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Kardinia Church in Dennington | Religious organisation

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Kardinia Church

Locality: Dennington

Phone: +61 3 5272 2003

Address: 20 Tylden St 3280 Dennington, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 He isn’t herehe has risen victoriously, just as he said! -Matthew 28:6

25.01.2022 What a lovely Australia Day service we celebrated last Sunday. We look forward to seeing you all agin this coming Sunday. Don't forget to register on line.

24.01.2022 We want to see you this Sunday! 10am Worship, the word & fellowship. Doesn’t get much better than that

22.01.2022 Join us this Sunday At 10:00 am.We’d love to see you! No need to register, but we still need to check you in so make sure you come early enough for that! We cannot wait

22.01.2022 Wasn’t it such a beautiful Sunday! We hope you have a great week church

22.01.2022 NEWS FROM HOME.... They say in real estate that location is everything and this couldn’t be more true for Brad and Katrina Armstrong. With their backyard in prime position facing the Barwon river walking track they use their location and creativity to inspire the Geelong community. Since March they have written a new saying or phrase that goes out each morning at 8am. At first it was to encourage the homeschooling parents that exercised with their kids each morning, but w...ith lockdown going on longer than expected they were soon spreading hope to the whole community. Katrina, a retired schoolteacher, used her exceptional chalk board skills and Brad, a builder and handyman, made the boards himself. Brad’s sister loved the idea so much that she now has her own chalkboard and is inspiring her local community in Melbourne, regularly swapping sayings with Brad & Katrinia. See more

22.01.2022 SIGN UP FOR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT TODAY Join with us as we grow our leadership skills with an infusion of fresh ideas, actionable concepts, leadership principles and heartfelt inspiration. This is YOUR opportunity to access a wealth of leadership insight from a world class faculty! Don’t miss this! It’s only $50pp ... See more

21.01.2022 HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR GLS YET?! The GLS is an opportunity to learn from 8+ world-class, diverse faculty who will bring clarity and focus to your leadership questions. Book your ticket today to be part of a real-time online experience with interactive opportunities to connect with others and engage with the speaker’s content in a fresh new way. Everyone has influence, so grow yours today!... Only $50pp!!!!

21.01.2022 Hey guys, we’d love you join us for our monthly prayer night this Thursday on zoom!

20.01.2022 NEW PREACHING SERIES STARTING THIS SUNDAY Jesus was given many names throughout the Old Testament, each of which brought hope to those who were patiently waiting for the the Messiah. This Christmas we are going to preach through some of these wonderful names given to the coming King Jesus. Join us as we discover the hope that is still found in the names of Jesus!

20.01.2022 Can’t wait to see you tomorrow at church! No need to register, just come a little bit earlier so we can check you in

19.01.2022 CHURCH IS ON SOON Lounge room banter from 10:15 -

18.01.2022 The alpha course is all about discovering the answers to your questions and giving you a space to discuss your thoughts in a judgment free zone with people of all different walks of life and levels of faith. We would love for you to join us for a taster on the 6th of October @ 7:30pm EMAIL: [email protected] to be involved! ... Have a think about who you could invite! This course is for everyone

18.01.2022 NEW SERMON SERIES Join us this Sunday at Church as we dive into a new series titled Focus this 4 week series will remind us to align ourselves with the essentials of what we are called to do! Sign up for Church now! We’d love to see you ... See more

18.01.2022 The best conversations are the ones where you don’t have to worry about what people say, you can just be you! Alpha is all about creating a space for these conversations, where you can ask your questions! Why don’t you join us at our taster session to see what this is all about? In person : 22/4 7:30pm Email [email protected] for more information or to register ... @alphaaustralia #alphaaustralia #explorefaith #alphacourse #istheremore #exploremore #tryalpha #joinus #questions

17.01.2022 NEWS FROM HOME..... When Liz Findlay felt prompted by God to love her community she decided to ring her local aged care facility asking if there were any residents that were particularly isolated and lonely at this time, within minutes they rang back with a list names. Liz felt God was telling her to use what’s in your hand, which was her love of baking! With that she created beautiful boxes of goodies and delivered them the next day. Before the delivery, Liz and her fa...mily prayed over the boxes, that each person would feel loved and not forgotten. What a beautiful act of kindness See more

17.01.2022 What a powerful morning we had in church! Such a blessing to do life together. We hope you have a great week

16.01.2022 Remind yourself daily... God is your protector God is your sustainer God is your salvation ... He’s got you! See more

16.01.2022 Another amazing Sunday full of blessing and joy. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you all again this Sunday. Please go to the following web page and scroll down to Warrnambool morning service to register.

16.01.2022 Thank you Kardinia Church for your ongoing support of Worldchangers making a difference in our city, nation and world! Thank you for your kind assistance to us while we are in need.Today we were able to donate rice, cooking oil and a small sum of cash to the family of one of our Pastors, who passed away late last year with complications of COVID.He leaves behind a wife and 5 children.We pray that our good Lord will bless you more and more in the days to come. -Happy New Year from Pastor Va Bi in Myanmar.

