Kangatraining Doncaster, Templestowe & surrounds | Businesses
Kangatraining Doncaster, Templestowe & surrounds
Phone: +61 404 743 064
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25.01.2022 Anyone else enjoy an iced coffee when they really wanted a hot coffee?
24.01.2022 FAQ ~ Why should I commit to a term of Kanga? FITNESS IMPROVEMENT ~ When you consistently attend a Kanga session each week your strength and fitness level will improve. I will tailor the exercises to assist in your growing fitness level. FRIENDSHIPS ~ You'll get to know the other Mums and their little ones. Friendships will form and before you know it you'll be making coffee dates with a new bestie. ... MENTAL WELLBEING ~ Motherhood plays havoc with our mental health and it's so important to do something regularly for you. Your mind feels amazing after a session of squats to the Backstreet Boys! MOTIVATION ~ Some days it's really hard to get out of the house with a little one but in knowing you've signed up for the term it might be the motivation you need to take some regular time for you. MAKE-UP SESSIONS ~ If you miss your regular Kanga session you can always arrange to attend a make-up one. VALUE ~ The cost per session is cheaper when paying for a term rather than casual sessions. Now taking bookings for TERM 2! https://forms.gle/Sx7FCKaoH4jH4bHn8 You’ll be so glad you came!
24.01.2022 Have you been sitting on the fence and contemplating trying a class, why not just come for a trial? We don't mind fussing babies, accidental solos or anything else, we are just having a good time with our babies, getting out of the house, talking to other adults and moving our bodies! Registration is super simple and modifications can be made for any injuries or issues from life or pregnancy.... Simply register below to get started https://forms.gle/8HYQuETXYM1nheBKA You’ll be so glad you came . . . Image credit: MummActiv & Kangatraining Australia
23.01.2022 It can be so hard to try and make new friends as an adult, and even more so as a parent or caregiver but Kanga is such a great opportunity to bring other women from all sorts of backgrounds together - I can guarantee youll click with someone! If youd like to come and give it a go send me a message or register below. I promise youll be glad you came Special pricing available for our online classes ... https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
23.01.2022 When Wednesdays mornings are spent with these smiling faces, how could you not feel grateful! We even managed to sneak in a quick park visit before the rain set in Big shout out to Kangamum Jo who comes to our virtual classes each week with her 2 kids running around causing chaos ... The amazing thing with Kanga is that we are all mums so we can totally relate and understand
23.01.2022 Shoutout to all those mamas raising boys https://www.facebook.com/HerViewFromHome/videos/1803955176291895/
23.01.2022 NOW vs THEN When we say that Kangatraining is so much more than a fitness class were not lying! This is me and my bestie. ... We met at a council run mothers group and one of those first sessions she asked if anyone would like to try a Kanga class with her. As a new mum and new to living in Melbourne I jumped at the opportunity to try something different and meet some new people and hopefully form some new friendships whilst getting fit and strong and doing something for myself in a world revolving around a tiny human. Fast forward 4+ years and weve both become Kangatrainers, our babies are now besties and weve supported each other throughout some of the toughest times in our lives! Kangatraining is all about FUN, FAMILY, FITNESS, FRIENDSHIP and these pictures highlights all of that! So why not take the chance and join a class? Youll be so glad you came! https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
22.01.2022 CONFESSION...I forgot to take a class picture today but I also forgot to pop this pic up from last weeks class It’s all about balance right?! If you’d like to join our crazy crew and have lots of fun & giggles while working out with your baby simply register below for a no obligation trial class!... https://forms.gle/pNpb2ZV9J9dzmuRx6 You’ll be so glad you came
22.01.2022 W E D N E S D A Y ! Thanks ladies for joining our Wednesday class this morning! This week we spoke about all the things weve learnt during lockdown and although its been tough weve we all had positive things to say. ... For some its been learning to love their own bodies and be comfortable within their own skinnor learning to trust their own intuition with their parenting and for some of us its been about leaning to slow down and appreciate the little things on life We also had a special guest join us today, Veronika from Kangatraining Caroline Springs, Melton and surrounding areas Who will be starting up classes in her area over the next few months!
