Kalbarri Scenic Flights in Kalbarri, Western Australia | Tour agent
Kalbarri Scenic Flights
Locality: Kalbarri, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9937 1130
Address: 38 Grey Street 6536 Kalbarri, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au
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25.01.2022 Were sending love and hope to all the tourism operators who arent eligible for the #tourismgrant in these tough times every little bit helps and we hope the government will lift the restrictions before its too late. #inthistogether #supportlocalbusiness #initforthelove
25.01.2022 Jason, Kirrily, Kelsie, Ryan, Patrick, Ann and Colleen, spent this afternoon exploring Kalbarri from the air. From the deep red #MurchisonRiverGorges to the kaleidoscope of colours at the #AbrolhosIslands . They saw the world from a different (#better) viewpoint What did you do today? #braggingrights #startingthedayright #belikeJason #belikeKirrily #belikeKelsie #belikeRyan #belikePatrick #belikeAnn #belikeColleen #whatdidyoudo #holidayenvy #wanderoutyonder #seekalbarri #seeaustralia #tourismdrivesgrowth #australiascoralcoast #kalbarriscenicflights #nationwestaviation #Cessna210 #Cessna172
24.01.2022 Smiles all round on our Scenic Flights Check out these guys from our #GrandTour this Afternoon! #wanderoutyonder #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #whereidratherbe #kalbarri #australiascoralcoast #rivergorges #pinklake #abrolhos
23.01.2022 Big week of flying, with a lot more to come Abrolhos Islands, pink lake, kalbarri gorges, coastal cliffs, Monkey Mia, you name it! #kalbarri_wa #kalbarrinationalpark #abrolhosislands #pinklakeportgregory #seeaustralia #australiacoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #pilotlife
23.01.2022 You can fly to East Wallabi Island with us and find out about the islands amazing history!
22.01.2022 Day 3 of 5 at the @perthccshow ! Come down say and if you’re lucky you might be able to meet Charlie from @waparkswildlife for their #returnto1616 project #ecotourism #wonderoutyonder #dirkhartogisland #australiascoralcoast #holidayherethisyear #conservation #wildlife #perthccshow #funphotos
22.01.2022 Great to have the team from The Travel Intern come with us to the Abrolhos
21.01.2022 Stunning day out at the Abrolhos! Saw plenty of whales, dolphins and even a manta ray! Experience it for yourself on one of our Abrolhos Tours. Visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au to book! #abrolhos #westernaustralia #justanotherdayinwa #oceanlife #whales #bataviacoast #coralcoast
21.01.2022 Its that time of the year again! School holidays Come for a scenic flight with us and enjoy the spectacular views #kalbarri_wa #kalbarrinationalpark #scenicflights #bestviews #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast #seeaustralia
20.01.2022 How cool is this?? Anyone whos been to Kalbarri knows how awesome it is. So how about letting everybody else know and getting a chance to win a holiday? Sounds good to me
20.01.2022 #announcement We are stoked to announce that we have teamed up with Don Massimo Coffee to provide an even better experience for our customers. You'll find their coffee on our Premium #abrolhos tours the #AbrolhosDiscovery and the #AbrolhosBativiaShipwreck #justanotherdayinwa #premium #holidayherethisyear #supportlocal #wonderoutyonder #australiascoralcoast #morningtea #coffee
20.01.2022 An update on how tourism is going in WA right now. Wed like to thank those at the ABC for coming out at listening to our story ABC Australia #supportlocal #wanderoutyonder
20.01.2022 Were offering some family specials during the school holidays. The specials are exclusive to bookings made at our office in Kalbarri from the 4/7/20-19/7/20. Come down, say hi and book your school holiday adventure. Other specials will also be available in office, for those needing something outside the box. 38 Grey St Kalbarri.
20.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN But we are having issues with our fancy phone system. So if you call and dont get through PLEASE leave a message, or we wont know youve called Happy Flying ... #weareopen #flyingagain #WanderOutYonder #ThisisWA #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast #seeaustralia #techfail #helpmyphone
19.01.2022 In Kalbarri this long weekend and looking for something to do? Why not book a scenic flight with us over our beautiful slice of the Mid West! Visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au or give us a ring on 9937 1130 to book! #kalbarri #westernaustralia #justanotherdayinwa #midwest #coralcoast #scenicflights #abrolhosislands #pinklake
19.01.2022 We have spots left on a Grand Tour today that we need to fill. So were offering 2 Adult Grand Tour tickets for $525 - saving $175. This offer is only for booking office bookings, so come down and see us at 38 Grey St Kalbarri to book into todays Grand Tour.
