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25.01.2022 Sometimes, life just doesn't go according to plan. For us, a split second incident has thrown our collective world off kilter. And the paperwork, emails, appointment scheduling and logistics swallowed up an entire morning and took me away from other life and critical work tasks. A beautiful friend delivered coffee, pastries, sushi and a generous care-pack. Just the tonic I needed today after a night spent in emergency.... It doesn't matter whether your off-kilter world is sudden or is your unmanageable business as usual; help is often very necessary. Asking for help to support the backend of your life or your business, is a show of strength - not failure. #sonandheir #backupplan #lifeadminhelp #virtualassistant
25.01.2022 There is always a part of any job or business that you enjoy less than some. Creating images for Leisa's hair salon was not one of those for me. It used a completely different part of my brain and is seriously good fun. For repetitive tasks that have to be done, are outside your area of expertise, available time or even enjoyment, reach out to someone who can provide that service. #bespokeimages... #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #outsource See more
25.01.2022 | life admin | Some say it’s all the office type work required to run a life and a household. Other sources like Urban Dictionary - define it as one’s personal day-to-day chores that are of an administrative nature. It could be banking, paying bills, making appointments or responding to emails. Sometimes, it is getting quotes for repairs, readying a home for sale, researching legislation or helping someone pack up their aged parent’s home because they cannot return.... What’s great about getting someone to provide you with Life Admin Assistance is that delegating helps with your mental load. Don’t let procrastination get in your way. Write your master Life Admin list and then apply the Do-Delay-Delegate-Delete (Eisenhower Matrix) to work out what is important and urgent (do), what is not important but urgent (delegate), what is important but not urgent (delay) and finally, what is neither important nor urgent (delete). #lifeadmin #lifeassistant #personaladmin #rethinkinghowtouseourtime #putyourselffirst
24.01.2022 | morningness V eveningness | This article (5-min read) explores why there is much admiration for morning people. You know the type. People who wake up with a smile at 6am, appear committed to their goals, succeed consistently, and seem constantly energized and upbeat. It's not about becoming them. It's about finding your own time of day for productivity and planning for it. And to do that, you need to understand your circadian rhythm (called chronotype in the article).... I took the Chronotype Quiz and was labelled Medium. At first it sounded slightly ho-hum and boring, but what it means is that I have options to work whenever it feels most productive. I feel that I am at my most productive in the morning and you will usually find me at my desk by 8am. #productivity #kickinggoals
24.01.2022 | pink october | October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. An annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease and raise some pretty serious research funds. I am the niece of, the girlfriend of and the cousin-in-law of beautiful women and one man who are breast cancer warriors. I am the daughter of a superhero who I miss every single day since we bid her farewell an awfully long six years ago. I do not want to be the sister of, the aunt, the mother of or the friend of anymore. So this is why I am really excited that my sister Leisa is partnering with Foil Me and through her salon Mitchell & Co. Hair I get to participate in some fun fundraising. We had so much fun last year. There are many ways we can all support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and if you can’t host a pink something, make sure that you get involved with someone else’s pink event. #tentillneveragain #zerodeathsby2030 #nbcfaus
24.01.2022 I’ve spoken about not hating poor old Monday before, but I recently I read a post by the ever insightful Blink by Miss Melly and it thoroughly resonated. Mel asks the reader how it feels to hate one seventh of their lives. Because hating Mondays is just that; so much mindset thrown askew by not liking 1/7th of your life. Nuts. If Friday is the gateway to freedom in the shape of the weekend, then Monday must feel like the gatekeeper has put you back in your box and hidden the ...key. Monday is simply the scapegoat. So what can we do to change our attitude towards Monday? CHANGE THE ROUTINE. Look at what you do on a Monday. Think about the kinds of things that you feel happen to you on a Monday. Maybe on Mondays you already start to feel the overwhelm and out of control-ness. Maybe you need to start planning for Monday on a Friday. And if Friday is the best day of a working week, then this is an ideal day to plan for what currently feels like the worst day. Don’t hate Mondays.
