Pro-Ma / Grace Cosmetics Karen Chuz Resul in Shepparton, Victoria | Health/beauty
Pro-Ma / Grace Cosmetics Karen Chuz Resul
Locality: Shepparton, Victoria
Phone: +61 412 432 989
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25.01.2022 A powerful testimony by Gia Lavelle.....3RD DEGREE BURNS TO FACE HEALED WITH GRACE COSMETICS One day, my girlfriend and I were driving to the Gold Coast from Brisbane. We were half way to the Gold Coast when i noticed the temperature gage of my little car was very high then I noticed steam rising from under the bonnet of the car. My girlfriend and I were very concerned and luckily there was a service station close by. After arriving at servo and noticed how bad the steam ...was, I grabbed a beach towel to open the bonnet of the car. Then... what did I do next? Turned the radiator cap only very slightly, and because it was boiling water, down below of radiator wanted to erupt, a little air and bang... water and steam blew up into my face. My girlfriend was horrified as was I to say the least. She burst into tears and said, Gia, your beautiful face.. oh my... its so burnt. I looked in the mirror of toilet, the moment, that feeling was horrific. I was then taken to hospital, my burns were just under 3rd Degree. I was told i would be scarred for life. But wait... there’s more..... one day, maybe a week or two after accident, a lady approached me who was a distributor with Grace. She believed that my burns would disappear and be healed if I started using Grace. Love people who believe! I followed her advice on what to use and how often to use it to a ‘T’. Everyday I didn’t miss a beat! She was truly an Angel that changed my life. Three months after the accident, there was no sign of burn. No scar, no mark! Literally a miracle! I was using Grace after that but then went to Europe for a number of years and totally forgot about Grace. Thirty years later, working in my beauty business, I was tired of using the skincare that was in my salon and not receiving any reward for my efforts in prescribing the right skincare to my clients from the company. If anything, that skincare was sold cheaper online and all my efforts went to other businesses. One day, I sat down and said to myself..I just want a game changer skincare range where I will see a reward for my efforts. I sat in silence and meditated. During this moment, the only word that entered my thoughts, was Grace. At that moment I didn’t know what that meant, then the light bulb moment happened. Next words, oh my gosh, Grace Cosmetics!. I thought to myself, are they still around. Yes GIA....Blimey, bigger than Ben Hur! That was a couple of months ago and it’s been Gold! Clients are contacting me with a huge love for the brand as they have noticed a difference in such a short time. I am firm with my clients, therefore I mention how important it is to stay on the path of a strict skincare regime. Boy, they sure listen! Thank you to those who have read my story! Contact me to help you
25.01.2022 I've loved & used our Skincare for over 30 years me to find out more 0412432989 Discounts apply...products at my cafe..Stanley's Cafe or DITCH THE MAKEUP WIPES ... read why ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 I love & drink this everyday Let's Talk Good Health Habits - Are you getting enough sleep? - Are you getting out into the sun/ enjoying fresh air daily?... - Does your diet have the nutrients your body needs for daily repair? To be your best self, you have to make your health a priority. A daily dose of Aloe Juice could be the bit of self love you need to enhance general wellbeing. FIND OUT MORE #OptimumHealth #AloeVeraJuice #healthyhabits #cleanliving #AustralianMadeAndOwned #CertifiedOrganic #AloeVera #HerbalMedicine #TGAapproved
23.01.2022 When you love what you do, you look forward to tomorrow & enjoy today. Rewards, recognition & appreciation comes at you from all angles. The doing becomes easy & you have a sense of fulfillment, joy & love. Make each day count & love what you do. I've found it, hope you do to ... #MyFamilyMyWorld #HealingAloe #MakingADifference #ChangingTheWorldOneAtATime #CertifiedOrganicAloeVeraJuice #AustralianProducts #MyPassionMyPurpose Contact me to help you
22.01.2022 A daily moisturiser like none other. Light weight...non greasy you will love the way it feels... Now on sale! #cosmeceutical #organicallygrownaloevera #australianowned #lovetheskinyourin... Normally $54.50... Now $40.00 Available until 30th September PM me to order
21.01.2022 Tea Tree Oil & organic Aloe Vera make the ultimate power combo to banish blemishes and keep acne at bay. Contact me to help you with your skin & be happy in the skin you're in Products I've loved and used for over 30 years & helped many ... Mob: 0412432989 #GraceCosmetics #organic #Natural #AustralianMade #AloeVera #greenbeauty #ecobeauty #naturalskincare #greenskincare #cleanskincare #skinroutine #healthyhabits #crueltyfreeskincare #crueltyfree