21.01.2022 WHAT DOES KANGATRAINING MEAN TO YOU? Always feeling supported and heard by a wonderful group of mums, all while being able to exercise with your little one.. - Kangamum Renee
21.01.2022 To anyone who is in currently in this position or similar...try and remember the days are long but the years are short It wasnt that long ago that this was my reality. Every night I was holding, rocking, bouncing, cuddling, stroking his hair, laying on his bedroom floor & holding his hand until he feel asleep. Whatever it took I was doing it. ... Fast forward a year or so and this little guy happily heads off to bed and always responds with you too mama when I say love you, have a great sleep! As I walk out of his room I often wish he wanted me to cuddle him to sleep or hold his hand as he drifted off because the reality is I miss it so much now that I dont have to do it! So remember mamas, this too shall pass and although its tough and you feel like youre all alone, know that one day youll look bad and you will miss these moments
19.01.2022 ON WEDNESDAYS WE WORKOUT I love this local track, surrounded by beautiful Bushlands crossing suspension bridges over the river and spotting all sorts of local wildlife. Last week a platypus, this week was bunnies & kookaburras! #lovewhereyoulive
18.01.2022 H A P P Y N E W Y E A R! Wishing all of our Kangamum, bubs, families and friends a very happy new year! I can’t wait to see both familiar and new faces in 2021!
18.01.2022 Are you a fan of Bluey ? What’s the best parenting tip you’ve leant from the show or what’s your favourite episode?!
18.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW...Toddlers can Kanga too! Older siblings are welcome in classes. We encourage mums to bring their toddlers with them. The toddlers love it too - whether they choose to dance alongside their mum or eat snacks and cheer from the sidelines! The thing I love the most is the fact that these toddlers that come along are learning the importance of mums being social, getting to exercise and doing something for themselves whilst bonding with their children! ... Do you have a pic of your older kids getting involved in a class? Id love you to share so we can see how much toddlers love it too!
18.01.2022 This week we had our last class of 2020 followed by a CHRISTMAS catch up with some past & present Kangamums! Thank you to everyone who could make it and we can’t wait to catch up on 2021 with those who couldn’t make it!
18.01.2022 LETS GET YOUR BODY MOVING! Kangatraining is about parents supporting each other in a relaxed environment. You get to meet other mums/caregivers, bub has a very high chance of falling asleep in the carrier during the class, So you can let your hair down and have a bit of fun during the class You dont need to be fit or have any coordination, it's all about having fun, but don't worry you also get a great workout!!... Never used a baby carrier? No worries! I have a limited number of hire carriers available and can show you how it all works. Bookings are essential and spaces are filling fast! Book now via our link here complete our health questionnaire and you are all booked in. https://forms.gle/uHUDB1sF9kZDXzTv9 You’ll be so glad you came
18.01.2022 What if I said you could socialise and workout while Bub had a nap That’s right! A lot of babies fall asleep quickly throughout class as our constant movement gently rocks them to sleep and they feel so safe and secure against mums beating heart Come along and try a class see for yourself, you’ll be so glad you came ... https://forms.gle/8HYQuETXYM1nheBKA Don’t have a carrier - no problem! I have various carriers available to hire & borrow!