24.01.2022 Only three months - that's 13 weeks - until Rudolph brings Saint Nic into town. #xmasiscoming #rankinandbass #christmasisnotjustforkids
23.01.2022 World Autism Awareness Day is commemorated on 2 April. The Autism Advice & Support Service is a not-for-profit charity that empowers children with autism and their families through knowledge and support. Now that I have your attention and you have time on this public holiday Friday, grab your coffee, tea or bevvie of choice and take five minutes to enjoy this beautiful video.... #AASS #worldautismawarenessday
23.01.2022 tells us that daylight saving was first used in Australia during World War I and was applied in all states. It was used again during the Second World War. A drought in Tasmania in 1967 led to the reintroduction of daylight saving in that state during the summer, and this was repeated every summer since then. Daylight savings starts tomorrow. Traditionally, we would all turn our clocks forward before heading to bed. These days though, with most things being digi...tal, there is little need. I still use a bedside alarm clock I chose not to have a mobile phone in my boudoir and so find that I need to change that one. Oh, and the car clock has to be reset, although it often takes me weeks before I bother and purely because I drive it so very little these days. #funfact #rethinkinghowtouseourtime #worklifebalanced
23.01.2022 So what is a virtual assistant you ask? A virtual assistant (VA for short) is any person who provides a range of services to businesses and solopreneurs from a remote location. A remote location simply means that they work from their own office and not that of the business or entrepreneur. There is a very broad range of things that virtual assistants can do. They include (but are never limited to): executive level administration, managing calendars, appointments and emails;... social media management; corporate travel arranging; catering and event planning and/or management; procurement; graphic design; bookkeeping; resume writing. The benefits of engaging with a virtual assistant is that a VA is a small business owner and therefore fully set up with an office, insurances, internet, phone, laptop and systems (just to name a few). You don’t need to incur the costs for that, nor do you have to worry about all the paperwork, taxes and insurances of employing someone. Another great benefit of engaging with a VA is that you pay for either just the time spent on activities or for an agreed outcome. You do not pay for water cooler conversations, lunchbreaks, sick days, annual leave or toilet breaks. Are you an Australian business looking for an Australian VA to support your business? Visit to connect with qualified and certified virtual assistants Australia-wide.
22.01.2022 well hello Spring
22.01.2022 Wishing you and yours an Easter filled with family, families of friends, fur babies, seafood, chocolate, wine, gin and joy. #easterweekend #easterbunny
22.01.2022 How to be happy; rule 0303. Decide every morning that you are in a good mood. [] Happy Monday to you all. It’s going to be a great day because you are choosing for it to be.
22.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the dads, new dads, stepdads, granddads, furbabydads and all the men who are father figures, uncles and role models to a younger person in their life. And for those who find today difficult because you're not a dad, used to be a dad, lost your dad or you're estranged from your own dad - be kind to yourself. Oh, and maybe eat chocolate and watch The Karate Kid (1984).
22.01.2022 Be your authentic self and be happy with who you are.
21.01.2022 Great words shared (not authored) by a woman I truly admire. Thank you, Ingrid. Please don’t forget that your are human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, a pity-party, a ‘woe is me’ moment. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out, scream, shout, write it down, go for a walk or tell someone. Then, refocus on where you are headed and move in that direction. 1. Ask... 2. Listen 3. Encourage Action 4. Check-in #ruokay #suicidepreventionmonth
20.01.2022 I love doing what I do. So I am thrilled when what I love doing, helps another person in business kick their goals and keep loving what they're doing too.
18.01.2022 At 11am on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month is the moment when hostilities ceased and became a time to commemorate the war dead. After the end of WWII, Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day to remember those who died or suffered for their country’s cause in all wars and armed conflicts. In the 1997 proclamation formally declaring 11 November to be Remembrance Day, Governor-General Sir William Dean urged all Australians to observe one minute’s silence. Source credit:
18.01.2022 What Steve Jobs said is true. When what you do fills up a huge part of your life, you have to be truly satisfied that you are doing a great job. And the only way to do a great job is to find great pleasure in what you do. This week I have been creating some social media images for a client's Pink October fundraising activity. I have been surrounded by such pretty variations of pink and found absolute joy. I think that Mrs Leete - my high school art teacher - would have been p...leased with my creativity. But what was important here, was that Leisa from Mitchell & Co. Hair was pleased. #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #lovemyclients #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness
18.01.2022 With us all spending more time scrolling and so many businesses working damn hard marketing via their socials to keep in business, there are so many more competions being run. Just be aware of what a business can ask (and should not ask) you to do. If the post doesn't follow the FB competition rules, don't participate. That free 'whatever' is just not worth it.
