Julie Waters MRCC Elections | Political candidate
Julie Waters MRCC Elections
Phone: +61 427 858 353
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24.01.2022 WHAT ARE MY PRIORITY AREAS FOR THE FUTURE? Create a new environment amongst our shop owners. Address our Mall situation and surrounding trading streets. ... Be creative about campaigning for tourists to visit, promoting our region as the place to holiday, now is our opportunity once the borders all open. Put Rate increases back on the table pushing for a zero-increase moving forward. Support the residents, listen to their concerns and be their voice when they are not being heard at the table.
23.01.2022 Mall & the CBD Q. Is MRCC aware that building owners in the Mall did not offer their renters a discounted rate during covid and that this has resulted in lost businesses? what role could the MRCC have had in this situation. A.Our City Heart Mall definitely is long overdue for a major overhaul and I know this has been said for quite some time. The building owners of many in this area are either City based or Companies who have no relationship any longer with the community and ...Continue reading
22.01.2022 ILS & Flying School Q. I would like opinions on reviewing the decision on the purchase of the Instrument Landing System at Mildura Airport? A. This decision so abruptly put upon the residents of this township without any or all communication or consultation needs to be bought back to the table and all the relevant checks and balances need to be carried out ie: environmental report, noise report, mental health report, human rights as I strongly say none of these were even con...sidered. Q. Hi I would like to ask all the candidates their opinion on the council purchase of the ILS at the airport, as this has been proven it is for the IAA flying school. A. With all the evidence presented it definitely does prove that it has been purchased solely for the IAA flying school and approval of these monies namely $1Million from Council and $1Million from the MAPL management should have been deferred until the above has been addressed appropriately. Q. I would like to hear from all the candidates how they are going to handle the Chinese flying school issues please. A. If I am elected I will be requesting that this decision made requires the utmost urgency to be bought back to the table with all relevant information tabled on how the current Councillors voted YES without any consultation whatsoever and rightfully we the people are entitled to that before proceeding to the approval stage and answers to all questions that were never raised to be addressed before anything further happens.
22.01.2022 WHAT EXPERIENCE WOULD YOU BRING TO COUNCIL? Some may say I lack in experience to bring to the Council, but I say different. I have been involved in many a project that has shaped our community in some way while being employed by 2 very savvy and community minded employers, there vision for our community was always foremost so I hope with my common sense approach and my willingness to learn I can only expand our great community to bigger and brighter futures.
22.01.2022 Innovation and development Q. Innovation and pivot are terms used often. What is the one innovation you would champion for our municipality? A. I would champion for our municipality to obtain funding to build our proposed Motorsports Complex and always has been since 2007 when I floated the idea with a Councilor. This town as a whole and I mean as a whole would truly proposer in so many avenues outside of the most obvious. The level of revenue this would bring into our regio...n is endless and it’s not all about race event’s, it’s about the 5 days a week of non-related events that could be booked to utilise the facility as a whole. Q. Opinions please on using more contractors. A. I would have assumed we have so many outside staff with so much equipment I cannot understand why we bring more contractors into our area. We either decrease our staff to justify the doubling up of the contractor’s that are bought in to carry out works that could be carried out by Council Staff as haven’t they been employed by their experience and knowledge in the area’s they work in. Q. The riverfront has been developed well and is constantly being used by the community as a whole. Will there be any other community areas enhanced to attract activity? A. I would like to think so but as there was and is an overall design, I would have to look into that more but do support this thought of more community activity area’s if we can. Q. In a new COVID normal, how do we entice events, tourism and major projects to the region to strengthen our economy? A. I think our safeness and distance from the City of Melbourne has to be promoted as a positive to attract all above items. We initiate a useable plan to address Covid19 moving forward we can then entice events, major projects and open tourism up more, it’s about us all working as one with common sense at the table. Q. What will candidates be doing to address issues with the hospitality, tourism and accommodation sector during their term? A. Freshness, open area’s available for family time, entertainment with the best hospitality to offer. Fresh presentation of our accommodation sectors, we need to bring back the vibrant we have had of the past, decorations hanging etc at Christmas time, flyers, banners, make our town a festival region. We have endless opportunities; we just need to grab them and make them happen. Q. Do you have any ideas about how to find the remaining $10 million to complete the Mildura South Regional Sporting Complex if the State Government isn't able to fund it? A. I feel strongly that this last amount should be funded by State Government as our ratepayers have and always are contributing hugely to the running of our existing facilities and this should not be put back onto the community to fund. We as a community have already contributed sufficiently.