21.01.2022 We know the difference these products have made to us......Grateful #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #LifeBack #NaturalMedicine... Unlike any other Aloe Juice in the world! #CertifiedOrganic #AustralianMadeAndOwned Contact Cheree or myself to chat further & help you
19.01.2022 Unsung Human I nominate my daughter Deana Resul as an unsung human.... Deana now 26, has lived most of her life facing unexplained health challenges that nearly took her life twice! Deana has faced these challenges head on with a smile & has given me the strength to fight. I never thought I had the strength, I was wrong. I've shared her story....DeanasVoice over the years through my Facebook, Instagram & YouTube pages with posts that have given many hope & helped improved their quality of life too. Deana was born in 1993 a healthy little girl. Later in life around 5 years of age, Deana developed seizures & intellectual disabilities. Working with a team of doctors, specialists & health professionals, they were unable to answer many questions & at times fought to keep Deana alive as she deteriorated in front of our eyes. To add to this, Deana at age 15 also developed psychosis after a vaccination was given. Around this time was when I developed the courage to fight harder & focus on my intuition. I found that throughout this ordeal, I was the one that was going to make a difference & help heal Deana with the Certified Organic Medicinal Aloe Vera products I was & am working with through my ProMa/Grace Cosmetics business. We are blessed, Deana's team of specialists amazed at the improvement of her quality of life & have removed & reduced her medications accordingly. Deana now enjoys life & inspires many. #MyFamilyMyWorld Products available at my cafe...Stanley's Cafe or my online store @ Stanley’s Café
19.01.2022 Another HAPPY customer who was suffering from a STRESS induced outbreak. She used our Stress Management Plan 250ml of Aloe Juice in the morning for 5 days 2 Sharp Mind with breakfast 2 Immune Defense and 2 Calmag with enough Aloe Juice to take them at dinner .... After 5 days reduced morning Aloe Juice to 100mls a day . Also used the Grace 5 Step Skincare Program. . Awesome results!!! Call me on 0412432989 to help you with your Skin & Health with our Organic Aloe Australian Made products #health #beautifulskin #students #examstress #mentalhealth #stressfree #clearskin #sleep #AloeVeraJuice #Organic #GraceCosmetics #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #CertifiedOrganic #AustralianMadeAndOwned DISCOUNTS APPLY
18.01.2022 Santo shares his me to help you. All products available at my cafe....Stanley's Cafe or can deliver products to your door Call me on Mob: 0412432989 or shop online #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #GraceCosmetics #AustralianMadeAndOwned #CertifiedOrganicAloeVera
13.01.2022 Contact me to help you All products available at my cafe...Stanley's Cafe Mob: 0412432989 or my online store
11.01.2022 OUR PRO-MA ALOE IS UNIQUE & POWERFUL.....I've always known that, now you to do I drink it every day & have for years If you are serious about skin transformation, then our therapeutic Aloe Juice is a must! ... Under our renewed listing, the TGA have substantial evidence that this pure aloe vera juice helps reduce inflammation, support skin structure and improve skin elasticity. A daily dose of Inner Leaf Aloe Juice together with our aloe rich formulas is a must if you want visible, lasting results. Contact me to order at a SPECIAL price Mob: 0412432989 #PowerfulTestimonies #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #LifeBack #DeanasVoice #GraceCosmetics
11.01.2022 FLASH SALE This HEALS quickly Everyone needs one!... Natural Medicine.....ORGANIC, AUSTRALIAN MADE Contact me to help you Mob: 0412 432989 RRP $31 NOW $22 or Buy 2 for $40 #aloevera #manukahoney #aloegel #sunburn #Burns #scratches #bites
11.01.2022 Buy Organic Australian made Aloe Vera based Skincare at a great price......LATEST SPECIALS just released Products I've loved and used for over 30 years Contact me to help you with which products are best for you, your Skin & Health Mob: 0412432989... #GraceCosmetics #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #AustralianMadeAndOwned #MEDICINAL #COSMECEUTICAL #Skincare #Treatment #Skin #Healing #AloeVera #CertifiedOrganic #Aloe #wrinkles #scarring #Rosacea #Pigmentation #acne #Oily #pimples
