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Just an aussie mum
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24.01.2022 8 months ago today, I leaned my most important car seat safety lesson I will ever learn. I was driving on a snowy day in Buffalo on my way to my grandmas house ...to drop off my daughter & son so I could go to work. A typical Tuesday for us. As I was going through an intersection I have been through thousands of times, I see a truck try to cut in front of me to turn & he got stuck in the snow, he shouldn't have tried to make it on a summer day let alone a snowy one. I had a split second to think; so I avoided his passengers side door as much as I could because I knew if somebody was sitting there they would be instantly killed. My car spun around multiple times & I remember just looking straight ahead of me trying to get my thoughts together. Then I remember I have two kids in the back. I turned my head and saw my son was crying and in shock but okay from what I could see. My daughter on the other hand.. She was bleeding. A lot. From her forehead. In the middle of the intersection I jumped out and grabbed her to try and calm her down. She seemed so scared and out of it. She had lost so much blood. I had never been so scared in my entire life. Somebody called an ambulance thankfully cause my head wasn't on straight and a kind man stopped to hold my son while I held Aubree. I could feel her life slipping out from my hands. I called my mom and just said "I don't think she's gonna make it mom what am I gonna do without her" she rushed to children's hospital along with the rest of my family. The bottom left picture is the day before her stitches came out. Bottom right is today. The reason behind the cut was a faulty airbag, we already have a lawsuit going to get her the justice she deserves. She will forever be forced to remember that day with a decent sized scar across her forehead. My point to this story, is that her being properly restrained in her car seat saved her life. If the faulty airbag wouldn't have harmed her she wouldn't have had a scratch on her. The picture on the top right is my totaled car. Next time a mom comments on your picture saying your child isn't properly restrained.. Do not snap at them. Do not think they believe they are better than you are. They are trying to protect you and your innocent child. This is such a touchy subject; but I hope enough people see this and next time you're in a hurry or think to yourself "it won't make a difference" or "its only around the corner" think of Aubree and my son Brayden; who didn't have a scratch on him, & how much worse things could have been if either of them weren't strapped in their car seat properly. Be smart, be safe. Keep those chest clips where they belong.
23.01.2022 Okay here goes: Age, maturity and experiences! As you all know I am 26 years old. I have been through a lot in my lifetime, not everything will I post here in this "opening" post of my new "blog". ... Some people seem to think that judging a book by its cover is a great way to judge people, how many times have you heard between the ages of 16 and let's say 25 that "oh, you are still young, you still have plentya time to grow up" or "You are 16 you are not mature enough to handle being a mother" Guess what guys I was 16 and pregnant. When I was 15 and lived at home and started to rebel against my parents, I decided online dating was safe... now I know you are all shaking your heads, yelling WHY!? Why? hmm that's something I will never answer myself, and we are going on 12 years later. Anyway I started to rebel and chose this decision at this time, I always felt older then what I actually was, again I don't know why! I met a guy named 'reece'. Reece was 21, he seemed charming, he had a job, a car and lived out of home. We actually were really happy together, I then met 'Brax'. 'Brax' seemed even more amazing; anyway after approx. 2 months of meeting 'Brax' I found out I was expecting my first baby; remember I was just 16. My now 9 year old was born and life went on.(WIll be a whole new blog) Fast forward nearly 5 years and I was 21 and again found out I was pregnant. Here I was single with a nearly 4 year old and pregnant!!! Fast forward 10/11 months after number 2s birth and I was 23 and I was pregnant with number 3 hmmmff I had met "mr right" Fast forward 10/11 months from number 3s birth and finding '100% sure MR RIGHT' I find out AGAIN that I am now expecting number 4. Now here I am starting a blog discussing taboo subjects: - Sex - Experiments - Drugs - Alcohol - DOCS - DV - Babies - Death - Life in general for a 26 year old woman!! I guess as an introductory I have 4 babies- for those who don't know the full story of my life; for those who are interested in facts, or stories or laughs! Keep your eyes peeled, for tonight; Much Love Just an aussie mum xo