18.01.2022 A beautiful reminder for all those mamas out there! I’m defined by motherhood right now, and that’s okay... https://www.mother.ly//im-defined-by-motherhood-right-now-
18.01.2022 Come along to our KangaMix class next Wednesday 18th November. Register your place below - Numbers are strictly limited so get in quick! https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
18.01.2022 Sending all those positive vibes to home schooling parents
18.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY! Join us this week for some fun, good music and Lots of laughs! ... All trial classes this week only $5 for new participants book below to secure you spot https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
18.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW? Kangatraining Australia & Baby Jogger Australia have partnered up to offer all our amazing Kangamums an awesome discount on their prams and accessories! ... If you’re in need of a new pram or #babyjogger accessories send me a PM and I’ll give you an exclusive #kangatraining discount code I can personally say that I LOVE Baby Jogger so much that I have the City Select AND the City Tour
17.01.2022 We know her: The mom who feels invisible. Whose day has spilled over into night;... again, and again, and again. Who shows up, even when she feels like she just can't take another moment. Who continues to rock, shush, soothe, sing, hold, carry, bounce, and sway her inconsolable baby, but longs for someone to hold her, console her, and relieve HER exhaustion. How can it possibly be this hard? she wonders. When will it get easier? Does anyone notice? Can anyone see me? The deep loneliness of this moment; the hazy depletion, and her tired, achy body- We feel it. We know it. It is so very real. But the strength in this moment, the relentless love, and the unwavering presence even when the rest of her wants to quit - We know it too. It is courageous, it is powerful, and it is stronger. In the dark of the night, in the loneliest moments, when she feels invisible; we see her. Because we are her. And she is glorious. So to the mothers who wonder, am I seen? Yes - we see you. It is impossible not to. You shine so bright. The light in you will never go unnoticed. Not here. You radiate motherhood, even in the dark. . . . Words @fourthtrimestercollective Image ZoluArt
17.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW Your body is considered post-natal even when your baby is a toddler! This means it is so important to make sure the exercise you participate in for at least 2 years postpartum is postnatal safe!... Why is this important? Your body still has all those amazing relaxin hormones running through your body that helped everything stretch to deliver your baby. This means that if you participate in unsafe activities or do too much too quickly, you could actually go backwards in your recovery and also could result in injury. Prolapses among many other things is a common occurrence. Sometimes our head is telling us we are ready from all the hormones and endorphins running through our body but our bodies aren’t quite healed enough yet. Especially our c-section Mums. Every person who has carries a baby whether to full term or not will always be considered postnatal. So Mamas, you need to look after your body well after baby is born! Kangatraining Padbury, Greenwood and Surrounds
17.01.2022 FRIDAY NIGHT FUN Search your childs name in the GIF bar then comment with the first one that pops up
17.01.2022 LOW IMPACT, INTERVAL TRAINING We squat, lunge, perform aerobic style choreography, repeaters and barre. Working on safely regaining core strength, endurance and body confidence after the birth of our babies. ... LOW IMPACT doesn't mean easy. Challenge yourself and feel the benefits of being active with you're baby! Register now for term one, 2021 classes! https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
16.01.2022 WOW!! So Ive just noticed that we are only 2 likes away from hitting 500 I would love to ask you all to help me reach this milestone by the end of the week by sharing or tagging your friends in this post and getting them to like & follow our page ... Happiness is supporting a small business
16.01.2022 Anyone else or is it just me? Im fine with washing, drying, ironing and folding all the clothes and will put them into each persons basket but then I either leave them on the kitchen table or in the appropriate bedroom forever
15.01.2022 M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S How will you be spending your Christmas Day? I’d love to hear your family traditions or how you celebrate the holidays!
14.01.2022 K A N G A T R A I N I N G FUN FAMILY... FITNESS Join our Kanga community NOW! ~ youll be so glad you came https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
14.01.2022 Are you a stay at Home Mum or do you know a stay at Home mum? Its a bloody tough gig - and its time to check in with them! https://www.kidspot.com.au//224f29dd072270fef13c24e1f8ee87
14.01.2022 Anyone else relate?!
14.01.2022 The best view! . . . .... . Image credit: Boba See more
13.01.2022 TUESDAYS FEEL BETTER WITH KANGA! If you’d like to join our little kanga community it’s never too late - you’re welcome to come along to a trial at anytime throughout the term! Simply register below to secure your spot! ... https://forms.gle/oRRb5KW5xgMrX2px9
13.01.2022 T E R M T W O! Registrations for Term Two are now open to the public with limited places available. If you’re interested but not sure about committing to a whole term don’t stress, we’ve got multiple passes and options available to suit everyone’s needs including a discounted trial class for the first time you come along! ... Simply register below to secure your spot or send me a message to discuss payment options https://forms.gle/2WchBGgCRtn3hNRk9 You’ll be so glad you came
13.01.2022 KANGA ON DEMAND Term might be finished but if you still need a Kanga fix send us a PM, we have several on demand classes you can purchase to get you through the festive season!
