Rose | Public figure
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23.01.2022 Esmé Phoenix Oates Arriving fashionably late on the 19th March 2021 She came out into the world with fierce set of lungs and I was not surprised in the least. A little nugget weighing in at 4058g and 53cms long. ... Our family is complete and we are all in love with our tiny little Oatesy. It’s been a blur and we taken some time to soak in all in, rest and love on her. Thank you to all of you that have supported me through the last 9mths it was such a hard time mentally and physically. To my midwives you were incredible. And lastly but not least Craig @craigoates26 you got me through start to finish. I have no words for my love for you probably the reason why we ended up with 4 kids @ Perth, Western Australia
23.01.2022 Natural labour or a C-section? Drugs or no drugs? Here I’m in the thick of the third trimester, 38 weeks and what feels like now the longest 2 weeks of all time to go. It's my last pregnancy, the last time my body will grow a life, share a heartbeat with another in the same body. Now at this stage of pregnancy, so many questions are being asked and opinions are flying in fast...... So are you going to have natural labour or a C-section? Drugs or no drugs? Breast or bottle? Are you still going to be feeding that toddler of yours AND a baby? Oh wow, you are huge, sure there's only one haha? (Yeh original mate ha) Your not very big are you? Don't worry you will shed that baby weight in no time! and my personal favourite, Is this your last, I mean seriously you can't be going for any more surely?! And as for that last question that since I've chosen to share snippets of my life of here... It is most definitely the LAST time, my body has had enough the Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) has completely taken its toll on my body, my mind and changed my way of life completely over the past 9mths. And so it is official Mr Oatesy has sorted that out #snippysnip So here's the thing why do ANY of these question matter what-soever? However, your baby comes into the world doesn't make it any less incredible - it fact it doesn't matter one single bit. It doesn't make you any less of a mother than anyone else. Pretty sure nobody really gives a hoot whether the baby came out the sunroof, your veejay (or someone else's for that matter) and whether you decided to take ALL the drugs or none at all! However, YOU choose to feed your baby is your business, if they are fed, healthy and happy whats to someone else? So bloody what if you don't shed your "baby weight" in no time, so what if you don't shed it ever AND equally if you fit back into your pre-pregnancy jeans 2 days after GO you! Don’t EVER feel the need to explain YOUR PERSONAL choices. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, BUT here's the thing not every opinion NEEDS to be voiced. Remarkably you can also have an opinion silent in your own mind where nobody else hears it *shocking right?!
20.01.2022 It came with ribbons, it came with tags. Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps means a little bit more. - Grinch There were no better words to sum it up. I chose a word for 2020 it was WORTHY. It didn’t 100% know why but I needed to remind myself of my worth and I feel passionate about reminding other people of their WORTH.... So all in all I’ve grown a lot. I’m truly grateful for my family, friends and this amazing community of you guys on Insta that have supported and followed along on my adventures, the businesses and people who chose me to work with them thank you! We are all human, go through so many similar experiences - so know that You are never alone So big love from me to you. I read every message and appreciate every comment. Reminder now and always... You are WORTHY in all ways and opportunities. You are UNIQUE and that is your power. You are STRONG. More than you know. And you are LOVED. Eat. Drink and be Merry with no regrets... if you don’t put on some Christmas pud over Christmas then mateeee you didn’t do Christmas hahaha So Merry Christmas everyone! I’m getting emotional - partly cause I’m pregnant and partly cause it’s just me in general #notsorryatall Big LOVE Rose xxx Check out how big the girls have grown swipe across!! @ Perth, Western Australia
20.01.2022 Can you take a compliment? Can you remember the last time you just said thank-you to a compliment rather then replace it with a negative answer or making a joke out of it? That’s usually how I deal with it It’s all too common isn’t it?! ... Maybe you don’t feel worthy of it or the image you have of yourself doesn’t see what someone else can see! But you know what? It feels good to compliment someone and we see qualities and strengths in you that you don’t even recognise In yourself! So in the wise words that my grandma - Nonni would say to me just say Thankyou *imagine in a sweet Italian accent START BELIEVING AND ACCEPTING THISE COMPLIMENTS! You deserve them and are worthy of every single one Happy Friday beautiful people and here’s to my baby girl making an appearance soon lol! Compliment a friend below xx
18.01.2022 Win a Dyson V11! HAVE YOU ENTERED? Want to win a Dyson V11 Outsize Stick Vac?... Of course you do! Entry is simple; Follow @ourwonderfulchaos.giveaways and the 16 accounts they are following. Check the giveaway page for how to gain extra entries. Good luck!
