Kardan Construction in Perth, Western Australia | Construction company
Kardan Construction
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6114 2145
Address: 115 Burswood Road, Burswood 6100 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.kardan.net.au
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25.01.2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people always were and always will be Traditional Owners of the land. NAIDOC week is a week where we come together to cele...brate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is also an important opportunity for non-Aboriginal people to build cultural knowledge and understanding as part of the Reconciliation journey. Here at Ellenbrook Secondary College we are celebrating NAIDOC Week throughout Week 7. Ellenbrook Secondary College is on Whadjuk Noongar country. One of our many events includes creating a sand design for our future Yarning Circle. The idea behind the Yarning Circle was to provide a better sense of cultural inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people around the College. The development of the Yarning Circle originated in 2019 through collaboration with our Aboriginal students, AIEO and interested staff, and these ideas are evident in the design. At a recent morning tea held at the College, Ellenbrook SC staff, Mrs Vivienne Hansen, Deadly Sista Girlz, Clontarf Foundation, staff from Kardan Construction, Legacy Construction and Programmed discussed further changes, and the plans have now been finalised. We are excited that the Yarning Circle will be officially opened at the beginning of 2021, with students having input into garden design and artwork in the years to come. The Yarning Circle will be a place for all staff and students to talk, share, learn and feel welcome.
24.01.2022 When you're trying to excel at work, maintain a social life, eat well, drink enough water, exercise, get enough sleep, stay sane, survive and be happy. Running a business can be a bit of a crazy balancing act and at times you can feel like your "spread thinner than vegemite." Don't forget to take a break every now and then and have some fun!! Here's the boss man at one of our team building days remembering that life is all about balance ... #teambuilding #maintainbalance #maintainbalanceinyourlife #reconnect #strongspirit #strongmind #worklifebalance #team #connectedtocountry #noongar #noongarbusiness #noongarcountry #noongarcommunity #noongarboodjar #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinessman #constructioncompany #perthconstructioncompany #constructioncompanyperth #perthsmallbusiness #perthsmallbiz #perthsmallbusinesses #worklife #goals #perthbusiness #perthbiz #perthbizowner #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #communityfocused
22.01.2022 Dreaming #brightfuture #brightfutureahead #brightfutures #bridgingthegap #aboriginalflag #aboriginal #aboriginalaustralia #flagpole #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusiness #buildingthefuture #buildingthedream #perthtradesman #perthtradesmen #perthtradies #builderswa #wabuilders #wabuilder #wabuildingcompany #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #shapingthefuture #changingthenarrative #perthconstrucitoncompanies #perthbuilders #perthbuilderswa #perthschools #flagpoleinstallation
22.01.2022 Proud to have been apart of this project!! Check out this amazing mural created by the ever so talented @kevvybyndersart for @wa_police Police Academy. This incredible piece was unveiled at last weeks NAIDOC celebrations. ... Always was, always will be. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #naidocweek #naidocweek2020 #aboriginalart #noongarartist #aboriginalmural #aboriginalartmural #naidoccelebrations #naidoccelebration #art #artmural #mural #projectmanagement #facilitymanagement #perthprojectmanagement #perthfacilitymanagement
22.01.2022 Lest we forget. Remembering all the indigenous and non-indigenous soldiers who fought for this country. ... Photo source : Unknown #remembranceday #remembranceday2020 #remembrancedayaustralia #remembrancedayperth #naidocweek #naidocweek2020 #acknowledgement #naidoc #naidocperth #naidocweekperth #lestweforget #wewillrememberthem #veterans #australian #australianhistory #aboriginalsoldiers #aboriginalsoldier #aussie #perth #perthremembranceday #perthnaidoc #noongarcountry #noongarboodja #weremember
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Moorditj Painting on your new company van!! Thanks to your ongoing support we have been able to support fellow Aboriginal businesses such as Moorditj Painting, who have recently been able to buy their first company vehicle! Featuring some pretty deadly artwork. Keep an eye out for this van driving around Perth and hit them up for your next painting project. "The painting they do is solid" ... #supportsmallbusiness #supportingsmallbusinesses #supportblackbusinesses #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusiness #aboriginalart #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #aboriginalpainter #aboriginalpainters #perthpainters #wapainters #wapainter #deadly #moorditj #moorditjpainting #perthpainter #perthpainteranddecorator #supportsmallbiz #perthconstructioncompany #perthconstruction #perthbuilderswa #perthtradies #perthtradesman #perthtradesmen #watradies #westernau #vanlife #companycar