12.01.2022 THEN VS NOW Sophie was my FIRST ever Kangamum who signed up for classes when I became a Kangatrainer. When she first stepped foot into a class she was probably just as nervous as I was ... As the weeks went on we both grew with our confidence; Sophie in her motherhood journey & me with my new ‘career’. I’ve been fortunate to watch her get fitter and her baby get bigger & enjoyed watching friendships develop between other kangamums. We’ve shared moments of laughter, joy and even tears (mostly from me! ) but this is what Kangatraining is all about. It is a SAFE space! The time has come for Sophie’s kangatraining journey to come to an end but I am so honoured she took that leap of faith and joined our classes. Kangatraining is so much more than just an exercise class. It is a journey and celebration of this moment in your life! To all my past Kanga Mamas, please remember that Kanga will always be a safe place for you. The friendships made will be there to support you and celebrate with you for years to come. We all truly wish you all the best in this next phase of your life. No matter what, you will ALWAYS be a part of our Kanga Community.
11.01.2022 What does baby-wearing help you do? It isnt always about those lovely baby snuggles, sometimes its about being practical, getting stuff done and having your hands free for other things There was a time when this little guy wasnt Mr Independent like he is today and doing even the most trivial and mundane tasks was difficult as he wanted to be close ALL THE TIME! ... Im so glad I had my baby carrier in my parenting tool belt to help keep him close and happy whenever he needed it Id love to see how or when baby wearing has helped you!
11.01.2022 Who knew it was going to be this hard to make mum friends? I’ve always been so envious of the mums who went through their pregnancy with a bunch of friends and transitioned straight in to mum friendship groups with them. Or those who’s new parents group was filled with like minded mums who hit it off and spend their days hanging out together doing mum-friend-things. For the rest of us, it’s a lonely world navigating the ‘mum friend dating scene’. It can be awkward for even th...e most social mum butterflies, let alone those of us who would rather watch Teletubbies than strike up a conversation with a total stranger. But there is no doubt about it, parenting is a whole lot more manageable and enjoyable when you can share the load, the ups, the downs, the wins, the challenges, the coffees, the chais, the tantrums, the witching hours, the teething, those tired days and those amazing milestones with friends. You don’t have to socialise at Kanga. It’s cool to turn up, do your workout, have a blast with your bubs and go home without having to make a peep. But if you’re on the hunt for your tribe, it’s what we do best. We finish each class with a ‘circle chat’. It’s our way of going beyond the small talk and actually getting to know each other. Each week we learn a little more about you and your bubs if you’re feeling up to it and it gives you a chance to get to know the other mums and babies is a really natural, supportive, judgement-free environment. You don’t have to put yourself out there. You just have to get there. The rest will just happen. And you’ll be so glad you came. & : Kangatraining Australia
11.01.2022 H A P P Y M O N D A Y Image: Kangatraining Clarkson & Surrounds
10.01.2022 Ive reached peak adulthood and finally bought myself a robovac Now the million dollar question...what shall I name it?? Hit me with your best ideas...
