Kala Body in Windsor, Victoria, Australia | Therapist
Kala Body
Locality: Windsor, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 413 045 653
Address: 5/40 Green Street 3181 Windsor, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.kalabody.com.au
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23.01.2022 End of Year Inspiration Day 5; Gift Certificate Gifting a massage is a great way to gift time out, self-love & self-care. You can gift a specific massage time amount; 40, 60 or 80 minutes or gift a monetary value amount; $50 to $600. ... We can then speak to the person receiving the gift to tailor an appointment to them. Every client's needs vary and we are sure we have something perfect. We offer: Remedial Massage Pregnancy Massage Post Natal Massage Sports Massage Hot Stone Massage Lymphatic Massage And with them being valid for 3 years, there's no shortage in time to use them. Tag someone who you think deserves a massage in 2021?
22.01.2022 We couldn't be happier and we're sure most of you feel it too. We only wish we had more hands to fit more of you in. As a small business, having been closed during this time was really difficult and knowing that you were all there waiting patiently for us to open, then flooded our appointment books when we did, has ensured this little business get's to live on. ... We're proud to have survived the last few months and incredibly grateful to all of you. We've loved seeing many of your faces this past week and over the next month, can't wait to see all of you. What have you been most grateful for now that Melbourne is a little more open? We have a waiting list on the website too so if you haven't managed to book an appointment for a few weeks, you can choose to be on the waiting list to be one of the first called, should someone else cancel.
21.01.2022 New hours for your appointments One of the things we've done with our time away is to restructure our therapist's times at the clinic so that we covering the times most requested by you. We're excited to offer new appointment times with Megan, Chloë with Kendall will continue her Sundays. ... This will mean we're covering as much time as possible so that you have access to our therapists AND so that we don't fatigue(we practice self-care too), ensuring we can give you the best treatments 7 days a week. Our bookable hours are now Mondays 1:30-7:30pm Tuesdays 8:00am-7:30pm Wednesdays 8:00am-7:30pm Thursdays 8:00am-7:30pm Fridays 9:00am-6:00pm Saturdays 9:00am-4:30pm Sundays 8:00am to 2:00pm Do you love the start of the day for a massage to give you a pick me up or are you a fan of a massage at the end of the day? We have some incredible products in stock at the moment that you can order online from the Mobeco range. Check out the yoga mat, cork roller, and more in our 'shop' on the website www.kalabody.com.au to help tide you over until your appointment.
21.01.2022 End of Year Inspiration Day 6; Thank you cards Think of all the service people in your life. Your Post person... Your Rubbish Collector Your Vet Your Barista People who you most likely don't even know their name yet they've been in your life all year and most likely will be in 2021 also. Write a little 'Thank you for all you do & Happy Holidays' card. Who else do you see often, that you could give a little unexpected card too?
20.01.2022 New Year Inspiration; Self Compassion Today and for the next 24 hours, stop ever negative self-talk in its tracks. It's so easy to accidentally do something silly like putting the milk in the cupboard, or look for your glasses for an hour when they were on your head the whole time, and then comment 'oh you idiot'. ... Today though, stop yourself in your tracks. Not even 1 negative thought is allowed to get through. Remember small acts of kindness to yourself when you are feeling down or hard on yourself. A drink of water, book a massage, a walk , these things can help change the mindset.
17.01.2022 12 days of Christmas Day 2 Kala Body Edition; Donation Today it's about giving to someone you may quite well never meet. Next time you go shopping, grab a few of these options :... Non-perishable food items Toothbrushes and toothpaste Socks Men's & ladies underwear Sanitary products Baby & infant food, toys, clothes etc Donating them to places such as @foodbankvictoria @stkildamums and @missionaustralia Is there a particular mission or organisation that you absolutely love and appreciate what they are doing for the community, homeless, asylum seekers, domestic violence support, families in need or any others type? We'd love to hear! Tag them below so we can share them.