22.01.2022 #3 Monosodium Glutamate (MSG / E621) Monosodium is another little hidden gem additive that we need to avoid. Monosodium is also known as MSG or E621. It is used as a flavour enhancer. It is found in numerous "foods". Something scary is how many additives are in these salad dressings. It is also found in more obvious foods like chips, frozen entrees and many, many restraunt foods. Studies show that regular consumption of foods containing MSG may have adverse effects which... include but are not limitied to depression, eye damage and fatigue. Mondsodium is known as an excitotoxin this means that it is a substance with overexcites cells to the point of damage or death of the cells. MSG also effects the neurological pathways of the brain, it helps to kill the "I'm full" function which explains the effects of weight gain. Now I knew a little about MSG like where it was found such as in "foods" like many snacks, chips, cookies, seasonings, most Campbell Soup products and lunch meats. I didn't relise it was found in Chinese food (Chinese Restaurant Syndrome ) or frozen dinners. Doing all this research to help my followers is also helping me with finding all these things out. Its actually getting me down as I have done so much unknown harm to my body it is insane. I have just discovered tonight that my shampoo and conditioner have MSG in them.... If all this is happening to my insides what's happening to my scalp? SKin? Eyes? MSG is found in some cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and hair conditioners may contain MSG if the ingredients contain the words "hydrolyzed," "protein," or "amino acids". How do we avoid MSG? - Instead of flavouring salts and pre packaged seasonings, try fresh spices and herbs to flavour your food. - Again buy fresh, natural ingredients instead of canned or processed and cook at home. Utilise those cook books, those blogs etc - Some people are highly sensitive to MSG so for those try and avoid foods with even a little bit of MSG. READ LABELS!! These foods include low-fat or fat-free foods, enriched foods, vitamin-enriched foods, corn starch, modified food starch, corn syrup, lipolyzed butter fat, dextrose and some syrups. Keep those heads high girls and boys Much Love Just an aussie mum xo
17.01.2022 Let's Start the nutrition post off with TOP 10 ADDITIVES TO AVOID!! #1 Artificial sweeteners: Yes this includes equal. Where do we find artificial sweeteners? These are usually found in things such as yoghurt and ice-cream labelled 'diet' and/or 'sugar free' ... Aspartame a.k.a E951; is a neurotoxin and carcinogen. E951 is known to affect short term memory, it is also Known to erode intelligence. The components in this toxic sweetener may also lead to a variety of ailments including but not limited to brain tumour, Alzheimer's, dizziness, anxiety attacks and migraines. I myself have just found all this out as I always thought that these "alternatives" were better then sugar itself. In the past 5 weeks I have managed to only add sugar to my morning coffee, I have learnt to read labels on the healthiest options of yoghurt and well I couldn't tell you the last time I had a chocolate bar even before my new journey. For those sugar addicted mums and dads lets make a change here and now!! Just make a small change each day, Day 1: Have 1 sugar instead of 2, have 1 coffee instead of 3 coffees, once you start its easier to continue. Much like a drug habit, if you fall down its okay don't criticize yourself just get back up and try again! Once you are in a rhythm like this with your tea or coffee do some research on reading labels and ingredients, I will be posting some of those at the end of my TOP 10 ADDITIVES TO AVOID For tonight though Much Love Just an aussie mum xo
17.01.2022 #2 High Fructose Corn Syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is an artificial sweetener that is highly refined, in a America it has become the number 1 source f calories. Unfortunately it is found in almost in all processed foods. High Fructose Corn syrup packs on those kilos quicker then any other ingredient or additive; HFCS contributes to the devlepoment of tissue damage and diabetes, among other harmful effects. High fructose corn syrup increases your "bad" cholesterol ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 This is a little off topic seen as the last few posts have been all about nutrition!! As a mother I just feel that I wouldn't ever consider treating any of my kids badly for any reasons! We all make mistakes, I would never EVER tell my 26 year old daughter and mother of my grandchildren to grow up, I would go out of my way to arrange sometime at least once a week with my grandchildren as they deserve me as much as I deserve them. Most people make mistakes weather it is drugs..., alcohol, criminal histories what ever it is! We would never be old and wise if we weren't once young and dumb; however some people especially those who never made mistakes like partying, don't seem to get that we do grow up and we did learn from our mistakes, These people need to see us for who we are today not for who we were even 1 year ago let alone 5 or 10 years ago. Some people will have babies young others later on, both are ok it is hard work being a young mum, I was 16 and pregnant. Some regret making that choice so young others will tell you how much it made them grow up. Some people based on their own up bringing will be a natural parent others will take some practise. But in all of these circumstances I can guarantee no matter where the parent and child/ren are there is unconditional love between them. Most of these parents out there are fathers who simply break up with their partner/ mother of their children and get lost in our so called justice system, though there are mothers out there in similar situations or worse situations! Let's say young mum has bub at 17 with man of her dreams (so she thinks) and continues to party it up to deal with her demons ends up DOCS taking child to live with grandparents 4/5 years later life is good, no drugs, no parties and mum wants to start having child over night understanding that even 50% custody