Karen Le Gassick | Public figure
Karen Le Gassick
Phone: +61 419 892 898
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24.01.2022 This is my mantra for today. I'm using relaxation music in our home classroom plus doterra oils in the diffuser. I'm channeling calm and patience to get us both through this week of me home schooling. Last week there were emotional rollercoaster from both of us. I lost it. Hannah hid behind doors and under tables. I've had a consult with my naturopath. Have some beautiful calming herbs. Some vitamins and minerals to help the nervous system. Plus what I'm doing today. Trying... to support my choice as best I can. What tactics are you using to support yourself if your home schooling or even if you find yourself at home these days? It's challenging for us all in different ways. Love and light beautiful people
23.01.2022 I've been finding myself getting anxious during covid. I'm sure I'm not alone. This gave me something to aid perspective. Get in the present moment. ... If I'm always looking to the future or looking back, it's frustrating!!
22.01.2022 A new day. A new fresh start. What are you going to do with yours? Initially I thought I'll do this and I'll do that then the more I thought, I realised I want to create pace, calm and love in my house today. Now to reflect on those and how best I can help to create that feeling. ... Happy creating
21.01.2022 Who else finds it hard to let go and surrender? Holding on creates anxiety and stress. How can we control or know our future in these uncertain times? We can't... so we enjoy the hear and now and be grateful for what we have.
21.01.2022 Cycling to our local coffee shop @sams.coffee.car
20.01.2022 Happy mother's day to all the wonderful mum's out there. I just wanted to say to you all... You're doing your best!! ... Stop beating yourself up for what you did.. or didn't do and trust that whatever has or hasn't happened is perfect for your child's growth. Thanks to my mum for all the things good and bad that you did cause you've shaped me into the wonderful human I am today. I didn't become a mum until 10 years after she died. Once you become a mum you see things about motherhood in a new light. At times motherhood causes you to question a lot. Sometimes you feel the need to ask others their opinions. As I've grown, I've realised that the only person's approval you need is that of yourself. So trust you're doing your best and enjoy this ride Happy mother's day x @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
20.01.2022 Who's with me? Who prefers to be in a slow down. Let's change the term.
19.01.2022 It's really not a surprise that I drew this card. For 14 days of being home with my daughter who's 6 and juggling the new requirements to work from home and look after her, I've put my martyr hat on. I've been giving all to work and her. Getting to the end of the nights feeling exhausted. On the weekend I realise I need to give to myself or I'll fall in a heap sooner or later. If this situation continues for months as predicted then I'm not going to survive. So I rejoined ...my yoga studio who are now online. I did some meditation, some yin yoga. Today when feeling a bit overwhelmed, I did some EFT. I've relaxed and laughed. I'm feeling more my natural self not the stressed out mum of last week. What are you doing for self care to help you through this uncertain time? Some of us may have found our jobs gone. Some maybe like me juggling kids and work. Whatever we're going through, we need to ensure ourselves are ok first. If we're not ok, then our families will suffer as well. Fill your cup first. You'll thank yourself for it.
19.01.2022 What clutter can you clear today? What projects can you finish? I'll put my thinking cap on as I'm looking after my 6 yo daughter and working from home today..so might defer this until tomorrow. Now is an awesome time do these things though
18.01.2022 What are you choosing today?
16.01.2022 Soup making weather. Food for the soul Perfect hibernation/iso weather in Melbourne at the moment. Home made chicken broth. Ham hock and veggie soup to follow. There are some benefits to this time. ... What's your favourite winter comfort food? What are you enjoying about this time? #lifecoach #iso #hibernation #goodthings #gratitude #soup #comfortfood
16.01.2022 For some of us in stage 3 iso in Melbourne right now, it's hard. It can play havoc with emotions and our nervous system takes a hit. Last week I was feeling this heaviness on my chest. A bit of a dry throat and mouth... not covid related. I experience anxiety and I listen to what my body is saying. I'd felt things were a bit off. So I organised a phone consult with my naturopath.... Now with some herbal remedy & some Bach flower essences I feel so much better. If you're finding it hard at this time wherever you are in the world, reach out to a health professional or.... If you feel like you need a chat, let me know. Always here with an open heart to have a chat on zoom or Skype. No fee involved and I'm not looking for clients right now, so no hard sell. Just know there are many ways to heal, and sometimes just chatting to someone is the start.