17.01.2022 Today on December 19th Kala Body turns 7! We opened the doors to one client seven years ago and now we have seen over 1000 beautiful clients. All unique and all contributing to our wonderful little boutique business. We are very grateful for every one of you who have walked through the door. Continually thankful that we have been able to, hand on our hearts do what we love for a job and make a difference to the world.... We are also grateful for every person who has worked at and on Kala Body to make it what it is today. To staff past and present, you have been apart of making Kala Body what it is and we thank you. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y K A L A B O D Y
15.01.2022 You’ll LOVE with Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage! Here’s why For us to explain why, first we'll get Megan to explain what the heck it is. Megan is our expert Manual Lymphatic Drainage (otherwise known as MLD) therapist here at Kala Body and when we asked her to explain what it is, she told us some REALLY interesting facts... Here's what she said 'It began in the 1930's in Europe when the lymphatic system was discovered to have more fluid than blood (Fun fact - We have approximately 2.5L of blood in the body & have 10L Lymph fluid in our bodies). 3 of the main functions of the Lymphatic System are; The removal of excess fluids from body tissues. Absorption of fatty acids and subsequent transport of fat, chyle, to the circulatory system. Production of immune cells (such as lymphocytes, monocytes, and antibody producing cells called plasma cells). Essentially, The lymphatic system helps defend the body against illness-causing germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi. The Lymphatic System needs movement for the fluid to travel around the body picking up waste products, delivering nutrients and filtering through the lymph nodes and eliminating through the kidneys/urinary tract. Initially MLD massage was used to treat the common cold it is now discovered to have so many more benefits for our beautiful bodies. The body is able to move the entire lymph 3-5 days with movement on it's own. MLD massage speeds this up to be 24hours which is incredible. Now that you know the geeky reasons behind MLD. Here's why we know you'll love it: Increases your bodies defence and immunity. Helps with calming the nervous system and reduces pain Reduces swollen feet (oedema) Great in Pregnancy/Postnatal Recovery from surgery Race/Sports recovery and preparation All over health & wellbeing Improves sleep through the nervous system Nutrient distribution to the rest of the body It benefits the whole body well after the massage which is what Kala Body is all about. I recommend to have a follow up appointment in two weeks after your first appointment. Then a monthly. What do you think?
15.01.2022 We've got everything crossed, even our eyes hoping to open soon! It's getting closer to openeingup back up and for you to be able to come into the clinic for your appointments again We are really hoping to be opening again from the 20th of October. We know it's an ever changing world at the moment and so we've made it super easy for you to change your appointments, if necessary via our website or contacting us. ... We so excited to be able to be back in the clinic and see you, our wonderful clients again. We are quite booked up already so if you don't have an appointment yet, make sure to jump onto our website and book your remedial massage appointments. Our newest therapist Megan was so popular, that we even had people booking in multiple days in a row, in just before we had to close. With the end of the year coming up, it's a great idea to prebook a few over the next few months to guarantee an appointment. Send us a little if your body is need of a massage after this lockdown. We know we sure do! PS. In the mean time, if you're in need of a little home self care, check out our free mini yoga classes by tapping the link in our bio and selecting '10 Min Work from Home Yoga'
13.01.2022 Stay Strong Melbourne We can do This!! Did you want that in a post or just story? If post, how is this? As we are sure most of you have heard, Premier Dan Andrews announced a 5 day lockdown as of 11:59 pm tonight. ... We will look to reschedule all appointments from tomorrow until Wednesday and fingers crossed from Thursday 18th onwards, it will be business as usual. We also have a VERY EXCITING announcement to make. Keep an eye on our socials for information on both.
13.01.2022 Free 10 minute Yoga at home easy to follow allow session. A few weeks ago, we asked you what you needed and how we could best serve you from afar, and one of the fabulous suggestions we received was simple, at home Yoga specifically for people who've been at a desk all day. Luckily for us, our new fabulous therapist Megan is not only an incredible massage therapist; she is also an accredited Yoga instructor. ... Megan has put together 7 poses that will help with muscles that have been in one place for too long. The whole flow shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, and Megan has specially crafted the short sequence for desk workers in mind. Great for the body and the mind To get access to the sequence, click the link in our bio and then click '10 minute Yoga Stretch Routine for Desk Workers' Are you up for trying the short yoga sequence?? Pop an in the comments below if you plan on giving it a go. If you need a new yoga mat, we have beautiful, eco-friendly Mobeco cork mats in stock. You can purchase it on our website.
10.01.2022 Feeling like you've got all these balls in the air right now? It can feel like there's a lot up in the air which can feel stressful so, we wanted to share some tips that we've been doing and found helpful, and let you in on what we've been doing during this time away from the clinic. While working on being COVID-Resilient one of the things we're really practicing, is to focus on what we can control and not what we can't. For us, that's been making sure that our clinic is ...ready for you when we can all return; All staff have been fully trained to keep you and them COVID-safe We've created new timetables so that you have more options of when you can book in with a massage. (You can already start booking now from the 20th & if that doesn't go to plan rescheduling is incredibly easy to do on our website or you're welcome to contact us and we can reschedule it for you) We've also used this time to up-skill our fabulous team to serve you even better Our next tip that we've found helpful is to not dismiss the way you feel. It's really easy to not feel great and tell yourself that someone else is worse off and not to complain. Your body is affected by stressors. Massage really helps some of these effects. We miss our clients. We miss our work. We really love what we do and so there have been days where we haven't felt great about this situation of not being able to help our clients due to the pandemic. Feeling those feelings though, have also been what's driven us to make sure, in a few weeks when we open, we can open stronger than ever before. Have you tried either of the two practices we mentioned above? Is there something else that has been working for you to help make you more COVID-resilient? We'd love to hear about them so let us know in the comments below. If you are feeling that stress in your body right now and don't have a spikey/trigger point ball or one of our mobeco products, you can order one online from the 'shop' in the link in our bio or message us and we can help you choose what would be right for your needs right now until you can get an appointment with us.
