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Justine Daly School of Highland Dancing Newcastle in Kotara, New South Wales | Dance studio

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Justine Daly School of Highland Dancing Newcastle

Locality: Kotara, New South Wales

Phone: +61 437 596 781


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25.01.2022 Love this idea. Lets go dancers!!

25.01.2022 Beautiful colourful kilts. Such a great service.

25.01.2022 This is why we love Highland Dancing. The skill, the grace the power. Awesome!!!

22.01.2022 So many special memories of dancing at Cowal. I will never forget the feeling of standing on those boards and hearing the pipes start up. Goosebumps!!!

21.01.2022 Here is the tutorial - Flings and Things, Everybody Dance Now. Can't wait to see you all dance it!

21.01.2022 Cowals Virtual Highland Gathering kicks off this Thursday. We have some exciting interviews and performances to bring you over what would have been the weekend. There may be some amendments to timings but this is what you can expect to see from Thursday 27 - Saturday 29 August. Let us know what youre most looking forward to

20.01.2022 Classes start back this week! Cant wait to see your smiling faces!

20.01.2022 Congratulations to all dancers who competed in the Newcastle Highland Dancing Championships last weekend. Well done to Imogen who was placed 2nd in the Novice Title and Trophy Dance.

19.01.2022 Were you a Highland Dancer? Do you remember the special friendships formed not just with dancers in your studio but across the state, the country, and even the world? Perhaps you now have your own children. Have you thought about introducing them to the wonderful world of Highland Dance? There are a number of teachers across Newcastle and the Lower Hunter offering classes from tiny tots up. Let’s keep this wonderful dance form thriving locally. Contact us now for class times and locations. (Photo courtesy of Cowal Highland Gathering).

19.01.2022 Entries open now.

18.01.2022 Please let us know if you will attend our competition

17.01.2022 Last Christmas orders for Scottie and Westie puppies . Please state which colour and whether you want a girl or boy puppy. $40.00 each.

17.01.2022 How beautiful are these dancers in their kilts and aboynes? Produced by our friends at the Killough School of Highland Dance in Georgia with guests from around the Southeast.

16.01.2022 Learn Highland Dancing. Classes in Adamstown for boys and girls from age 4 commencing Tuesday 2nd February. For further information on classes call Justine on 0437596781 or send a message via the Facebook page.

16.01.2022 Things got a little spooky at class tonight.

16.01.2022 Help us promote Highland Dancing. Please share.

16.01.2022 Have you submitted your entries for our first competition of the year?

16.01.2022 Get ready for three days of all things Cowal with Cowal's Virtual Gathering! And we’re live! Thank you so much for joining Cowal’s Virtual Gathering. This is a ...first for us, we’re used to throwing open the gates and welcoming you to Dunoon Stadium in person, so meeting you here in our virtual space is a different experience. We wish you could be with us in person, but while COVID-19 keeps us apart physically, it can’t keep us apart virtually. To welcome you to our virtual event please welcome our Chairman Ronnie Cairns. Thank you for being with us and we hope you enjoy what we have on offer over the next three days.

16.01.2022 16 years ago today some very special people shared in one of my most special days. My Highland Dance Family. More than just a dance teacher.

15.01.2022 NHDAI will be running our 54th Championship & Pre Premier / Premier Competition Sunday 7th March 2021 at Warners Bay Theatre. Entries open soon via hdcomps.