10.01.2022 Even more so when youre in lockdown Image: @kangatraining Clarkson & surrounds
09.01.2022 Want to join kangatraining but You’re worried about not being co-ordinated enough to dance? Kangatraining is more focused on your overall health and well-being and dancing is just one of the many components to class. Be kind to yourself, do something that will help you feel mentally and physically good about yourself and come and give Kanga a try.... I promise you will be greeted by a big smile and an amazing bunch of supportive mums all on this crazy rollarcoaster ride of motherhood with you! Register below or head to the ‘book now’ option to get more information https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
09.01.2022 On Wednesdays we workout! Join us this morning at 10.30 - bonus points if you wear pink too! https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
09.01.2022 Join us every Monday & Wednesday at 10.30am Live & from the comfort of your home
09.01.2022 Do you know a VIC mama who did it tough during lockdown? Nominate them below!
08.01.2022 Kangatraining is so much more than a Post-Natal safe workout! From the moment you walk in the door (or log into zoom ) you will see my big smiling face asking how YOU are! Youll then see a room of supportive and welcoming women who understand what youre going through, the good, the bad and the ugly. ... We soon get moving, listening to some awesome songs and before you know it youve barely noticed youve even been doing a workout as youve had so much fun! You leave with a smile on your face, perhaps even go out for a coffee with some new friends - but I can guarantee you will feel stronger than when you walked in that door both mentally and physically and youll be so glad you have taken an hour out of your day to do something for YOU and while still meeting the needs of your baby If youd like more info or you would like try a class, send me a message or register below https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
08.01.2022 WHAT IS BIRTH TRAUMA? This week is birth trauma awareness week. While some births can be a truely magical experience, for some this may not be the case. During class we have been discussing our own birthing stories and offering our love and support to each other and teaching our for help if needed .... . . Below words by Australasian Birth Trauma Association We, at ABTA, define birth trauma as a wound, serious injury or damage it can be physical or psychological (deeply upsetting and distressing) or a combination of both. Both mother and the father/partner can be affected by birth trauma. Birth trauma can also include an injury or the loss of a baby. Birth trauma isnt one specific diagnosis, in fact we often see a range of morbiditys as a direct result of birth-related trauma. birthtraumaresolution says The symptoms of birth trauma can persist for many years. Some women may not go on to develop PTSD but they are still hugely affected on a day to day basis by their birth memory. Some women have many symptoms to cope with and some of these will be physical traumas. Birth trauma might be due to one single event that happened, or a mixture of things in pregnancy, during birth or after birth. Have you experienced or witnessed a traumatic birth or birth-related trauma? How would you describe it?
08.01.2022 WE DID IT...500 LIKES Thank you to each and everyone one of you To celebrate I have organised a special deal for you to join our little Kanga crew and see what the fuss is all about! ... Mention this post when you register to get the special discounted rate - be quick, offer valid to the first 10 people to register! Feel free to tag your bestie, sister, friends etc and get them to come along with you Classes are currently running online from the comfort and safety if your home https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224
08.01.2022 FRIDAY NIGHT FUN Show us your family using only emojis!
07.01.2022 Remember leaving the house before you had kids? Purse, keys, phone, out the door. Now, sometimes it feels impossible. Nappies, wipes, spare clothes...where are the damn keys? And so many scenarios to prepare for. So many variables and unknowns.... What if he screams the whole time? What if I’m the only one who doesn’t have it together? What if he pukes or poos all over me? Or someone else? Add a toddler in the mix and trying something unknown and sometimes it feels like it would just be easier to stay home. But being alone with that fear and those feelings doesn’t help anyone. At Kangatraining you’ll feel welcomed and supported the moment you walk in the door. You’ll see instantly that we’re all in this together. We know the challenges you’re facing day to day because we face them too. You’ll meet other parents, you’ll move your body to great music, you’ll gain strength, fitness and friendship and most of all... you’ll have fun. You owe it to yourself to try. And you’ll be so glad you came.