20.01.2022 HOW DO YOU SEE COMMUNITY CONSULTATION AND ENGAGEMENT? One of the main reasons I am standing is the huge lack of community consultation and engagement. We must remember that when you are successfully voted in as a councillor, you are there to be the voters voice not for political agendas and definitely not personal gains. This is something our community has been lacking for too many years now and we need to make a positive change for the better of our community as a whole.
19.01.2022 Health, Wellness & vulnerable communities Q. How do you support to retain professional; medical doctors and others to this region? A. We need to assist in the relocation of these professionals/medical doctors and the likes to this area, we need to source schools, employment for partners, housing just to start with to make their moving to here enjoyable and not a task as once they settle here our lifestyle we offer will always override them wanting to move away. Go back 30plus... years we had all the specialists this town asked for but due to agenda’s they slowly left us one by one so let’s work with these people for the betterment of our community and its health firstly just nominating this area out as a major urgency. Create a community where they don’t want to leave. Q. We have an ageing population, how do candidates see the divide being bridged at a local level between our young and corporate communities and our communities most vulnerable in our aged? A. By bringing them all together, we need to encourage our youth and corporate communities to become more aware of our aging community. We can all keep learning and what better way than having our senior’s more involved, school children visiting nursing homes on a more regular basis along with corporate holding functions in their facilities. The opportunities are endless when you start working on this so let’s make it happen. Q. How do you intend to support the Indigenous community to improve their current social and health outcomes? A. By becoming more engaged with them with all community members being answerable. Working alongside our indigenous community should never stop and encouraging more education, social and health leadership will only assist improvement every day. We are one community so let’s all pull together as what is happening now just isn’t working from where I sit.
15.01.2022 Firstly I would like to congratulate all that were voted onto Council today and wish them all the best for the next 4years and would like to thank everyone who supported my endeavours along this campaign . The business houses who allowed me to put my signs up, the retail business’s who put up my flyers, friends who allowed me to place my signature on there properties, you all know who you are and I so value your support, Steve Menagaldo for everything you have done, so very much appreciated, Ratepayers Victoria Mildura group Wayne, James and Christine and most my immediate family who supported me on this election campaign. We will definitely be seeing a very interesting 4 years ahead.
08.01.2022 Council is a place for debate and discussion so that the best outcomes can be found for the people. NOT to satisfy individual agendas and schemes nor to make others rich. Personal, spiteful attacks are the stuff of the school ground and must be eliminated. I’ve had enough of the so-called ‘adult leaders’ reducing the serious task of local government to games and self-serving schemes. When Councillors acknowledge that they are representatives not leaders and begin to represent their community, I will be able to say that Council is working. I thank Richard for these wise words and truly what a councillors role is.
03.01.2022 Just letting you all know that the VEC office will be open until 6pm tomorrow for any late voters even being a public holiday. Good decision made.
01.01.2022 Tourism, Events and post-COVID recovery Q. In a new COVID normal, how do we entice events, tourism and major projects to the region to strengthen our economy? A. We promote and advertise our region wisely so we can pull tourists here on our strengths so our economy can start to grow again. We have many opportunities and locations to hold major events that will bring tourism into this township so working as one total unit we can achieve this.... Q. Almost all of you talked about tourism, what is your best and most realistic idea to boost our region's tourism? A. Start to create more tourism locations and upgrade and keep promoting the existing locations we have. This will always be a work in progress but our wineries, our restaurants, our river activities can all be built upon. Q. The riverfront has been developed well and is constantly being used by the community as a whole. Will there be any other community areas enhanced to attract activity? A. We need to reactivate the amphitheatre due to its location and views to our river and Arts Centre. This could be utilised in so many ways as what it had been. Our main street namely Deakin Avenue we need to bring back our festival atmosphere of old and brighten the streets up, more feast street activities where families can enjoy day and night.
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