17.01.2022 | class of 2020 | To all the bright, young and wonderful Year 12 students graduating this week. "You are braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you’ll ever know." A.A. Milne. To all the parents who helped get you through, not just 2020, but the past thirteen years of school. You are awesome. Amongst many things you were the rock, the verbal punching bag, the consoler, the tissue provider and the fridge filler. To those par...ents I personally know and call friend, I bow down to your patience and only hope that in five years time, I survive Year 12 with some level of sanity intact. #graduation2020
16.01.2022 | flashback friday | Two years ago this month, I went on a trip of my adult lifetime. Almost six weeks through England, Scotland and Italy and Facebook has been teasing me with memories. Well today, something Juniper related popped up. It's no secret that I worship gin, after all my business name honours it and my gin stash proves it.... Happy Friday everyone in Juniper Temple Facebook land. What popped up in your memories today?
16.01.2022 You've got this. #humpday #humpdaywednesday #weekendcoming #junipertemple #planforsuccess #goalsetter #valueyourself #innovativethinking #rethinkinghowtouseourtime #virtualassistantlife #smallbusinesshelpingsmallbusiness #virtualbusinesssupport #virtualassistantaustralia #takebackyourtime #smallbusinesssupport #adminsupport #adminstrativeassistant #adminhelp
16.01.2022 Welcome to November, the last month of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Gemstone: Topaz Flower: Chrysanthemum.... Holidays: All Saints Day, Melbourne Cup Day, Remembrance Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday Fun Facts: * Michelangelo’s paintings in the Sistine Chapel were first exhibited (1512) * William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway (1582) * Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address (1863) * Howard Carter discovered the Egyptian tomb of 18-year-old King Tutankhamen (1922) * Parker Brothers introduced the world to Monopoly (1935) * Bill Gates introduced Windows 1.0 (1985)
14.01.2022 Yesterday was so much fun whilst supporting a great cause. Jellybean guessing competition, raffle tickets, lattes with ladies, supporting Pink October, self-care and a beautiful sister who is a stella small business owner whom I admire. #tentillneveragain... #ZeroBy2030 #replenishment See more
13.01.2022 Daylight savings comes to a close at 2am tomorrow. Clocks move back one hour and we all must endure a little more light on a Sunday morning. When I was a much younger girl, I recall my mother changing the clocks before heading to bed. This way, the whole family woke up to the correct time. Me, well I’ve always just let the morning roll on in and that moment of realisation that I’ve scored a bonus hour well that’s just plain awesome and I get to enjoy another lazy coffee. ... Plus, in this digital world, there are very few timepieces that don’t automatically update. I think I only need to change the clocks in the car and on the oven and microwave.
12.01.2022 Turning my downtime into a learning opportunity and ticking two important self-investment tasks. increasing knowledge to better support clients and my future having some sensory rest through unplugging from computer and phone and listening to the world around me.... #lifelonglearning #restandrestore #seventypesofrest
12.01.2022 | Friday funny | My girlfriend shared this on her page. Couldn't agree more right now. Yep. Ate cookies yesterday. Maybe some chocolate too. Even having early breakfast to give myself an edge. ... Happy Friday peeps and may gin o'clock come around real quick.