10.01.2022 ACNE !!! So many suffer unnecessarily. Use harsh ingredients & invasive treatments on their skin! I'm so glad I work with the products I do ... So rewarding to help make a difference & help people with their ACNE & give them back their confidence with our Powerful Organic Aloe Vera based Skincare & Health products. Contact me to help you on Mob: 0412432989 #organic #Natural #AloeVera #CertifiedOrganic #GraceCosmetics #AustralianMade #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #AloinFree #TGAapproved #acne #Oily #pimples #scarring #Treatment #Skin #Healing #health #NaturalMedicine
10.01.2022 I build my Immune System to prevent illness & take these everyday I helped give my daughter Deana back her life with these products Give your immune system the best possible chance of fighting off infection. Our powerful, AUSTRALIAN MADE supplements are carefully formulated to ensure effective results for you and your family. ... AUSTRALIAN MADE and TGA APPROVED #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements #AustralianMadeAndOwned #TGAApproved #CertifiedOrganic DISCOUNTS apply Contact me Mob: 0412432989
09.01.2022 FACT: 70%- 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Digestive health has a direct affect on your ability to fight off illness. The balance or imbalance of bacteria in your digestive system will affect immune fuction. Probiotics Plus Antioxidant Power contains good bacteria that help to control harmful bacteria and restore balance to the gut. HEALTHY GUT = STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM ... Buy directly from me on 0412432989 or my cafe @Stanley'sCafe, 48 High St, Shepparton or through my online store
09.01.2022 Are you keeping up with your daily dose? Our Inner Leaf Aloe Juice is proven to strengthen the immune system. Here's how: IMMUNE SUPPORT & FUNCTION Aloe vera contains polysaccharides, (biological sugars) and saccharides, (naturally occurring sugars). Research indicates that these active compounds are closely linked to healthy immune function.... HIGH IN ESSENTIAL VITAMINS Contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid, Niacin, Biotin and Inositol that each work to support immunity and maintain good health CONTAINS ESSENTIAL POLYSACCHARIDES, ENZYMES & AMINO ACIDS Reported to contain over 200 enzymes, amino acids and polysaccharides only found in active aloe vera - which are potent building blocks in the body's immune system defence. THERAPEUTIC RELIEF Aloe vera is known to assist many common ailments because of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These include ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, minor burns, scrapes and skin irritations. TOP UP ON YOURS All stock available from my cafe....Stanley's Cafe, 48 High St, Shepparton at a Special price or call me 0412432989 to have delivered to your door or shop online
08.01.2022 I have taken these products for years & helped me to chat further Many nutritional supplements make health promises, but this is why I choose Immune System Defence... It's listed with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) who are responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including prescription medicines, vitamins and minerals, vaccines and more.... The ingredients (including Colostrum, Inulin and Withania) have gone through rigorous testing and assessing by the TGA and have been proven to give effective results. Made in Australia, in a TGA licensed facility to the highest Australian standards. The quality and potency of the ingredients is guaranteed and approved by the TGA These are crazy, uncertain times we are living through. However, the best form of defence against any virus is a strong, healthy immune system. Let me know if you would like to try some. DISCOUNTS APPLY Mob: 0412432989 #AustralianMadeAndOwned #TGAapproved #NaturalMedicine #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements
02.01.2022 Latest ProMa / Grace SPECIALS Shop Online or from my Home Salon Mob: 0412432989...
02.01.2022 TOP TIP..... Planning a day out in the sun? Apply Vital Skin Oils over your face, decolletage and shoulders the night before. Your skin will be prepped with antioxidant power to neutralise damaging free radicals and minimize UV sun damage I love and apply this everyday ... #GraceCosmetics #AustralianMade #organic #Natural #AloeVera #aloe #wrinkles #sun #AntiAgeing #moisturise #nourish #Skincare #Skin #healing #aloe To buy at a SPECIAL price ring me on Mob: 0412432989 Or shop
01.01.2022 I've loved & used our Grace skincare products for over 30 years Contact me to help you with our products Mob: 0412 432989 #organic #natural #australianmade #AloeVera... #skincare #health #aloejuice #GraceCosmetics #ProMaOrganicAloeJuiceAndSupplements See more
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