16.01.2022 Sneaky peek of what our creative & production teams have been up to over the past few weeks! See the full film on church online this week! Don’t miss out!! ... Sunday 9:30am #musicvideo #christmas #kardiniaathome #churchonline #film #hopehasaname #new

16.01.2022 CHRISTMAS BOXES Would you like to be involved in blessing our community? We are after volunteers to come & join our Christmas box packing day! Dec 4th or 5th in Campbellfield if this is something that you’d like to be involved in please direct all interest & questions to Karen Evans - [email protected] ... Thank you Kardinia!

16.01.2022 Thank you Ps Shayne for your great encouragement this morning! You can now listen to today’s message on podcasts We hope you have a beautiful week church

15.01.2022 The alpha course is all about discovering the answers to your big questions and giving you a space to discuss your thoughts in a judgement free zone with people of all different walks of life and levels of faith! Why not give it a try? Join us at one of our taster sessions! We’d love to have you ... Online : 15/4 7:30pm In person : 22/4 7:30pm Email [email protected] to register @alphaaustralia #alphaaustralia #explorefaith #alphacourse #istheremore

15.01.2022 Nothing to lose but everything to gain We absolutely agree! We all have questions, why not ask them. Alpha creates a safe space for you to ask, learn & grow with a great community around you! Why not give it a go? ... We will be holding a taster on the 6th of October @ 7:30pm, email: [email protected] to be involved! Who could you invite? @alphaaustralia #alphaaustralia #alphacourse #bigquestions #whocouldyouinvite

14.01.2022 Join us for Church online tomorrow Lounge room banter from 10:15am We’ll see you there!! ... #churchonline #kardiniaathome #church #community #kardiniachurch #geelong #ballarat #warrnambool

13.01.2022 What an amazing Ressurection Sunday. Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us and thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen. "He is Risen indeed".

13.01.2022 After church this Sunday, we will have some Australia day celebration snags- don't forget to register :)

12.01.2022 NEWS FROM HOME... If you know the Barnett family, you know that they are energetic, enthusiastic & adventurous. Coming to Australia from Canada 7 years ago they made Kardinia home and we have grown to love them and cherish them as part of our Kardinia family. At the beginning of Covid Andy unfortunately lost his job with the Bulldogs due to staff cuts and was unsure what the future held for them. Could they stay in Australia? Would they have to go back to Canada? After a f...ew months and much prayer Andy received a new job with the Newcastle knights NRL team which meant they were able to stay in Australia! This was a huge answer to prayer and an exciting adventure for Deb and Andy but a sad loss for us as we say goodbye to two amazing people and wish them well in NSW. As they go, they leave behind their most precious possessions, their two sons Matt and Caleb who we love and are a valued part of Kardinia, especially our @kardinaiyouthdept. Deb and Andy have expressed their complete confidence in God and peace in knowing that Matt and Caleb are right where God wants them to be. Deb we also want to thank you for your contribution to kardinia kids! You not only brought fun & excitement to the room but your combination of love for God and value for each child has been inspiring to watch. We’re know the kids will miss you (and your balloon animals) greatly, as will the kids team. Please keep Andy and Deb in your prayers as they are still waiting on their visa being finalised. God bless, Your Kardinia family xx

12.01.2022 NEWS FROM HOME..... Hello Church Family We currently have 17 people in our connect group with Richard and Dawn. After we share greetings and share what’s been going on, we sing some of the old hymns and gospel songs for 30 minutes and then Richard leads our bible study. Once a month, over the last few years, some of our group go to Freedom Aged Care in Grovedale, where Ross or Graeme lead hymn singing and a devotion or message. With about 10 or so residents we all sing Dawn’s beautiful music on the keyboard. They are from various backgrounds and love the singing. One lady taught Ross at Sunday School at Drumcondra Church of Christ. She was thrilled to see Ross, and commented that something must have gone into his head. Unfortunately we have been unable to attend due to the virus restrictions. Our group can’t meet together on Zoom as some haven’t the internet, but we keep in touch by regular phone calls. We are able to take people to the doctor or Physio and needed meals are provided, together with members of Community Care. Before lockdown some of us met together for coffee. I think we actually share more together over the phone than we have time for at church One of our church ladies, Rena, is making masks. This a wonderful ministry, as she has been through some very sad times in the last 18 months. Thankyou Rena, they are great. Thankyou to our friend, Norm Munday who shares the product of his skill in the vegetable garden and his generosity is appreciated from the many recipients. A Christian friend of ours is knitting shawls for prem babies and we were able to contribute to the wool supply that is needed. So many people are doing great things for each other, neighbours and the Family of God. Before lockdown one of our ladies was unable to go to church but now can watch it on line. Wow! She loves it and so do we. There is some advantage about not being at the church building. Thank you Worship, Banter and Creative teams and Preachers and Prayer teams for your commitment. Looking forward to day when we can be all together again. Margaret and Ross See more

11.01.2022 Hey Kardinia Warrnambool! We'd love to see you this Easter Sunday at our 10am service. Make sure you register today and join us for some Easter family fun after the service