15.01.2022 What so much of us are craving at this time, including myself. And I'm talking deep connection. None of this superficial stuff. Thanks to a special friend who reached out yesterday and we organised a walk today, social distance adhered to despite wanting to give her a big hug. I feel seen, heard and understood without judgement. Thanks to you and all my friends that are there for me. I hope you know you are so appreciated and loved
15.01.2022 Just a reminder that we're all doing our best. What I've experienced and gone through is completely different to what you have. We have all experienced different things. Therefore we all have different lenses as we experience life. ... Be kind to others and have compassion and try to understand we are not all the same. We're all just doing our best.
14.01.2022 Supporting local business where we can at these times. What cafes and restaurants do you want around when you can go out again? Support them now. They're hurting. Mmmm..Roast lamb shoulder for lunch yesterday and a lasagne for lunch today. ... Thanks @vasko_restaurant_functions @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
14.01.2022 I've created this group to help be grateful in amongst all that is happening in the world right now. Open to anyone from anywhere. Please join if this resonates with you
13.01.2022 Anyone else? This is so me right now. Says me sitting in a part of the house away from hubby and daughter
13.01.2022 One of the things I love about life coaching my clients is the things I discover and learn about them. Their life story. Their history, their ancestors all the stuff that's brought them to this point in life. Then there's always the things you discover about yourself through this process. I believe that my clients are brought to me, for me to learn things and possibly heal things about myself. It truly is a magical process. Growth on both sides of this life coaching journey.... If you're intrigued about how life coaching can help move you forward, reach out and I'm more than happy to chat any time.
13.01.2022 I've now had 2 days of my daughter back at school. I've been craving time and space for myself for about 10 weeks. Hands up if you're with me? So I've been taking things slow this week. I've been trying to figure out what my new normal is. Today I watched Becoming on Netflix about Michelle Obama's book tour. ... I realise that this thing called life is a constant journey with no specific destination so for now I'm just moving forward, trying to integrate things I want in my life. For now, that's going slow. Having space for me to do what I want each day. Making some appointments cause now I've got the time. A little bit of work. And I'm hoping for some wonderful new clients to work with. What do you want your new normal to look like? I suspect a lot of us don't want things to look like how they did before. I've been enjoying letting things flow during covid so I'm keen to see that stay. Ask and you shall receive right?!. See more
13.01.2022 When you literally look for all the beautiful flowers when out walking? Gosh there is magic out there to be seen if you're willing to slow down enough to witness it. What have you noticed recently that you haven't before? @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
12.01.2022 Good morning from Melbourne. It's day 4 in our 5 day covid circuit breaker. I've been quiet on here of late as I navigate life trying to heal and make sense of all that's happening in the world. I've spent the summer holidays enjoying time with my daughter and family including a week at the beach. Bliss.... I'm learning to not plan things too far in advance, to pivot, to adapt cause at a moments notice, things can be changed. Last week, my daughter was a bit snotty so came 3 days home from school and a covid test. Then I had a scratchy throat, my covid test. 1 day back at school before a 5 day lockdown. Then hubby gets a cold/ virus.. another covid test. All negative yet the nervous wait, just in case.... This is no way to live... in fear, trapped, restricted, yet we don't have a choice so the easier option for me is acceptance. How can we make each day better? Spread a little kindness, smile at people, (you can tell behind the masks when eyes crinkle) or say hello, enjoy the sunshine, look at the gorgeous sky every morning and be grateful, listen to the birds, slow down and breathe.... so many things to appreciate. Tell me what helps you through these challenging times?
11.01.2022 I've been quiet on this page as I focus on me and what I need to get through this stage 4 lockdown and what my family needs. This was an interesting read that gives a psychological context to what we're experiencing. Surge capacity helps in the event of a natural disaster but what happens when it's an extended event like a pandemic? ... There are some interesting ideas in this. I'm feeling a lot lately that I just need to surrender. It doesn't mean I like it but it means that I'm surrendering to what is. Acceptance! Also realising that I need to expect less from myself. As a high achiever with high standards, this has been a challenge especially as I've started a new job. This helps take the pressure off a little. Hope this article might help you too. At this time, be kind, be patient with yourself and others. We're all trying to do our best and that can look different for us all
11.01.2022 With all that's going on in the world, are you feeling a little lost and confused? I'll say don't worry. You're in good company. Last week my daughter returned to school. My part time work is a bit hit and miss lately. I'm not sure what this new normal is going to look like. It's making it hard to move forward with any certainty. But life is never certain is it? Things change all the time. ... So each day all we can do is keep taking steps forward. Focus on what can be done in this present moment. So today I've done some yoga. I'm going to make a macrame plant hanger that I've been wanting to do for months. I might even paint a lattice I've had in the garage for 2 months. What can you do today that gives you some direction moving forward? What can you do that you've been putting off? What can you do that makes you feel good in amongst all this uncertainty? Sometimes it's the little things. Keep smiling. You'll find your way
10.01.2022 Is anyone else noticing an increase of birds in their area since things have slowed down? Tonight there were about 100 of these cockies flying overhead. My hubby saw about 300 over the Yarra river in inner city Melbourne last week. This morning at about 7am I heard a kookaburra. I've never heard one before since moving to this house over 5 years ago. The butcher birds are sounding different as well. Is mother nature healing and the birds have noticed too?... Tell me if you've noticed a difference.
