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St John's Lutheran Church, Kalbar in Kalbar, Queensland, Australia | Church

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St John's Lutheran Church, Kalbar

Locality: Kalbar, Queensland, Australia

Address: 256 Teviotville Road 4309 Kalbar, QLD, Australia


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23.01.2022 Happy Reformation Day!!!! The 31st of October notes the anniversary of when Martin Luther posted the list in 1517 of inconsistencies with the teachings of the C...atholic Church of the day. Little did he know this action would lead to him being a wanted person by the Catholic Church. He however unknowingly created the Protestant reformation of the church. Among his other achievements was the translation of the bible into the common language of the Germans. The spread of the bible was rapid due to the invention of the printing press and this fuelled this reformation movement of the church in Germany and further abroad. We thank the Lord for the timing of events in history that created the Lutheran Church we know today. #lutheran #lutheranchurch

21.01.2022 Christian greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We continue in isolation and social distancing because of this Corona Virus. Praise be to God that we not doing it as tough here in Australia, as many people are in other countries. Some people are flaunting the rules and defiantly trying to get back to a normal routine for their lives, but we need to remember that this virus is deadly! Just because it hasn’t affected us personally, doesn’t mean that it can’t! The sooner we continue with these precautions, the sooner we will bring this thing under control. ‘We’re all in this together’ and for the present that means some inconvenience and suffering. Why do we have to suffer at all if there really is a God who loves us, and who is all powerful? Many people are asking just that very question now, with this Corona Virus pandemic! Couldn’t God have stopped this? Suffering is a result of man’s sin and the fall. God never wanted Adam and Eve to fall into sin, but he did create them with the freedom to make their own choices. God explicitly warned them about eating from the tree, and the consequences if they did. However, they chose to sin against God, and ultimately sin and brokenness entered our world. As soon as humanity fell into sin, your loving God began his work of redemption (see Gen. 3:15). From the fall until the final day, there will be suffering and death. However, your loving God is actively rescuing you from sin, death and the devil in ways that you do not realise. It is always best to put our faith in what is revealed to us about God: that He loves us, He died for us and He rescues us from brokenness and sin. Everything that is necessary for us to know about God and salvation is clearly revealed in Holy Scripture. Keep the faith. Use your time to grow and deepen your knowledge of God, and your relationship with him! God be your comfort and peace! Jesus is risen!... He is risen indeed! Pr. Peter You may like to check out the newest Youtube clip if you are able. Go to the link here,

15.01.2022 Dear friend, Christian Greetings, We can all give thanks to God! After a few difficult months of trying to ward off a global pandemic, Australia is starting to up again. Our return from hibernation is cautious and gradual, but there’s no denying that the country is coming back to life and we’re starting to see some return to normality! I hope and pray that taking God for granted, which was the normality for so many Australians may be the exception. We truly have God to thank. Australia has been miraculously preserved from what could have been a terrible disaster. Without belittling the sadness of it all, just over 100 Australians have lost their lives to the virus, compared with over 100,000 in the United States. The terrible loss of life in Australia is nothing compared to that in places like Britain, the U.S., and now Brazil. The number of new cases each day in Australia remains low, and all of this is a positive sign that we are getting on top of this pandemic, which could have been far worse for us except for the grace of God. As far as we can ascertain, corporate worship services will resume for us after 10th July when the government’s stage 3 restrictions come into play, and its possible for 100 worshippers to gather, while still maintaining physical distancing. Hopefully we can have some congregational meetings before then to determine how this will go. Be assured you remain in my prayers. Looking forward to the time when we might be able to gather and thank God. Best wishes Pr. Peter

14.01.2022 Dear friends, As restrictions start to ease, we’re getting ever closer to being together again around God’s word and sacrament, and enjoying e...ach other’s company as fellow members in this amazing family unit, called the church of God. It’s been horrible to see some of the things happening in the world this last week, especially with the racial unrest in the United States that’s started to spill over into other countries. I’m reminded of the words of Paul from Acts 17:26, From one man he has made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole world. There’s not a ‘black race’ of people, nor a ‘white race’ of people. We all go back to one man, Adam. Christianity says loudly and clearly that there’s no such thing as racism. We are all one creation, and through faith in Jesus, one new re-creation. The more you think about it, our Christian faith has so many positive things to contribute to the state of our world. Love your neighbour is the expression of Love the Lord your God. If we all strove for this, it would indeed be world changing! Our message to the world at this time of Corona virus is trust in God and not in the hand of man! Mankind has been powerless to stop or cure this virus, and this can be seen as a warning from God, as well as a call to God! With the Qld. government bringing in early a lifting of certain Corona restrictions, we may be able to restart regular worship services earlier than anticipated. Parish and congregation leadership will need to meet to discuss what needs to be in place for a return to worship, and then I imagine each congregation will need to meet to discuss how this works out in practice for them. Please keep praying for one another, and for God to open the hearts and minds of many more people as they search for answers to the big issues of life. With best wishes to you and my prayer support, Pr. Peter

13.01.2022 See you all on Sunday

13.01.2022 Tomorrow night is the annual Christmas Eve service starting at 7pm. It will be a spectacular night covering the Christmas story presented by the Kalbar Sunday School children... All are welcome and please share this post to spread the news...