18.01.2022 The new fencing and gate system designed and constructed for the TRG and WA Mounted Police is almost as impressive as their armoured BEARCAT (Ballistic Engineered Armoured Response Counter Attack Truck)........almost. New gates were installed to allow quicker response times for the WA Police Equestrian Unit and TRG along with 60 meters of fencing and a top of the line automation system with access control for all types of vehicles. #perthbuilders #westernaustraliansmallbu...siness #westernaustralia #indigenousbusiness #aboriginal #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusiness #smallbusinessstory #perthbuilderswa #perthjobs #buildersperth #constructionperth #perthconstruction #waconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #smallbusinessdirectory #perthsmallbusiness #wasmallbusiness #constructiondirectory @supplynation @supply_nation @perthsmallbusinesses @wapol @trg See more
17.01.2022 Happy Friday! Cheers to a productive week, a weekend of winter sunshine and an awesome week ahead! #friyay #friyayvibes #wintersunshine #bevvy #sunny #cider #sharkbay #shellbeach #ciderlover #feelgoodfriday #tgif #tgifridays #beach #wa #regionalwa #westernaustralia #wonderoutyonder #wonderoutyonderwa #cheers #cheerstotheweekend #workhard #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #constructioncompanyperth #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalconstructioncompany #travelgram #westisbest #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses @tourismcouncilwa @leahpaigedesigns @sharkbay_wa @sharkbaycoastaltours @monkeymiatours @wonderoutyonder @aboriginalaustralia___
17.01.2022 We are recruiting for ongoing maintenance work right now with painters and general handypeople required. If you can hang a door, fix a door handle and install skirting then we need you. Ideally you are handy with a paint brush too.... Flexible employment options available. Casual, part time or contract. Email me on [email protected]
16.01.2022 We are growing and need another superstar to join our awesome team. Kardan delivers diverse projects for blue chip and government clients across the entire state up to $2m. If you are wanting a career working for a company that rewards hard work, values your career and provides a fantastic working environment then please apply.... You will have at least 5 years estimating experience and ideally a tertiary qualification in a construction related field.
16.01.2022 Nothing quite like the feeling of working somewhere that really gets you! Surround yourself with people who believe in you, support your dreams and bring out your best! Here's two of our apprentices getting the VIP treatment and stealing the show at our latest event with the Western Australian Disability Enterprises and Lendlease ... #sharethedream #makinggoals #positivevibes #positivity #positiveenergy #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #supportingapprentices #supportingapprenticeships #apprentice #apprenticeship #buildingthefuture #changingthenarrative #changingthefuture #changinglives #thenextgeneration #thenextgen #tomorrowsleaders #businessgrowth #businessgoals #businessgoals2020 #businessgrowthstrategy #work #team #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #aboriginalemployment #aboriginalempowerment #aboriginalempower #empowerment @jaidonkearing @smallbusinesswa @supply_nation @supplynation @smallbizwa @wilco @wilcoelec @perthbusinessnetwork @perthbusinesscollective @apprenticeshipcommunity @aboriginalaustralia___ @lendlease
15.01.2022 Do you even do gym bro? Yes we do!... Well we do gym fitouts and refurbishments #gymfitout #gymfitouts #fitouts #perthfitouts #refurbishments #refurbishment #perthrefurbs #perthrefurbishments #perthrefurbishment #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #gymdesign #gymlayout #perthconstructioncompanies #perthconstructioncommunity #perthtradies #perthtradesmen #fitout #fitoutinteriors #gym #gymlife #homegymsetup #homegym #homegyms #fitness #studio #fitnessstudio #officegym #workgym #workout
