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25.01.2022 A beautiful nasheed on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet (Arabic) Let us know in the comments if you would like us to share more of these kinds of Islamic nasheeds on our page! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vmf9TNo0bwI
24.01.2022 "Allah (swt) is making the powerful statement that those who are wasteful are not loved by Allah (swt)" Click on the link to find out the problem with food waste (including statistics), the Islamic perspective, and tips and advice to customers and shop-owners to avoid food waste when eating out. Are you someone who is conscious of food waste? Let us know in the comments your own tips and ideas... http://www.kalima.org.au/society/life-society/food-waste/
23.01.2022 "Some were young, some were old. Some were free, others were slaves. Some were from other sects or religions. But one thing connected them their bravery and defence of the truth." Read on to find out about 14 women and their role in Karbala. http://www.kalima.org.au/faith/imams/the-women-of-karbala/
22.01.2022 [That is] the design of Allah, Who has perfected everything. - Qur'an 27:88 SubhanAllah, who perfected the flawless geometric design of this small purple flower out of His greatness and mercy.... Have you seen this flower around? - - - - - - Do you have an image of something in nature that made you say subhanAllah? Send it to us and we will share it on our page (we will tag you of course). Just remember, if you can, to include a bit of context to the image (e.g what kind of animal/plant, location etc.). . This post is part of our series: #subhanAllahsunday where we post images to remind you of Allah’s amazing creations every second Sunday. We hope they make you feel hopeful, inspired and connected to the Creator.
22.01.2022 Most Muslims have heard that marriage is half of religion, but what does this truly mean? Is it simply because it preserves one’s chastity? Is anyone in a marriage completing half their religion even if they are abusing their spouse? What if their spouse leads them further away from religion? Firstly, marriage is supposed to be between a righteous man and a righteous woman. It is narrated that once a man came to the Prophet (S) to seek guidance for selecting a spouse, he (S...) said, It is binding upon you to have a religious spouse. It is also narrated that Imam Sadiq said, An intelligent and wise woman must not be matched except with a sage and wise man. So, there is such a great importance placed by Islam on careful spouse selection, you shouldn’t just rush to get married because you want to ‘complete half your deen’. Secondly, only people with certain characteristics can have successful marriages. These are things like respect, compromise, kindness, humility, selflessness, sacrifice and responsibility. Marriage erases arrogance, egos, and stubbornness and in the process, perfects one’s manners. In this way, it provides the perfect practical course to bring an individual closer to Allah (swt) by cultivating these attributes that Islam seeks to instil in the human being. It is the battle ground for the greatest Jihad of all; Jihad al-nafs, or the struggle against oneself. At times, you must battle your wishes, bad habits and ideas in order to please your loved one which can involve great sacrifices. This trains you in fighting your nafs in worship too; you may find it easier to give charity, to wake up for fajr prayers in the morning and to endure the pangs of hunger during fasting. So, we can see here that marriage is a complete set of religious duties. When done right and with the right person, it trains you to perfect yourself and get closer to Allah (swt). Not everyone completes half their faith simply for *existing* in a marriage; it involves hard work and needs to be done the correct way. Truthfully, marriage doesn’t transform you per se, YOU transform it! It is not a passive experience, like riding a roller coaster with no control, it is active, like a farmer who toils his land night and day, through the hard times and the easy ones, and then is rewarded with the sweet fruits of his labor. For you to truly complete half your religion through marriage, you must be willing to put in the hard yards; nothing in this life is meant to come easy, but when done for the sake of Allah (swt), the reward is worth it. And while you work on this half of your religion, don’t forget the other half! http://www.kalima.org.au//is-marriage-really-half-your-fa/
21.01.2022 To truly love yourself, you need to live for what you were created for, that is, to worship Allah The measure of self-love is: does Allah love this for me? [Instead of self-love] we need to tame and discipline our nafs (self) Amazing points made by Sister Dalya Ayoub... If you missed out, click here to watch the recording http://www.kalima.org.au/.../video-self-love-is-it-islamic/
20.01.2022 Surround yourself with those who are always seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt), and distance yourself from those who are distant from Him. Jumm'ah Mubaraka
20.01.2022 New book recommendation is up http://www.kalima.org.au//from-the-stage-to-the-prayer-ma/
20.01.2022 Have any of you ever seen such a beautiful stone? The way it reflects light is just mesmerising - it almost doesn't look real! Allah's creativity is truly infinite Type: Labradorite mineral... Location: Melbourne Flower Show 2019 _____________________________________________________________ Do you have an image of something in nature that made you say subhanAllah? Send it to us and we will share it on our page (we will tag you of course). Just remember, if you can, to include a bit of context to the image (e.g what kind of animal/plant, location etc.). This post is part of our series: #subhanAllahsunday where we post images to remind you of Allah’s amazing creations every second Sunday. We hope they make you feel hopeful, inspired and connected to the Creator. #nature #Subhanallah #photography #naturelover #Allah #islam #islamicpost #islampost #kalimainstitute #naturephotography #Alhamdulillah #hope
19.01.2022 We are always made to think that it is admirable and heroic to pursue what makes us personally happy, regardless of the impact it has on others. What is truly admirable, however, is to sometimes put your own desires aside and make an effort to bring joy to someone else. These are the beautiful teachings of Islam.
