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Kalgoorlie Anglicans in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia | Religious centre

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Kalgoorlie Anglicans

Locality: Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

Address: 75 Maritana St 6430 Kalgoorlie, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 This week at St John's Kalgoorlie's 9.00am Sunday service, it's all about food. In the Bible story, Jesus feeds a big mob with bread and fish, a long way from the nearest Maccas. If you have plenty to eat (and most of us do), what other soul nourishment are you hungry for? Come along and let us know. Yes, God loves to feed people, and so do we.

25.01.2022 This is where your empties get recycled, when you donate them to St John's Kalgoorlie's building restoration fund. Thank you to everyone who is contributing- our Scheme ID is C10331950, and you can quote it at your local depot, and your 10 cents per container will magically go into our account!

22.01.2022 This Sunday, Jesus tells a famous story about people who did - or didn't - visit the sick or the prisoners, feed the hungry or clothe the naked or shelter the homeless - and it turns out that what they did - or didn't do - for those poor people, they did - or didn't - do for the King himself! Find out more about where we are likely to come across King Jesus, and what weird kind of King he actually is. See you at our 9.00am Sunday service!

22.01.2022 Today's bit in the Kalgoorlie miner.

22.01.2022 Today I went with a friend in Perth to a Containers for Change depot, so that she could donate her empties to the St John's restoration appeal. This was a very exciting depot, with automated bottle counting machines! Another $2.20 in the restoration fund! Bring your empties to church this Sunday for this good cause.

21.01.2022 Consider making this the year you completely immerse yourself in Holy Week go to everything, take part in all the acts of worships: services, readings, prayer...s, and events. And through this looking back at the tradition and ceremony of history, be present, ask God to be present, invite God into the here and now of your life, of the life of the world. See more

21.01.2022 Be shocked! Be amazed! Be terrified! Be ecstatically overwhelmed with joy! On Easter Day be at St John's Kalgoorlie at 9.00am for more Alleluias than anyone can count! There will be a new Paschal Candle, water in the font to splash about as we renew our baptismal promises, and a special secret treat (not chocolate, but there will be Easter eggs too, after the service. See you in church!

21.01.2022 Holy Week and Easter services at St John's Anglican Church Kalgoorlie Palm Sunday - 28th March, 9.00am Maundy Thursday - 1st April, 6.00pm Good Friday - 2nd April, 9.00am... Easter Day - 4th April, 9.00am Everyone is invited to all our services at this most solemn and joyful season of the year.

20.01.2022 This prayer comes from this week's simple Bible reading and prayers to do at home. You can find this week's purple leaflet in the church porch at St John's. A prayer from the heart for the fifth week of Lent Lord Jesus Christ,... we know you love us, and you always will, but we still try to keep sad secrets from you and from ourselves. Take away the sticks we use to beat ourselves up for not being good enough in our own eyes, or not being the person someone else expects us to be. Instead, give us your hand to hold, with all its scars. Instead of our shame, give us pride that you have chosen us to be your friends. Amen. See more

19.01.2022 Today's bit in the Kalgoorlie Miner.

18.01.2022 A prayer from the heart for Holy Week Lord Jesus Christ, you took no short-cuts through those days when your enemies hunted you down... and your friends betrayed and denied and abandoned you. Give us courage to keep you company along the road you took because you love us all: enemies, bystanders, friends and strangers. Teach us the lessons of hope and change that come through your suffering. Amen. See more

18.01.2022 Happy New Year for this Sunday, dearly beloved Goldfields Anglicans! If you're a kid, or you have young children, and you make it to our Sunday 9.00am service at St John's Kalgoorlie on the First Sunday of Advent, we have a proper old-style Advent Calendar for you. It is free of glitter, Santa, elves, jingle bells and lollies. It will simply keep you on track as you wait for the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the World. See you in church!

17.01.2022 Goldfields Anglicans support St Bart's homelessness mission and so do these colourful entertainers.

16.01.2022 the Anglican Messenger for the Diocese of Perth for August is now available for us to read on computer, tablet or phone. Just the thing for a rainy afternoon in a comfy chair, with lots of interesting articles from across the diocese. Enjoy!

15.01.2022 We need a couple of million, and your cans and bottles at 10 cents each will get us started! Thanks in advance!

