whole is this; a little undone a little fettered and loving more freely than I thought I was allowed to Ill take it over the charade of having it all, and together at that. I'll accept a messy beautiful life.~ ~L.S.
11.01.2022 Now is the time to put your ego in the back seat and take the wheel. Now is the time to listen to your intuition. It is the one who knows your deepest wishes and always has your back. Now more than ever, it is the time to listen to your heart
10.01.2022 Scientists are doing fascinating research into how the human brain works. They're also learning how our brains can be manipulated, whether accidentally or on pu...rpose. Although some of this research has the potential to help certain disabled people, some of it might also be misused in frightening ways. See more
09.01.2022 There is nothing more powerful than a humble person with a warrior spirit driven by a higher purpose
09.01.2022 Truth never damages a cause that is just. Mahatma Gandhi ...and just like that, it is Libra Season. Today was the official Sunrise ending a 6 month long night at the South Pole. (Some days we need a little perspective)... #equinox #libraseason
09.01.2022 Virgos have standards they dont lower for anyone, including themselves...
06.01.2022 As crazy as 2020 has been, its not over yet! Over-reacting or overthinking will not help. Only going deep inside yourself, continuously being authentic and holding strong to your boundaries will keep you strong enough to focus on the positives. They may be hard to spot from time to time, but believe me, they are there, and it will get better. Not back to what it was before, because although we thought we had freedom, it was the freedom we were allowed to think we had. Like w...alking a dog on a retractable lead. When you let it out, he can choose his speed and direction, but once you reel him in, you are in control. We were comfortable thinking we had freedom in our lives but 2020 has shown us we have never actually had total control of our freedom. The future is where we will find freedom. And peace. And connection. And hope. And the best way to get there is with faith. Faith that everything that has happened so far and will continue to happen is not happening to you, but for all of humanity. The collective is waking up. And it is beautiful See more
05.01.2022 Here are your Full Moon horoscopes, darlings! You feeling it??? https://chaninicholas.com/horoscopes-for-the-full-moon-in-/
05.01.2022 There is no such thing as someone else rejecting us... There is only us internalizing someone elses preferences, boundaries, or coping mechanisms and making th...em mean something negative about who we are. But why do we take their preferences, boundaries, or coping mechanisms personally and *feel* rejected? Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias in which we are constantly scanning our environment looking for evidence that confirms our beliefs and overlooking that which doesnt. If we interpret something as rejection, its because we perceived something as evidence that confirms our own beliefs about ourselves. So believing that something external to us is a rejection is actually just a reflection of our own inner rejection. It is our own belief mirrored back to us. Self-awareness, especially regarding our shock and/or developmental traumas, our familial and sociocultural conditioning, and how those impacted how we felt rejected, neglected, abandoned, or abused, is the first and most critical step in understanding how our minds and even our body reactions have been programmed - and how that influences our lens of perception. Coming to the realization that (through no fault of our own) we are actually the ones rejecting ourselves is no easy thing, yet if we can grasp this with grace, we can alter the course of our lives through committing to our journey of inner work and healing, and become more and more immune to the feelings of rejection. Does this resonate? Comment below! Im going to guide a small group of you on a very intimate journey of deep inner work, proven time and time again to greatly accelerate your healing progress. Application deadline is almost over so go check out testimonials in story highlights and apply via LINK IN IG BIO!
02.01.2022 #gemini #aries #taurus #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #saggitarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces
02.01.2022 Trust your intuition
01.01.2022 What does your screenshot reveal? . . . .... . . . . . . **********Couple Edits: The original art designer tagged their name at the top, but it may be hard to see for some people so I grabbed their instagram link: https://instagram.com/cocorrina.co?igshid=1fh59ah7xr18m I reccomend checking it out because the art work is amazing! **********And pardon me if this is against internet etiquette, but I'm an astrology lover, creator, podcaster/blogger, actor, so if you like that sort of content (I find things like this a lot!) my instagram is http://www.instagram.com/mari3rouss3au See more
01.01.2022 Angel numbers are numbers in patterns like 1111, 1234, 444, your birthday, your phone number, your address, etc. that show up repeatedly. No, its not random.... Its a certain type of synchronicity - or meaningful coincidence - that lets you know your angels, ancestors, and/or deceased loved ones are trying to get your attention in a fun, non-threatening way. From a broad perspective, its a sign of alignment and flow, and that your angel peeps are with you and want you to be aware of their presence. Specific numbers can have a specific meaning. However, while there are books and websites that say a certain number means this or that, I feel each number has a unique meaning according to your own personal history and your angels and ancestors what a 333 message to me means from *my* ancestors might be different than what a 333 message to you means from *your* ancestors. The best ways to learn what specific numbers mean is to: 1. *Observe* and note whats going on around the time you see it each time 2. *Ask* your angels and ancestors to show you what it means for you. Do you see angel numbers? What have you seen, and what did it mean for you? Post in the Comments below. #pressplay Did you catch my video about these angel numbers and other signs from the Universe? You can watch it here: http://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1652480034818484&id=469065889826577&_rdr
01.01.2022 Patience is best described as a state of forbearance or restraint in the face of delay or provocation, without becoming overwhelmed by annoyance or anger. It is the ability to endure something negative that has found its way into our environment, without letting it control our behaviour . TODAY is a great day to practice being patient, humble and honest. #mercurysquarepluto
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