Kangatraining Margaret River & Surrounds in Margaret River, Western Australia | Sport & recreation
Kangatraining Margaret River & Surrounds
Locality: Margaret River, Western Australia
Phone: +61 412 290 554
Address: TBC 6285 Margaret River, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.kangatraining.com.au
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25.01.2022 School holidays are almost over and kanga is BACK next week with Kanga Trail on Wednesday! The weather is looking clear and can you believe my little kanga joey will be turning 1 on Wednesday?? So help us celebrate her 1st year (or mourn the loss of the baby days) with a bit of kanga! Monday's Kangatraining class will return the following week.
25.01.2022 Relaxing on the sofa, carrier all loosened off but still up and over the baby. Why you ask? Why not just take the carrier off? Because babies don't like it when you drop food (cake) on their face while they sleep. ... So many advantages to babywearing Not all of them glamorous. **Before I took this photo I could see her adorable little face and mouth open catching flies but then I dropped the phone on her (more than once) trying to take the photo I have the hood so I can see her face but the hood catches all (ok, most of) the food.
24.01.2022 This photo warms my heart.
24.01.2022 Anyone interested in coming to this morning's (Monday) class- I have had to cancel. My big boy is sick so not only is he staying home from school but I am worried we are all vectors. So sorry mummas. Have a lovely rainy Monday
24.01.2022 What a lovely afternoon for a walk. This afternoon we went for a walk to quinnanup falls. Carrying the 16+kg Felix was so much easier than carrying my backpack with our lunch (maybe 4kgs)! This sounds crazy but completely true! Nothing like a well fitted carrier to help take the load. And an amazing friend who took turns at carrying both the backpack and Felix. Thank you Barb!
23.01.2022 Was feeling like a domestic goddess because I had managed to cook dinner and do the dishes and it's only 4.30... But then I turn around to this... Mum life is so fantastic. this is why you should babywear while doing your chores (And yes that yogurt is smeared into the fabric sofa..)
23.01.2022 I seriously LOVE Bobux New Zealand & Australia shoes My older joey has always had a pair from when he first started walking and my little one is just growing into his hand me downs now. They are so fantastic and long lasting and they actually look to support your kids feet. What an awesome giveaway.
22.01.2022 Kanga is on tomorrow morning!! Even if you have never been to a kanga class, bring your tired unwashed self and baby along. You will certainly get lots of sympathy from us and I will generally be rocking the same look.
22.01.2022 Why do you babywear? I probably agree with all of these ( though I am not a gamer so maybe in relation to other things) but #29 is probably our biggest reason too Love that this is all daddies.
22.01.2022 Babywearing meet this thursday for ALL caregivers. No matter bubs age (even if you are only just pregnant) come try all the carriers, have your own carrier fitted or just learn what to look for when finding the right carrier for you and baby.
22.01.2022 Do you watch sunrise in the mornings? Tomorrow I will be switching on my tv to watch some lovely NSW Kangatrainers in action https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2662193203804315&id=545871885436468
22.01.2022 I am sure I am preaching to the converted here but I am sure we all knew plenty of parents pregnant with their first baby wondering if a carrier is worth the money and this is an atrucle for them. The answer is - get the right carrier for you and your baby and they are worth their weight in gold!! You will wonder how you could ever function without it. http://thenaturalparentmagazine.com/are-baby-carriers-wort/
22.01.2022 Any of my amazing mum's want to take part in some yoga in your own lounge room? Kt I think is my all time favourite yoga instructor- I had the absolute privilege of attending her classes in person when she lived in Dunsborough- and I have been hanging out to make her online classes part of my life ever since. During this crazy time (though I definitely still feel distanced from it ) some of you might be choosing to self isolate even to a small degree or may be you do...n't want to commit to a set class time but want the flexibility to stretch out whenever you get your bub to finally nap. Now is the time to try before you buy
22.01.2022 No kanga trail this week. So I was super hopeful the early weather predictions were true and there was to be no rain Wednesday morning but they have changed their minds. So fingers crossed for next week ladies or if you want to join us inside on Monday mornings just let me know (We are next door to little monsters).