18.01.2022 A Lesson from Karbala - On the day of Ashura’ Imam Hussein diagnosed a fatal and contagious disease that brings terrible consequences to humanity. - This diseas...e is ‘worshipping this life’. He said People are worshippers of dunya and they take religion lightly, licking it with the tip of their tongues, meaning they take it superficially without absorbing it in their hearts. - The Imam emphasises two sides of the equation of healthiness and happiness; dunya (this life) and deen (faith that saves you in the hereafter) - Like any equation of addition, if you focus on one side and underestimate the other, the result would be negative - This disease seems to affect every one of us, exactly like the flu and other contagious diseases - The terrible events of Karbala, and all the problems that are happening in this world are a result of this disease So, is there a treatment to it, so that we can stop its spread and its harmful effects? - Chapter 2 (al-Baqara), verses 196-202 suggest some solutions: 1. Pure intentions ( ). This means to do all your deeds and ibadat for the sake of Allah only, without seeking acknowledgment from people or gaining money or any other ‘ego’ benefits. 2. Avoid arrogance and racism. Love everyone and treat them fairly. Be humble and do not allow any kind of racial differentiation. The only factor that raises the status of people should be their piety. 3. Continuous remembrance of Allah in all conditions. When you finish a worshipping act keep remembering Allah, as this remembrance promotes goodness in yourself. 4. Always seek balance between this life and the hereafter. Do not immerse yourself in the needs of this life (dunya), and forget the other life (akhira). , , 5. Learn Qur’anic meanings and implement its teachings. Keep praying to Allah (du’a) as prayers make you closer to Allah and less attached to this life. By Dr. Iman Al-Attar
17.01.2022 Ashura is an Islamic occasion since Imam al-Hussein embodied Islam. Let's discuss, what are your thoughts about this? Comment below
17.01.2022 Sometimes we think that what we are doing is serving Islam, however when we look closer and listen to the Quran - the words of Allah Himself - we might find that we are contradicting its commands. We have to strive to ensure everything we do is in line with the Book of Allah and to avoid insults, not only to the disbelievers but to our own brothers and sisters in Islam. Let us all learn more about Islam before we try to defend it. #islamicquotes #IslamicGuidance #kalimainstitute #akhlaq #islamicreminders #quran #quranquotes
17.01.2022 Has anyone seen these flowers around? How gorgeous is the symmetry Type: African Iris flower. Location: Melbourne ... ----- This post is part of our series: #subhanAllahsunday where we post images to remind you of Allah’s amazing creations every second Sunday. We hope they make you feel hopeful, inspired and connected to the Creator. Do you have an image of something in nature that made you say subhanAllah? Send it to us and we will share it on our page (we will tag you of course). Just remember, if you can, to include a bit of context to the image (e.g what kind of animal/plant, location etc.). #nature #Subhanallah #photography #naturelover #Allah #islam #islamicpost #islampost #kalimainstitute #naturephotography #Alhamdulillah #hope
16.01.2022 Something we always try to emphasise on our platform is how crucial it is to know and deeply understand the background of something before you celebrate or promote it. You will be surprised that a lot of things you may promote are linked to certain ideas you would never intentionally support! As Muslims we must have awareness and responsibility when sharing things online and with those around us, including occasions such as International Women's Day: "International Women’s Da...y began as a socialist initiative and was more a political tool than an attempt at giving women their rights. We can see that despite celebrating this event for many years, not much has changed in regards to the status of women who still face oppression. This is because the societal illness was misdiagnosed. Humanity will never achieve a moral society, where everyone has their rights, if it denies God and continues to operate under a materialistic paradigm. Hence, adopting true Islamic principles is the one and only way of ensuring empowerment and freedom to all, since it is only in submitting to God and not to our self and desires, can we ever be truly free." Click on the link to read more, and share your thoughts with us, we would love to discuss InshaAllah! http://www.kalima.org.au//the-truth-about-international-w/
15.01.2022 38 years on, we remember the anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre that took place in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982. The massacre occurred under the direct orders of the notorious war criminal Ariel Sharon (former Israeli Prime Minister). Around 3,500 Palestinians and Lebanese were killed, a large proportion of which were women and children. May Allah have mercy on the innocent souls who lost their lives. Let this be a reminder to the world to never make 'peace' with evil. #Palestine
14.01.2022 PODCAST: History of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine Thanks to Islamic Audio Bytes for recording one of our articles - History of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine - it is now an episode on their podcast . Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn something new if you're on the go and you don't have time to sit and read. We highly recommend you check it out; the Palestinian cause needs to be at the forefront of our minds and understanding the history behind it equi...ps us to defend the truth and achieve victory inshaAllah. https://open.spotify.com/episode/29l712sHXHrNa8uvvdKxRI