15.01.2022 Love this idea. Let’s go dancers!!

14.01.2022 Some tips for practising at home! The current situation has made us have to train at home- whether we like it or not! So here are some tips to make it a little ...more bearable! 1. WHEN & WHERE: Schedule a time and a place. This means not just a time and a place that suits you, but one that suits everyone in your household (its no fun trying to watch TV with someone bobbing up and down in front of you, or trying to get a nap when someones dancing the jig upstairs). Pick a time and a place where youll have limited distractions and youre not distracting everyone else too! Let everyone else know this is your plan- not only will it make you more accountable and more likely to do your practise, but it should let everyone else plan around you and keep them from interrupting your practise too! 2. WHIP YOUR PRACTISE AREA INTO SHAPE: Make your practise space somewhere you actually want to practise. It doesnt have to be a huge area- lots of dancing is danced on the spot and you can adapt almost every other movement to be danced on the spot, but make it comfortable (e.g. put a mat down to make it easier on your legs, find and use a mirror if you can, position your phone well for videos etc). If you can leave your space so that its always ready for practise then do this, youre more likely to want to practise if you dont have to rearrange the furniture every time you go to do it! Adapt your practise to this area, dont get frustrated by movements you cant fit in, either make them work or move on to something you can practise properly. 3. WARM-UP: Make sure to warm-up! When practising at home it can be really easy to slip into a Right, its dancing time, lets dance a fling mindset with no warm-up. Theres nothing enjoyable about trying to dance on stiff legs and youre not going to give your best dancing. Start your practise the right way, youll be more likely to get the best out of your body and therefore have a more positive practise experience. 4. WHY ARE YOU PRACTISING?: Make sure your practise is useful. Set goals and try to fix at least something. Practise is to make you better, you are training your body to perform to a higher level so just running through the dances as quickly as possible is unlikely to do anything for your dancing. Before you start any step, exercise, drill etc think about WHY you are doing it. Try not to move on to new things until you feel you have at least a little bit of improvement on what you have been working on. If youre really struggling with a particular movement and cant see much improvement, Id suggest filming it and moving on for now. You can then either send the video on to someone else for help or can look back at it yourself in a little while. Dont let one movement ruin an entire practise, you can come back to it another time. 5. NO WARS!: And finally, the last pointer for now (and probably the hardest one). Try not to argue with everyone in your household when youre trying to practise! If this keeps happening find ways to alleviate the problem, discuss why its happening out with the practise session when everyone is more calm. Lots of parents/guardians want to help out but sometimes giving your dancer feedback whilst theyre dancing just doesnt work- that doesnt mean to say you shouldnt try to help but find other ways to do so that work for your dancer. Heres some examples: Rather than giving verbal feedback which can very quickly become a shouting match- write your feedback down and let your dancer come back to it. Video your dancer and take screenshots to show them where they need to work on- the camera never lies! Video your dancer and let them watch it back themselves and critique. Use another dancer (e.g. lots of great Cowal videos on youtube) to point out what you want your dancer to work on so that not everything is aimed directly at your dancer. I hope this helps a little bit! Were all in the same boat and know its not easy but keeping up dancing is a great way to keep a little bit of normality. Youll also find a great sense of achievement after a good practise where youve been physically active and have fixed or improved something! Imagine coming out of isolation with better leaps, highcuts, turnout or whatever you choose- nows your chance to make a start! Happy dancing!

14.01.2022 If only Scotland were just a little closer......

13.01.2022 Nothing like a bit of crazy Christmas choreography!

13.01.2022 Get ready for three days of all things Cowal with Cowals Virtual Gathering! And were live! Thank you so much for joining Cowals Virtual Gathering. This is a ...first for us, were used to throwing open the gates and welcoming you to Dunoon Stadium in person, so meeting you here in our virtual space is a different experience. We wish you could be with us in person, but while COVID-19 keeps us apart physically, it cant keep us apart virtually. To welcome you to our virtual event please welcome our Chairman Ronnie Cairns. Thank you for being with us and we hope you enjoy what we have on offer over the next three days.

13.01.2022 First day of the World Highland Dancing Championships at Cowal Highland Games. Good luck to all the Australian Dancers competing this year.

12.01.2022 Our highland jacket and vest sale ends this Sunday!

12.01.2022 A colourful sword dance!

11.01.2022 Here is the tutorial - Flings and Things, Everybody Dance Now. Cant wait to see you all dance it!

11.01.2022 Please submit your entries ASAP

10.01.2022 Our Christmas Performance 2020. The first time some dancers had worn their kilts all year and the first time in a kilt for some. Such a wonderful sight.

09.01.2022 Cowal's Virtual Highland Gathering kicks off this Thursday. We have some exciting interviews and performances to bring you over what would have been the weekend. There may be some amendments to timings but this is what you can expect to see from Thursday 27 - Saturday 29 August. Let us know what you're most looking forward to

09.01.2022 The Earl of Errol. Danced en masse at the International Highland Dancing Championships today. What a wonderful spectacle!

09.01.2022 Gold Coast Easter 2020. See you there!

09.01.2022 SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 2019 FROM 8:30 AM TIL 4:30 PM

09.01.2022 Our youngest little dancer working very hard on her points and heels today!

08.01.2022 Watch the Worlds Live tomorrow night!

08.01.2022 No reason not to work on turn out dancers! Try this one at home.

08.01.2022 Congratulations Imogen on being awarded Dancer of the Year for our Studio!

07.01.2022 A fun and festive end to a wonderful year of dancing! Congratulations to this years award winners. Eleni- Dancer of the Year, Violet- Most Improved and Imogen- Attendance Award.

05.01.2022 Please support our local competition. Hope to get your entries soon.

05.01.2022 A Challenge Dancers - learn this routine and when we get back to class we can all dance it together! I will post the tutorial next. Missing your smiling faces.

04.01.2022 NHDAI 53rd Annual Championship and Premier Competition Saturday 29/02/2020 and NHDAI 53rd Annual Pre-Premier and Premier with Restriction Sunday 01/03/2020 Entries via HD Comps

04.01.2022 This weeks homework dancers!

03.01.2022 Stunning Scottish Dancer at the Maitland Tattoo

03.01.2022 Congratulations Cleo! Most improved dancer 2020.

02.01.2022 coming to NHDAI 54th Annual Championship and Pre-Premier & Premier Competition on Sunday 7th March 2021 - Don't wait until the last minute, get your entries in now. Entries via hdcomps

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