Kaitlyn Marie | Massage service
Kaitlyn Marie
Phone: +61 411 227 023
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25.01.2022 Hello I’ve just changed the date for the following week to allow for more bookings If this date doesn’t suit you, please reach out and we can discuss other options! The Montrose town hall is booked for every Wednesday depending on how many bookings I receive and if the interest is there I can look into more days. If you do have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask! No question is too small or too silly! Im looking forward to meeting you all and I hope you have a lovely day
25.01.2022 There’s a really fun event happening at The Parents Hub! Check out their page for more info and get in quick as spots are limited
17.01.2022 Look who completed their infant massage sessions Ella and her mum Michelle have been such wonderful clients and I have loved building a rapport and getting to know them both! One of the reasons I love offering these sessions is for the relationships I get to build and the opportunity each parent has to make friendships with one another. For Michelle and Ella they were my first client and didn’t get to meet other parents but I did feel we built a connection that will be o...ngoing in the future! Thankfully Michelle takes Ella to @theparentshub so again that sense of community continues and I’ll see their faces again I also have an open policy where at any point after completing our sessions if you’re unsure about anything or can’t remember a technique you can always get back in contact, even if it’s been years later! It so important to me that you feel confident in applying infant massage & that you know you have my ongoing support Currently I’m offering private sessions and in home sessions if you would like to host a in home party with 3 + friends and their little ones! I am also doing Thursday sessions through @theparentshub which you can book through their socials. These sessions will be more of a baby & mum relax session where you will give bub a little massage and then have some time to relax, have a coffee, some afternoon tea & get to know some other mums in your community! Spots are limited so head over to their page and book in now
17.01.2022 Self Care - what does it look like to you? Becoming a parent is a huge milestone in your life. Your whole world is centred around these tiny human beings that you have created and along the way we can start to feel a bit lost! So how do we prevent that?... By ensuring we give back to ourselves and having some sort of self care routine. Now I have seen the rounds on the internet that self care isn’t a shower, self care isn’t doing the groceries etc. Yeah you’re right. These things are basic human needs and routines that we do for our family. But for some people these simple moments can make a huge difference to their mindset! I know for me when I’m having a rough day or I’m in a bit of a mood, a nice hot (kid free) shower is all I need to reset and recharge! I also love having a quiet cup of tea with some chocolate So while there is plenty of other self care things like going going for a walk on your own or spending nights away. I want to hear from you guys the small, simple and easy self care routines that you include in your day! It might help someone that can’t necessarily get a long break but simply need something that will enable them to feel recharged & reset Let me know some of yours below
16.01.2022 I have some new faces on my page so I thought it would be a perfect time to reintroduce myself and play a little game.. Hi I’m Kaitlyn I am 30 years old & live with my three kids and my partner Rob. I have a background in early childhood and I am passionate about all things birth, motherhood & the postpartum journey. ... Now I’d like to play a game of two truths and one lie! 1 I always wanted three children 2 I had early childhood seizures that stopped when I was 3. 3 I’m very shy & wish I was more outgoing! I get stuck in my head and find it hard to break out of it. Let me know in the comments below which one is the lie and I’ll answer tomorrow!
16.01.2022 How important was resting and recovering for you after having your baby? Resting can truly be hard for some. A lot of us tie our productivity to our worth and resting can feel like a privilege rather than a right. I know for me I have definitely felt both of these as well as not wanting to miss any moments. When I had my second baby I had a fast delivery and with that caused some complications physically and walking was quite difficult. At the time I was living away from fa...mily and when they came to visit they wanted to do some shopping. Now I had major fomo (fear of missing out) & wanted them to enjoy their holiday so instead of resting with my baby, I waddle around the shops causing myself so much pain and discomfort I also had a toddler to run around after and instead of allowing others to help I wanted to be the hands on parent I always was. The theme here is I was always thinking of everyone else. What my children need, what fun my family had to have while they were here visiting me, what expectations I felt others had of me and in the end I let myself down. Rest is needed for your recovery without a doubt. Your body has gone through a huge physical event and even if your birth had gone perfectly, you still need time to rest your body. Not only this but you’re learning about this new little human, producing milk and waking frequently throughout the night. It’s a big job and if you don’t get the rest you need early on, it can be an ongoing problem that can cause depletion later on. So if you’re currently pregnant or in the thick of your fourth trimester, remember that this time is for you to rest and recover with your baby. Build that village and allow the help to flood in. If you don’t have the support you need look for a postpartum doula or other support in your area that suits you and your family! It’s so important because you’re important So how seriously did you take resting in your fourth trimester? What things did you do to ensure you were able to get the rest that you needed? Comment below & show other parents some support
14.01.2022 Pelvic floor health! When was your last check up? I know for me I have had on going issues since the birth of my second babyover 8 years ago! After being seen today I have been referred onto a pelvic floor physiotherapist where I will strengthen my pelvic floor and reduce symptoms! ... I am so glad I finally made the appointment and made some steps forward to helping my postpartum body become stronger. I don’t know why we find these things embarrassing and endure discomfort instead of reaching out and getting the support we need. Pregnancy & birth take a toll on our bodies in some way and by avoiding your appointments or ignoring symptoms, it will only make things harder in the long run! Your health matters so book that damn appointment! Let me know below if you would like me to share what these appointments involve or even your own experience! P.s... If you weren’t doing your pelvic floor exercises while reading this, get onto it now. It’s important