10.01.2022 Sitting in the window seat watching the rain while my 16 yo. pup Tia has a nap. Slowing down and recharging after juggling work with my daughter through the week. Deep breathing and listening to music.. and listening to hubby and daughter watching Brave in the other room. Tempted to join in. Actually quite like that movie. I'll stay a while longer and listen from here.... How are you recharging today?
10.01.2022 Im sure we have all heard the reason, season, lifetime thing about friendships. Recently I was chatting to a friend about an old friend of hers who had reached out to her recently. Their friendship ended and from one side, that old friend often wondered why it had ended. The other person didnt think anything of it really. Upon reflection she felt that it possibly fizzled because she was busy dealing with her own life. It made me wonder about other friendships ending. I th...ink if you take the view that all friendships possibly end due to one person perhaps dealing with things in their own life. You might like to think you have done something thats caused it to end but I suspect that a lot of the times, it is purely that the other person has things going on in their own life that they are dealing with. They need time and space to deal and most likely heal. They might not be pushing you away but in fact stepping back for self-preservation. It has more to do with them that it has to do with you. This change in my mindset made me think about friendships that have come and gone in my life. I often wondered if Id done something to upset or offend these people. Now with this new perspective, I prefer to take the view that it ended cause the other person had things that they needed to do for themselves and really it had nothing to do with me. Ill keep my ego out of it. Have you ever wondered why friendships might have ended? Does this different perspective make you see things possibly in a new light? #lifecoach #wisdom #musings #friendship #reasonseasonlifetime
09.01.2022 This is my mantra at the moment living in Victoria in isolation 2.0. I'm having days where I've got this. There are others days like today where it's sad and hard and messy. I know I will get through this but sometimes when you're in the thick of something yucky it's hard to see the light at the end. I'm trying to find the light in my day cause the light at the end is nowhere in sight at present. ... Find those moments of light and joy in your day to help keep you afloat at this time. What brings you light? For me, my daughter. My husband. Dancing around the house. Playing chasey. Having chats with friends and family. Doing yoga or meditation. Colouring. Macrame. Nature. Cooking. This has given me a reminder of what I need to include in my day today. Love and light to you all
09.01.2022 This morning my beautiful daughter was grumpy with me first thing before we were even dressed. It made me feel a bit grumpy as well. Poor hubby..2 grumpy girls! He left for work and I thought right, we need to walk our dog Tia and in Melbourne today it's only 3 degrees I'm going to pop on a beanie. I open the drawer and find this beanie knitted by my mum many years ago before she passed away. I might look silly with these bright colours and pom pom but you know what...it makes me feel good. So off I went into the cold rocking my beanie with a bounce in my step!! What makes you feel good? Comment below. I'd love to know
08.01.2022 I'm all for making life easier... especially for some of us at the moment. Some of us possibly have all the time in the world. Some of us are finding life has gotten a whole lot busier with home schooling, working from home etc. After my last slow cooker died, I decided to invest in this bad boy. Newly introduced to Oz! I've made risotto in under 30 min by sauteing the veg then pressure cooking for 6 min. Voila perfect. Today slow cooked lamb shoulder 40 min. If only you... could smell this. Can't wait to have this for dinner. How have you made life easier on yourself at this time? Any tips? Please share @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
08.01.2022 I can't believe that I had no takers on this offer. I mean it's a free coaching series with me. What's not to like? Why work with me? ... You can expect me to help you identify your goals. Help create them into inspiring goals. I'll keep you accountable along this 12 week journey to help you achieve these wonderfully inspirational goals. I'm the coach for you if you need someone to support, encourage and motivate you along the way. If this intrigues you a little, you're in the right place. Send me a msg and let's chat.