21.01.2022 this is exactly how it feels! I might manage a hot cup of tea and maybe the toilet on my own (if i am lucky) because I feel lost in all the possiblities.
21.01.2022 When you spend the afternoon at the beach in the gorgeous sunshine and your baby falls asleep 5mins from home at 5pm... Think it might be a lonnnnng night tonight - thank god for kanga in the morning to get me out and make me feel human oh and coffee Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day and see you in the morning
20.01.2022 Coming up soon everyone!! Such a fantastic event for new parents and raising money for an incredible cause. And are you ready to flash mob with your babies?!!
20.01.2022 I love a nice summery dress but they just don't seem like good mum attire.. too much bending, squatting and sitting cross legged in my life as mum of small dictators - sorry I mean children. But at kanga I definitely try to build a little community of mummas to laugh with, cry with and who will tell you completely without judgement that your nanna knickers are on display or your boob is still out. And yes I think we have all been there.
20.01.2022 Babywearing meet is on this Thursday at Margs Cafe. Come on down and let us help you find the carrier that is right for you and your baby Or Let us help you get the most comfortable fit with the carrier you already have. ...
19.01.2022 ***Trigger Warning*** This just made me completely break down into tears. Today (October 15) is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. ... Please light a candle at 7pm tonight and keep it burning for an hour to help create a wave of light around the world to remember our babies gone to soon and send a little light and support out to all those families who have suffered this devastating loss. 1 in 4 families experience miscarriage, still birth or newborn death. Everyday they remember those babies and dream of what could have been - this is the day to show our loved ones that we remember their loved ones too. See more
19.01.2022 Did you have family tell you what you were doing with your baby is wrong? All with the best intentions of course. Remember to trust yourself and know you are being the best mum to your baby. And yes advice has changed from when our mum's and nanna s had their babies and that's ok
19.01.2022 When you have amazing weather and great company to do some exercise on a pristine, empty beach and this is the best photo I can take... At least I don't claim to be a photographer If you would like to join us on a Wednesday morning just send me a pm.
19.01.2022 You are not alone You got this mumma.
19.01.2022 One of our gorgeous Margaret River Mummies and one of my wonderful friends is selling these fantastic knives as a fundraiser for the absolutely incredible Healthy Hips Australia. These awesome kid-safe knives (for 3+) to help improve awareness, support and early diagnosis for hip dysplasia. $12.99 each. Choose your own colour- pink, purple, red, blue, green and orange. $5/knife sold goes to Healthy Hips Australia. Preorder & payment is due by 27th August The knives not on...ly help children develop their fine motor skills but also encourage children to discover more foods and develop yhier independence. "Our sweet little Zoe was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and though the public system is amazing, they certainly are under pressure. The resources available through Healthy Hips Australia and their fb community helped me to ensure Zoe was in the right brace for her requirements and assistance to keep her comfy throughout our journey. We really hope she’ll be out of her brace at our next review Let me know if you’d like one or more. Thanks for your support " If you want a knife please contact me or I will attempt to tag the lovely below.
18.01.2022 I will be singing this in my head every class now.
18.01.2022 There are still a few spots left if you would love to come join our Monday class. Come and enjoy the company of other mum's and get a workout at the same time Send me a message to book your spot. Bookings essential.
18.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing Dads out there!! And do you know what all dad's and grandads need this father's day - their own baby carrier But seriously what better way to bond with your baby and get all your loved up happy hormones going than with a big long carrier cuddle - especially if it results in a sleeping baby Don't believe me? Give it a try this father's day ... https://parenting.nytimes.com/health/fatherhood-mens-bodies
16.01.2022 Yep just as we were saying this morning at kanga trail - the best advice is trust you mum instincts and have the confidence to be you because no one knows you and your baby like you do.
16.01.2022 This is a great interview with a fantastic nutritionist on the advantages of baby led weaning. Perfect for those of you approaching the introduction of solid food.