18.01.2022 Perth Mamas to be, all different, yet all the same. Captured by Fox and Wilding Photography for @amothersempire Natural labour or a C-section? Drugs or no drugs?Here I’m in the thick of the third trimester, 38 weeks and what feels like now the longest 2 weeks of all time to go.It's my last pregnancy, the last time my body will grow a life, share a heartbeat with another in the same body....
12.01.2022 Style run through and features. I’m currently wearing mine 29 weeks pregnant, perfect for bump and after bubs too! Easily dressed up or down and a comfortable effortless dress to just throw on. #forevernewstyle #realmumstyle #mondaystyle #perthcreatives #melbournestyle #aussiefashionblogger #perthfashionblogger
11.01.2022 Remember when you were first learning to drive?Out of our comfort zone, but still equally excited to learn, you have both hands on the wheel, nervous to pull out into traffic, possibly scaring yourself and your driving instructor to death, not to mention the zillion attempts to parallel park... (actually that's still me now haha) Well, that's like starting anything new, whether it's becoming a parent, a new business/job, maybe its learning to dance or even hitting the gym for the first time ever....
11.01.2022 39+5 weeks. Due 14th of March... What’s your guess on when she be here? Take a guess, of date and weight! Current situation, heavy, not hungry, vomiting has ceased, a little crampy today, hands and feet swollen. Head is down. Told my cervix is soft...... Could this be my final bump pic? Who knows? Whoever guesses correctly I’ll send out a special prize - which I want to keep for myself but won’t Scarlett is obsessed with listening to her baby sisters heart rate daily lol using @babyheartaustralia it’s very cute and I think it helps her feel connected with her.
08.01.2022 Self love, self acceptance of your mind and body. Is a relationship. Relationships have ups and downs, they take work, love and comprise. A healthy relationship with your body is going to take all these things. ... The pregnant form is so glorified but the postpartum is not - quickly the focus shifts, it is forgotten, expected to get on with things... ‘to bounce back’ But it deserves the upmost respect, it’s just as beautiful in its own way. Truthfully I’d be lying to say it’s been a super easy journey for me so far, I’ve never been one to sugar coat things. Although it’s been a time of incredible highs, there has been healing both physically and emotionally, adjustment, learning and juggling. My body is soft, stretched and well a little messy laying here - my belly gently spreads out on the bed around my little babe, which miraculously she was safely housed in only weeks before. Looking in the mirror and not quite recognising the women staring back at first is daunting, yet you are also amazed at what she has accomplished. At first you may find yourself a little lost, detached from your body, not quite understand it or feel like yourself. You are going to have to be kind to her, understanding, give her time, remind her of her beauty and her inner power. Remember your body is beautiful, it is your vessel that carries all that you are as a person and may have even carried life itself. So your relationship with yourself is important, some days will be harder than others but is worth the work. Because you are WORTH IT. Because you are more than your body and you are moving FORWARD in life NOT bouncing back!