12.01.2022 Taking a break from work to enjoy a little spritz in the sunshine. Weekends away are not what they used to be, but I have a laptop and will continue to travel. Work-life balance for me today meant playing in the AM and smashing it out in the PM.... #aperolspritz #drinkingwithmysisterinlaw #replenishment #portstephensnsw
11.01.2022 AGHHH! Just one month ‘til Christmas. Who’s written their list, confirmed their gift budget and is that even a thing? Anyone started shopping and what about decorations? Are there even any lights left in Bunnings? We bought a new lounge this year. The brief was a lounge big enough for three adults to ‘lounge around’ on. Not once did I think about the tree. There is no room in said loungeroom for our beautiful 6ft tree AND the new lounge.... So, a new tree had to be purchased. And it could only be 4ft in height because the only place for it was on top of the low-line entertainment unit without blocking the TV. First world problems I know, but Christmas is a big thing for my good bloke Steve. Anyone here still write and mail Christmas cards?
11.01.2022 Who loves small, local business? A small business friend of mine put up this challenge for Small Business Day happening this Saturday, 31 October. Do you think you could shop from small businesses only on Saturday for Small Business Day? ... Yes, that does mean NO Coles, Woolies, Aldi, Myer or DJs just to name a few. Just your local small businesses. I think we all could for one day. #smallbusinesssaturday #supportyourlocalsmallbusiness #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness : Louise from On Time Admin
10.01.2022 Excited to be event planning a hair salon's tenth anniversary celebration. Today was all about delivering flyers and posters, and what a stunning day it was for a drive to Killarney Heights. #eventplanning #hairdresser #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness
09.01.2022 On Aug. 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Gallery and not recovered for two years. #funfact #createyourlife #factoid #bekindalways #junipertemple #inspiresomeone #valueyourself #dontshareyourchocolate
08.01.2022 Last year, an average of 164 cybercrimes were reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre on a daily basis. Furthermore, 62 per cent of small businesses admitted to being affected by a cyber security incident. Source: Commonwealth Bank of Australia There are three really simple and quick things that you can do today to protect you and your devices.... 1Replace your simple or repetitively used passwords with longer, more complicated or whacky phrases and do not use the same password for multiple log-ins. 2Learn to recognise suspicious or phishing emails. Don’t click on links or open attachments just because the sender tells you to or pressures you into it. 3Always use secure connections and don’t be tempted by your local café’s free wi-fi. Hot spot off your phone data to maintain a secure data source. #becybersmart #cybersecurityawareness #cyberawarenessmonth
08.01.2022 I certainly don't call Juniper Temple a side hustle. But because I chose a dual strategy (awesome term for working a j.o.b. and building a business) to survive 2020, I have never worked so hard and slept so very little. I am thankful to my clients who entrust work to me and who understand that the days I work in my business and for them are not regular and are not always days. But I also need to be reminded to take a breath. Thank you Mr Bouris ... Tonight I am doing just that. I'm hanging out with my boys and watching a very scrappy AFL grand final. Tigers are about to take out the 2020 title.
08.01.2022 Are you a Zero Hero and have absolute clarity in what you need to do? Are you a screener? You can fit all your actionable emails into a single viewing screen and therefore have some control? Maybe you’re a Spring Cleaner? You have hundreds of emails in a somewhat confused state but take advantage of when the boss is on leave to clean them up.... Or are you a hoarder? Utter chaos. Never taking anything out of your inbox and therefore there are 1000s of email. #planforsuccess #productivity #gettingthingsdone
07.01.2022 Living the VA life. My insurance for this morning's work was to take my laptop to an offsite meeting. It wasn't needed for the actual meet, but I had a biz mentoring session @ 12 that is a must attend (my rule - not theirs). Loving that I could pull over, connect and participate in real time.... Now heading back to office to knock over client work. #productivity #rethinkinghowtouseyourtime #businessmomentum #virtualassistantlife
07.01.2022 2020 is sliding toward Christmas at lightening speed. I drove past my first sighting of a tree in a local small business window today. And... There will be no Nativity this year because the 3 Wise Men face a travel ban. The shepherds have been furloughed.... The Inn Keeper has shut under Covid regulations cause they can't adhere to the 4m2 rule. Santa won't be working as he would break the rule of 6 with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen. As for Rudolph, with that red nose, he should be isolating and taking a test. #xmascountdown #christmasiscomingtotown