14.01.2022 MEET THE TEAM Introducing the Gorgeous Gabriella Albano Gabby has been with the team for a few months now and quickly became the office mum, looking out for the staff and providing huge spreads of food, which is very fitting with her background in the beauty industry, studies in the Chaplaincy/Christian ministries and her Italian heritage. ... Throughout her career she has worked in some of the toughest rehabilitation programs with some very challenging experiences, however has also seen many come out the other side and continue life on a new path. It’s because of this that Gabby is so passionate about advocacy, knowing that a difference can be made in a life from merely offering support. Gabby is also a proud single mother of four beautiful children, enjoys adding fresh chilli to things and is very passionate about food. You’ve definitely spiced things up in the office and we couldn’t imagine the team without you. #meettheteam #meettheteams #womeninconstruction #aboriginalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstruction #aboriginalconstructioncompany #perthbusiness #perthbusinessnetwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #team #businessgrowth #newmembers #headshot #perthbiz #perthbiznetworking #advocacy #mentalhealth #worklife #workculture #workbalance
14.01.2022 Always was, always will be. This week, (and every week ,) we celebrate our Aboriginality! As a proud Aboriginal business we are always celebrating our culture, our people and striving to build the way to a brighter future. HAPPY NAIDOC WEEK! ... #naidocweek #naidoc #naidoc2020 #naidocweek2020 #perthnaidoc #perthnaidocweek #perthaboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusiness #naidocperth #naidocweekperth #alwayswasalwayswillbe #proud #noongar #noongarboodja #noongarcountry #proudnoongar #aboriginalculture #celebration #acknowledgement #blakbusiness #buildingabrighterfuture #makingadifference #brighterfuture #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #constructioncompanyperth #aboriginalbusinesses #supportsmallbusiness #supportaboriginalbusiness #perthbuilders
13.01.2022 From design through to construction! Not many construction companies offer a holistic approach from concept design and materiality selection through to construction and handover. Hit us up for more info on our design to delivery process!! ... #design #designers #perthdesigns #perthdesign #perthfitouts #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstruction #aboriginalconstructioncompany #perthfitout #perthfitoutcompany #perthfitoutcontractor #perthinteriordesign #perthinteriors #perthinteriordesigner #designtodelivery #perthbiz #perthdesigncompany #perthtradies #perthtradesman #perthtradesmen #perth #tradies #perthrefurbs #perthrefurbishments #perthrefurbishment
12.01.2022 Company car looking deadly up in the Pilbara with those WA blue skies. From the look of our feed, it seems WA has blue skies all year round right...? #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalconstructioncompany #perthconstructioncompany #constructioncompanyperth #waconstruction #waconstructioncompany #regionalwa #rural #pilbara #pilbaralife #statewide #westernaustralia #outback #outbackaustralia #wa #graphicdesign #aboriginaldesign #aboriginalart #aboriginalsmallbusiness #aboriginalsmallbusinesses #aboriginalsmallbiz #supplychain #supportsmallbusiness #supportblakbusiness #kardan #kardanconstruction #workcar #companycar #australia
12.01.2022 Where it all began. It's only been about 18 months since Kardan Construction branched off from our Director, Frank Mitchells electrical company, @wilcoelec. This is where our other Director, Dwayne Rowland came into the picture offering the construction expertise and the creation of what became, Kardan Construction! It all began with a few regional maintence jobs and the refurbishment of the Pinjarra Police Station which was the first project our now apprentice @jaidonkearin...g was part of. Frank and Dwayne's vision was to create real employment opportunities for this countries' first nations and create 20 aboriginal apprenticeships by 2020. Since this goal was set we have created many employment opportunities for not only our staff, but for the Aboriginal sub contractors we support encouraging even more apprentice opportunities. It's been a moorditj! Now bring on the future! #story #businessstory #apprentice #apprenticeship #perthbuilders #westernaustraliansmallbusiness #westernaustralia #regionalwa #indigenousbusiness #aboriginal #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusiness #smallbusinessstory #perthbuilderswa #perthjobs #buildersperth #communityproject #communityfocused #makingadifference #constructionperth #perthconstruction #waconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #smallbusinessdirectory #perthsmallbusiness #wasmallbusiness #constructiondirectory @supplynation @supply_nation @wilco @perthsmallbusinesses @perths.best @perthnow @perth_pop
11.01.2022 Proud to see some of our clients flying their new Aboriginal flags on their new Kardan installed flagpole - especially in time for NAIDOC #naidocweek #naidocweek2020 #perthnaidocweek #perthnaidoc #alwayswasalwayswillbe #noongarboodja #noongarcountry #flag #aboriginalflag #flagpole #perthflagpole #flagpoleinstallation #perthschools #brighterfuture #nextgeneration #buildingabrighterfuture #makingadifference #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusiness #supportaboriginalbusinesses #perthconstructioncompany #perthconstruction #constructioncompanyperth #flagpoleinstallationservices #builderswa #perthbuilders #perthbuilderswa #proud #perth