08.01.2022 If I had to live my life over... Our time here is truly unknown. If 2020 has taught us anything its that life can change in an instant. I'm not saying to be reckless with life but how about taking more chances, to actually seeking out opportunities instead of waiting for them and taking the responsibility for your own happiness... Spend more time with those you love and those that really appreciate you for YOU and say goodbye to things and people that don't. You see life has no time for regrets and time waits for no one. Because you don't get to live your life over So yes say goodbye to this year knowing you are in charge of your life you don’t need to put unrealistic expectations on yourself- take with you the good and the lessons you have learnt and let go of the past, Get out of your own way and LIVE. Live your very best life, find the courage to embrace who you are, learn about what you TRULY want, chase down your dreams and realise how WORTHY you are. Let yourself GROW, it isn't always easy, it takes work and success doesn't happen by chance or by staying in the same place we must move forward. Not everyone will always understand your journey or choices but nor do they have to. Don't worry if these people don't decide to stand with you. Quit the people-pleasing it's not worth it, because the people that are worth having around don't ever expect it. We don't live for others we share our lives with others. Choose quality people to be in your life. This year seize every minute of it, try it out, live in the moment, make mistakes, forgive yourself, EAT delicious food, love your body more and take that leap of faith. This is our one very precious, crazy and wild life. Our one opportunity (thanks Eminem) We weren't born to EXIST. We were born to LIVE. If could live my life over... but you see, I can't. Taking with me the lessons, beautiful friendships made and the good memories - here’s to the New Year wishing you NOTHING BUT THE BEST always. love Rose xx
07.01.2022 LAST CHANCE to Win a Dyson V11! Have you entered? Hurry, ends 8pm AEDT TONIGHT!... Have you double checked you are following @ourwonderfulchaos.giveaways and the 16 accounts they are following? Better hop to it! Good luck!
05.01.2022 Happy 1st Easter Miss E! 2 weeks old baby girl, where has the time gone? #justalittlemorebabyspam No baby milestone book for you haha I mean I haven’t properly filled out one since our first born Indi haha Scarlett’s is half done and Octavia’s book is brand new... I give up now haha... I cannot be the only one?! Happy Easter beautiful people, Esmé will be at home tomorrow drinking loads of chocolate milk because her Mama Will be full of chocolate Remember to enjoy all the food, chocolate and indulging without the guilt! Life’s too short! @ Perth, Western Australia
05.01.2022 Just off on date to meet one of the great loves of my life. I go carrying nerves, my anxiety, excitement, but also with a sense of power within. I feel a sense of wonder at the power of a women’s mind and body during these hours no matter the way we each choose to birth - we are truly creatures of survival, birthing the future. I often feel I’m a young soul, still completely at awe with the beauty of life, the body and birth itself.... Still I walk away from my home completely into the unknown of who I’ll be when I return with this new life in my arms, I truly feel we go through a metamorphosis as we labour, as we become a mother, two people are born on the same day. The mother and child. Whether it is for the very first time or not - we transition and in turn our lives are forever changed. Although I have done this before, the unknown still awaits not without any fear and for this I’m not ashamed, I’m only human and I know it’s ok to feel it but I also know I can do this, and to trust my body. Yet I’m ridiculously excited and have visions dancing through my mind imagining what she will look like and who she might become. I have no solid birth plan other than to have my baby at the end of this safely in my arms, I refuse to put pressure on myself like had in the past and give myself permission to make any choice I feel I need or want to during the process. I know I will be safe with Craig by my side and I’m thankful already that he gives me that peace. I will breathe and focus on remembering during the surges that I will finally get to meet this little soul as she makes her way out of my body. It is the last time that I will have two hearts beating inside me. Months of growing you, a lifetime of loving you ahead. See you on the other side Rose @ Perth, Western Australia
03.01.2022 4 out of 4 look like Dad. That’s fine. I’m fine. I’ll just nourish, carry and feed you so you can pop out like baby Craig. It’s totally fineeee.... Seriously though my heart nearly exploded seeing them like this... This is where I need to honour this big softie - he has kept us all going the past few weeks, even while working, he’s cooked, all the school things, done a zillion sport runs, everything thing single handed while caring for me while I was at my most unwell... Never making me feel bad and calling me beautiful today when I definitely stunk like baby vomit and off milk, hair greasy, pulled back with a few dreads, wearing pj pants so big that I could easily wear them as a jumpsuit if I pulled them up high enough but I needed to hear it. So it’s ok that ALL the kids look like you In no way is this to brag, we are farrrr from perfect but here I am having fallen in love with you just that little bit more and just want to publicly love on you. *Limited time only. Haha kidding. To be fair babe I did grow these incredible huge boobs so enjoy while it lasts haha
