KALT Equine in Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health
KALT Equine
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 1800 955 580
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25.01.2022 What does it mean to Thrive???? Kalt Collective principles of approach provide individualized support in attaining and maintaining wellness for the long term. Moving from surviving to thriving some individuals are damn good at surviving, it is moving to thriving that the individuals require in-dept individualized person centered approach ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Motocross is one of the most popular motorcycling sports If slamming whoops, carving berms and flying high over jumps is your idea of fun, Motocross is the off-road sport for you. One of the most popular motorcycling sports, Motocross is run on tracks shaped from natural terrain and produces fast, close and exciting racing.... Motocross is a physically demanding form of motorcycle sport and tests both rider and their machines. The Kalt Collective have teamed with Mark Gill, Motorcycling Western Australia and Five Star Yamaha to deliver Motocross Programs to Youth at Risk & Youth & Adults with disabilities. It's busy. It's fun. It's inclusive. To stay up to date with the Kalt Collective programs www.kaltcollective.com 1800 955 580
25.01.2022 #Equine #animalassistedtherapy #horses #love #KaltEquine
25.01.2022 ENHANCING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY THROUGH EMPOWERING OUR HUMANS Our skill development programs are taught by horses. They prepare people to take on the challenges... that life throws at them and to move forward through adversity to opportunity. Our programs foster inclusion and the development of meaningful and healthy relationships, as well as supporting them to develop the skills needed to overcome the barriers of engagement. EVIDENCE-BASED LEARNING THAT IS MEMORABLE AND Fun! What our particpants learn is important, however, what they remember is priceless. Our interactive Leading Change curriculum program is not based around your typical classroom setting within 4 walls! Our 8-12 week curriculum program promotes inclusion, emotional regulation, appropriate assertiveness, personal-leadership and self-empowerment through learning invaluable and memorable life skills that set the foundation for personal growth. We utilise the well-researched and result driven Curriculum which is designed for youth & adults to experience a continual building of skills over the consecutive weeks. Each program focusses on a different objective, but all the objectives are worked on within each program, maximising retention and results. The teachings from the horses are so unique and powerful that at the completion of the program, our Youth are armed with an empowered mindset; a heightened level of awareness; and solid new skills to assist them in navigating their way through what ever challenges life throws at them well into adult hood. We can tailor the program to fit the school terms (8-10 weeks) or for organisations or agencies, we offer the full 12 week curriculum. Working with horses creates a unique memory that causes the attendee to remember the training far longer than if sitting in just-another classroom or a psychologists office. Combining the experiential learning (hands on) style with our Building Block curriculum, our unique programs are specifically designed to ensure the learning and long-term retention of necessary life skills and self-leadership to aid in each person's personal growth. The process includes empowering each individual through group exercises with a focus on individual qualities while having some extreme fun and maximising the individuals learning potential. For more information please contact Kaltequine 1800 955 580 Email: [email protected] www.kaltcollective.com Region: Perth, Western Australia Post Code: 6111 Champion Lakes #kaltequine #kaltwellness #horsegirl #friends #therapyhorse #ruok #lifeofahorsegirl #7news #greencare #carefarming #fitfam #urbanfarming #nutrition #aussienewstoday #covid19 #stayathome #mentalhealth #asd
25.01.2022 Le' Funky Chickens #lefunkychickens
25.01.2022 Young Henry off to the trainer... let the dreams be massive and the fun worth while
24.01.2022 Where lasting relationships are made Thank you Mark from Leading Edge for once again another very awesome day for the Kalt Crew.. These young lads are participating in the Kalt Autism Inclusion Program.. It's about social and community participation,somehwere that lasting friendships are made. ... #5STARYAMAHA #KALTWELLNESS #KALTEQUINE #URBANKALTIVATION #KALTWORKNPLAY #AUTISM #ASD #LIFE #MENTALHEALTH
23.01.2022 Happy Birthday Maureen.. From all of us at Kaltequine