11.01.2022 Coupla Pinkies While checking out some of the amazing places our state has to offer, our interior designer Leah caught herself a coupla Pink Snapper!! Did well with the catch...still a bit of a rookie when it came to filleting them ... Not a bad day on the boat out at Shark Bay thanks to Mac Attack Fishing #wanderoutyonder #wanderoutyonderwa #sharkbay #sharkbaywa #denham #fishing #fishingwa #pinksnapper #tourismwa #supportingtourism #supportingwabusiness #supportingwabusinesses #supportsmallbiz #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackownedbusinesses #regionalwa #westernaustralia #westernaustraliatourism #westernaustraliansmallbusiness #tourismbusiness #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aborignalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #perthbuilders #perthtradies #builderswa #tourwa #fishingtrip #wacoastline
10.01.2022 Did you know that our flagpoles are concrete free? Meaning installation takes only a few hours saving time and money! It's also environmentally friendly You know what that means? Installing a flagpole may costs wayyy less than you think! #concretefree #concretefreefootings #environmentallyfriendly #flagpole #flagpoles #concretefreeflagpoles #flagpolesolutions #aboriginalflag #perthschools #perthschool #flytheflag #aboriginal #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #supportsmallbusiness #supportaboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusiness #supportlocal #flagpoleinstallation #flagpoleinstall #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstruction #perthbuilders #perthbuilder #perthbuilderswa #wabuilders
10.01.2022 Have you seen our new office? Located in the business hub in Burswood, feel free to pop in, have a yarn and check out some of the amazing aboriginal art we have throughout our office. #newoffice #frontage #streetfront #office #corporate #corporatedesign #streetfrontdesign #branding #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aborginalbusiness #aboriginalart #aboriginalcommunity #aboriginalconstructioncompany #noongar #noongarbusiness #noongarcountry #noongarcommunity #officedesign #perthoffice #perthofficedesign #perthofficedesigners #officedesigner #officedesigns #officefitout #officefitouts #officefitoutsperth #officefitoutsperthwa #perthofficefitout #perthofficefitouts
10.01.2022 Keeping you in the "LOOP" Loop Upcycling is a special part of the Kardan family. LOOP takes old, unwanted uniforms and recycles them into these teddy bears! You may have seen these on Telethon with one of our key clients the Western Australian Police. We've also made bears for Virgin, Nandos, Watercorp and many more!! ... LOOP also proudly supports employment opportunities for those disadvantaged in the community or living with a disability. #loopupcycle #recycle #upcycle #sustainability #sustainable #sustainablebusinesses #sustainablebusiness #sustainablebusinessnetwork #sustainablebuilder #sustainablebuildings #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #environmentallyfriendly #environmental #teddybear #businessgrowth #businessgrowthstrategy #collaboration #workingtogether #buildingabrighterfuture #buildingabrightfuture #buildingabrightfuturetogether #networkmarketing #perthbusinessnetwork #perthsmallbusiness #perthsmallbiz #perthsmallbusinesses #dogood #dogoodfeelgood
09.01.2022 An exciting new venture and article from @perthnow "A PARTNERSHIP between an Indigenous business owner and two disability enterprises has won a major State Government contract that will create a diverse range of jobs in Alkimos. Kardan Construction, collaborating with disability enterprises Intelife and Workpower, won the three-year facility maintenance contract at Alkimos Beach and Alkimos Vista following a competitive tender process.... Valued at more than $800,000, the contract will provide employment for Indigenous people, local businesses and people with disability. This includes at least four new jobs for Aboriginal apprentices in construction, electrical, plumbing and painting services, and more than five training and employment opportunities for people with disability. The win follows the formation last year of the partnership between Western Australian Disability Enterprises an alliance of eight disability employing more than 2200 people and Noongar businessman Frank Mitchell, owner of Kardan Construction and WILCO Electrical. The partnership was formed to create more work and training opportunities for a diverse workforce and to pursue joint procurement projects from the government and private sectors. Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson said it was great to see the partnership come to fruition and the creation of new opportunities to keep the disability workforce engaged." - @perthnow @wilcoelec @workpowerau @intelife_group_ltd @perthhappenings @perthbusinessnetwork @perth_business_lists @aboriginalaustralia___ #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesssolutions #collaboration #partnership #perthbiz #perthbizowner #perthbusiness #perthbusinesses #perthtradesman #perthtradesmen #perthbiznetwork #perthbusinessnetwork #perthbusinessnews #perthnews #perthbiznews #empowerment #aboriginalempowerment #aboriginalemployment #apprenctice #apprenticeship #apprenticeshipopportunities #perthopportunity #perthopportunities #perthbusinessopportunity #perthbusinessopportunities #aboriginalbusinesses #supportlocal #changinglives #buildingabrightertomorrow