02.01.2022 Holy Cow this is 36 years around the sun! I used to think the mid-thirties were ancient, like close to the end, HA how wrong I was. In my short 36 years, I've surprising learnt a lot, like 30-year-olds still don't know what the fuck they are doing either #justwingingitstill I'll share with you some of my wise 36-year knowledge ( you know save this post for future type knowledge hahaha)... Life is full of surprises, love, beautiful experiences and people- live for those things and memories. But Sometimes life just shits all over you - like a lot of shit and its ok to be pretty upset about being covered in shit and it's okay to feel a bit sorry for yourself for a little while BUT after that time clean yourself off and make some manure outta that shit - and make your garden grow. We don't live for others we share our lives with others - So choose those people wisely for those people can make life amazing. Laugh a lot - like mostly laugh at yourself cause we all do dumb stuff on the daily, and if you aren't laughing you will probably cry. Plus smiling is good for you. Wear the damn outfit, the "special shoes", drink the expensive champagne - I mean you never know when you could accidentally fall pregnant and not be able to drink again for another year (not speaking from experience or anything) It's NEVER too late to start over. Follow your dreams Eat all the CAKE without the guilt, drink heaps of water, look after your self, move your body and get some sunlight. Being kind is ALWAYS worth it. People always remember how someone made them FEEL, be the person who makes them feel AMAZING! Know your worth. Then add TAX. Trust me you are all worthy of everything you have and want. Self-love takes time so give yourself grace and keep at it. Thank your body for the amazing machine it is. Learn to love it (it ain't always easy - I know) but damn its the only one we have and fuck spending life hating on it. Imperfection is perfection. and lastly, Ive said it once and I'll say it a million times We are not born to exist, WE ARE BORN TO LIVE! big love from me ROSE xx
01.01.2022 5 days before our new baby bunny arrives so with the @sociallyem Autumn online Magazine I’m getting Easter and Mother’s Day all sorted! The magazine features over 200+ small businesses ALL on sale, its too easy just click what you need (want/ have to have ) and shop all direct from the online mag. There are cute Easter activies, inspiring women in the spotlight, easter traditions, colour inn comps and more.... How to: 1. Use the code: sociallyem for discount! 2. Visit @sociallyem for the link to shop 3. Get in before Sale ends 13th March midnight. 4. Be home before your other half to hide the evidence of your shopping haul. 5. Thank me later @ Perth, Western Australia See more
01.01.2022 WOMEN BLOOM, at different times, during different seasons... The beauty of being human is that we can continue to GROW throughout our lives. How as women can we be better to ourselves and each other? Really, wholeheartedly embody Women supporting women. ... We need to adopt a GROWTH mindset. We must find acceptance for ourselves and for others and learn to stop the comparison. These are our sisters NOT competition in some silent race, Knowing that supporting, encouraging and clapping for somebody else costs you nothing. The smallest acts of a compliment, sharing a small business, acknowledging someone's achievements, commenting on a photo - cost nothing and can mean everything. It also doesn't hold you or your own personal growth back one tiny bit - in fact it often feels wonderful and helps create a beautiful community of support around you. Its acceptance of other women and their choices, life or goals - You don't need to always agree or understand but simply be like - oh that makes you feel great, you love it? Fantastic GOOD ON YOU GIRL you got this, live your most authentic life, all while knowing you will continue to live yours too. Our differences are OUR STRENGTHS and there is room here on Earth for each one of us to SHINE. Its about seeing your sisters win, succeed and supporting each other through the lows too. Don't worry if you arent in full bloom at the same time or compare their growth with your own - after all we were all 'planted’ at different times and grow in different soils. Learn to appreciate the strength and beauty of the women around you knowing you are no less than. Just as worthy and as capable. Knowing we will all BLOOM just in our own time and this, in turn, keeps the world full of beautiful women ALL YEAR ROUND. We are truly stronger together, supporting one another. Setting an example to those girls growing into women around us. This year whatever your dreams, goals and choices - Remember you need water, self belief, a supportive circle. a little patience and sunlight... JUST GROW GIRL! TAG and give some love to your favourite WOMEN out there give them a boost