16.01.2022 Support an amazing charity and go in the draw to win this beautiful painting .
16.01.2022 You can not "spoil" a baby It breaks my heart that there are mums out there still being told absolute rubbish by friends family and sometimes health professionals(Yep I have been on the receiving end of some pretty lousy advice since my first baby was born but also some tremendous advice too ) So especially in those early days cuddle cuddle cuddle till you can't cuddle no more, then pass the baby to another relative or friend have a nice hot shower, a nice hot cuppa a...nd recharge for some more cuddling. Its is also totally normal to feel touched out and crave personal space so go easy on yourselves and schedule in some self care too. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2460158564215086&id=1389115601319393
15.01.2022 These are the days I just love babywearing! Dog walked, brain and soul refreshed by sand and saltwater over the toes! And this little face almost make up for the fact she kept me up allll night. (#@$@% teeth)
13.01.2022 I am so sad our first class back for term 4 cancelled. I was so excited for kanga to return but with my Joey and I both put with colds we just can't spread our germs around. Super excited for next week to see all our kanha buddies and can't wait to meet some new faces too!
12.01.2022 I think I proved on Wednesday that I am possibly the world's worst selfie taker. Lucky we had the amazing Taz to rescue me. Forecast looks a bit yuck for next Wednesday but feel free to come join us on Monday morning at CWA hall to get your kanga fix
12.01.2022 There is still plenty of spaces for new mummas and bubbas to join us this week. So slip on your activewear, tie up your mum bun and come boogie and giggle with us.
11.01.2022 Ahhh one of the many delights of pregnancy But nothing can take away tmfrom the excitement of meeting that new little person
11.01.2022 Ohh those early baby months where you think you have bub settled so you sit down to rest those ridiculously tired legs just for bub to start screaming again - yep I remember them well. But you are not alone there is nothing wrong with you or your baby don't be afraid to ask for help use a great carrier - it will save your back and arms and in my case probably my sanity
11.01.2022 If anyone would like to try some different carriers, get fit advice or just come for a chat - we have the BWWA monthly Babywearing Meet on tomorrow - the last one for the year Memorial park in Cowaramup at 10am. Look for me or the giant purple suitcase
11.01.2022 to all my ivf warriors out there.
10.01.2022 But does it allow me to function like a semi normal human being? I thought yes but the answer is also no... spent the whole day with my pants on backwards and didn't even know... lucky they were leggings.
10.01.2022 How awesome is this initiative by our shire?! Have you been thinking about getting into cloth? I have been using the same cloth nappies for 3 and 1/2 years with them still looking and working ad good as new! The biggest reason I hear parents use about not trying cloth is the extra washing but they barely add to your washing pile at all (I wash that many kids clothes + all the extra changes of clothes my husband and I have due to little food covered hands). I am no way af...filiated with anyone who sells cloth nappies I just love them and think this awesome! https://www.amrshire.wa.gov.au//information-print-resource See more
10.01.2022 Last kanga trail for the term is on tomorrow and the weather looks beautiful! After tomorrow we will have a 2 week break for school holidays and then trail will be back every Wednesday as the weather permits If you have signed up for classes but are not getting my messages check you message requests for the group.
09.01.2022 I love it!! Thanks Sunrise! That was the best thing I have seen all morning.
08.01.2022 I remember feeling like this with my first baby. Scared was doing something wrong, worried about everyone's judgment. I remember asking the child health nurse if I was doing the wrong thing - she simply replied "babies don't spoil but look after yourself too". As my baby got older, i grew in confidence and I met more people carrying and I realised I wasn't that strange after all. ... And that's why I teach baby wearing- for all you parents out there wondering if this is right, or uncomfortable in a carrier but still trying to meet your babies needs - babywearing should be easy, it should be comfortable and should feel right - though it's ok to feel totally touched out and crave personal space too
07.01.2022 Term 3 officially kicks off tomorrow for us kanga mummas! Can't wait to see you and your babies all back after a few weeks off! Time to remember where those thighs and glute muscles are with a few squats and lunges Don't forget if you are new to kanga or haven't been for awhile to book in by sending me a message.
