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25.01.2022 R U OK? Human connection. We all need it. ... It’s the essence of who we are It's R U OK? Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask My inbox is always open to anyone who needs a chat or a rant, I’ve heard I’m a great listener See more
25.01.2022 T H E D I F F E R E N C E Coaching & community support Lots of balanced whole foods & appropriate snack ideas for your goals No fasting ... Smart supplementation Mindset shifts Home workouts And me cheering you on from the side line! Why kickstart your wellness with our community? Because we are the difference. We kick off on Tuesday so let’s get you organised & do this together! Check out these results from one of our last kickstart challenges!
24.01.2022 F O C U S When your focus goes your energy flows. This is so important with lots going on around us right now. What did you think about as soon as you woke up this morning? Worrying about the day? Things to get done? Often we can start the day on the back foot without even conciously realising it.... Let's shift our focus for the rest of the day to what we CAN do in any scenario that may be causing us stress, what we can appreciate & be grateful for, and finally how we hold ourselves as good humans along the way. Don't let distractions through you off course from living this great day. Happy wednesday!
23.01.2022 H A P P Y T U M M Y ? Brain fog? Stressed? Feeling a bit blah? Where do we start when we want to feel more balanced, happy and motivated? - OUR GUT HEALTH. ... Of course there are other lifestyle factors, but lets talk basics about gut health for a quick minute... Our Gut could really be considered our second brain: - 80% of our immune cells lie in the gut. - 95% of seratonin happy hormones and neurotransmitters are produced in the gut. - The health of our gut really does affect everything from our skin, our physical results, and our moods. Where to start when you want to make some changes? Balanced nutrition. Quality protein sources, loads of fibrous veggies, healthy fats, smart supplementation... PLUS water & sleep. Every body is different. It takes time to create balance in our bodies and will vary depending on where you start from. But the journey will be worth it and you wont look back. We love seeing our clients progress in this area and feel what dynamic wellness truly can do for their lifestyle! **As always, enrol your GP or Naturopath if you have any uncertainty.
22.01.2022 R E S U L T S Another inspiring story from our last 21-Day Challenge Kirstyn is only very new to our community, beginning with her 3-Day Kickstart experience last month - and following on to cement some great habits in our 21-Day Challenge... and WOW has she smashed it!... Check out her re-shaping & muscle gain! We are so excited to see where you can go from here Kirstyn Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? It all begins with a 3-Day experience... loads of support from our Coaches, smoothies and energy teas at home, no fasting and plenty of food! Let's do this together - Reach out to get started.
22.01.2022 F E E L G O O D We are set for a sunny weekend here in Melbourne! YES we are still in quarantine, but that doesn't mean we can't set ourselves up for a weekend of progress and all of our favourite feel good things.... - Nutrition on point (healthy treats included!) - Maximise the hour a day to get moving outside - A good book - Zoom call with the family ... and let's see what else the weekend brings. Have a great friday everyone!
20.01.2022 T G I M (thank goodness it's almost monday!) You might think I am crazy... but Mondays are one of my favourite days of the week. A fresh start, the reset button has been hit, and we all get another chance to make the best of what we have!... PLUS we have our community FREE Wellness Workshops on at 8pm... and from what I hear, this one is going to be one of our best yet If you are keen on hearing some more info on how you can boss your day, eat for your goals and still not miss out on some of your most favouite treats, then reach out and reserve your place on tomorrows FREE workshop... all I know is there is going to be healthy clean protein doughnuts! I'm there!! One day... or day one? You decide!