23.01.2022 As of 1 July 2020, NDIS are introducing Recovery Coaches... What will recovery coaches do? Recovery coaches will provide support to people with psychosocial disability to live a full and contributing life. People will be assisted to take more control of their lives and to better manage complex challenges of day to day living.... Through strong and respectful relationships and skilled coaching, people will be supported to build capacity, including strengths and resilience. Recovery coaches will work collaboratively with people, their families, carers and supports to design, plan, implement and adjust a recovery plan. They will collaborate with the broader service system and will assist with the coordination of NDIS and other supports. To find your recovery coach contact The Kalt Collective... #wellness #mentalhealth #kaltequine #psychosocial #ndis #recovery #ruok #life #blackdog #therapthorse 0434477824 [email protected]
22.01.2022 Aspergers and Autism are sub-categories of a larger disorder category called Pervasive Developmental Disorders. The characteristics are similar in that children and adults have difficulty with communication, social interactions and some physical impairments. Therapies for Autism and Aspergers include endless hours of physical and occupational therapy as well as behavior therapy. ... While research into animal-assisted therapy is fairly new, there is a general consensus that therapy animals can be a highly beneficial addition to treatment programs for children with autism or Aspergers. Equine-assisted therapy also called Hippo-therapy (derived from the Greek word hippo for horse) seems to have excellent results. Horses are used by physical, speech, and occupational therapists to reach their patients on a personal level. Lets look closer at the overall benefits of equine or hippotherapy for use with children and young adults with any of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Sensory Benefits The rhythmic motion of riding a horse causes the children to focus on the movement which is slow, deliberate, and relaxing. Not only does this help children focus but also improves balance and spatial orientation. The rhythmic movement can help loosen tight muscles, build muscle strength, and helps build coordination and body awareness. Emotional and Social Bonding Many Autistic children have difficulty bonding emotionally to others and socializing in traditional ways. Rather than verbal communication, autistic children experience physical communication with the horses. They learn to brush, hug, and pat the horses appropriately. By caring for the horses children build emotional and social bonds with the animals and their handlers. The excitement of riding encourages speech when the rider wants to communicate with the therapist and the horse. Cognitive and Language Development Children on the autism spectrum often have difficulty with multilevel directions and cognitive concepts. Working with horses allows children and young adults to deal with directions and concepts in a hands-on manner which makes the child more motivated and willing to cooperate. Equine therapy offers a safe, secure environment where a therapist or other staff person will be close at hand as new skills are learned. According to Equine Therapy online, Children who start to isolate themselves have become more open as a result of equine-assisted therapy. Often, they begin making eye contact with the animal first, then with other people. Soon after that, the child often becomes more relationally open; again, with the animal first, then with people. www.kaltcollective.com #asd #autism #kaltequine#kaltwellness #aussienewstoday #life #therapyhorse #horse #ruok #myworld
21.01.2022 The Horse Boy Method... As you may know, Horse Boy Method addresses Autism, not as a problem to be fixed, but as a skill set and a series of gifts. The Method helps people with Autism bridge the communication gap and connect more with the external world. Horse Boy Method can also be helpful to those with other neuro-psychiatric conditions such as ADD and ADHD. The Method follows a six-stage process:...Continue reading
20.01.2022 This is Kaltequine's Sponsor Pups in South Africa. They have enough for vaccinations, food for a month and now we would love for all our Facebook followers to support Cobber & Nahko Bear throughout their journey.. A huge amount of gratitude goes to Sue for starting Cobber & Nahko Bears page so everyone is able to get as much enjoyment from watching them grow and flourish with worldly support. Thank you Facebook and animals lovers across the globe .... #kaltequine #kaltwellness #chickens #chickentherapy #urbanfarming #therapychicken #ruok #wellness #autism #challengingbehaviours #life #puppies #dogs #blackdog #supportanimalwelfare Www.kaltcollective.com
19.01.2022 Huge welcome to Anais.. Anais is from France and will be working in our NDIS Horse Breeding program. Look forward to all the great times ahead. ... #backpacker #kaltwellness #kaltequine #ndis #inclusion #urbankaltivation www.kaltcollective.com 1800 955 580
19.01.2022 Watch this space... Kalt is moving... www.kaltcollective.com