07.01.2022 Lately I've taken a step back from life coaching. I started a new part time job in early March. Did 4 days in the office before I was told I'd be working from home. With my daughter at home shortly after that, I've felt the need to FOCUS on her and getting work done in my part time job. Other things have felt overwhelming. I have pulled back from a lot of things. I'm listening more to my inner voice and trying to nourish myself with what feels good. Too much social media do...esn't make me feel good. Sometimes talking to people doesn't make me feel good so I'm choosing the times when I want to interact. Getting out in nature makes me feel good. Spending time focussing on my daughter and letting the guilt of not working makes me feel good. Doing my local yoga sessions online makes me feel good. Checking in with my neighbours when I go to the shops to see if they need anything makes me feel good. For now, my focus in on my daughter first and foremost,and trying to help her through this phase. Work comes next. I'm keen to keep some income coming in after not working for 3 months. Plus also doing things that make me feel good. What is your focus right now?
07.01.2022 As someone who used to try everything to avoid my anxiety, now I try to understand it and use it to help me heal.
06.01.2022 Wow. I sent this to myself a while ago and finally watched it today. There is wisdom in this. I haven't yet surrendered fully cause I'm a control freak but I feel that it's coming for me. Faith that everything is not random but has happened as it is meant to. TRUST and FAITH.
05.01.2022 The start and end of today! I'm so in awe of mother nature. I'm enjoying this weird time of life where I'm creating a new normal. The start felt really awkward and uncomfortable, but now I'm letting things flow more easily. Like the ebb and flow of life, things are in constant flow and change. Every day is a new day to start afresh. I'm currently doing a 21 day mindset challenge. It's good to revisit these things and tweak things in your life. ... Today was a day for no complaints. I woke feeling tight and sore like an old woman. It could have been easy to stay in that zone. But I made a choice not to complain and get on with the day. Now I'm feeling less stiff and sore and have enjoyed a productive day.. with a few mutterings under my breath.. after all I'm only human. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
03.01.2022 If you're struggling today, like a lot of us are at times this year, I'm here for you. I always have a great listening ear if you need to talk. Sometimes all we need is to be heard and to be seen to feel better. Let me be the light in your day if you need someone.... Just reach out if you need a chat x
02.01.2022 I've taken a little break from coaching due to the initial craziness around corona and home schooling and starting a new part time gig. Now things have settled, I'd love to offer a free spot of a pro bono coaching series to a worthy woman who could use a little support at this time. If that's you, send me a PM and let's chat. ... I'll assess all potential candidates and make a decision within a week. Get in quick. Look forward to hearing from you soon
02.01.2022 As another day ends, just remember that tomorrow is always a new day. #newbeginnings #sunset #Melbourne
02.01.2022 Midlife, what an interesting time! Are you at this point in life and you're feeling this tug at something bigger, something more, just something different to what you've got now? Your life might be pretty good but there's this yearning for something else. You're not alone. I've felt this pull. ... I'm not all the way there yet but I've felt a pull for a long time to this whisper that says share what you're experiencing cause it might help someone else feel they're not alone. I want to help others. That's why I love to coach. I also love to find out more about myself. I've signed up for a 5 week program to go deeper. To peel back those layers. As a coach I don't have my life sorted. Life is a journey and I want to keep going in to delve deeper. By doing the work myself, it makes me a better coach. Better able to help you uncover your layers. If you are ready to show up and peel back those layers, I'm here. Free chat anytime to see what coaching is about.
01.01.2022 Tonight I'm feeling at peace. Thanks to @lovethyjourney for the beautiful women's circle all the way from Vienna. Glad our times align better now. Can't wait until I'm dancing in the street for real. Thanks beautiful
30.12.2021 As the sun sets on day 1 of 2021, I'm grateful for so much. Especially the growth and healing that has occurred in 2020. Plus the opportunity for more healing in the year ahead. I'm grateful for my family. Friends near and far. Our local community. The simple things that we used to take for granted. The sun, flowers, trees, nature, walking in the park, listening to music, dancing with joy.... the list goes on. Wishing you all life's simple pleasures in 2021.