10.01.2022 Happy New Year to all our Wonderful Clients With a new year brings a new lease on life and while we may step cautiously into 2021, still feeling the burns of the previous year, we wish all of you peace With that peace, a sense of calm and gentleness to yourselves. ... From all of us at Kala Body, HAPPY NEW YEAR We would love to hear your New Years wishes below
07.01.2022 World Mental Health Day - a day to check in on your friends and family and very notably, on ourselves! "Today is an important day to acknowledge around the world. Massage is an amazingly healthy way to help slow our body and mind. ... As you can’t come into the clinic right now, taking some mindfulness time helps. Here are 2 techniques Chloe likes to use when she needs to take a moment for herself. Temple massage Take your index and middle fingers and place them on your temples Massage in circular motions around your temples Box Breathing Breath in for three seconds slowly Holding in for three Breath out for three Then hold your breath for three. Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes Increase how many seconds the more you build up Moving your body By moving your body every couple of hours it helps the blood flow and oxygen in your body Stretching Going for a little walk Resources GP can give you a mental health plan if you need to see a phycologist-there is 20 subsidised sessions while in COVID. You can do a Mental Health First Aid course if you (I’m doing this now and it is helping with understanding mental health conditions) LifeLine Black Dog Institute Beyond Blue Head Space You can find many more with a google search. What do you do intentionally to look after your mental health? Let us know in the comments below?
07.01.2022 Want to know how we might be able to fit you in when we are fully booked? We have clients that reschedule appointments from time to time and this is where our WAITLISTS come in super handy. Our Waitlists are a Win/Win for clients and our Therapists who are eager for no one to miss out on a much needed Remedial Massage. ... It allows last minute appointment bookings that you may not see online. With a good chance we will be able to fit you in it is worth while being on the list. To help us get you the an appropriate appointment, ensure to fill out these elements: Preferred Day/s & Times: morning, noon &/or evenings) Length of time: 40 min, 60 min or 80 min Type of massage: Remedial, Pregnancy, MLD, Hot stones Therapist: Megan, Chloe, Kendall You can be placed on the waitlist by one of three ways: Sms: 0413 045 653 Email: [email protected] Website: Waitlist online If and when an appointment becomes available, we will head to our waitlist to see who is first in line. It's not a confirmed booking so if a spot opens up, and you can no longer attend, that's fine, we will just go to the next in line. Being on the waiting list though means you have the chance to get in on a booked out schedule though. Let us know in the comments your current fav style of massage. We'd love to hear what you're loving at the moment. Remember when you're in your next appointment to grab some of our Amazing Magnesium oils and sprays. So great for the body in between massage appointments.
07.01.2022 Wishing our fearless leader a very - H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y - It’s easy to see from the minute anyone meets you, just how full of life you are.... Having you at the head of Kala Body, we know it will always be people & passions lead. Always ensuring such high quality in every aspect of the business. It’s been one heck of a year and you’ve used it to prove how strong, resilient you are and how much you care about clients and staff and for that, we are truely grateful. Wishing you a wonderful birthday and for many grate things to happen for this next year of your life!
07.01.2022 New Year Inspiration; Animal Shelter Donation Your donation doesn't need to be money. Take some pet food, dog and cat treats, even some old towels down to your local animal shelter. They will really appreciate anything you can do to support.... Do you have a rescue pet? Our social media manager has 2 cats Mija and Ranger.