14.01.2022 Kalima Institute Ramadan donation project Assalam Alaikum, Kalima Institute would like to invite you to participate in this donation project to support the orphans and the poor in Iraq during Ramadan. The money will be sent to alTaawun Charity Society in Baghdad, Iraq.... Please write 'Iraq' when you transfer the money. Last date to receive the donations is Monday 29 Shaban 1442, 12 April 2021. May Allah bless you all in this great month and accept your deeds. Account name: Ladies as Leaders Account Number 2234 32759 BSB 013 347
14.01.2022 "The word of Allah - that is the highest"
13.01.2022 One of Imam Ali's beautiful sayings
13.01.2022 The Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary is a chance for us to thank Allah (swt) for choosing the best of His creation to be our leader and to renew our oath to follow in the Prophet’s footsteps and put Islam at the centre of our lives. Click on the link to read 10 hadiths by the Prophet which serve as priceless pieces of advice to us all: http://www.kalima.org.au//10-things-prophet-muhammad-want/
13.01.2022 Don't forget this event is on tomorrow if you haven't registered already
13.01.2022 The Hijra was a turning point in Islamic history in that without it, Islam would not have been able to thrive. Test your knowledge on the Prophetic Hijra with this quiz http://www.kalima.org.au/society/history-society/hijra-quiz/
12.01.2022 A truly good Muslim is not the one who believes they are already a good Muslim; a good Muslim is the one who always strives to become better. Every one of us needs constant reminders and dhikr to keep us from straying from the straight path.
12.01.2022 Now more than ever, we need to be mindful of the ideological paths we are treading. Sometimes we are not even consciously aware of these paths and are then surprised at how we end up at destinations we never intended, that are distant from Allah. We need to be conscious of which path we choose so that we remain steadfast on His path, the path of guidance, of light and of purity. That is, the beautiful path of Islam. #kalimainstitute #islamicquotes #IslamicGuidance #islamicreminders
11.01.2022 While there is nothing wrong with asking for material needs from Allah swt (like wealth, health, success at school and careers etc) we should not forget the duaa that is more important than all of these: to keep our hearts firm in our beautiful religion and to be granted guidance and protection from the fitan that try to pull us away from the rememberance of Allah. May Allah guide us all to the right path until our last breath . #jumamubarak #islamicquotes #kalimainstitute #duaa #islamicguidance
11.01.2022 Are you up for a challenge? The purpose of the Salat al-Layl challenge is to act as a motivation to reap the rewards of this blessed prayer, since it is very common that Muslims want to pray Salat al-Layl but get distracted by their daily life and struggle to fit it in. If that sounds like you, then this challenge is exactly what you need! Check here regularly for updates and motivation throughout the challenge.... Like this post if you're joining in http://www.kalima.org.au//salat-al-layl-challenge-1442-20/
09.01.2022 Click the link to below to read this very moving poem about the Prophet: Did the Messenger not guide us to be righteous?... So why then to this path do we not adhere?! http://www.kalima.org.au//have-we-truly-followed-the-prop/
09.01.2022 We eat nuts and spices on a daily basis, what have we ever imagined how they originally grow? Click on the link below for an interactive article revealing to you the origins of some of your favourite nuts & spices, you won't be able to look at them the same way again! So, glorious is Allah, the Best of the creators. (Qur'an 23:14)... Comment which one fascinated you the most (Note: Since the link contains a lot of images it may take slightly longer to load) http://www.kalima.org.au/society/nuts-and-spices-facts/
08.01.2022 While on his farewell Hajj, in his final address to the Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wanted to send a message, not to only those present during his time but also for the generations of Muslims to come. He narrated the verse of the Qur'an: "the believers are but one brotherhood." This was his greatest worry, that after his death the Muslims would be disunited and turn against each other. 1,431 years after his death, the Prophets advice is more important than ever befor...e. Yes, there are billions of Muslims around the world who follow different schools of thought. However, the core beliefs and goals are the same - we all worship One God, Allah (swt), we follow His Messenger, Muhammad, and our purpose is to please Him and His Messenger so that we will achieve the ultimate reward in the Hereafter. So, will we take heed and stand hand in hand to support each other, or will we continue to dwell on our differences? Let us use the anniversary of our beloved Prophet's death to listen to his advice and become the Muslims he wanted us to be. O Allah, bless Muhammad, entrusted by You with Your revelation, distinguished by You among Your creatures, devoted to You among Your servants, the imam of mercy, the leader of good, the key to blessing, and raise him, because of his immense labours for Your sake to the highest degree of Jannah.