14.01.2022 Today's bit in the Kalgoorlie Miner. Note for Anglican typographical nerds: officially we don't capitalise pronouns for God in our prayer books and Bible translations (eg "the wonders of his love", not "of His love") even though some publications do it!

12.01.2022 Our lovely Betty Lamotte turns 90 this week, and for her party we got everyone to sing, to the tune if "Jesus loves me," Born and bred the woodlines way, Still a Goldfields girl today, Loved in all her many roles - ... Family, friends and church and bowls! God bless you, Betty, God bless you, Betty, God bless you, Betty, For ninety loving years! See more

11.01.2022 Some lovely person left us several dozen empties in the church porch this week. They have now been recycled, and the 10 cent deposit on each one has been credited to the St John's Kalgoorlie Restoration Fund. Another neighbour donated a recycling bag full of empties, which met the same fate. Thank you, lovely neighbours! Keep up the good work!

11.01.2022 A prayer from the heart for the fourth week of Lent. Lord Jesus Christ, there is so much pain in the world and it is hard work for us to look, listen and care.... Bodies ache, hearts break, spirits are crushed, communities crumble under the weight of poverty and injustice. When our compassion is too small for the trouble we see, don’t let us give up on our caring. Show us how to bring all the sadness to you because your heart is big enough to hold it, and heal it. Amen. See more

09.01.2022 This Sunday we get a major episode in the extraordinary life of Moses; a lot of workshop instructions from St Paul on the kind of lifestyle to cultivate if you want to be a healthy Christian community; and in the Gospel reading, St Peter puts his foot right in it. After getting Jesus so right last week, he loses the plot completely. Isn't it lucky for us that the saints are so human! Find out more at our 9.00am service at St John's Kalgoorlie - see you there.

07.01.2022 Today's bit in the Kalgoorlie Miner. Please do pray, vote, and work for the common good.

07.01.2022 This Sunday, Jesus tells a parable about people trusted with huge amounts of the boss's money. How do they handle it? What do we do with what our boss has trusted us with - both "our" money and all the other things we call "our" assets? Find out more at St John's Kalgoorlie's 9.00am service.

07.01.2022 What comes after Halloweeen? All Saints' Day, that's what! Come along at 9.00am this Sunday, the first of November, to find out what it looks like when human beings are filled with the good and holy Spirit instead of those dark cobwebby skeletal things that floated round the streets last night looking for lollies. Some of the saints' holiness will rub off on us!

06.01.2022 In the next exciting Moses episode, after last week's bread from heaven, this week it's water from the rock. In the Gospel reading, we have some intriguing references to our very own patron saint, John the Baptist. Come along to our 9.00am service at St John's Kalgoorlie, and find out more!

06.01.2022 Tonight at 6.00pm at St John's Kalgoorlie we will tell the story of the night when Jesus gave this commandment to his friends. The service will go for about 45 minutes and everyone is invited.

06.01.2022 This will be worth zooming in for. Go to the website link to get the zoom code.

05.01.2022 This Sunday is Fathers' Day - though you might say every day is Father's Day for Christians, since Jesus taught us how to pray to God as our heavenly father. Here's a Father's Day prayer for Dads to pray; pick up your hard copy at St John's 9.00am service this Sunday! The Bible readings will include more excitement for Moses, Paul explaining the ways Christians can relate to non-church authorities, and Jesus telling us to take great care of the "little ones." Find out more - ...see you in the morning! Our Father in heaven, help me to be a good Dad to these kids, gentle and kind, loving and wise, able to admit when I'm wrong and ready to learn from my mistakes. Teach me to take time with my kids, to play with them and to pray with them too. Show me the best ways to guide them through life, and may they always know how much I love them, and that you love them too. Amen See more

04.01.2022 This is Anglicare Kalgoorlie's special room for DV-traumatised children. Do you know someone, living in or willing to move to the Goldfields, who has qualifications in working with such children? Anglicare WA is recruiting - see the website

04.01.2022 Here is a simple thought for today these verses from 1 John are both comforting and challenging. Pray today for the grace of God to transform our world and our lives to be filled with love.