06.01.2022 FRIDAY NIGHT FUN Using one word / emoji or GIF, show me what 2020 looks like for you so far! This should be interesting
06.01.2022 ACTIVEWEAR PARTNERSHIP - MummActiv If youre looking for a new pair of leggings then look no further than these brand new Kangatraining exclusive designs with MummActiv Perfect for mums with bumps and super supportive for post-partum bodies, and of course squat proof ... As a Kangamum you receive 15% off all purchases from MummActiv by clicking the link below and contacting me for your exclusive discount code https://mummactiv.myshopify.com/?rfsn=4014034.e68960 Mummactiv also have an amazing range of breastfeeding friendly bras, shirts & even swimwear that you have access to with your discount code too
05.01.2022 FRIDAY NIGHT FUN Did you babies arrive on their due date? When did they actually arrive - I love that both my boys had the same gestation ... 1. 40+ 4 2. 40+ 4
05.01.2022 How’s everyone’s ‘holidays’ going?!
05.01.2022 They told you about the contractions, but did they tell you about the expansion? Did they tell you how your body would open to make way for the whole universe to pass through? Did they tell you how your heart would explode with a love bigger than anything youve ever known as you pulled your baby to your chest? They told you about the ring of fire but did they tell you about the crown of stars? Did they mention that theres a moment when your baby enters the world and you ...leave your body and touch the heavens and become the light of a million galaxies? Did they tell you how the pain of stretching to receive your child would be more exquisite than any sensation you've felt? They told you would scream but did they tell you about how would you roar? Did they tell you about the power that would rise up from your belly as you called your baby forth with your mighty voice? Did they tell you how you would embody the wild woman within you as breathe fire with your song? They told you would bleed, but did they tell you how that sacred blood wouldn't scare you? How you would feel grateful for that magical liquid of life as it trickled down your leg - how you would honour its flow and how it would help you heal a lifetime of hating your body's bleeding cycle. They told these stories and taught you to fear birth, to fear your power, to fear yourself. But you are stronger and wiser than that mama. You know that birth is your divine dance, your soul's song, your moment with God, and you walk fearlessly into her open arms. Beautiful words and art by: Catie from Spirit Y Sol Shared via LunaBloom .
05.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW? Contact with your baby activates your babys parasympathetic nervous system that switches off stress; enhances digestion, healing & growth and imprints calm and connection! So hold those babes close, and what a better way to hold them close than by babywearing
05.01.2022 FOCUS ON: PELVIC FOOOR This is one exercise set that we should be doing everyday! Try taking a breath in and as you breathe out focus on your pelvic floor with a squeeze and lift, you can imagine trying to drink a thick shake, drawing the liquid up the straw and then slowly relax as you breathe back in. ... Try not to tighten your bottom or tummy as you do these. It helps to make them part of your everyday routine- so maybe in the shower, when you brush your teeth, do the dishes or some other task you do each day. A few sets is a great place to start. Let's see if you can do them everyday this week! Thank you for sharing, Elicia Kangatraining Penrith, Kingswood, Glenmore Park
05.01.2022 S T O P..... K A N G A T I M E! Kangatraining starts back next week and we can't wait! ... We have two classes on offer: TUESDAY: Doncaster East THURSDAY: Templestowe Lower Classes start at 9.30am and run for 1 hour. You can join at 6 weeks post natural birth and 12 weeks post c-section provided you’ve been given the all clear to exercise from your doctor. We will be working on closing abdominal separation, focusing on strengthening our pelvic floor muscles along with working our arms legs + butts Kangatraining really is the ultimate full body workout for the post partum body! Classes are filling fast with spots strictly limited Simply register below to secure your spot https://forms.gle/3fz8dm1LHSFcKmUZA You’ll be so glad you came!
