Kapsali Farm | Agriculture
Kapsali Farm
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25.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to our main man Peter! Not a pic taken today, but it's still one of my absolute favourites - he may be severely outnumbered by all the ladies on the farm but he takes it all in his stride Miss 8 and I, together with all the animals, love you to bits ... #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement
21.01.2022 It sure is a wonderful time of year! Sunny days, cool nights. Perfect hen weather. . Where do your eggs come from? . .... #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement #wheredoyoureggscomefrom See more
20.01.2022 We're back at the Earth Markets tomorrow, alongside the market's newest producer, Camelot Valley Farm! With summer fast approaching we thought it was the perfect time to share our Top 10 egg-based dishes. What's your favourite way to use our delicious pasture-raised eggs?
19.01.2022 Woohoo!! It's market week and the girls have been busy laying their beautiful eggs in preparation! Looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow at The Levee, Maitland from 8:30am. #supportsmallbusiness #SupportLocal... #supportthosewhosupportlocal #knowyourfarmer #localslookingafterlocals #farminginallconditions #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #huntervalley #mymaitland #singleton #pokolbineats #cessnock #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement @earthmarketmaitland @slowfoodhuntervalley @thisismaitland See more
17.01.2022 An obvious example of where we've had the girls. Much more life and activity!. . There are some weed species in here, but there is also a lot more diversity. . What we're looking for is increasing ground cover and diversity in species, which we find leads to better water infiltration and holding ability of the soils. ... . Over time we get more advanced and valuable species growing. We just need to be patient and let Mother Nature do her thing. Rain helps, a lot. . . #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement #wheredoyoureggscomefrom See more
17.01.2022 A beautiful cool morning for the girls! . This is how our hens spend their days, all day, every day. On pasture, under trees, with a very big dog to look after them. They don't have a worry in the world. . Where do your eggs come from? You can pick up these beautiful eggs from Belmore Rd Grocer, Coquun, Reader's Cafe and Larder, Organic Feast, Hungerford Meat Co, and MR O Kitchen Espresso Grocer... . . #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement See more
17.01.2022 Huge congratulations to our friends at The Deck Cafe Lovedale for their nomination for Covid Business Hero in the Hunter Business Chamber awards Matt and the team took innovation to the next level during this crazy year by introducing 'Degustation to Your Door' and it's fantastic to see their achievements recognised! To cast your vote, head to www.hunterbusinessawards.com.au ... To read more about Degustation to Your Door, check out this article in the recent edition of Hunter Valley Magazine https://issuu.com/winecountrypub//hvmoct-nov20-digital/22
15.01.2022 A new record for our current flock and only 3 grams off our all time largest egg! . Weighing in at 120g, this is nearly twice the size of the eggs that go in an 800g dozen. . The girl who laid it can have tomorrow off!... . As the girls mature they get into a fairly stable rhythm. The next change tends to occur around 18 months old, when average sizes start to increase again. Nothing like this one though! . . #supportsmallbusiness #SupportLocal #supportthosewhosupportlocal #knowyourfarmer #localslookingafterlocals #farminginallconditions #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #huntervalley #mymaitland #singleton #pokolbineats #cessnock #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement
14.01.2022 Anyone for an episode of The Bush Mechanics? . Making do with what's on hand. . .... #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement
08.01.2022 We've never had any chickens in this area before. Lots for them to get into and uncover for us! . . . .... #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement #wheredoyoureggscomefrom See more
08.01.2022 Dealing with rain . Given the girls live outside, we get lots of questions about how we manage rain. . With the last flock living through drought, they'd have a complete freak out at the sign of rain. ... . The current girls however are a bit more embracing. But when we have a week of nearly non stop rain, it creates a lot of work for us as we need to keep moving them on to fresh grass more often than normal. . We're also starting to utilize some biochar we made over winter. It'll be interesting if we see a difference in the pastures where we have spread it. Watch this space. . . #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer See more
08.01.2022 When we discovered Zeus had his tumor 4 years ago we thought he was gone. The prognosis was poor. We are so incredibly grateful to The Natural Vets for helping us on this journey. And it's all been managed remotely too Today he is happy and content (so long as we feed him on time!) Without the lumps, that come and go in size, you would have no idea whatsoever that he's dealing with this. His quality of life is outstanding. They've given us a lot more time with our beautiful boy, which we hope will continue for many years yet.
08.01.2022 And so it beegins! Eggcellent! . Thanks so much to our good friend Wiggy for bringing us our first nuc this morning. They're settling in very nicely. . Our pastures are loaded with flowers and the eucalypts are coming into flower too! ... . Exciting times here. Keep an eye out for Ada Bees' Honey in the future. . . . #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement #wheredoyoureggscomefrom #honey #bees #flowhive Flow Hive See more
07.01.2022 After almost 100mm of beautiful rain since Friday night, the sun and blue sky are a welcome sight and the girls are loving the chance to get back to hunting down yummy bugs and grubs #simplepleasures #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement #wheredoyoureggscomefrom
06.01.2022 We all know someone who can sleep through anything #ourbackyard #whereonlythepeopleliveinashed #chickenfun #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #pasturedpoultry #huntervalley #mymaitland #cessnock #pokolbineats #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #knowyourfarmer #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement
03.01.2022 Bulk eggs available! Get a group of friends, family, neighbours, colleagues together and buy a box of 12 x 700g cartons i.e. 144 eggs for $90 ($7.50 a carton). Free delivery to Branxton, Maitland, Singleton, Cessnock, Pokolbin, Vacy etc and surrounding areas. If we get enough interest in the Newcastle area, we’ll deliver there too. Our girls live on pasture and in our forests 24/7. Taste the difference to see what our chefs and customers rave about.... We typically deliver eggs within a maximum of 72 hours of them being laid and more often than not, 36 hours. Our eggs are used by many local cafes and restaurants in and around Maitland, Pokolbin, Cessnock, Branxton and Lovedale. And, if you have a café or retail outlet or co-op and would be interested in using or stocking our eggs please let us know PM to arrange. #supportsmallbusiness #SupportLocal #supportthosewhosupportlocal #knowyourfarmer #localslookingafterlocals #farminginallconditions #onpasture247 #smallfamilyfarm #huntervalley #mymaitland #singleton #pokolbineats #cessnock #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #newcastlensw #newcastlebeach #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedeggs #localfood #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #localfoodmovement #huntervalleyproduce #slowfoodmovement @earthmarketmaitland @slowfoodhuntervalley @thisismaitland
03.01.2022 The girls and us are run off our feet this week in preparation for Fathers Day. We're completely sold out of eggs for the week and so, unfortunately, we won't be at the Earth Markets tomorrow. You can still find our eggs at our retailers though: (@readers_cafe_larder, @belmorerdgrocer, @coquun, @organicfeast.com.au, @hungerfordmeatco, @mrowholefoods, and @blanchieskitchen). Wherever you are this Fathers Day, please, if you can, head out and support your local cafes and resta...urants. Treat dad to something special and support local businesses, employing local people and supporting local producers. See you soon! @earthmarketmaitland
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