04.01.2022 Today we brought to the cross of Jesus Christ all the sadness, madness and badness of the world, and of our own lives. And we left it all there, for him to deal with. At the foot of the cross, we prayed: Hear us, holy God, as we pray for the world, for peace and good government, for justice for all people, ... for care for the earth and its creatures, for those who have great power, and those who have no voice. Save us from hate and violence. Save us from fear and greed. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Hear us, holy God, as we pray for the Church, for every member and leader, for Kay, our Archbishop, and all bishops, priests and deacons, for people preparing to be baptised, especially Sophie and Charlotte,, for our parish of The Goldfields, for our mission and ministry in this community. Save us from resisting your grace and guidance. Save us from doubting your love and power. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Hear us, holy God, as we pray for those who do not believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, for those who have rejected faith, for those who have not found it yet, for those who follow other religious pathways, for all who are seeking the truth. Invite everyone to discover the Good News of Jesus. Invite everyone to share his abundant life. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Hear us, holy God, as we pray for all in need, for people in prison, for the persecuted, for people in poverty, for those troubled in mind, for the sick and all who care for them, for the dying and those who wait with them, for ourselves in times of doubt and darkness. Come to your people with healing and hope. Come to your people with strength and light. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Hear us, holy God, as we pray for unity, for people who suffer discrimination for their race, sex or sexuality, for people whose language or culture puts them at the margins, for the First Peoples of Australia, for all who live with the trauma of colonisation, war or abuse, for families divided and friends estranged. Reconcile us by the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Reconcile us to each other and to you. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Hear us, holy God, as we remember those who have died: John the Baptist our patron, the pioneers and benefactors of this parish Ina Sly, member of this parish,, and the people we love who now see you face to face. Gather us, with them, into your presence. Gather us, with them, into the whole company of heaven. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. You have heard our prayers, O God. You know our needs, spoken and and unspoken. Save us and help us, now and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

03.01.2022 Tune in for this one, for sure!

02.01.2022 This week is so big for us, we have to tell the story in episodes. This Sunday is the Sunday of the Passion. We will gather outside the church building with our palm crosses to hear how Jesus is welcomed by the crowds as God's Chosen One. Then we will hear Mark's version of what happened next, up to the death of Jesus. Please come and help us tell these gut-wrenching, life-saving stories this week, starting at 9.00am at St John's on Sunday.

02.01.2022 Today we remember the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. On Friday, another was dropped on Nagasaki. Today and every day, let us pray for peace. Let us pray for an end to all violence and war, and especially for the abolition and prohibition of nuclear weapons. God of peace, hear our prayer.... We ask forgiveness for all the wars ever fought in anger, greed or hunger for power, with conventional or nuclear weapons. Teach us just and gracious ways to live as neighbours. God of peace, hear our prayer. We ask forgiveness for the violence of all the fighting in Asia and the Pacific during World War II, and for the horror that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Teach us just and gentle ways to resolve our disputes. God of peace, hear our prayer. We ask forgiveness for turning neutral science to destructive purposes in nuclear weapons, and for the profits made from making and keeping them. Teach us just and healing ways to use our skill and ingenuity. God of peace, hear our prayer. We ask forgiveness for clinging to our fears in missile silos and secret weapon stores, hoarding the power of death for the planet and its people. Teach us just and generous ways to care for each other. God of peace, hear our prayer. We ask forgiveness for growing weary in the work of peace, for becoming distracted, disheartened or forgetful, for losing touch with your desire for peace on earth. Teach us hopeful, humble ways to work with you. God of peace, hear our prayer. Hear us and help us, living God, we pray, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who breathes his peace on us and who sends us, as you sent him, to bring forgiveness, blessing and hope, now and for ever. Amen.

02.01.2022 There's no St Barbara's Parade in town this year, but because we love our saints, we're having a relaxed St Barbara's Day Eucharist this coming Friday, the 4th of December, at 6.00pm, with a pizza feast to follow. To let us know how much pizza to order, click for your attendance!

01.01.2022 Jesus' stories this week include one about a pearl so desirable that the pearl trader sells everything to buy it. Find out more at St John's 9.00am service this Sunday, when Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy will lead the service and preach. Bring yourself, the kids, the neighbours and the tourists!

01.01.2022 At our 9.00am Sunday service this week, it's the Great Escape for Moses and the people, when the sea dries up and lets them through. Cue Miriam and her girlfriends on tambourines. Paul has opinions on whether anything is "unclean" these days, for people who are in Christ (no, he says, but please play nicely together). And Jesus has a very pointy parable about the perils of NOT forgiving other people, when you've already been forgiven your own debts. See you at St John's!

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