04.01.2022 That’s a wrap for another week of KangaMix classes, well done to all these amazing mamas who got out and moved their bodies, bonded with their babies and spent some time chatting with other local women If you’d like to join our Kanga Crew or try a class get in touch. You’ll be so glad you came! https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
04.01.2022 Tuesday was Lifeline's busiest day in its history This is very sad to hear more people called Lifeline on Tuesday than any other day in the organisation's 57-year history. The crisis support and suicide prevention hotline received more than 3,300 calls a 30 per cent increase on the same day last year.... Lifeline Chairman John Brogden says many Australians are grappling with the fallout from the pandemic. "People are facing extraordinary uncertainty and as human beings we like certainty," he said. "We like to know what's happening, in terms of money coming through the door, bills that we can pay, jobs that we have. So they're very important things. At the moment all of those things are very uncertain. "The good news about the increase in the number of calls we're getting at Lifeline is it does mean that people are reaching out. "Please don't suffer in silence, if you're under stress or pressure, or feeling depressed or anxious, in those times please reach out."If you need someone to talk to, call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 Kids Helpline Official on 1800 551 800 MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 headspace on 1800 650 890 Qlife on 1800 184 527
03.01.2022 The importance of postnatal healing after birth. If you feel that something is not right, visit your local Womens Health Physiotherapist for a checkup https://www.womenshealth.com.au/pelvic-floor-exercises-afte
03.01.2022 CARRIERS It is important at Kangatraining to comply with safe and healthy baby wearing guidelines. This is a standard that cannot be compromised and as a qualified Kangatrainer, I am trained to assess the suitability of various baby carriers for the workout and unfortunately not all carriers are made equal. Check out the below image to help assess the difference between optimal vs not optimal carriers. ... If you're looking at purchasing a new carrier please reach out for advice and guidance. The Kanga community also has access to discounts with various brands including Ankalia / Ergobaby Australia & New Zealand / Baby Tula / manduca / Boba NZ & Australia / Beco NZ & Australia so please get in touch if you'd like further information!
01.01.2022 If you’re looking for something that benefits you, your well-being and health but you want to be with your baby and keep them happy and close then Kangatraining is for YOU! Send me a message or register below for more info https://kangatraining.info//instr/AlisonRizzi/booking/2224... You’ll be glad you came
01.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW Kangatraining was designed by Woman’s Health Physios and Midwifes and we are also trained by them to ensure we are postnatal safe. Our program is pelvic floor safe as well as diastasis recti (abdominal separation or DRAMS) safe. ... In fact, our floor work consists of exercises that help to close your abdominal separation that is a normal occurrence after having a baby. Don’t comprise on your body and your recovery! Come try our postnatal safe program today! Our program maybe low impact but it’s definitely not a walk in the park! It’s a full body workout and a lot of fun whilst being close to your baby and meeting some new Local Mums. Book your spot today as places are limited and running out fast or DM for more information https://kangatraining.info//instruct/AlisonRizzi/info/2224
01.01.2022 Would you like to try Kangatraining but have been holding back because youve been affected by COVID / loss of income / hardship etc? Please reach out and send me a message or email and we can arrange some FREE classes for you! Kangatraining is all about community and connecting with other local women. We want to make classes accessible for as many people as possible. We are living in strange times and motherhood can be isolating enough without a global pandemic! ... So please reach out and lets get you connected Email: [email protected]
01.01.2022 B E Y O U We don’t care if you come to class in the latest workout gear or daggy trackies and covered in baby spew - we just want you to be you & believe in yourself! The fact that you’ve made it out of the house and set some time aside for YOU is such a win in a world revolving around tiny humans! ... https://forms.gle/aXQ2ivLqeEyGHfY2A You’ll be so glad you came
01.01.2022 Shoutout to mums everywhere juggling it all There can sometimes be a battle between working mums and stay at home mums and for some their situation is not a choice but a necessity. But the truth is, every mum is doing the best they can with the hand they were dealt. Regardless of if they head off to work each day, work from home or stay at home to raise the kids there will always be ups and downs.... Image Happy as a Mother
01.01.2022 BENEFITS OF KANGATRAINING No need for a babysitter Total body workout Promotes Mother & Baby bonding ... Positive outcomes for post-natal depression Promotes safe & healthy Baby-wearing Social - meeting other like minded Mothers Relaxes & Fun environment Creates a support structure Promotes healthy mind & Body If this sounds like something youre interested in and would like to find out more simply comment below or send us a message!
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- Natalie Kennedy ENJOpreneur
Shopping & retail Businesses Local service Cleaning service At-home service
+61 425 069 488
- Birdfree pest management
Businesses Local service Home improvement Pest control service
+61 419 271 238