20.01.2022 3 0 K G I N 3 D A Y S ? Yep... seriously! So pumped for our brand new 3-Day Kickstart clients that worked on their health habits this week.... Whether it was shedding a few iso kilos, increasing energy & motivation, or simply feeling better in all areas... the crew this week smashed it! We are running a FREE online workshop this week for those thinking about making some changes. Reach out and hit me up if you would like to reserve your place on this Mondays Wellness Workshop. Happy Saturday
19.01.2022 S E P T E M B E R What is one thing you are grateful for that has come your way this month? Sure we are not through the Corona fog yet... but there is always something we can choose to be grateful for. Plenty of sunny days...... Our health... Our family... It's always a choice which perspective we bring & energise. Today we are choosing to celebrate all the progress of all of our clients & community, results through our challenges, more smoothies flowing from the new club locations... and personally choosing growth & gratitude. Cheers September, you were good to us! #Gratitude #Perspective #Growth
19.01.2022 Y O U - C A N - D O - I T A few reminders for you today Your journey is your own. Focus on YOUR goals and don’t let anyone stop you... if you can turn your health and fitness into a lifestyle not a chore, you will do amazing things! Never give up a few weeks into a program because you don’t see results. Results come with consistency over a long period of time. The only person you are competingwith is yourself. Stay in your own lane, don’t rush and don’t compare yourself to others
19.01.2022 t h a n k - y o u Today is @donatelifetoday national thank you day for all the organ and tissue donors and families. How do you say thank you to someone for saving your life?... I wouldn’t be here today without both my beautiful parents for both donating an organ for me to receive one. Even though the first one I received didn’t work and then needing a second one both my parents stepped up to give me a new life. To my organ donor who was doing the exact same thing for one of their family members thank you, you’ve given me a new outlook on life and a positive one.
18.01.2022 Little by little becomes a lot Our 21 day ELEVATE challenge has clicked over 280 people 280 coaches and clients combined for 21 days have put their hand up to elevate their health and well-being... No matter where you are on your journey, what fitness level you have abs how focused you feel right now Simple nutrition plans, mindset support, home workouts, meal prep ideas, prizes, fun and much more... Wanna jump on the bandwagon? #wellnesscoach #wellness #21elevatechallange #ELEVATE
18.01.2022 P R O G R E S S I am sure I am not the only one that gets confused with what day it is, what week of quarantine we are up to, and when life could possibly go back to 'normal' The real key for myself and what we have been helping our clients with is creating some structure and healthy routine amongst this unusual time. With structure and routine, comes a feeling of progression. We need this feeling as humans as it helps to contribute to our happiness. ... Whether it is working on your wellness habits, fitness or mindset... If structure and motivation is what you are looking for - we can help. Here’s the game plan: It all starts tomorrow night with our FREE online Wellness Workshop at 8pm. Loads of tips, resources and ideas on how to create sustainable healthy changes every day. Followed by our 3 day Kickstart initiative starting this Tuesday 22nd. You’ll be invited to a private Facebook page where there will be daily interaction, a meal plan, snack ideas, daily Facebook posts with motivation and tips on what to eat and how to stay away from the doughnuts. Along with this daily accountability, you’ll also have the chance to win some prizes based on the percentage of your ISO shred! Sound interesting? Comment below or reach out for some more info. Let's come out of ISO better than we went in - there is still time. Who's up for that?!
17.01.2022 B A K E D - L E M O N - C H E E S E C A K E Ever craving the taste of the cheesecake but currently working on your health goals? Let me introduce this bad boy to you...... This guilt free lemon cheesecake contains 21 vitamins and minerals, made with NO milk and is only 285 calories! SAY WHAT?? If you’re ever around in a smoothie bar this ones a MUST TRY! Don’t know where your local smoothie bar is? Comment you’re favourite emoji and I can set you up? #cheesecake #YASSS #guiltfree #wellness #wellnesscoach
16.01.2022 P R O U D Meet Libby! Libby found our community 6 months ago when she has reached a place of feeling frustrated, heavy and quite simply defeated. She wasn't sure of how to move through these feelings and progress with her health.... Libby started on a 3-Day Kickstart and her journey began. With consistency, be willing to be coached, utilising our community challenges and following her plan... Look at how far she has come! Libby now celebrates feeling amazing, proud of her progress - and motivated to keep going What an inspiration Lib, we can't wait to see where you go next!! Are you ready to create your story? Let's get you set up and do this together. #Kickstart #Health #Lifestyle
15.01.2022 M I C R O N U T R I E N T S The inner herb garden Micronutrients, also known as vitamins and minerals, play a role in supporting daily activity and keeping our bodies functioning - but vitamins and minerals are most notably involved in supporting good health.... These nutrients play a major role in vitality, preventing illness and enhanced wellbeing. By combining a colourful whole food lifestyle, with the macro and micronutrients that our smoothies and supplements provide, this is how we encourage our body to hit it's recommended daily intake of nutrition. Health is certainly our greatest wealth - more than ever before!