18.01.2022 Training day for our horses today at the farm They were all amazing! #kalt #kaltcollective #kaltequine #horsetherapy #horses #happy #smile
17.01.2022 Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.. . . . Fertile Eggs.. My heart sees the beauty of life which can be so invisible to our eyes. Love Life or good life it can be right their in front of of our eyes and we are so blind to it all.... . . . . How do we reignite that fire Life Love Humanity . . . Searching... Finding the energy while your tired. . . I can do it. See more
17.01.2022 Sexual abuse happens to boys and girls, and horse therapy is helping break the silence.... Have you or someone you know not responded qto the traditional clinical environment therapy Supporters of equine assisted therapy believe that those who dont respond well to traditional talk therapy can benefit from interacting with horses.... According to an article in The Guardian, since horses are pack animals they are very sensitive to stress and body language. Horses pick up on the way people are feeling, mirroring their emotions and responding, providing feedback for people struggling with troubling emotions, such as fear and anger. Equine therapy has benefits for many mental health problems. For instance, some men come to the farm for equine therapy because of court-orders relating to domestic violence charges. Children might attend for help with ADHD symptoms, anxiety or for dealing with the fallout of sexual abuse. The Kaltequine Program is able to offer equine therapy along with traditional western therapies to clients through Medicare referrals, and the support of private funders, NDIS or Department of Vetrans. Equine assisted therapy has become popular and is now used in hundreds of health programs for clients suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD,) autism, addiction, cerebral palsy and other disorders. Supporters of equine assisted therapy believe that those who dont respond well to traditional talk therapy can benefit from interacting with horses. According to an article in The Guardian, since horses are pack animals they are very sensitive to stress and body language. Horses pick up on the way people are feeling, mirroring their emotions and responding, providing feedback for people struggling with troubling emotions, such as fear and anger. Although many health professionals laud the benefits of this therapy, it does not have the scientific stamp of approval as an evidence-based practice (EBT). Most large granting institutions, such as government and university organizations, will only fund organizations that use EBTs as their primary therapies. We combine EBT with horses, such as occupational therapy or nutrition thus being able to use Medicare, ndis or private health to pay for your sessions. For more information please 1800 955 580 #kaltequine #kaltwellness #bencousins #susanrosekiliszewska #waakalmoort #carbs #fitness #health #wellness #ruok #sexualabuse #therapyhorse #horsetherapy #alternativetherapy #sexualassault
15.01.2022 L E T T I N G G O O F W H A T W A S, And accepting W H A T I S Last night I went out to the paddock and scratched Gilly in his favorite spots. He stood there and rocked back and forth encouraging me to scratch different places. I wept and told him Im sorry.... Sorry he's hurting. Sorry I cant fix it. And that Im 100% committed to doing whatever it takes to help him feel better. I sat down on the ground and he walked up to me and put his heart to my head as he always does. That hasnt changed. Maybe my relationship with Gilly is supposed to be more literally grounded at this point. Less flying across the paddocks; more easy walks on the trail. I know theres truth to that, but it hurts like hell to think of letting go of our gallops through the paddock. Gilly loves to run, and feeling his unbridled power was my definition of freedom. At 46, Im figuring out what freedom means now. Who am I, if Im not the wild, free-spirited woman galloping bareback in a dress with my four-legged best friend? My ego loves attaching my identity to that visual image. Im learning freedom means letting go of my egos attachment to what was, surrendering to what is, and making space for what will be. I will do everything in my power to help Gilly get better and then its up to God. Thats when the tears come because I cant control the outcome. When I stop fighting and resisting the way things are, I feel calmer. My tears have been released, and I surrender. In the surrender, theres acceptance. Accepting that its a new chapter. Gillyman is continuing to teach me to become unbridled, to let go, to stop trying to control whats out of my control. My new definition of freedom isnt galloping bareback, but letting go what was, accepting what is, and making space for what will be. By accepting, I feel free, Suzie Q Have you ever struggled to accept a new norm ? Id love to hear from you, please share in the comments below.
