Karen Langford Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Medium, Author in Burleigh Heads, Queensland | Medical and health
Karen Langford Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Medium, Author
Locality: Burleigh Heads, Queensland
Phone: +61 417 240 373
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25.01.2022 Those who judge others based on their skin color have lost touch with their own souls. The soul cares nothing about race. It has no interest in arbitrary distinctions. It has no interest in the form our earthsuit takes. Through the eyes of essence, we see only essence. Through soulful eyes, race is revealed as just another form on the path to wholeness. But its not the heart of the matter. Our shared divinity is. We are not here together to shame each other into oblivion. We are here together to show each other God. And God comes in every possible color and form... (~an excerpt from 'Love it Forward') Jeff Brown
25.01.2022 Growing up, Terry Crews did everything he could to protect his mother from his abusive father. He delivers a tearful speech on how to overcome trauma, love yourself and own your story. Credit: Goalcast
24.01.2022 My little visitor this morning. I love the birds are getting closer and closer as we have water and seeds at the top of the stairs.
23.01.2022 Thats real freedom, right there...
23.01.2022 Dear spiritual bypassers: We dont need your faux forgiveness. We dont need your perfected asanas. We don't need your head-tripping meditations. We dont need... your detachment practices. We dont need your fake names. We dont need your victim bashing. We dont need your love and light. We dont need your (alleged) law of attraction. We dont need your wishful thinking. We dont need your superficial affirmations. We dont need your perpetual positivity. We dont need your pseudo-transcendence. We don't need your flight from feeling. We dont need your obsession with illusion. We dont need your stillness and silence. We don't need your patriarchal rituals and lineage. We dont need your enbullshitment enlightenment. What we need is for you to come down from your world-avoidant perch and take all that energy you have been selfishly hoarding and give it back to humanity. What we need is for you to exit your cave of cowardice, put your tender tootsies on the ground, and actually do something to heal our species. What we need is for you to help us shape a new lineage- one that is rooted in a truly inclusive and embodied consciousness. Not a non-duality that omits everything human from the field, but one that includes all that we are, and all of your fellow humans, in its unified fold. What we need is for you to understand that ALL OF THIS is real. And that any spirituality that is bereft of humanness, is a collective death knell. You want to wake up for real? Stop hiding behind your egoic badge of egolessness, come back into your body, and help us to heal this bloodied species.
23.01.2022 Grab the tissues. Guaranteed to make you cry! We didnt know how much this was really affecting our kids until this happened. #cousins #COVID19 #quarantine #truelove #hugs #bettertogether #faithLife #thereisafuture #huggingHucky #humanemotion
22.01.2022 I will be facilitating a Mini-Workshop - Your Intuition: Your GPS to your soul Bribie Island on Sunday October 11 12.30pm - 2pm. $25 pp (bring a friend and pay $20 each). please pm me if you would like to attend. Hope you can attend!! Thanks
21.01.2022 Hello lovelies. Here is this weeks card spread. I know I have so many card decks but this one is my fav!! You know what to do. Answers in comments.
21.01.2022 https://youtu.be/3DUfQmdT3vk Real FAIRY (fairies) caught on video!! Caught on back door security camera!
21.01.2022 2021 the year of Self-Empowerment!!! Hello fellow Intuits!! I hope you well and centered. 2020 has certainly been a year to make us look at our conscious and subconscious fears and limitations. Here is to 2021 being focused and grounded in our Spirituality!!!! I have designed a 6 month online workshop that offers you insights into meditation, releasing negative programming and subconscious limitations, going to the subconscious cause (usually in childhood), Astrology (to ...find out what makes you You) and learning to dialog with your Intuition on a daily basis. I will be sharing self-hypnosis techniques to help you go deeper into your meditative process to reduce stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, addictions, insomnia and limiting subconscious patterning. The first month of the workshop includes a meditation that you can do any time. All of this in the comfort of your own home! These workshops would be up to $50 each if attending in person however I am offering them at a low $20 per month. The price of 1 coffee a week!! Please follow this link for more information about the content and click on Paypal link to order. It takes you to a Paypal link where you can log in (if you have an account - comes straight out of your bank account monthly) OR gives you the option of paying by credit card. I hope you will join me in making 2021 the year of Self-Empowerment!!!! https://www.karenlangford.com.au/workshops/ See more
21.01.2022 I feel lots of healing energy from my painting. Can you feel it??
20.01.2022 Here are the cards revealed. I sent know why but my phone would not allow me to upload on the comments. Hmmm
19.01.2022 My great friend Julia Chai is one of the writers of this exciting new book!!! I had tears in my eyes and could feel amazing energy running through me while I was reading it. Please help support this book by purchasing it and sharing it like crazy people!!! ITS HERE!!! OUR BOOK AWAKENING IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON! it now for .99 cents. My Get your copy here now. ... AU https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08D1P3SJK See more
19.01.2022 The soul doesn't know a thing about deadlines...
18.01.2022 Viola Davis! What an amazing inspiration!!! Own it all! The good and the bad. This is the first step in healing..
17.01.2022 Did you know that you can consciously create opportunities for your body to release Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin, increasing your wellbeing, stab...ilizing mood, improving motivation and increasing connection? See Mental Illness Education ACT's suggestions to increase happiness. #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellness #covid
14.01.2022 I pulled some cards today from my friends gorgeous deck by Mel Brown. Which one are you drawn to?
13.01.2022 I absolutely love this saying!!! Very appropriate lately! Blessings all!
13.01.2022 I AM EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE LAUNCH OF MY NEW PRODUCTS!! "We Came From The Stars and So We Shall Return" As we connect with the earth (our mother) we find sustenance and healing and then we return to our Ancestors in the Stars. Nature provides all we need to be nourished and healed. Here is to a future more connected to our precious Earth. ... Karen's original artwork NOW available as greeting cards, fridge magnets, mouse pads and "Heavily Meditated" T-Shirts. Please go to my website to view. www.karenlangford.com.au Inspired by her 2019 visit to Uluru in the Red Centre, Australia. ORDER NOW!! I HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT AVAILABLE NOW. I AM ALSO TAKING ORDERS!!
