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Just Paint The Damn Things


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24.01.2022 Highlight of Runefang Steel. So shiny, shiny and chrome

24.01.2022 Magnetised shoulder pads.

23.01.2022 Ive jumped both feet first into the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar game recently. These "Aelfs" have sat on the shelf, neglected you might say, for the last 10 years so Ive everything to gain by dusting them off. First thing has been to rebase them all. I can say now that I am definitely a fan of WFB models on round bases. With the added room the models look so much more dynamic, a great example of this are the cavalry models and White Lion Chariot. Next challenge is to add a bit of polishing to the older paint jobs these models have. Fun times ahead!

21.01.2022 Getting together!

19.01.2022 Scariest part of the whole thing...

19.01.2022 Time to begin the "squeeky bum time" of painting the chapter badges. Im using Ulthuan Grey(bottom of the sea grey) diluted with Vallejo Thinner Medium as my basecoat.

19.01.2022 Stormcast Eternal finsished. A lot of fun to try out some new techniques.

18.01.2022 Top: Before Guiliman Blue glaze Bottom: After a 1:1 Guiliman Blue:Water glaze. Its very subtle but will come out a little more once the blue shading is finished.

18.01.2022 Adrasteai wakes

17.01.2022 Knightly build continues.

17.01.2022 First Aelf hero for Age of Sigmar. Its fun to paint robes again

17.01.2022 Top: Before Guiliman Blue glaze Bottom: After a 1:1 Guiliman Blue:Water glaze. It's very subtle but will come out a little more once the blue shading is finished.

16.01.2022 Basecoat of Ironbreaker 1:1:1 Ironbreaker:Vallejo Thinner Medium:Water Two coats were applied withba different stroke direction for each coat. Some of the models are a bit uneven due to them being metal miniatures.

16.01.2022 Restoration work continues on the elven spearmen unit. Adding gold plating has given the models a much more defined look then the blue chest pieces. A lot of thisnhas been smoothing out paint finshes although there has been some complete repaints; spears, blue cloth and gold areas.

16.01.2022 Finished up the pipework today. Trying to get a few points of interest going on the chasis.

15.01.2022 From plastic to painted.

15.01.2022 More work on the armour. The blue has been highlighted up from Vallejo Royal Blue adding Vallejo white for each subsequent highlight. Around 6 in total. Im trying to give the armour an appearance of slight polishing.

13.01.2022 Scout armour all finished. Getting the technique for painting Dark Angels armour down quite well.

13.01.2022 Quiet progress. The leather is next to be finished and needs a highight to do so.

13.01.2022 Frost weapons on the Wolf Guard are finished! Tried getting a gradient to give the weapons a crystalline look. For this I used a base of mix of Teclis Blue(GW): White(Vallejo): Black(Vallejo) diluted with Vallejo Medium in a 2:1:1 ratio. For shading/highlighting I added black and white respectively. To blend it all I applied several layers of Guiliman Blue glaze and finished of with a sharp edge highlight of Ulthuan Grey. A fun challenge that turned out great.

10.01.2022 Robe is now finished. Blue armour has been shaded down, now to bring it back upnand highlight.

10.01.2022 Little bit more done today. Trying to get the finer details sorted out now. I think getting the red down has started to bring it together.

09.01.2022 Lenses finished on the Scouts. Really enjoyed painting this effect, a fun one to continually try and perfect.

08.01.2022 Banner work has started. Going to change the design a little

07.01.2022 Dark Angel Scout Squad. Have attempted to paint these many times before and failed, really happy to have finished them.

06.01.2022 Working on some of my fantastic Christmas gifts. The Knight does need a few allies after all

05.01.2022 Ready to go for undercoating

04.01.2022 Armour finished. For my next trick...a purple crystal blade.

03.01.2022 Dark Angel Chapter badge painted with Ulthuan Grey thinnes with Vallejo Thinner Medium

03.01.2022 Work on the Imperial Knight is progressing. Red is now highlighted, so its onto the black now.

02.01.2022 Leather weapon hafts finished now. Basecoat was Vallejo Burnt Red. Shade was: 1:1 Burnt Red: Chaos Black... Highlight 1 was: Vallejo Red Highlight 2 was: 1:1 Vallejo Red:Jokaero Orange Highlight 3 was Jokaero Orange All paints were diluted with Vallejo Thinner Medium

02.01.2022 My Work In Progress Wednesday

01.01.2022 Magnetised Gattling Cannon for the Imperial Knight. Once the Rapid Fire Battlecannon has the same done to it Ill be able to use this Knight as either a Crusader or Warden.

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