07.01.2022 View from my office today. I feel fortunate that I made a decision to build a business that I can do almost anywhere with a laptop and a phone. #remoteworklife... #officewithaview #worklifebalancegoals #familytime See more
07.01.2022 | All Hallows’ Eve | Originating as a pagan holiday that honours the dead, on All Hallows’ Eve, the separation between the world of the living and the world of the dead was very thin. This allowed the souls of the dead to come back to Earth and walk amongst the living. Costumes were worn in ancient Celtic festivals to ward off ghosts and these traditions traversed across the ocean and were adopted in 19th century America through Irish immigrants.... Source credit: #allhallowseve #trickortreat #funfact
07.01.2022 Sometime during Covid, I had time to wander through a local Businesswomen’s Facebook Group and came across a post about passwords changing your life. It resonated because we all must create and update copious passwords in multiple systems that we use every day; and that can be quite tricky. But that is not why I am taking up your time today. My good bloke Steve and I genuinely believe in the power of one’s inner dialogue and teaching the value of positive self-talk to the Son... & Heir has never been so important as he manoeuvres through the challenges that high school and teenagerhood brings. We are trying to change the default thought from putting himself down to something much more positive. But what I particularly liked about this article was the positive life outcome that came from telling yourself every day your value, your achievements, and your goals. How will you give your necessary system pass code a dual purpose? What do you want to achieve? My next password phrase will be Finishth@tpr00freadingcourse Read the full story here:
07.01.2022 "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." I fed my soul today and I am replete. #myexhibitioncrew... #VanGoghAliveSydney #replenishment #wellbeing See more
06.01.2022 Who slept in this morning? Who got up as usual, grabbed their coffee and pondered the world outside from the comfort of their couch? Who did something deliberate to take care of their well-being? It’s too easy to continually push ourselves and often long weekends are a great reason to get away. But they are also great reasons to stay. To take an afternoon nap, to go for an unhurried walk or to breakfast late. To read a book, flick through a magazine or simply catch up on some... ‘me’ time. What did you or are you doing to deliberately take care of yourself this long weekend? Me? Well I’m letting my two favourite boys head away for father and son time so that I can just be me. Be Christine who doesn’t have to be anyone’s wife, mum, chef or purchasing officer. I can get my work done early and without interruptions so that the Director of Well-Being and I can head out for a walk in the sunshine; something that will benefit both of us. #longweekends #createyourlife #valueyourself #replenishment
06.01.2022 I’m not sharing this because people are talking s#*t about me. Far from it. It just spoke to me. Mostly on a Monday mindset level and yes, perhaps because Monday is the analogy. I’ve been working some crazy hours of late and it’s just not sustainable. Then along came an opportunity for some coaching which was the perfect kick up my bum, and one that I really needed. Bring on Monday because I means that I will be doing some things differently and for the better.... #mondaymotivation #planforsuccess #productivity #rethinkinghowtouseourtime
04.01.2022 | you've got this | Wishing all Year 12 students well as the 2020 HSC commences today. As Christopher Robin said to Pooh: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think.... credit: Karryon
04.01.2022 Today was all about taking time out to recharge and spend time with beautiful people. Breakfast with my Son & Heir before a spot of JB HiFi shopping. AND THEN... Cocktails, lunch and laughter with these two gorgeous girlfriends. #ladieslunching #replenishment #blessedandgrateful
04.01.2022 Happy Monday. May it be an epic week.
02.01.2022 | august trivia | People born in August fall under the sun zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo. Leos are known to be dramatic, creative and outgoing. Virgos have acute attention to detail and are the people most likely to dedicate themselves to serving. They also are loyal, hardworking and analytical. I am lucky enough to celebrate August birthdays with very special friends - some are Leo, most are Virgo.... #funfact #augustbabies
02.01.2022 Don't stop reaching for the stars just because last week didn't go according to plan. #mondaymindset #settinggoals #inspiresomeone
02.01.2022 At first, a $25 voucher doesn't seem much. But we have two 18+ year olds in our home and that means we will have $200 to share amongst three; hopefully before the school holidays are over. It will feel good to support another small business doing it tough this year.
01.01.2022 | start again | Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your entire week. So rather than drag your tail out the door, see yourself as stronger, positive and ready for anything. #planforsuccess ... #mondaymotivation See more