14.01.2022 This is taken from a study.... There is growing evidence that human-animal interventions can improve emotional health and social wellness in youth, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder, said the studys principal investigator, a professor of psychiatry. Our study was rigorous and the findings remarkable. The study, which had 127 children ages 6 to 16 years as participants, was the first to show that engaging in 10-weeks of therapeutic horse riding resulted in s...ignificant improvements in the following areas*: Irritability Hyperactivity Social skills Word fluency Long-term benefits The researchers then did a 6-month follow-up of 44% of the participants from that initial study, showing that the initial benefits of 10-weeks of therapeutic horse riding in this same population can have lasting benefits. Specifically, this follow-up study revealed that the therapeutic horse riding group maintained their reductions in all of the areas above apart from hyperactivity. The research provides evidence to show that therapeutic horse riding may be an intervention that leads to the longer-term maintenance of initial benefits gained from equine therapy. Yet the physiological mechanisms behind this remain to be discovered. Why it is that autistic children benefit from therapeutic horse riding Some theorize that children diagnosed with autism spectrum might gravitate toward horseback riding because they are more comfortable with familiar routines. Horses are known to prefer the same routine, the same stall, the same path or route, and the same habits, similar to children with autism, wrote L. Eugene Arnold. More importantly, horses are content to be guided by nonverbal communication but are amenable to verbal instruction, allowing children to experience and practise the power of communication by controlling a much stronger force than themselves in ways within their repertoire.** He also noted that a horses rhythmic stride can have a calming effect on the brain. The study indicates that human interaction with animals can be beneficial on multiple levels. Most pet owners are only too aware of the feel-good factor associated with pets in their lives. The important thing is that there is also a growing body of measurable scientific evidence showing the emotional, social and psychological benefits of interacting with animals, said Dr. Darren Logan, Head of Research at the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition. This impressive study provides a positive indicator of how animal-assisted therapy can play a role in improving the developmental outcomes of children and youth in the future. At #kaltequine we have a social inclusion program for ASD youth. Also, one on one program for emotional regulation. Both maybe effective for youth in social and emotional wellness. Www.kaltcollective.com P:1800 955 580
14.01.2022 This is Steven. He participates in our Men Group every Thursday at Kaltequine. Steven has had such amazing gains in his wellbeing. He tells me Thursdays are the highlight of his week. The men come and participate in Equine Activities and share lunch #kaltequine #kaltwellness #horsegirl #friends #therapyhorse #ruok #lifeofahorsegirl #7news #greencare #carefarming
14.01.2022 THE BALANCE OF EXERCISE & REST Let's look at some science, then get you outside for recess! When not properly exercised, or rested, the sympathetic limbic system of fight/flight is the junk yard dog of your brain...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Equine Activities and Autism Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is associated with a number of impairments in social communication, repetitive behaviours and language development. Treatment programs have attempted to target a number of these behaviours by focusing on sensory integration interventions, relationship-based, interactive interventions, social cognitive skills training and parent-mediated approaches.... Although these methods have been shown to be moderately effective, none has emerged as a superior intervention for ASD. Recently, equine assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) have been shown to be an effect treatment option for children with ASD. This intervention consists of therapeutic horseback riding, and non-riding activities with the horse such as grooming. Bass et al. (2009) showed that children with autism that took part in the 12 week therapeutic riding program reported an improvement in social functioning, social motivation and ability to focus on tasks. Lanning et al. (2014) examined effects of equine assisted activities as opposed to a social group with children with ASD. Those who took part in