19.01.2022 Happy New Year from Nationwest Aviation and Kalbarri Scenic Flights. We wish you all a year of #flyinghigh and that you make 2021 your year of phenomenal memories. #nys2021 #justanotherdayinwa #seekalbarri #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #kalbarri #wanderoutyonder #memories #buyfromthebush #makeityouryear Ps there is a joke here about how many pilots it takes to fly a plane... but when I went to tell it our pilots complained... Apparently I'm not funny #ohwell
19.01.2022 Jarrod started his day by taking a flight over Kalbarri and along the #coastalcliffs... what did you do this morning? #startingthedayright #belikejarrod #whatdidyoudo #holidayenvy #wanderoutyonder #seekalbarri #seeaustralia #tourismdrivesgrowth #australiascoralcoast #kalbarriscenicflights #nationwestaviation #Cessna207
19.01.2022 Monkey Mia dolphin spectacular today Perfect day with amazing views #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia #monkeymia #australiascoralcoast
18.01.2022 Did you LOVE you flight? Was it an AMAZING experience? Tell us about it!! If you loved your flight please put a review on Facebook, Google or TripAdvisor and spread the happy. #wanderoutyonder #australiascoralcoast #seeaustralia #nationwestaviation #kalbarriscenicflights #seekalbarri #tourismdrivesgrowth #seekalbarri
18.01.2022 Perth Weather today vs Kalbarri weather... I don't know, where would you rather be? #sorrynotsorry #wonderoutyonder #betterweather #australiascoralcoast #weatherenvy #seekalbarri
18.01.2022 School Holiday Special's are BACK!!! We're doing family specials on 3 of our flights, PLUS if you have a group of 4 or more adults, we welcome you to come down to discuss a deal! Deals are for booking office only, so pop in, say hi and grab a great deal. #schoolholidayspecials #wonderoutyonder #groupdeals #bucketlistexperiences
18.01.2022 Wondering where the idea came from for our #NYsDayBeachParty? It came from our pilots! This year #2020 has been tough, so we thought we'd do something kinda cool for our Christmas Party. What could've been cooler than taking our pilots to the #Abrolhos for the day, to do all of the things that they help our passengers do? We spent the whole day out at #EastWalabbi, which is a few hours more than we (or any other operator) spend at the #Abrolhos normally. They enjoyed it so m...uch that they asked if we could do this for our customers on #NYsDay2021. So the idea was born from our pilots enjoying the day so much, that they wanted to share it with you guys. (aren't they so sweet?) So what does the Beach Party mean? Well the flight takes off at 8am, landing at the islands around 8:30/40am, then we spend the day at the islands playing #beachgames, #snorkeling, eating and drinking yummy things provided in our ice cold coolers and getting guided tours of the island. Then at about 4pm, we head back to the mainland, overflying the #Pinklake and the #coastalcliffs before landing in #Kalbarri for 5pm. Sounds #awesome right? #justanotherdayinwa #wanderoutyonder #nys2021 #australiascoralcoast #seekalbarri #thingtodoinkalbarri #seeaustralia #huttlagoon #houtmanabrolhos #tourismwa #coralcoast #kalbarri #visitgeraldton #buyfromthebush #travelandtourism #caravanandcamping #thingstodoingeraldton #doitinwa See comment below for booking details.
17.01.2022 Clear blue skies #justanotherdayinwa ... #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #kalbarri #fromwhereyoudratherbe #aviation See more
17.01.2022 It's going to be a beautiful 27 degrees at the #abrolhos on Saturday. Why not join us for a #Abrolhosdiscoverytour? The tour is for 5.5 hours and includes a scenic flight, large morning tea, snorkelling and a guided tour of the island. #holidayherethisyear #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast
16.01.2022 WA has some of the most amazing sights to see from the air #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #kalbarri_wa #abrolhosislands #bestviews #beautiful
16.01.2022 Up in Kalbarri this weekend and looking for something to do? The weather is looking and we’ve got a few flights on offer! - Friday 26/3 Grand Tour $350/adult - Friday 26/3 Townsite & Cliffs $99/adult - Saturday 27/3 Gorges & Cliffs $199/adult... - Sunday 28/3 Abrolhos Discovery $299/adult (Limited numbers!) Give us a ring on 9937 1130 to book!