12.01.2022 Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers: As you move through these changing times be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at t...he beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to. You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, you will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it. Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mothers grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you. Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.
12.01.2022 There is a time to rescue another, and a time to turn our attention to ourselves. Years ago, I was confronted with a situation with a friend who had spiraled, y...et again, into a drug and homelessness trip. It had happened many times before, and I had always put my life on hold to rescue them. This pattern had deep roots in my survivalist family history. This time, I contacted a spiritual teacher- Ram Dass - and he said the one thing that finally broke the back of this pattern: "The most you can do for all of us, is to become all you are meant to become." Both because of his words, and because of where I was at on my path, I was just ready to listen. And, so, for the first time, I stopped the rescue missions and got back to what called me. Years later, that same person overcame their challenges, and said: "There wasn't a thing you could have done for me, until I decided if I wanted to live, or die. You were wasting your time, and actually keeping me from the abyss I needed to confront in order to make that decision." Simply put, some of us don't want to be here and will inevitably find a way to leave. Others will choose to be here, but not until they are at the very end of their rope. Rescuing may be the perfect thing in one context, and the one thing that enables and perpetuates their suffering in another. Sometimes they need your help, and sometimes they need to be left alone to face the abyss. Sometimes they have a choice to make. Let them make it. See more
11.01.2022 Rare photos that reveal the unseen side of things.
11.01.2022 My first mini-workshop for the 2020!! Yay! Saturday August 8,10am-12.30pm. Location Bellbowrie. Please call or pm for more info. 0417240373. Numbers are strictly limited to respect social distancing. $45 each (bring a friend $40 each) Includes personalized positive affirmation cards to take home. See you then!!!!!
10.01.2022 The egoic mind distorts the way we see everything. Our higher souls know we are limitless, but because we have free will our higher souls will allow us to belie...ve in the illusions of the ego self until we decide we have had enough and we finally begin to tune into our inner being where freedom and empowerment have resided all along. ~Sabrina www.raiseyourvibration.com
10.01.2022 Hello everyone. I decided to cancel this event on Saturday due to the recent cases in Brisbane. I will have this course online asap. I will advertise when it is ready. Thank you for your interest.
10.01.2022 "Shhhh! She is traveling between worlds right now. You can see her holding the tension of not knowing ~ she is simply breathing into her unanswered questions. S...ometimes she drinks her coffee with quaking hands, not knowing where her relationship or her bank account is going. But this time, she is holding onto the tension of not knowing, and is not willing to hit the panic button. She is unlearning thousands of years of conditioning. She is not being split between the opposing forces of fight and flight. She is neither naïve nor ignorant. She is a frontier woman, paving new roads & making new choices. She is willing to make a new transcendent possibility emerge. You may see her now ~ standing at thresholds, or at crossroads ~ breathing into her body ~ intently listening for inner signals. She's learning new navigation skills as she arrives at a most magical moment of her life." ~ Sukhvinder Sircar See more
09.01.2022 Advise from Maria Sabina, Mexican curandera (medicine woman) and poet. Cure yourself, with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. W...ith the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar And take it looking at the stars Heal yourself , with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it. Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine. " See more
07.01.2022 It has been my experience that the one that families call the crazy one is often the sane one. This is particularly true in very dysfunctional families where ...ideas of healthy functioning are turned upside down. In these families, members often repress their authentic feelings and turn against anyone who reminds them of their unresolved issues and patterns. As a result, the truth-speakers, the ones who refuse to contain their feelings, those who challenge and humanize the toxic status quo, are often scapegoated and vilified, made to feel crazy by those who lack the courage and insight to see beyond the family's madness. If you have been labeled the 'crazy one', take heart. You are truly not alone. Most great creators and paradigm-shifters were met with fiery resistance by those afraid to grow. Whatever you do, do not allow your voice to fade away in the face of their messaging. Your voice, your vision, your ways of being, live at the heart of your unique soul's journey and are the key to collective transformation. No one has the right to bury them under a bushel of shame. No one! And remember- what is crazy to an unconscious person is often brilliantly sane to one who is awakening. Without you, we are lost. Blessed be the 'crazy' ones! (~an excerpt from my book, 'Grounded Spirituality') See more
05.01.2022 If you're stuck in quarantine with a toxic or abusive partner, message me about MY SKIN CARE RANGE (I don't have one) and I will know to continually check in on... you. If you ask me about PLACING AN ORDER AND INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS, I will know to contact the police. There has been a 40% increase in domestic violence cases since this quarantine. Please don't be afraid to reach out. If you're willing, put something similar on your wall. Strength in numbers.
04.01.2022 Violet Flame on Mt. Shasta, CA [actual photo]
04.01.2022 I am so glad I found this organization! I just listened to a live interview with Julia Chai and Atira Tan the director of Art to Healing Everyone who makes a donation this month receives a free Kepler astrology natal report from me! Valued at $25. "We believe that a world free from human slavery is within reach.... We believe that these women and children deserve another chance at transforming their lives. The healing received by those within our program gives strength to their communities for generations to come. And we need your help to make this a reality." https://www.arttohealing.org
03.01.2022 Power of Positivity
02.01.2022 What did you do for self care this week my empathic friends??
02.01.2022 Some exciting news coming soon!!!! I have been busy putting together some online workshops and merchandise for my business!!!! Stay tuned.
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