the equine assisted activities were involved in basic safety lessons such as meeting the horse, respecting the horse and putting on the helmet, grooming lessons such as brushing the horse and riding activities such as walking the horse, holding the reins and guiding the horse. Those that took part in the social groups participated in activities to improve their social skills such as improving manners, keeping eye contact, making friends etc. Results found that children participating in both the equine and non-equine program showed an overall improvement in the quality of life domain. However those in the equine assisted program showed even more of an improvement in quality of life compared to those participating in the social skills group in terms of their general behaviour. Improvements include social functioning, physical functioning and overall mental health and behaviour. Parents even reported an improved performance at school such as paying more attention in class, keeping up with schoolwork and having better school attendance. Overall, this study by Lanning et al. (2014) have confirmed previous studies that equine assisted activities do have a positive impact on social functioning and quality of life in children with ASD. Future studies will look into further therapeutic benefits of interactions with a horse and the mechanisms behind that interaction.. Kaltequine runs programs that consists of therapeutic horseback riding, and non-riding activities with the horse such as grooming. For more information please email [email protected] Www.kaltcollective.com #kaltequine #kaltwellness #chickens #chickentherapy #urbanfarming #therapychicken #ruok #wellness #autism #challengingbehaviours #therapyhorse
12.01.2022 A massive thanks to Yamaha, Mark Gill from Leading Edge MSC for giving these young lads the opportunity to build great community whilst having fun & making new friends.. 1800 955 580 #leadingedgemcs #5staryamaha #yamaha #kaltequine #asd #autism #rideforlife #kaltworknplay #carefarm #community
11.01.2022 Babies Day out at the Care Farm #kaltequine #kaltwellness #chickens #chickentherapy #urbanfarming #therapychicken #ruok #wellness #autism #challengingbehaviours
10.01.2022 Green Care Humans & Horses The following post provides insight into the role of farm animals in farm-based programs and their importance to different types of participants. Farm animals provide real work, close relationships, challenging tasks and opportunities for reflection. They also contribute to a welcoming atmosphere for various types of participants....Continue reading
10.01.2022 When I found you, I found me. I was no longer alone; I was put together. There were no missing pieces.... We were the perfect puzzle. Onlookers envied what we had. We have so many beautiful memories that they're not even possible to forget. That part of my life was my life, The life I loved. Then I lost you somewhere Along the way. There were no fights or disagreements; Our puzzle just broke. Piece by piece, it fell apart. Soon it disappeared. I tried to get it back; I did everything. The pieces of the puzzle Just didnt fit together anymore. I have found my pieces reconnecting With new pieces. My pieces were left torn and shattered, Alone in their box. I just want one last look At that beautiful puzzle we shared. Even though looking would never put the puzzle back, nor would I want to recreate it. The aftermath of pain that ruled my life for months, years, Now my pieces are safe No longer torn and shattered I accepted me for me It helped me get over the pain, and now my pieces of the puzzle that the universe truely wanted for me have fallen perfectly into place. So I thank you universe for my world as it is today. All the pieces fitting perfectly aligned. I am that women. It doesnt matter whats in front of her. As long as she knows who is behind her. #kaltequine #kaltwellness #aussienewstoday
10.01.2022 5 Mental and Physical Benefits of Riding a horse We hear about the dangers of riding a horse all too often but rarely are the physical and, more importantly, the mental benefits spoken about. Some of the benefits are obvious, others not so much....Continue reading
09.01.2022 WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO EMPOWER SOMEONE? Show them love, that they are being seen, recognising for who they are and what they are chasing.... No matter what, you have their back. And when you do this, watch that person grow, be happy and become the best version of themselves.... People don’t realise the power of this on other’s and the positive effect it will have on you. Remember life isn’t all about you and the best thing you can give someone..... is this.