14.01.2022 H A P P I N E S S You have to develop an attitude for happiness. Create it!... Identify it! Maintain it! I’m not doubting that you sometimes have to shift the garbage of life at times that’s reality The attitude is to choose happiness and positivity over negativity, is an absolute skill! Start with ONE simple daily action we can take to move towards the habit of happiness. smiling - sends signals to your brain of emotional well-being! It stimulates feel good areas of the brain, MORE than money or chocolate do! It doesn’t have to be anything next level! How simple is that!? Is it a movie scene? A song? A particular person For me my happiness after COVID has been being able to go back to the gym. Being able to get my mental health back in check and also being able to push myself to a new level. Would love to hear how you know to shift your state to bring a smile to your face! Share your go to’s below
12.01.2022 W E E K E N D R E A D Y ? Heading into the weekend with a pretty awesome view... Check out my ISO treats! Healthy, nutrient dense & home made ... All included in our simple & sustainable plans... Who wants the recipes??!
12.01.2022 K I C K S T A R T Needing help move through the summer months? Adjusting to the new social life we all have? Keep on track, I'm here to help! Free Wellness Evaluation ... 1 on 1 Coaching Personalised Meal Plan 6 Healthy Smoothies 9 Energy Teas Excited to take on new clients going into 2021!
11.01.2022 S E L F S A B O T A G E We had a great discussion about the topic of self-sabotage last night in our challenge facebook group. We can all easily identify areas where we might see the behaviours of self-sabotage, but our focus last night was practical solutions to break the habits that are standing between us and our personal goals!... One of the powerful strategies was to reduce the mental clutter that we may be experiencing. Whether it is a generally stressful time, you are managing working from home, home schooling, the news, or simply this new 'normal' we have all had to adjust to, it can create mental 'clutter' without us even knowing it. Getting this mental clutter out of our heads and onto paper can help us identify what is actually important to focus on PLUS allow us to make more space and energy to prioritise these things. I would love to hear your personal solutions for when you feel yourself slipping into self-sabotage... Let's hear them!
11.01.2022 S P R I N G Ahhh there is something awesome about the energy of the first day of SPRING. Blue skies, sunshine & the feeling of 'we made it' through winter! ... Spring as a season represents the beginning of brighter times and leaving behind the events of a 'winter' in life. We have all had an interesting few months with lockdowns & what seems like a never ending cloud of Corona season... BUT spring time always comes - and how much do we appreicate it right now! So let's stay in a huge place of gratitude today... because Spring is here Craving some Spring cleaning of your health and wellness? Stay tuned because September is going to be FULL of goodness from our Coaching community. Happy September 1st!
09.01.2022 C R A V I N G S Craving space, craving routine, craving a hair cut, craving seeing family & friends, craving getting on a plane... Whatever you are craving - know that we are all in the same boat Victoria. ... The simple things that we won't ever take for granted again! One thing we know for sure is that a lot of you are craving SUGAR, CAFFEINE and even a few too many cheeky wines/beers. Ready to use this next few weeks to find some energy & healthy habits for spring? Reach out to gain free access to our Wellness Workshop tonight at 8pm. We are busting some serious myths and giving you all the tips and inspo you need for your Monday. Who's in?? #WeGotThis #ISOlife
07.01.2022 G A M E P L A N Quarantine life won't be getting the better of me this weekend! Smoothies & Snacks... Fat burning energy tea that will keep me sane & any cravings at bay Home workouts thanks to our Health forum & qualified Coaches Healthy treats & a good book What's your game plan? It's been a huge week Victoria... and never before have we needed to prioritise our wellbeing and connection. If you are feeling the need for a little support to get 'back on track' then always know I am here for a chat. Not only do you have the support of myself, but our whole team of incredible Coaches are there for you too. Not to mention hundreds of new clients that are looking to make the same progress as you. No starving, no drastic changes, just simple balanced nutrition & a whole lot of support. Are you ready to set up with the essentials? Let's do this together.