07.01.2022 The sun is coming out for us tomorrow- so kanga trail is on!! The Ocean is just looking so perfect in the morning too so I am opting for a walk with a view (maybe we will even see some whales ) Meeting at Riflebuts in Prevelly at 9.15 Xx
07.01.2022 A baby friendly event at Carbanup. Can't wait to go along and learn more.
07.01.2022 Did your parents babywear? I would love to see your old photos!! My mum was big on babywearing and like many women of her generation made her own babycarrier - but she never took a photo
06.01.2022 Wow! How lucky were we with the weather yesterday! Perfect sunshine compared to today's non stop rain. And thank you to our wonderful mummas for joining us for coffee afterwards too. Now as today feels like proper winter I have pulled out the slow cooker to make this amazing chicken noodle soup from an incredible nutritionist and fellow Kangatrainer in Victoria. ... I can't follow any recipes without putting my own spin on them (I cram more veggies into just about everything ) but my whole family love this, especially the babies. http://lifespannutrition.com.au/chicken-noodle-soup/ You can also get amazing tips for feeding your little ones at Little Bites nutrition. (I will pop a link in the comments) Happy holidays mummas and bubbas!
06.01.2022 How are we all feeling today? I hope it's a happy world mental health day for all.
06.01.2022 Hi mummies and babies I have created a Facebook messenger group for all our trail mummas so I can let you all know where we are each week. If you didn't get my message on Tuesday can you please check your message requests to see if it's not hidden in there? Otherwise send me a message and I will try to work out what's going on. Feel free to use the group to chat to each other or send us all something to make us giggle too. ... See you Wednesday See more
05.01.2022 Do you have any friends in Perth that you think would be an awesome kanga instructor? Let them know! There is only a few more days to get 10% off. Let's spread some babywearing kanga love to Perth.
04.01.2022 Wow! Perfect words.
04.01.2022 what an awesome idea. I hate not getting out for a walk everyday, especially when it means keeping the toddler pent up as well.
04.01.2022 What a daddy! Now to teach Jimmy Giggle to tandem wear
04.01.2022 Who is ready to kanga?! Just finishing up our playlist for our new term starting Monday!! I already know we will have a couple of new faces joining us this term but if you haven't booked in it isn't too late!! Your first class is only $5 If you can't make the first class of Term that's ok - you are welcome to join us any time.
04.01.2022 Be gentle with your words - and not just to mummies but daddies too - they can hurt more than you know. 1 in 4
04.01.2022 this is probably exactly what I look like when my kids do risky things- and the words "be careful" seem to escape way to often - even though I know I shouldn't say them and they are totally not helpful. To all my mummas who bubs are now up and moving and starting to take risks here is a little food for thought.
04.01.2022 there is actually nothing better! I think this is also part of the joy of kanga.
03.01.2022 No kanga trail tomorrow I thought the weather was going to be lovely but more rain... If you are missing you kanga fix don't forget to join us inside on Mondays where the rain can't get us. See you next week
03.01.2022 I think I have to get more creative with our pelvic floor cues! That last hashtag
03.01.2022 Just how my teething baby leaves me feeling! On a side note - the groove my two joeys got on to this song was hilarious!! I should of filmed that instead.
03.01.2022 Woohoo Kanga is back for another term of fun and fitness with our babies. Sorry for the late post - a few crazy things keeping us guessing at the moment. But rest assured I have 4 fun new dances, all new music and I have actually practised Can't wait to see you all Monday!
01.01.2022 Monday is kanga day!! Come and join us at the CWA hall and get your week off to a fun start.
01.01.2022 I love this event! Such an amazing cause and a fun event. And just because it's the big pram walk doesn't mean you can't do the walk with hubby in the carrier I hope you are all ready to get out there and flash mob again with us! And this time we will be joined by Kangatraining Harvey, Donnybrook and Busselton
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