08.01.2022 Nay Nay Equine had a sensational afternoon with these beautiful girls. Www.kaltcollective.com 0434477824... #kaltequine #kaltwellness #therapyhorses #horses #girlsbestfriend #ruok #rideforlife
06.01.2022 Nay Nays Equine with Helene today. Danny Boy got to hang out with the little chick too. #urbankaltivation #carefarming #kaltequine #kaltwellness #therapyhorse #horses #ruok 1800 955 580
06.01.2022 Tough = Vulnerable I love the quote this week. It is so very true that the most rebellious thing we can do in a disconnected and harsh world is to show our hearts. Show your heart to your friends.... Show your heart to your family. Show your heart to your children. Show your heart to your lover. Show your heart to your pets. Show your heart to the clerk at the store. Show your heart to that person who is looking at you. Show your heart to your boss. Show your heart to your coworkers. Show your heart to that person who is making your life hard. Show your heart to that person you would like to impress. Show your heart to your neighbors. Show your heart to the person who has done you wrong. Show your heart to the next person you see. And the one after that....... Show your heart to yourself. Even typing this list is scary. It feels unsafe and unwise to show our hearts to everyone. I want to be clear that just because you are showing your heart does not mean a lack of boundaries. Do what you need to do to protect yourself. Listen to your intuition for guidance about setting up these boundaries. That brings up an exploration about how. How do you show your heart What other possibilities exist to show your heart in new ways How can you show your heart while maintaining a strong boundary with someone One way we can share our heart is through authentic gratitude sharing. Just because you are sharing gratitude with someone doesn't mean you are necessarily thanking them for something. You might tell a stranger that you are so very grateful for the light breeze that is bringing a reprieve from the heat. You might tell your coworker that you are grateful to have childcare that makes it possible to be at work. However you choose to share your heart , just remember authenticity is key. Sharing your open-hearted truth is the most beautiful way to connect with the world around you. Give it a try for yourself. Take five seconds every morning to practice your intuition in this simple way then reply or post on our page #kaltequine and tell me how it is working for you. Thank you for taking the time to read. I am truly grateful for you engaging in your authenticity Www.kaltcollective.com . . . . #covid19 #100days #kaltwellness #kaltworknplay #aussienewstoday #ruok
06.01.2022 The wet weather didn't keep this group of youth away from the Inclusions Program 2020 run by KaltCollective, Motorcycling WA, Leading Edge MCS, and supported by Five Star Yamaha. Thanks again everyone for making it possible
05.01.2022 INVITING SOLUTIONS THROUGH PLAY You may find yourself feeling hesitant about making decisions today. You might have trouble connecting to your true heart's desires and end up feeling indecisive, or you might worry about making a wrong choice and feel overwhelmed with anxiety.... While you may be eager to resolve your inner dilemma so you can move forward confidently, you might benefit instead by taking your mind off of your troubles for a while. If you take a break from worry and pursue activities that simply make you feel good, you will be able to release stress and clear your mind. Good activities to pursue today would be engaging in creative projects, or participating in fun physical activity to burn off tension. Consciously releasing worrisome thoughts and taking time to play allows our subconscious mind to continue working on the problem and provide creative solutions. Though it is natural to want an immediate resolution to troublesome situations, we can often magnify our problems by obsessing about them. As we step back from our worries and focus on having fun, we give our subconscious minds the space they need to continue working on the problems behind the scenes. When we return from our playful activities, we often find that we have relaxed our minds enough so that creative solutions can materialize and we can take action to resolve the issue. By letting go of your concerns and taking time to relax and play today, you can ease anxiety and invite the perfect solution to any dilemma. #kaltequine #kaltwellness #chickens #chickentherapy #urbanfarming #therapychicken #ruok #wellness #autism #challengingbehaviours #therapyhorse Www.kaltcollective.com