13.01.2022 Hi! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! I am currently organising my house for my sisters baby shower next weekend, all while doing business things on the side #smallbusinesslife... So with that I have decided to update and change my price list for my postpartum and pregnancy support services! My website now has the updated list but I thought I would put them here so it’s easier for you all to access! Feel free to ask any questions
11.01.2022 If you’ve been pregnant and over due raise your hand Although we know due dates are just an estimate, it can be a little disheartening for some. One thing to remember when you’re pregnant is that first pregnancies average until 41 weeks! ... Your body will birth your baby when it’s ready Over due days seem to drag and it’s ok to be disheartened but knowing it’s normal and you’re not alone can help. My sister is now 5 days over and is feeling it. To help prepare her body she did some acupuncture & cupping yesterday and actually found it helped with her sleep and giving her extra energy today which was amazing! I won’t offer any advice as I’m sure you have heard it all. Just know you’re not alone and it’s ok to be frustrated. Whether you’re ok with being over due or struggling, you’re so close to meeting your little one What ways did you try to prepare your body for labour & what did you feel being over due? Let me know below
08.01.2022 Breastfeeding can be not only physically challenging, but also mentally! Wondering if your baby is getting enough milk can be a constant worry for some mums! So if you’ve ever wondering if your baby is getting enough, here are some signs to look out for! ... Your baby should have at least six very wet cloth nappies, or five very wet disposable nappies in a 24 hour period Your baby should have good skin colour and muscle tone. Your baby is happy and content after a feed. Your baby should be alert when awake. And then lastly, but not most importantly, there should be some weight gain and growth. Not all babies are the same size and some will be petite while others could be off the chart! So if you’re ever unsure on your milk output, remember to check these 5 points first. Breath and trust yourself #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingmama #postpartumdoula #supportingbreastfeedingmoms #lactationconsultant #breastmilk #postpartumsupport #lactationsupport #doulalife #doulasofmelbourne #mumofgirls #petitebaby #breastfeedingsupport
06.01.2022 I hope everyone had a lovely Easter Just a reminder that my latest event is happening this Wednesday! Please let me know if you are attending
05.01.2022 3-04-21 The third birth I have attended other than my own. A birth I will never forget and one I hold so close to my heart. You see Erinn is not only my sister but she is my twin. My womb mate and the one person that’s always been by my side. ... It was such an honour to watch her labour so strongly, silently, only looking for her partner Aidan & I to hold space for her. Erinn had been going through pre labour since Thursday evening and while it seems like a long time, Erinn & Aidan both enjoyed the quiet days in their own space while Erinn’s body prepared to birth their baby. In her labour room I felt strength, love & connection. This was their first baby but you wouldn’t know it looking in. Their relationship is strong and built on trust and you could truly feel it in the room. On Saturday at 6:16pm little Albert entered the world and it truely was a magical moment Being a doula doesn’t always require you to have all the gadgets or being super hands on. Sometimes you will come across a client that truly turns inwards and simply wants to know she’s not alone, but can do it alone. Holding space, reminding her to breath when her mind would race is all she needed. Being a sense of support for the partner to turn to or ask questions when they’re not sure or simply to get some ice so they can stay close to their partner. All these things matter. Because at the end of the day when you’re bringing a baby into the world you need to feel safe and secure, loved & encouraged. Informed and respected. Your birth matters. Your experience matters. To a doula our end goal is not only a healthy, happy baby but healthy & happy parents Follow along in my stories over the next few weeks and I’ll be sharing some behind the scenes of what a postpartum doula does for their clients. If you have any questions on a postpartum doula drop them below
02.01.2022 I’m also running classes over at The Parent Hub if anyone is interested in meeting other mums and finding their tribe! Head over to their page to find out more & to book in
01.01.2022 Good morning everyone! I just came across this post on the noticeboard and thought I would share to my community for any dads wanting some support and connection with other dads! If you’re interested just join the group and you’ll find more info in there ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/melbournedadsunited/?ref=share
01.01.2022 April is Cesarean Awareness Month. I have had three births. Two vaginal and one belly birth. My belly birth was because my baby was in a transverse lie - simply put she was completely sideways and physically couldn’t come out any other way. ... Now I would like to think by now that everyone knows that it’s far from the easy way out! So what I want to touch on for Cesarean Awareness Month is that having one doesn’t mean I had a horrible experience or a bad story to tell. In fact my cesarean was my healing birth after having a traumatic experience the time before. A cesarean doesn’t mean you don’t have any choices. A cesarean doesn’t mean you can’t have your birth wishes respected or achieved. It simply means you’re birthing your baby in a different way. With my birth I was still able to do delayed cord clamping like I wished, I was still able to have skin to skin, in fact I had hours worth which was the longest skin to skin I had with any of my children. Honestly I loved my belly birth and I wouldn’t change anything about it. So please if someone tells you they had a cesarean don’t just assume it was an awful experience because some of us belly birth mummas loved their experience and are proud of it Comment a if you loved your belly birth and if you wish to share your experience please do!
01.01.2022 Hey Just a reminder for my most recent workshop event coming up! I have now attached tickets to the event so you can purchase easily. I only have 10 tickets available and have had a lot of interest so get in quick! ... If you have any questions feel free to message me or pop them down below https://fb.me/e/LzOJPfEU
01.01.2022 My passion for doula work comes from 21 year old me that truly needed the love and support I now offer to my clients. Sure being surrounded by newborn babies regularly sounds like a dream but have you ever held a women while she processes her own journey? Have you ever made a difference to someone’s day and lifted their spirits by simply being there for them? Because I have and that’s my why. Holding the mother, nurturing not only women, but all birthing people and their fa...milies is a privilege & one that brings me so much joy. I love watching them find their own strength, showing them the importance of their village & supporting them along the way. It truly is heart work Happy World Doula Week Now that you’ve heard my ‘why’ I want to hear from you! What support did you receive in those early days that made a difference to your experience?
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