11.01.2022 Pastor's Ponderings - 872

10.01.2022 !!! !!! Is Jesus the most famous person who ever existed??? ... What do you think? Watch and listen to Pastor Peter's latest YouTube clip In case you missed any all of Pastor Peter's YouTube clips can be found here:-

08.01.2022 Christian greetings dear friend. We have experienced many changes in the just this past week. For most of us, last Sunday we worshiped together, and this Sunday... we are ‘social distancing’! Actually that’s bad terminology, since we need to be socially engaged, especially as Christians, while at the same time, physically distancing’. We have teams of dedicated church members keeping contact with our elderly and most vulnerable members at this time. I have been ringing people all week, visiting where I can and delivering Pastor’s Ponderings as well as this service order to those who are shut in and have no mobile phone or internet. My plan is for us to keep in regular contact with each other as an ongoing ministry of our church. I am looking into ways of producing regular weekly YouTube clips, and sending out links to this. As well, you are encouraged to check out our Facebook page or simply search Fassifern Lutheran Parish, which will direct you there. The Lutheran Church of Australia website has many resources there as well. In regards to your offerings, as chairman Greg pointed out on Sunday, you are encouraged to consider REG electronic giving, get in touch with your treasurer, or continue to put aside a weekly amount to get to your church when you are again able. I have been personally delivering the attached Sunday service far and wide to those who don’t have emails and I have not gotten to everyone, but to a large majority of our regular members. If you have suggestions how we might do this more effectively please let me know. I am considering posting out these ongoing worship resources starting next week. Please feel free and even under obligation to share these resources. God bless you, Pr. Peter What I have prepared here is a brief worship time for you. I encourage you to use this resource tomorrow, Sunday, or when it is convenient for you. I encourage you to gather with family if possible, and then respectfully ask God to be with you and bless your time. Allow the peace of God to fill you. Be strong in faith. Continue to pray for and support one another.

08.01.2022 Dear friend, Christian Greetings, He is Risen!.... (you know the traditional Easter response) Yes, we’re still in the season of Easter! Enjoy! Bask in the Son-s...hine of God’s grace and favour! You could easily be forgiven for not remembering its Easter! With this isolation, for many people one day is the same as the next! Imagine if you were stranded on a desert island and had the choice of only one treasured possession. I wonder what that might beyour husband, your wife, your photo albums, your bank book, your Bible! In the big picture, and with the temporary nature of life, I hope it might be your Bible. The Bible is a treasure of incredible value. It alone gives eternal life! What more could you want, other than perhaps peace and security in this life, which it also gives! Being isolated by this corona virus is much like being on a desert island. The same treasure though is available to us all. Isolated on a desert island brings lots of time for reading, reflection and prayer, and this current situation with the corona virus brings us the same opportunities. Don’t waste what could be valuable retreat time with God. It’s also a good time to go over your favourite Bible verses and perhaps to learn some new ones. The subject of my new youtube clip this week is a favourite Bible verse! It’s available at this link, God bless and keep you, Pr. Peter

05.01.2022 , !!!!! I heard some news from the United States that following a recent poll, 44% of Americans have responded that they see this C...orona Virus pandemic as a wake-up call for us to turn back to faith in God. Is it a wake-up call from God? I pray many more people may be challenged to think this way. As devastating as this outbreak is, I’m sure God can work, and does work, all things for good with those who love him, just as he promises (Romans 8:28). We continue to celebrate Easter. No one knows how long these lock downs will continue. Rugby Australia and the AFL have set dates on which they plan to renew play. It’s good to set goals. Should we say that we plan to told our first worship service as a parish service to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday 31st May, or is this not only ambitious, but a bit arrogant as well? Only God knows the future, so it’s a good idea to recognize this and place all our futures in his hands. Allow God to fill the void that has been left in your life from some other activities you can no longer pursue. That’s a wise goal and a good use of time. The peace and strength of our resurrected and living Lord be with you. Below are some resources for you to be able to celebrate the second Sunday of Easter. Either do this on your own or even better, with a family member or friend. I have posted another YouTube clip onto the internet. If you have the ability please check it out! May God bless you spiritually and keep you safe physically, Pr. Peter

01.01.2022 Listen out for the bell ringing!!!

01.01.2022 Dear friend, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, and hope this week’s worship resources finds you well. The news just in, is that we plan... to start regular worship again on Sunday 28th June, with one service only at Boonah from 9 am. More details next week. Authorities tell us Coronavirus is still a concern. The race riots have shown us just how fragile peace is in our communities, and just how little common sense prevails! Officially Australia is in recession. Unemployment is at an all-time high, and our country is going further into debt each day. Give thanks to God! How can we thank God in such a dire situation? These and other sufferings remind us that this world in its present form is passing away. (1 Cor. 7:31) The time is short, writes Paul. The signs of deterioration all around us remind us that the end is coming, and that those who look up to Christ, instead of down at the things of this world, will be saved! A few days before His crucifixion, Jesus was in Jerusalem telling his disciples what to expect. They saw big buildings, wealth and accomplishments. They were dazzled by the big city, but Jesus told them: Don’t expect a wonderful life just because you follow me. Rather, expect tribulation and trouble. We're all mistaken if we expect to make this world perfect, or even just a nice place to live. Because of sin, that won’t happen! Evil will always rear its ugly head. Satan wants to destroy us and our faith, which alone can save us. He’s behind the current lawlessness and defiant protests which are only inflaming racist attitudes. Give thanks to God because, The one who is in you [Jesus] is greater than the one who is in the world [satan]. (1 John 4:4). That’s the Good News, and that’s what we focus on each day for strength, hope and peace. Be strong and remain focused on God in these times when it’s so easy to give up on him. With best wishes and my prayer support, Pr. Peter

27.12.2021 This one is a little too close to home now... This is a reminder to not attend the church building areas if you are feeling unwell. If you have flu like symptoms please seek medical advice and isolate until you know the results

18.12.2021 Tomorrow's worship service will be at St John's Kalbar at 9am See you then

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