05.01.2022 Look what the crew started today Roof to go and places for the girls to lay their eggs. Happy as a little kid on Xmas day. #chicken #kaltequine #kaltwellness #animalassistedtherapy #therapychicken
04.01.2022 Ean Rodwell is on the job with this awesome JCB18 Escavator from Little Diggers Rockingham.. cant thank Cam from Little Diggers enough for support. The machinery is exceptional. You can get more information at their Facebook Page.. https://www.facebook.com/littlediggersrockingham/
04.01.2022 Our entire West Coast of Australia is about the be battered with the biggest storm in a decade. It's about to whip up storm dust as monster swells develop. Just like life, if we can embrace the storm because without rain their cannot be life. No one promises a life without the highs and lows. High and lows are inevitable, impracticable and impartial. The question is... How will you respondwhen you face the highs and lows, filled with panic and dispair. That is typically general human nature. Though, remember this time of suffering is actually a time of gaining merit. Always remember there cannot be life without rain. Days always become clearer after the storm #kaltequine #kaltwellness #chickens #chickentherapy #urbanfarming #therapychicken #ruok #wellness #autism #challengingbehaviours #rains #storms
03.01.2022 Young Chance displays Autistic traits. #kaltequine we do therapeutic horse activities for emotional regulation as well as life skills and numeracy and literacy. Our participants get so much out of being around animals and just being in a natural environment. Have a read of the article below and if you want to know more flick us a message..... 0434477824 #kaltequine #kaltwellness #therapy #autism #life #asd #adhd #lifeskills https://kaltcollective.com//horses-help-children-overcome/
03.01.2022 Have a great evening from all the team! #kalt #kaltcollective #kaltequine #horsetherapy #happy #smile
03.01.2022 I'm so excited to announce Yoann Levesque is teaming with #kaltequine for therapies & Community Participation.. ... [email protected] 1800 955 580 #therapyhorse #horsetherapy #naturetherapy #horses #ruok #asd #autism #traumainformed
03.01.2022 Happy days!! #kalt #kaltequine #kaltcollective #smile #happy #horsetherapy
02.01.2022 Welcome to our Care Farm Billow. The newest addition to Kaltequine. Billow is teamed with Maureen. Maureen is from France. She is on a working Holiday Visa and resident #kaltequine with Thomas & Anaïs also from France.... Each team member comes with their own exceptional qualities and traits to work in our equine breeding, care farm that offers therapy horses, care farming, art, music, cooking classes and a Motocross Inclusion Program. Maureen is an integral part of our Equine Team along with Naomi, Anaïs & Thomas.. I am extremely grateful. So, on an end note.. Enjoy Billow Maureen.. L I V E L O V E L E A R N Www.kaltcollective.com
02.01.2022 Multi area intervention therapy for children & adults. Programs at Kaltcollective Kaltequine offerings;... For those with mental or emotional disabilities, the unique relationship formed with their horse can lead to increased confidence, patience and self-esteem, as well as emotional well-being and relaxation. The sense of independence found from the equine / human relationship benefits all our clients. The Supported Healer Programme #kaltequine The Supported Helper Programme involves including children, teenagers or adults with AOD, special needs or other in everyday equine care tasks such as mucking out stables, grooming, bringing ponies in and out of the fields, and other tasks associated with the care and management of ponies and horses. It helps to give clients a sense of responsibility, promotes independence and encourages a positive self-esteem and confidence through activities like grooming, leading the horses, making feeds, tacking up etc. All activities are ground based and suited to the clients needs and abilities. Supports are tailored to the learning style and ability of each person and staff to participant ratios range from 1:1 to 1:3. What are the benefits of this programme? A recent evaluation of the Supported Helpers Programme highlighted its main benefits to participants included: Improved self-esteem Improved self-confidence Improvement in social relationships. Parents, guardians & carers also highlighted the significant learning that each person acquired with regard to horse related activities. Please ask about what rebates you may qualify for including allied health professionals, occupational therapy, nutrition, social work or more. Www.kaltcollective.com
02.01.2022 Today it was ferrier for our #kaltequine crew #kaltcollective #horsetherapy #happiness #smile
01.01.2022 Tuesday Arvo with the kiddos
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