11.01.2022 Let’s come together to celebrate the greatest act of love humanity has ever known! Good Friday // 10am ONLINE ONLY Easter Sunday Morning // 10am Easter Sunday Night // 5pm ONLINE ONLY... Register now using the link in our bio

10.01.2022 Let’s do church together tomorrow 10:30am lounge room banter from 10:15am we can’t wait! see you online link in bio #kardiniaathome #churchonline #bettertogether #church #geelong #warrnambool #ballarat

09.01.2022 To all of our VCE students, what an absolute crazy year to be completing year 12, but congratulations on getting through to the end! We are so proud of you & all you have achieved this year! We are praying God’s peace over you in the coming weeks with exams and we pray you experience the rest you need & the clearest of minds to focus on your studies! We are backing you in 100% & remember no matter the end score, you have the most incredible futures ahead of you! WE LOVE YOU GUYS, GOOD LUCK

08.01.2022 Hey Kardinia Warrnambool! Don't forget to register for church tomorrow. Remember, we kick off at 10am so why not get in early and grab a coffee! See you there

07.01.2022 EVERYONE HAS INFLUENCE! How are you using it?? For the first time ever GLS will be offered as a one day ONLINE leadership experience, making it more accessible than ever! ... Join with us as we grow our leadership skills with an infusion of fresh ideas, actionable concepts, leadership principles and heartfelt inspiration. This is YOUR opportunity to access a wealth of leadership insight from a world class faculty! Don’t miss this! It’s only $50pp

06.01.2022 We thought it was about time we bring the Sunday morning banter back! SEE YOU ONLINE TOMORROW @ 10:15 #kardiniaathome #churchonline #loungeroombanter #preservice #church #ballarat #warrnambool #geelong #online

06.01.2022 We’d love to do life with you on Sunday at church! Register via the link in our bio :

06.01.2022 Who could you invite?? It’s still not too late to sign up for one of our taster sessions for Alpha, why not pass this invitation on to a friend or family member We would love for you to join us! Online : 15/4 7:30pm ... In person : 22/4 7:30pm Email [email protected] to register @alphaaustralia #alphaaustralia #explorefaith #alphacourse #istheremore

05.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to rest in the arms of your Heavenly Father Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28 ... We are praying you all have a beautiful week See more

05.01.2022 NEWS FROM HOME... Since March Matt & Susan Cheal have cooked over 200 meals for Kardinia Community Care, feeding up to 50 families in our local community. Here’s a little message from the Cheals........ Food has always been a big part of our family, some of our fondest memories of growing up was the evening family meal. Even now it’s the time of the day when we can put the world aside and enjoy each others company. We also love entertaining, using our talents and love of cooking to create opportunities for sharing a meal and time with friends and family. During this difficult and challenging time, we know that there are so many families that are struggling to put a regular meal on the table each day. We are so blessed to be able to use our time and talents to do something small about this. Cooking for the Kardinia Community Care program is our way of spreading a little joy, love and a good meal to those who need it.

05.01.2022 When we see the world as Jesus sees it, our giants aren’t so big & they aren’t so scary because He is right beside us How blessed are we to get to do life with a saviour who absolutely adores us & never leaves us! Thank you Ps @swestblade for the reminder today! We are praying you have a beautiful week church ... #kardiniaathome #churchonline #podcast #theword

05.01.2022 He loves you so much Let’s come together this Easter to reflect & celebrate all that Jesus has done for us. Good Friday // 10am ONLINE ONLY ... Easter Sunday Morning // 10am Easter Sunday Night // 5pm ONLINE ONLY Register now using the link in our bio Watch online:

04.01.2022 A trophy of his grace Has baptism been on your heart lately? We want to celebrate what God has been doing in your life by helping you take this next step! We are working through the best way to make this happen in this season... ... Email us if you’d like more information! [email protected] #baptism #kardiniaathome #church #grace

04.01.2022 SERVICE UPDATE We miss gathering with you all! We are working our hardest to begin to open up our services whilst following all of the restrictions that need to be followed! Over the coming weeks there will be many opportunities to gather outside of our services also so keep an eye out on your emails & social media! Each campus will be doing their own thing so make sure you keep in contact with your connect group leaders & pastors. ... We encourage you to gather for church online with your connect group, friends & neighbours!

03.01.2022 We would love to see you at church this Sunday @ 10:00AM. to attend please register by going to the following link and clicking the Warrnambool morning service event. Hope to see you there.

02.01.2022 Who have you invited this weekend? Let’s celebrate all He has done for us Good Friday // 10am ONLINE ONLY Easter Sunday Morning // 10am... Easter Sunday Night // 5pm ONLINE ONLY Register now using the link in our bio

02.01.2022 IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN US! Are you or one of your friends asking questions about God or exploring the Christian Faith? The Alpha course is an opportunity to connect with others to explore life’s big questions in an open, relaxed environment! Why don’t you join us at one of our taster sessions to see what this is all about? ... Online : 15/4 7:30pm In person : 22/4 7:30pm Email [email protected] for more information or to register @alphaaustralia #alphaaustralia #explorefaith #alphacourse #istheremore

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