08.01.2022 MEET THE TEAM!! These last few months the Kardan team has more than doubled in size! Introducing Deidre! Our friendly admininstration clerk. Diedre is a proud Whadjuk Noongar woman who grew up in Perth in a big family of 4 boys and 2 girls. She now has two girls of her own, is a huge football fan of the best team, (GO EAGLES!) and loves spending time on the weekend visiting family. She loves having a yarn, getting her nails done and showing the staff pics of her cute baby n...iece We love having you as part of our team!! #meettheteam #noongaryorga #noongarwoman #noongarcountry #noongarboodja #aboriginal #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesswomen #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstruction #aboriginalconstructioncompany #perthbusiness #perthbusinessnetwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #team #businessgrowth #newmembers #headshot #perthbiz #perthbizchicks #perthbiznetworking #perthtradies #perthtradesman #perthtradesmen #perth #noongar
06.01.2022 A few weeks back we had our first social drinks with the Kardan team and some of our regular subbies. This was a great mingle night with plenty of laughs and way too much pizza! #fridaysocials #social #worksocial #networking #network #team #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #subcontractor #subcontractors #supportingsmallbusinesses #supportinglocal #socialnight #teambonding #socialevents #workdrinks #friday #friyay #tgif #party #workparty #meettheteam #crew #workcrew #office #constructionlife #constructioncompany #perthconstructioncompany #perthconstruction #perthconstructions
06.01.2022 Beautiful artwork from the talented Noongar artist Leon Garlett. Part of our Eddystone Primary School Amphitheater design and construction project featuring a giant mural of the Wagyl, The Rainbow Serpent and message sticks representing the six Noongar seasons. The Eddystone Project is an example of how Kardan together with FISH (Foundation of Indigenous Sustainable Health) work to offer schools a truly unique solution - culturally appropriate education spaces. We o...ffer genuine Aboriginal design, delivered by an Aboriginal business that employs Aboriginal people, combined with the educational insight from FISH. Our design team can work with staff, students, artists or community stakeholders to make each project we deliver - unique and amazing! #noongarcountry #noongarboodja #noongarart #aboriginalart #Aboriginalculture #aboriginaldesign #culturaldesign #outdoordesign #culturaldesign #culturaleducation #perthschools #schooldesigns #educationaldesign #rainbowserpent #wagyl #garden #gardenscapes #interactivegarden #bushtuckergardens #landscape #landscaping #landscapedesign #interiordesign #interiordesigner #aboriginalinteriordesign #aboriginalinteriors #aboriginalgarden #aboriginalgardens #smokingceremony #perthlandscaping #perthlandscapedesign #outdoordesign #perthoutdoordesign #perthoutdoorspaces #outdoorspaces #aboriginalbusiness @leahpaigedesigns @supplynation @supply_nation @aboriginalart.australia @aboriginalaustralia_
04.01.2022 HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK!!! ..... (for us ) The highlight of our week is when we get asked to attend primary school assemblys to present the Aboriginal flag to students and see the flag fly proudly on their new flagpole. We've also partnered up with FISH - Foundation of Indigenous Sustainable Health to share culture and have a yarn with the kids. There's nothing more important than passing down Indigenous knowledge to future generations and we love seeing such genuine dedicat...ion to bring Aboriginal culture into our schools! BOOM!! #aboriginalflag #schools #perthschools #flag #flagpole #perthconstructionteam #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalpartnerships #partnership #fish #foundationofindigenoussustainablehealth #school #departmentofeducation #aboriginalculture #noongarculture #noongarknowledge #noongarboodjar #nextgeneration #future #yarn #haveayarn #makingadifference #communityfocused #perthflagpoleinstallation #flagpoleinstallation #flagpoleinstallationperth #perthconstruction #perthbuilders #perthtradies #perthbuilder