15.01.2022 Its always a beautiful day over at the Abrolhos Islands! With the holiday upon us, now is the perfect time to experience it yourself on one of our tours departing Kalbarri #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #kalbarri_wa #abrolhosislands #bestviews #beautiful
15.01.2022 This reminds me of the saying; "if the world says the sky is blue, you would say it's green". But I've decided the sky is pink!!! Just look at those fluffy white clouds in the pink sky! #pinkskydays #HuttLagoon #pinklake #wonderoutyonder #littlemisscontrary #pureimagination I was going to flip the image... but it made me dizzy
14.01.2022 Beautiful morning to buzz down the coastal cliffs of Kalbarri Happy Valentines Day from all of us at Kalbarri Scenic Flights! #kalbarri #westernaustralia #beautiful #coralcoast #shipwreckcoast #justanotherdayinwa #bestviews
14.01.2022 Beautiful winters day flight up to Shark Bay for the dolphin feeding! Cant get much better than that #kalbarri #westernaustralia #coralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #monkeymia #dolphins #flight #ocean #cliffs
14.01.2022 Beautiful morning to take the door off... you read that correctly! These gentlemen from Germany spent two hours over the Abrolhos and Hutt Lagoon If youre a keen photographer and want to have a crack at taking some snaps from the best vantage point there is, then get in touch for a quote! #shipwreckcoast #westernaustralia #kalbarri #australiacoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #abrolhosislands #beautiful
14.01.2022 Our latest video is up on Youtube! We're pumping them out quick at the moment... but we're curious... Is there a particular flight of ours you'd like to see a video of? We've done the #AbrolhosIslandDiscoverytour and now our #Pinklakeathuttlagooonflight - but is there a particular flight of ours that you'd love a preview video of? #HolidayHereThisYear #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #justanotherdayinwa #beautifulcoastline #australiascoralcoast #seeyousoon #seeaustralia #pinklake #kalbarri #Subscribe #aviation #youtube
14.01.2022 Have you #subcribed to our Monthly Newsletter yet? The new one just came out, sign up today and avoided the dreaded #fomo #australiascoralcoast #australiasgoldenoutback #australiasnorthwest #wonderoutyonder #justanotherdayinwa #westernaustralia #kalbarri #coralcoast #HolidayHereThisYear
13.01.2022 Beautiful day out at the islands with visitors from Shanghai #eastwallabiisland #abrolhosislands #whaleseason #kalbarri_wa #seeaustralia #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast
13.01.2022 Up to Money Mia today for the feeding. #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast... #MonkeyMia #dolphins #funflyingholidays #wishyouwerehere
13.01.2022 In case you missed it, here's the spot we had on Destination WA last night! Such a great production team, and an amazing show that highlights why you should #HolidayHereThisYear #justanotherdayinwa #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #grandtour #pinklake #abrolhos #rivergorges #kalbarri #seeaustralia #batavia
12.01.2022 We’re down at the @perthccshow this week! Come say #perthccshow #wonderlustperth #wonderoutyonder #seeaustralia #holidayherethisyear #australiascoralcoast #friendlyfun #caravans #camping #adventure
12.01.2022 Great attraction is opening soon in Kalbarri
12.01.2022 What an awesome day!! We had the fantastic crew from The Travel Intern with us today, doing their thing. Had a look at some of their social photos and have total #skillenvy Cant wait to see their finished product as they showcase the best (I mean us ) of Western Australia. From #whereyoudratherbe #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #westernaustralia #coralcoasthighway #australia #abrolhos #indianocean #kalbarri #dontyouwishyouwerehere #itsapilotslifeforme
12.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone! Just a quick message to let you know that we will be closed Christmas afternoon. We hope you all have a safe and merry Christmas. #merrychristmas #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia #safetyfirst #drivesafe #flysafe #chrissyafternoonoff #safesillyseason
12.01.2022 Such good news! Remember to stay safe as you north for the winter #flynorthforthewinter #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #seeaustralia
11.01.2022 For those who dont know, this is our new branding for flights based from Perth. Our aim with Nationwest Aviation is to bring more people out into our AWESOME regions. #seetheregions #getlostdownunder #supportingsmalltowns #supportregionalareas #australiascoralcoast #Australiassouthwest #Australiasnorthwest #australiasgoldenoutback #destinationperth #wanderoutyonder #thisiswa
10.01.2022 I think Kalbarri forgot what month were in #shortsweather #wanderoutyonder #justanotherdayinwa #fromwhereyoudratherbe #australiascoralcoast
09.01.2022 Blue skies and Pink water = #justanotherdayinkalbarri #nys2021 #justanotherdayinwa #seekalbarri #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #kalbarri #wanderoutyonder #memories #buyfromthebush #makeityouryear