07.01.2022 We now have TWO very passionate Pregnancy Massage Therapists on team Kala Body. One of our COVID-resilient practices during this time has been to focus on what we CAN do. For our newest therapist Megan, that has meant upskilling her already impressive repertoire of skills. We are very proud to say that Megan is now a Remedial & Pregnancy Massage Therapist , which means she can now treat all the beautiful Mumma's, pre and postnatal, that come for a massage at our c...linic. The healthdirect.gov.au states that pregnancy massage "seems to reduce stress, relax and loosen your muscles, increase blood flow, and improve the lymphatic system. It can also improve mood, lower anxiety, and help you sleep better. Pregnancy massage has also been shown to be very effective during labour to help manage pain and improve your emotional experience of labour." So with Megan having used this time to become a 'Pregnancy Massage Therapist' and Chloë being a Pregnancy Massage Practitioner, it now means we have 2 therapists on the team at Kala Body who are qualified to treat pre-natal and post-natal mothers. Do you know any mothers who are in need or want of a pregnancy massage? Tag in the comment section below PS. Don't buy more clothes for the bubba to be; for expectant and new mothers, grab them a gift voucher from Kala Body. You can purchase one from our website and the link in our bio.
07.01.2022 12 days of Christmas Day 1 Kala Body Edition; Sweet Treats It has been a big year and if you are anything like us, you receive joy, by giving joy. We have put together 12 days of Christmas gift ideas. Some cost money, others cost time. ... Day one is about your neighbour. Could be a neighbour to your home or maybe even your workplace. Take something sweet over to them. Homemade is super sweet (get the pun?) or support a small baking business and share the joy even further. Could be Christmas shaped shortbread, white Christmas, some cheeky macaroons or even just some good old honey joys. Who doesn't love sugar-filled cornflakes in coloured cupcake paper?! What is your favourite Christmas treat? As a kid (still do love them now), it was rum balls for me... without the rum!
05.01.2022 This week is: International week of Happiness at work. I am the latest team member at Kala Body and I feel so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful team.... The past few months have been very challenging for us all, as individuals and businesses. We have been closed and I have been able to contribute to the team in other ways, such as social media posts. I know I benefit from a sense of structure. Whether that be a few hours doing admin work, creating a yoga sequence or learning a new skill. I think we should all be very proud of our ability to adapt to this new way of living. We may not be completely out of the woods yet, however the numbers are dropping and looks like we may be out of lockdown soon. I look forward to getting back to the clinic to see my lovely clients and look after them again. - -Posted by our Kala Body Remedial Therapist @megan_kalabody #Happyatwork #WFH #FoundMyPurpose #Ilovework #kalaBody #KalaBodyRemedialMassage #pregancymassage #adapt #reinvent #teamwork See more
03.01.2022 Saturday I went to Elwood Beach. * This was a momentous day for Melbourne solo dwellers. * I got to go with my bubble friend (picnics now allowed), who made this delicious health concoction of Celery & Apple with an itty bitty bit of Ginger.... * I was wearing a mask although took it off for a quick drink. So good! Such a good friend. * I even felt so excited for the first beautiful day that I jumped into the freezing Port Phillip Bay. I could feel the burn although my calves are so much better after cold therapy after hours of lockdown kitchen dancing (I've definitely overdone the kitchen dancing . *So did get in the sun on the weekend? What will you do when we can (safely) have more freedom? * So incredibly grateful that I get to appreciate the small wonderful things in my life. Health is one of them. * * * * * #healthandwellness #Healthy #healthylifestyle @chloe_kalabody See more
02.01.2022 End of Year Inspiration Day 4; Time Think of the people you love and care about, and now think about who's love language is quality TIME! Now that you have that person in mind, give them a call and tell them you want to spend some time with them and do whatever they want to do.... Might be going for a walk, going for lunch or maybe even a movie. The time and effort to call someone, arrange a time to meet up and spend some time with them is such a beautiful way to show someone you care when their love language is time Particularly in our busy lives. Tag someone below who you think's love language is T I M E and let them know you want to give them some of yours.
02.01.2022 12 days of Christmas Day 3; Something Small We have some beautiful gifts at the clinic ready for you to purchase for your loved ones. Natural, handmade, deliciously smelling soaps... Eye Pillow -Wheatbags for your eyes Hot & Cold pack - Wheat Bags for the body All Australian Made! All items available for click & collect from the clinic. Purchase them from our website www.kalabody.com.au Ok now tell us, are you a super organised Christmas gift shopper or are you a little last minute.com?
01.01.2022 In uncertain times like this, treat everyone with the kindness you would like to receive. . . I love this quote- We can't force Peace. Peace comes from our ability to give and receive empathy & kindness. .... Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference in this world especially right now. . What random acts of kindness have you given or received this month? . Some simple acts of KINDNESS are: When you are complimented. Say thank you. Donate to your favourite charity. Show empathy not sympathy. Smile even with your eyes (if wearing a mask ) . Appreciate and learn from different cultures. . Help someone when you can. Share something even a kind word. Be kind to yourself so you can help others @Kalabody & team wish you a "Happy International Day of Peace". . #internationaldayofpeace #worldpeace #KalaBody See more
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