27.12.2021 Did you know that in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the lungs are associated with the emotion of sadness and grief? They're responsible for breathing out the old, and breathing in the new. For this reason it's important to let go of things that cause us sadness and grief. This past week as I sensed the time to say bye to my beloved 16 yo dog Tia, I held myself together after a few tears and just got on with things. ... Then sinus congestion and a scratchy throat. I just thought I was run down and stressed. Until I saw my TCM practioner who enlightened me of the connection between the emotions and my health issues. Upon further research on this topic, I've had such an Aha moment where you realise that the soul and body connection runs deep. It's important to deal with the emotions in a healthy way, rather than avoiding them, will lead to a healthier, happier you. In the link attached are some further info plus some deep breathing to help heal your lungs. Yesterday I did some deep breathing meditation, let the tears flow and journalled. Powerful stuff. Don't hold on or ignore the sadness and grief. Deal with it in a healthy way for your health and peace of mind https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com//th/grief-the-lungs/
20.12.2021 Sometimes the universe gives you reminders. Today is a day for releasing and letting go. I've meditated, journalled and shed tears. Since my 16yo dog Tia hurt herself last week, I've experienced some sinus and scratchy throat issues. My body's go to when stressed. Fortunately Covid negative but needed to have the test so I can get the all clear. ... I read this and new I needed to purge some stuff around Tia and saying goodbye when the time comes. Not yet but I know she won't live forever. After releasing emotions I can now see that I want to be grateful for the time we have. Rather than focussing on when she won't be here. It feels good to have worked through that #Repost @belinda.anderson Hiding behind a smile and pretending you are okay when you are in pain or grieving can do more harm than good. Your soul isn't silly, it knows on a core level what you are truly feeling. If you choose to suppress your emotions they will become their physical equivalent. What does that mean? If you ignore what you are feeling those emotions will bubble away within and manifest into sickness, dis-ease, weight gain or loss, physical ailments, and lead you down a path where you become emotionally unavailable which will not benefit you or your relationships. Everyone wants to run toward happiness, joy, love and peace but want to run away from sadness, anger, pain, fear, and grief. Yet all emotions serve their purpose. Humans naturally and automatically move towards what feels good and away from what feels bad which seems like a normal thing to do. Who wants to feel difficult emotions? The problem emerges when we get so good at avoiding our emotions because then they decide where and how they will manifest in our life. The fact is our emotions serve an essential function in connecting us to what is truly important. Feeling is healing. I'm all for cultivating those feel-good feelings (very important) but it's also important to feel the not so good emotions too. The key is to feel them. Process them. See the lesson. Then let them go...it's a process that takes a different length of time for everyone. Give yourself permission to feel all emotions.
07.12.2021 This is something I've been working on myself this year. What if you could see stress & anxiety as a positive? Something to help you grow and heal? Food for thought and inspiration to heal
05.12.2021 What brings you joy? Recently after having a tooth extracted, I'm chewing a bit of gum after eating to make sure nothing gets stuck in the hole. Then 1 day I found myself blowing bubbles. ... It took me back to my youth. Good memories! Gosh it makes me smile and giggle when my 7 yo looks at me amazed asking how do you do that mum? Then wanting her own supply of gum to try. Sometimes it's the little things that make you smile
15.11.2021 I've been super quiet lately. 2020 in Melbourne where more than 6 months was in various stages of lockdown has been hard. I've needed to step back to process things and work through emotions and have time for me. I have home schooled, started a new job, had my hubby Mat home for 6 weeks on job keeper while his retail store closed, had a close family member have life saving surgery, a dental issue that started in March at the start of all this yet I delayed treatment, and y...esterday had our 16 yo dog struggle with walking. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions plus add in all the fear around covid. I had 2 tests and my daughter had to have 1 as well. I experienced anxiety big time. I've used my toolbox of support stuff to get through including, naturopath, TCM practitioners, doTerra essential oils, meditations, yoga, EFT, gratitude, journaling, deep breathing etc etc. Sometimes you've got to do what you can to get through the day. Then you look at the setting sun and realise you've got through a hard day and the sun will rise again tomorrow and you get to start a new day again. If anyone wants to know more about my coping strategies and things in my toolbox, feel free to reach out via DM. Love to all x
02.11.2021 Hands up if your parents weren't the best role models for dealing with emotions. They did the best they could but now you can help yourself during emotionally challenging times. I love the work of Nicole, the holistic psychologist.... Here are tips on reparenting however if you are a parent now, tips to help your kids too. The last one really moved me. Simple placing your hand on your heart and saying. "I am safe." Powerful.
28.10.2021 What can you do today to make you feel good? I got up this morning and went for a walk while the sun was still coming up. Good for the body. Good for the soul.
24.10.2021 Celebrating the end of home schooling. Supporting local business! When it's been a tough year thru covid. It's important to celebrate the wins. Today we're celebrating the end of home learning. Burgers for dinner. Donuts for lunch.. and dinner. @gotham.doughnuts
09.10.2021 I've been super quiet on socials whilst focusing on being calm, peaceful, centred with my family through iso. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been focussing on gratitude. I have a group on FB looking at this. Today I thought I'd share what I'm grateful for....... The warm sun and wind that's helping me dry all the washing. My daughter who loves drawing and especially colouring through iso. Nature... it's always beautiful and inspiring.
01.10.2021 Does this resonate with anyone for this year? I'm finding 2020 is a big year for learning and lessons. It's provided lots of time for reflection and self awareness to help me grow. I've discovered triggers that I've tried to work through and heal. ... Hands up if you feel the same What have you learned this year?