07.01.2022 Social media has become the most popular way to transfer information - but does that mean all of it is true? What should we believe and what should we reject? Read our latest article for useful tips on how to use social media platforms correctly How do you decide what to believe on your feed? Let us know in the comments http://www.kalima.org.au//the-right-way-of-using-social-m/
05.01.2022 May Allah (swt) have mercy on the souls of the martyrs and heal those injured in yesterday's Beirut explosion.
04.01.2022 We spend a lot of time worrying about and trying to delay death - one relevant example being the reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The media instils in us that this "deadly virus" should be our biggest concern. Yes, we should take our precautions, but it is not all that we need to worry about. We are putting in so much effort and making endless sacrifices in order to supposedly be safe from the disease. In reality, we are not afraid of the virus itself, but from its potentia...l consequence: death. But have we asked ourselves why we are so afraid of death? This is the question that should be at the forefront of our minds. Our efforts should be focused on preparing ourselves for the inevitable and working to please Allah (swt) Whom we will meet once our time comes. Death is a certain reality for every living being, so we should prepare for it while we still have the chance. Oh Allah, make us of those who yearn for the meeting with You (From Sahifa Al-Sajadiyya, munajat #9)
03.01.2022 May Allah (swt) make us of those who are deserving of His love
03.01.2022 The beauty of being thankful to Allah (swt) is that there is no limit - at no point can anyone say they have thanked Allah (swt) sufficiently for what He has given them. This is because our existence itself is a blessing from Allah (swt), He created us out of nothing, then nurtured us and made us grow. He gave us our eyes through which we can experience and enjoy the rest of His creation, which Allah (swt) has created with so much intricacy and beauty. And every time we blink... our eyes we do so involuntarily, but it protects our precious eyes so that we may continue to see. And beyond this, every moment is a gift, every breath and every heartbeat. His guidance is a gift, and we must be grateful that He allows us to pray to Him and remember Him. He forgives us and gives us endless chances even if we deliberately disobey Him or take His commands lightly. He blesses both those who obey Him and those who don't. We must thank Him for the ability to be able to thank Him. This is not even a speck in the vast ocean of bounties that Allah (swt) has bestowed on His creation. There are many more that we cannot even comprehend and will never comprehend. But all this aside - what about that which Allah (swt) has not given us? We may ask for many things from Allah (swt) not knowing that they are not good for us, but Allah protects us from it. And there is so much more that Allah protects us from every single day but we will never know about it. That's why no matter how much we thank Allah, it will never be enough, Alhamdulillah. Have a grateful Jumm'ah! :)
01.01.2022 A course in Islamic Principles Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem With Ramadan being just around the corner, Kalima Institute would like to invite you to join us in reading the book *"The Islamic Principles"* by Al-Balagh Foundation.... It is a simple, easy to understand booklet that serves almost like a crash-course into the teachings of Islam. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of having a solid understanding of the core principles in Islam. Many will often feel tempted to delve into deep, philosophical topics without having a basic understanding of this beautiful religion, which can be counterproductive; you cannot build a building without a foundation. This book club is open to all ages (sisters only), it will run for around 2 weeks according to a reading schedule (starting Friday 26th March). We will post discussion questions along the way and have a face-to-face session at the end InshaAllah to discuss what we have learnt and where you can raise any questions you may have. This is a perfect way to prepare for the month of Ramadan, and will InshaAllah make you a stronger, more faithful and more knowledgeable Muslim. If you are interested, message us and we will send you the link to join. Please note the reading has already started but we are providing more opportunities for those who wish to join. The link will be open for few days only. We look forward to reading and learning together InshaAllah If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: Facebook: facebook.com/kalimainstitute Instagram: instagram.com/kalima.institute
01.01.2022 Stunning Adonis Blue butterfly. They are found in many parts of Asia and Europe. The male is bright blue while the female is a chocolate brown colour. SubhanAllah! Photographer: Krzysztof Niewolny Location: Unknown .... ... "...So blessed is Allah, the best of creators" (Quran 23:24) This is the first post of our new series: #subhanAllahsunday where we post images to remind you of Allah’s amazing creations every second Sunday. We hope they make you feel hopeful, inspired and connected to the Creator. Do you have an image of something in nature that made you say subhanAllah? Send it to us and we will share it on our page (we will tag you of course). Just remember, if you can, to include a bit of context to the image (e.g what kind of animal/plant, location etc.). #nature #Subhanallah #photography #naturelover #Allah #islam #islamicpost #islampost #kalimainstitute #naturephotography #Alhamdulillah #hope
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