would upset the child. Mother asks grandmother and it turns into a shit fight as it always has when this topic comes up, mother ends up flipping out at grandmother as she is sick of being pushed aside and away from her daughter and then the grandmother tells mother to grow up?!?!?!?!?!? Not a great scenario for anyone but all mother wants is to see her child more then the granted once or twice a month! Remembering in this story that its mothers parents who have the daughter! I am that mother in that story I am also a mother to another little girl who is currently in the middle of a custody battle as well...life is cruel, and all we can do is try our best to protect our children without being a helicopter parent... I am not a lawyer but have experience in family law and dealing with the BIG BAD GUY (aka judge) So if you need to vent or not quite sure who to ring or what to right please pm and I shall do my best to assist you! NIght NIght Much Love Just an aussie mum xo
12.01.2022 TRIGGER WARNING!!!! CONTENTS- STILLBIRTH Born sleeping, survived the womb but not the real world. If you recognise these words and these feelings then you will totally relate to this post;...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Tonight's Blog is going to start touching base on nutrition! As most of you know I have struggled for a VERY long time with my weight as in since I was a young teenager... I have always loved my food even as a little kid, mum always tells me that I was the meat eater and my little sister was the vege eater. As I grew up and got older I suffered and still suffer depression, which resulted in comfort eating, I have bounced backwards and forwards my entire adult life as I alway...s seen weightloss about fad diets. this year 2015 when TBLF started I watched some of the contestants step onto the scales and relised that some of them were lighter then me and they were on BIGGEST LOSER! From that night on my mind set changed I was loosing weight something had to change, who was I to sit at 127kg? What kind of role model was I for my young children being this big. Last week I walked into a little gym and the owner who is amazing sat me down and talked to me he asked all these questions- What have I tried for weightloss? Why now? Do I exercise? What do I eat? All these what seemed to be pointless questions, over the next day or so I happened to jump on the scales and see that all on my own with no actual "exercise" just ensuring I moved around more through the day and did housework as well as eating different and less that I had manage to budge 5kg it made me soooo happy to see this, it now meant that this had to keep going. I attended my first bootcamp and did everything my trainer asked of me to the best of my ability, 2 days later I attended my 2nd bootcamp and again smashed it out, my whole mind set has changed, my eating habits are slowly changing, I will budge this 50kg! I will be healthy and a MILF as they say by the time my kids are in school! You can do this! We can do this!! I need to keep researching now so I can show you just how much we don't relise what we are eating wrong and where we are going wrong and show you that you can still be naughty and have that shitty food you have grown accustomed to, that we can have multiple babies, ceaserean or natural and that we can still be those beach babe mums in summer with our kidlets! So WATCH THIS SPACE- May even end up with some videos yet!! Much Love Just an aussie mum xo
11.01.2022 Hello followers, I am so sorry I have been so jam packed I haven't blogged. I received a message the other night from an old friend who said she has enjoyed my blog so far. i really really need to get my butt into gear and a) blog b) finish nutrition posts and c) start working on my next topic. So here it is Just an Aussie mum is asking all you followers out there for a suggestion on what you would like to see me post about- if you want something discussed and you don't wa...ntothers to know it was your idea please pm me. Remember I WILL post about ANYTHING. All those taboo subjects, or debates I will post!! For or right now I need to complete my nutrimetics page. much love Just an Aussie mum xo
10.01.2022 How is everyone? I have had so much going on i have deprived you all and abandoned my page. I am sorry. At the moment life at home is interesting to say the least.... ... Court went well for me well us.... I started a new diploma and i am loving everything about it and everyone in my class. Gym is also going amazing for those who arent on my personal page.... Now tonights blog.... hmmmm.... How about alcohol abuse and DV? Well as most of you know from previous posts i have been in both situations a few times.... Did any of you know Domestic Violence is a physclogical problem?
04.01.2022 Watch this space. There will be a blog tonight Much love Just an aussie mum Xo
04.01.2022 Hi all, I wanted to start a blog; I searched via google and they wanted to charge me some ridiculous amount of money that most of you can relate is just not what we have lying around. So here I am, starting a "blog" page. I want to be different to all the mums groups, I want to discuss REAL issues. I understand by choosing to do this and by possibly even discussing taboo subjects throughout the weeks. I want to share my stories and experiences. I want to be able to have... people follow me on 1 of the biggest journeys of my life, 1. Loosing 45kg!! WATCH THIS SPACE!! Much Love xo
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