04.01.2022 We are very excited to announce our collaboration with Western Australian Disability Enterprises for a number of upcoming projects. Together we are creating employment opportunities and support for those most at risk in the community. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, especially @lendlease ! We are very excited for the journey ahead!! ... #exciting #excitingnews #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackbusiness #supportaboriginalbusinesses #supportaboriginalbusiness #disabilityadvocate #disabilityinclusion #disabilitybusiness #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #collaboration #workingtogether #brighterfuture #opportunity #opportunities #buildingabetterfuture #businessgrowth #businessgoals #businessgrowthstrategy #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesssolutions #perthtradies #perthtrades #perthtradesmen #apprentice #apprenticeship #employmentopportunities #team #teamwork
03.01.2022 Love these message sticks at Kaju Yatka (Kalbarri Skywalk) and all the other Aboriginal art tied throughout the whole design! #kalbarriskywalk #kalbarrinationalpark #kajuyatka #holidayinwa #wonderoutyonder #wonderoutyonderwa #ourwaparks #regionalwa #waconstruction #westernaustralia #ruralaustralia #aboriginalbusiness #australia #regionalconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalart #messagesticks #messagestick #culturalplacemaking #placemaking #indigenousinfrastructure #aboriginalinfrastructure #culture #aboriginalculture #artinstallation #architecture #design #aboriginaldesign #localbusiness #perthconstruction @tourismcouncilwa @kalbarriwa @nationalparksaustralia @australia @australiascoralcoast @westernaustralia @wonderoutyonder
02.01.2022 The story behind EARTH BLENDS!! Earth Blends is a unique collaboration between Kardan, Loop & FreshFood. Earth Blends combines FreshFood’s 70 plus years of experience producing quality coffee and Kardan & Loop’s innovative approach to delivering social and environmental impact. How you may ask?!... A portion of all sales go to @whitelion_wa to support ask risk youths. The artwork was also created through some of the Aboriginal youths from Whitelion. Our staff can also confirm it's bloody good coffee! #coffee #coffeeaddict #coffeelover #coffeewithadifference #makingadifference #supportingsmallbusinesses #supportinglocalbusiness #supportingsmallbusinesses #supportingatriskyouth #dogood #dogoodfeelgood #socialimpact #positivesocialimpact #positivesocialchange #community #communityfocused #aboriginalbusiness #partnership #collaboration #perthbusiness #perthbiz #perthpartnership #constructionbusiness #buildingabrighterfuture #youthempowerment #nextgeneration #coffeebeans #coffeeperth #perthcoffee #perthcoffeescene @perthisok @perth_pop @whitelion_wa @whitelionau @loopupcycling
02.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter from the Team at Kardan. In the words of Australian Geographic, rabbits are cute, fluffy and out of control. Whilst in chocolate form they’re harmless (well, to the environment at least), rabbits in the wild are a huge contributor to species loss in Australia. To keep enjoying chocolate but contribute to conservation at the same time, why not switch to buying chocolate bilbies? Make sure the brand you buy supports the Save the B...ilby Fund so that you can ensure your money is helping to keep this Australian icon (which has existed in mainland Australia for about 15 million years!) around. #easter #bilby #easterbilby #nature #conservation #australianeaster #nativeeaster #easterweekend #happyeaster
01.01.2022 Kardan Construction working together with Total Fitouts Perth. Sharing opportunities, experience and office spaces What a great team we have! ... #collaboration #collaborationovercompetition #collaborate #perthbiz #perthbusiness #perthbusinesses #perthbusinessnetwork #perthbusinessnetworking #businessgrowth #businessgrowthstrategy #workingtogether #workingtogetherforabetterfuture #buildinganempire #buildingabrighterfuture #buildingabettertomorrow #teamwork #meettheteam #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #networking #perthnetworking #perthnetwork #aboriginalbusiness #aboriginalbusinesses #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #construction #constructionlife #office #corporate #perthoffices
01.01.2022 "I am my ancestors wildest dreams" - @ginnysgirlgang Taking a moment today to reflect on just how far we've come in the last 12 months! This year has been a whirlwind of highs and lows for all small businesses but thanks to your support we have continued to grow and stand strong We thank you for all your support. ... Stay deadly! #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #supportsmallbiz #perthsmallbusiness #perthsmallbiz #perthsmallbusinesses #perthsmallbusinessowner #supportblakbusiness #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportblackbusinesses #businessgrowth #businessgrowthstrategy #perthconstruction #perthconstructioncompany #aboriginalconstructioncompany #aboriginalbusiness #appreciationpost #ancestors #paymyrespects #sacredground #firstnations #firstnationspeople #acknowledgement #appreciate #grateful #staydeadly #perth #australia #australian #australianbusiness
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