07.01.2022 ATTENTION PLEASE! We have just received advice from Tourism Council Western Australia, that as no State Government advice has been given on if the new mask rules apply to local aviation tourism, that we should proceed as if it applies to us too! I know this may be frustrating, as you are not required to do this with water or ground tours, however a $10k fine would be a lot more frustrating. So we ask that you please co-operate with us by bringing and wearing a face mask for ...your flight with us, until further notice. As soon as we are given advice on if we are exempt from this, we will let you know! Positive thing - the mask doesn't cover your eyes, so you can still see the amazing view! #silverlinings #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast
07.01.2022 Weve had a huge last few weeks flying passengers around kalbarri, out to the Abrolhos Islands, and up to Monkey Mia. We even caught a few seals up close at East Wallabi island #abrolhosislands #monkeymiadolphinresort #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #kalbarri_wa #bestviews #pilotlife
07.01.2022 The Murchison is flowing! With the recent deluge of rain in the Mid West, the Murchison River has started flowing once again! This only happens a couple times each year. Did you know; the Murchison River is the second longest river in Western Australia, stretching 820km inland towards Meekatharra!... Come see it for yourself on one of our tours. Visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au to book! #wanderoutyonder #kalbarri #westernaustralia #justanotherdayinwa #coralcoast
06.01.2022 Our Pilots Matt and Alex are currently walking around town. Say hi!! #wanderoutyonder #seekalbarri #australiascoralcoast #wecomeinpeace
06.01.2022 Dear followers! We lost access to our YouTube a while back, and after trying to get Google to help us get access again... we’ve given up and set up a new YouTube. #toohard so the below is our new one and we’ll be uploading content to there from now on. #contentcoming #fun #lovetechnology Luckily our old YouTube didn’t have a lot of content...
06.01.2022 Not so fond of hiking but still want to see the gorges? We can offer you a unique view of the gorges from the air! As it heats up in Kalbarri, so do the gorges. If youre going to hike the gorges make sure you carry plenty of water and plan to hike in the morning before it heats up Alternatively, come for fly with us! ... #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #kalbarri_wa #abrolhosislands #bestviews #beautiful
06.01.2022 The pink lake is one of the most amazing sights we have here in WA. The pink colour is due to the presence of a bacteria that lives in the salt deposits #pinklakeportgregory #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa
04.01.2022 It was completely worth camping out along the #beautifulcoastline of #kalbarri to watch our Cessna 207 MIA fly across sunset to the coastal cliffs. If you think watching the #sunset from the land is stunning, you should see it from inside that aircraft, along the coastal cliffs... Maybe you can join us another time? #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast #seeyousoon #aviation #coastalcliffs #beautiful #beautifuldestinations #holiday #seeyousoon #seeaustralia #HolidayHereThisYear
04.01.2022 YAY content Our YouTube videos are slowing growing! Come check out our latest video, have a few laughs and hopefully get some #holidayinspiration for your next trip. #wanderoutyonder #watourismcouncil #justanotherdayinwa #australiascoralcoast #abrolhos Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australia #snorkeling #snorkelling #kalbarri #seeaustralia #seeyousoon
04.01.2022 We dont mind early morning wake ups when we get views like this Beautiful day to head up to Monkey Mia for the dolphin feeding Visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au to book your tour!... #kalbarri #westernaustralia #justanotherdayinwa #sharkbay #monkeymia #dolphins #midwest #coralcoast
03.01.2022 Escape the winter weather and enjoy one of our amazing flights Visit our website for details. www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au #seeaustralia #australiascoralcoast #justanotherdayinwa #bestviews #kalbarri
02.01.2022 Was your day THIS AWESOME?! It could’ve been - if you’d flown with us that is #wonderoutyonder #awesomeness #seekalbarri #australiascoralcoast #flying #schoolholidays
02.01.2022 Looking for something to do these school holidays? Why not head out to the Abrolhos on one of our half day Abrolhos Discovery Tours! Enjoy snorkelling the pristine waters of East Wallabi Island, followed by a morning tea and then cap the day off with a nature walk showcasing some of the inhabitants of the Abrolhos! Call 9937 1130 or visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au to book!... #kalbarri #westernaustralia #wonderoutyonder #justanotherdayinwa #coralcoast #abrolhos
02.01.2022 Waiting for people to come and talk to me about our school holiday specials.. like: #comesayhi #littlelonelyintheoffice #wehavespecials #waitingforcustomers #thespecialsareawesome #askmeaboutflightdeal #flyingissomuchfun #please #imfriendlyipromise #tryingtocatcheyecontact #dontjustwalkpastsayhi #didimentionwehavespecials #wonderoutyonder #australiascoralcoast #seekalbarri #seeaustralia
01.01.2022 Beautiful day to head off and explore the Abrolhos! Were seeing lots of whales out and about at the moment too Visit www.kalbarriscenicflights.com.au or call 9937 1130 to book your tour today! #kalbarri #westernaustralia #coralcoast #abrolhos #discovery #whales #justanotherdayinwa
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