07.01.2022 B A L A N C E Everyone’s bodies are different. We all respond to different approaches & protocols in our own time & at our own pace. ... Our communities holistic approach helps people begin to understand that health is a journey & a lifestyle - not a quick fix! Whether it’s eating more whole foods, utilising supplements to help your body absorb nutrients, consistency, sleep, hydration, movement, mindset, injuries, stress management, hormones... the list goes on as to cracking our own code. It is up to each individual to follow what path they feel is right for them. CHECK THIS OUT >> after we wrapped up another incredible 21-Day challenge yesterday... Meet Krissy! Thanks to IVF treatments she has her 2 beautiful boys. When she started her nutrition program it was about managing her PCOS symptoms, associated digestive issues and helping her reshape after her pregnancies. Krissy is GLOWING & continues to reshape as she nutures her body towards balance. But this is all just a bonus for the consistency she has found, her confidence, absolute wellness as a busy Mum and business owner, and the education she has for what her body needs. What an inspiration and we look forward to seeing where you can go from here Krissy! We have loads of events & support tools lined up for September... Reach out if you are ready to get yourself on track to finding your own version of balance. #Results #Balance #Lifestyle
07.01.2022 S P R I N G Victoria we are so close to coming out of stage 4. With things slowly coming back into control one of them is being able to be outside to exercise for longer. With the warmer weather coming up this week how are you spending your 2hrs?... Have no motivation or energy? Want some?
06.01.2022 T H E 1 % E R S What really are the half a dozen small things that make all the difference when it comes to our progress in our health results? Where do we start? What can we be consistent with... We begin our 21-Day Challenge today and on our opening workshop tonight we are going to begin talking about some of the key shifts that it takes if you REALLY are ready for change... Just like Ryan was in our last challenge - Check out his results!!! WOW... I can't wait to kick off another few weeks for my own personal results and our community of clients. If change is something you are ready for - tonights FREE workshop could be just the thing that gets you into gear. Reach out and let's see if this is the right session for you!
04.01.2022 S H I F T Everday we make changes to make a shift Shift on mindset, routine,habits, nutrition or movement. It’s really up to us to make the choice of change... This is why I love our community as they provide us with so much support, challenges, resources and education for people to make changes whether it be holistically or more sustainably It all starts with our 3 DAY KICKSTART and as we know health is a long term game, we want to make it super easy for our clients to get back on track with their goals Sound good? Drop your favourite emoji for more info #wellness #mentalshift #wellnesscoach
02.01.2022 U N C O N D I T I O N A L L Y It’s the state of mind in which you are willing to allow well-being into your experience some are forced ... some come to their own conclusion some need to see the reason Just like you UNCONDITIONALLY love and adore your loved ones, no matter what, is the philosophy you can apply to your health journey. By choosing it to allow, you can have more well-being by simply letting it in. m i n d s e t w h o l e f o o d s s u p p l e m e n t s s u p p o r t. & g u i d a n c e Whatever your well-being picture looks like, you can always reach out to learn how we can work together to fill in the gaps
01.01.2022 H A N G - U P S We all have hang ups! These hang ups become the ceiling of your self love and self worth.... For me its all about APPEARANCE! "I don't like the way I look!" "I hate what I see, staring back at me!" "I'll never have a perfect body" If you're focused on your appearance for example and you feel its not adequate than that's the ceiling height you've created... VERSUS Hurting yourself through those horrible biatch comments, are not going to help you rise and stand TALL, to create a ceiling that you cant touch! Learn to love what you see regardless of your own initial judgements. You have to decide to want to progress and get out of your own head and into the perspective and place of worthiness. #selflove
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